THE DAILY NEWS ee ' SaaS =H SCOTLAND IN GRIM TOUCH IS BROUGHT $133, ml: “The News” Classified Ads. ‘MACINTYRE HALL == IN EVIDENCg \ =Qne Cent A Word For Each Insertion== | $t. Andrew's Night Dance Held Inquest Held Yesterday Evening (Continued from Page One) i Last Night Proved a Bright and) on Body of John Ko) emet, V Block 1, Lot 42, — Hampton, Popular Function—Prince Ru- tim of Hotel Tragedy te WV OrCic $670. oven. pert’s “Scotties” Turned Out} Suicide. , Block 1, Lots 43, 44, W. H, Kin- —THEY WILL REPAY A CAREFUL LOOKING , | in Gay Assembly. : kade, $670 each. a | eitliiinite That the d pays meres rms mere ‘ lea Block 1, Lots 45, 46, Angell, $625 | a. Rae Another exe Silent St. Andrew's|emet, found w K ‘ each. TEETER BGR I mere ere rere er "ie : | Night dance falls to be recorded | yesterday | Block 1, Lots 47, 48, BE