- YOU'LL DO IT BETTER MD EASIER WITH QUAKER OATS TO SUSTAIN YOUR ENERGY ; lust try eating t delicious break- i r i- ,i 1 n... 1 r - USt OI iuancr uiu every uay lur two weeks nd see how much) better you fee! bappirr to. IS SPEAKER Describes Coronation to Keen In terest of .Parent Teachers' Association The rcrular monthly meeting of ihe Prince Rupert Parent-Teach- Irs Asociatlon ,last evening at the oth Memorial School was one of the be attended the assocla lion has ever had, the special at- tractions being an address by iMlss Earl on her Impressions of the Coronation procession and her trip through the ,01d Country presentation ,of the .Entrance Hih School certificates al$o ftook place Miss Earl was greatly impressed by the solidarity .of .the Empire op .her position at .Canada fctase she was in the centre of the Canadian Colony in London and bl.arare view, .of the procession uealth of color of the various L'ipwentatlves of the (Empire, the Lwt'T prsence of .Queen .Mary; Inciting countenance , of vQueen Eaton and the manly character MSr.g George combined to make min that "all's well with the fiorld. With touches of humor lively descriptions .and apt .quota-tins the speaker took her listen I ers to the Houses fit Parliament Ascot Races. Edinburgh Castle, ,the Blarney Stone and the auditorium In Dublin where the Irish sweep-tokes are- drawn. Altogether the address proved a real treat. In the absence of .Cltv Commis sioner W J Alder, -Arthur ;Sutton, principal of the King Edward H.gh School, presented the En hance to High School Certificates. H welcomed the graduates and aed them to remember that an- other milestone .had been passed j Mt that there were other mlle- tones ahead to be passed .yet. uie protrram inMi.HnH oiicVif- uuei oy Mrs. R. o. Large an . n. Brocklesby, panied by Mrs. E. Smith. The meeting was presided ovei by Mrs. R. M. -Wlnslow. GROWING IN IMPORTANCE Native Brotherhood Making Progress Big Convention, at Bella j Bella Expected MASSETT. Oct. 21 Alfred Adams of Massett, president of the Native Brotherhood of British Columbia,' says that, Judging from correspondence he has received from natives that the annual convention of the Native Brotherhood of British Columbia to be held the last week in November at Bella Bella will be the largest and most Interesting which has taken place to date. As the natives awaken to the Importance of unity, says Mr. Adams, the .Native Brotherhood .grows and It Is anticipated that It will.soon include all Indians in the province. "The Native Brotherhood was) formed," points .out Mr. Adams, "to; hasten the Indians Jn their efforts j to advanceithernsees.ln.educaUon.j Industry and other Important walks, of Jlfe ,and It ,ls progressing very satisfactorily." i I.'.VND ACT i .Notlre ol lutrntloii to Apply to hraxr lnil' 'Robert Kelsey .will sail tonight , Just Arrived New shipment of on the Prj,npe.,Qeorge for a trip Shoes. May fair. ' tf. o .Vancouver. I r. , r. I Gyro :Dances always enjoyable. iTonlghVs train, .due from ,the MasqueradeMpose Hall.Oct:29, will 'East at .11 .o'clock, was reported be tops. - (245) this mprn.ing Jo ,be .on ,tlme. Dutrtct of BrltUh Columbia, md' wtu- of a different color, and, of course, ate on wwt sand wand. two 0f these were Royal Blue and Take notice that Frank Waterman ol , ,. Prtoce Rupert, occupation miner, in- St. James rose. They , were. of linen teada to apply tor a lev oi uw - i wlth. frayed hem. simple to maice JJi.f" ni.nt, n' and excellent for. bridge prizes. An- M O'CIOCK-WASHING ALL FINISHED ! I NOW -DO YOU SmL TouH- V PUR IT IN THINK MARY BRONSON ( J.mV ONLyJ WAS SUCH A FOOL' FOR J Lrcr bbiM STHAT I ? THROWINCS HER 'KlvER r ,nn.Av JIVwinAj'lH 11 .11... S. O. N. Dance, Od'dlellows' yesterday ,from Massett and jvlll Hall, Thurs. Oct. ,21, ,10-p.m. Adm. be returnlng'to her home Cherei,to-35c, Mrs. back's, Orchestra'. morrow night. (245) Mrs. B. Goodkoep arrived yester Mrs. M.iBrown.arrivediln.the city day.mornlng .from Massett aboard yesterday (from ;Port Clements and the Prince Charles to spend a .wl.ll sail,on ,the ,Prlnce .George this month here visiting .with .her evening .for Vancouver. daughter, Mrs, Martin Skog. Warren Dickson of Vancouver Is' steve Pdhomme. who has been Davinz hlv first, visit. t th nitv in with his father, A. J. Prudhomme, at the Savoy Hotel here for the many.y6ars.Hecame.northto visit with his brother, Walter Dickson ' Past C0UPle of TS-w111 sail on the station aeent .itParlfir nnrt is at.; Prince George tonight for Vancou- present In town, a guest at the letters from the school prlnci-Central Hotel. Mr. Dickson Is a pals thanked the Association for , brother-in-law of J1, S. Long, who their donations towards school ' was manager of the Bank of Brli sports equipment. itish North America here In the (early days and who for years has Deen Lonaon manager of the Royal -Trust Co. rrivals Royal H. Morreau, Queen Charlotte City; M. Anderson, city; K. Bryant, Dewdney; E. P. O'Donnell, Vancouver; George Northrup and Don Newqulst, Ketchikan. Prince Rupert D. C. Scott, Vancouver; Jack all along the coast, he is certain I Hart. Everett; Z Wilson. Vancou- ver; A. Marler,. J. P. Donaldson, P. E: Norton, .Sung .Joy and W. ,J. Simpson, Lagoon Bay. Central Mr. and Mrs. F. Engstrpm and P Brozat, Prince Rupert; Vancouver. Knox W. Williams, J. McCormlck and William MacMllIan, Thurston Har-,bor; A. .Watson, Lagoon .Bay. Bernice Palmer says ver. Mothers! Treat Children's Colds This Proved Way More mothers use VapoRub than any other medication ot Its kind they have proved It by use In their own IHUl nomes. it was further proved In the world's largest colds- i clinic. No 'dosing" just massage VapoRub I on throat, chest, and tack at bedtime. Almost at once, Its poultlce-and-vapor action starts to loosen phlegm, relieve Irritation and coughing, help break local congestion, ui-ten, by morning the worst of the cold Is over. XICKS VapoRub Fish Cake Supper Successful Affair In spite of inclement weather, a successful fish cake supper was held at the Metrppole Hall yesterday from 2 to .10 p.hvimder the auspices Noticed in a smart shop In San 'of the Ladles' Aid of St. Pauls Francisco ;ralnbow cocktaiil nap-1 Lutheran Church. The hall ,was kins. Each napkin , of the set was tastefully decorated wun autumn flowers. Those present enjoyed a one oi Ahe hih ciitXs on .white -Band otner interesting ote was, a table! all went away well satisfied. rSroi itesSS Vstad. and'set with dishes of rose pottery on k id. thence 600 lee s. w.; ancj blue glass ware. .IW 'SSJM' i TZ 0.1 Another shade shown here a lot d j Ualnliu? 12 acres, more or less. is British tan. FRANK WATERMAN PHRKnTOI aCCOm-l Dated Auguat .28. 1937. very delicious meal .of either fish-balls or meat-balls, accompanied by all ,one could wish for In' the way of other dishes. The committee In charge of the affair consisted of Mrs. L. .Husoy, Mrs. Peter Liland, Mrs. h. Johnson, Mrs. Chris Johnson, Mrs. Chris Jensen and Mrs. L. C. Jensen. ! -iTTrrrrTM nra 7 TOXYDOL'? HUMPF t&HT mm. V V itell.voo maky w ."";-' ' u.p-ci) l a BssV mmw m w , . c avav ufb ine nt.i.j r " mi . - 1 .... TArt IAJUCM I H I aUnrb rUK JViCa I 1 BANISH WASHDAY DRUDGERY, BACKACHES WITH THIS SAFE, NEW "NO-SCRUB" SOAP O ydol it the laundry soap of )tmm- a few auick rubs between .the finRcrs. JSi KmTiVhi to vou loJevt A soap so (2) Cuts washing time 25 to 40 machine. dcts revoTuS SCS Waston. in tub or (3) while SThat KP is the wonder SSSX m n i wuu ii in Developed at n cost f over $1,000,000 l . . niAirnn ail diiiii r iUi I msni-ra uy me r- ,: vor -.- - l- lianas stay sou ana.w W:f5;iX,i-"rr.h7rd OxyuolIs economical. hinas. For 11 "wlkV tiolhes J M S that It will go U to . 1 I. a anhiltr i tr. mi.i,,toaiiiu.riv even me laicsi souu tithout scrubbing pr boilinj and the drudgery they mvoivei Like millions of women, .you'll -be mated when first you, try: it. For OxvDOL.does 4 things In way no 8iiulejQapta.ever.dune.bwie: '(1) Soaks out dirt in 15 minutes) without scrubbing oriboiling. Even' extra-dirty" IPUtl b tiwwy whitt with safe that every washable color comes out sparkling, brilliant, frcshl And vieu titJs than Ihtjc nuc. too. Tests show 4 again as far as kes. And, cup lluk for cup, QxVDOL gives 2S to 60 otkir leaiint ftan- utattd taa(a on the market today I Give Oxydol a triall See for .yourself how much easier and taster your iitiuhlnir iob-aoes how jnuch -whiter your clothes come out. uci a package mwt Procter & Gamble. MADE IN CANADA BUT OXVPOL'S ) NtW,SAFC KINO MADE BY THE IVOKY SOAP WANTMV S PEOPLE- PEOPtE--T f tMIM fMlBflA .PE VOfT C iCLP i ' . s "' . NCXT MONDAY MOKMNa ...ANP WAIT Sil 5..ANPY00SAV:TMATlS.RIGHTy 1 f'nn ( YOU SEE t CT VtV ? I nuirt At iNOM UNTIL VTBrSVN V -foXVMI SOAKS WIFE SAYS IT A S WKOmZ"" f j J WHITE .CLOTHES vf; MIRACLE' HOW SUCH J f'5-" '; YOUR COLOREP sT1"1 Wi 1 t"JH fc'liW ' T iH i fftlfiliilli in - tL NEW NO-SCRUiJ-sidLiOIL LAUNDRY' SOAP ft I ALLY 8AFI MISSIONS IN KOREA Rev. E., J.-.Q. Fraser of Cape Breton Addresses, Afternoon Meeting In Local Church An Interesting outline of the missionary .work being carried on In .the Korean field by the United Church of .Canada and formerly by the Presbyterian Church In Canada was given by Rev. E. J. O. Fraser at a meeting yesterday afternoon In .First United Church. Mr. Fraser also described some of the customs of the people. The meeting was under the auspices of the Women's Missionary Society of the local Church Mrs. E. P. Jenner, president, was in the chair. There was quite a good attendance. Rev. W. D. Grant Holllngworth, pastor of First Presbyterian Church, gave the opening prayer. Rev. J. .C. Jackson, pastor of First United Church, pronounced the! benediction. Miss Marie Lock sang a vocal solo, accompanied by her mother; Mrs. H. T. Lock. Mr. Fraser, -who landed in Vancouver two weeks ago from the Orient, proceeded by last evening's train to his home In Cape Breton.' He is home on a year's furlough. ' Toy Repair Shop Operating Again Boy Scouts .and .Girl Guides To Work Again for Needy Children Local Boy Scouts and Girl Guides, for the ninth year, will operate their ,toy repair shop this George Steven Dixon, for drunk- season In preparation for Chrlst-pnoss was fined 2S with -notion of'mas. The plan, as Is well known. sevpn ri!ivs' imnrisnnmpnt. In r.ltv.ls to secure all possible discarded police court this morning. He is toys, dolls, books, games etc, and H. Ward, ! doing the time. i recondition them for distribution at Christmas among the needy children who might otherwise be without. Through the kindness of iS. D. Johnston Co. Ltd, tne .pre mises next to Pat Phllllpson's I store- on Second Avenue have been 'secured for use as the repair shop. 'Gifts may be left at jMany Attend Affair by Ladies' Aid Davles q & S. Grocery, and I of St. Paul's Lutheran Church ,Flre Hall or wlll be caned fo for I iDhonlng Blue 276. i Hill GO Tea October 29. Gyro Hallowe'en Dance, October 29. FOR SALE Llnzey & Announcements All advertisements In this column rvlll.be charged for a full month at 25c a word. Anglican Girls Tea, Mrs. Needless to say son.g October 21. the by Gib- Parent Teachers telephone bridge, Friday, October 22. C. C. F. Bazaar, October 23. Toe II Tea, October 27. Masquer a d e Baptist Tea, November 3. j Hyggas Bazaar, November 4. ! Presbyterian Bazaar, November 4 ' Sonja S. O. N. Bazaar, November 12. ; Moose Carnival, November 17, 18, ' Cathedral Bazaar November 30. FOB SALE A rew large bundles, ol ; , old newspapers, 2 for 25c. . j CLAPP Block must be sold, wlllU .... accept sealed bids, nancnea strictly confidentially up to Nov. ; 5th. Terms subject to .approval of owner. iH. o. ueigerson, mo. (258) WANTED FURNISHED Housekeeping Rooms. 1 Upstairs, 934 .2nd Ave. West. (249) OUND FOUNDLeather key case with four keys. Owner can obtain them at Dally News office on paying for this advertisement. i (t.f.) Nominations Are Now Open for the . Rexall Prize Contest For Bos .aiid Girls up to 14 years of age Fourteen Wonderful Prizes Given Away See our Windows OrmesLtd. " 7?he Pioneer Druggists The llexMl Store P.hones: 81 it 82 Open Daily From 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays From 12 noon till 2 p.m, 7 am. till 9 p.m. R. C A Victor "Radios Greatest Value" Enjoy the Thrills of Short Wave Federal lUwU See and Hear the 1938 Model Model S6k:$109.50 Trailcan Tour Present .Radio and Balance in Easy Terms Ask For Demonstration in Your Home Canadian I fTtAMSHlM J I COMMUNICATIONS MOTELS 1 Tvtv 17 Pacific Trans-Atlantic Transcontinental Trans-Pacific To Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way Ports Princess Adelaide every Friday, 10 pjn. To Vancouver Direct P1UNCESS NOKAII PU1NCESS LOUISE Oct. 29th. Oct. 6th 17th. Connection at Vancouver with Canadian Pacific Services Tickets and Reservations from W. L. COATKS. uenerai Aeni rnw ui:, u.v. MacKENZlE'S FURNITURE Simmons Beds Brown steel bedstead. AU felt Mattve&s and cable spring. 3 -toot 3 inches and 4-foot elzes PHONE 775 $20.50 w irhursday Octobers, ;i937- " THE' DAILY NEWB faqs torso or pl LOCAL NEWS NOTES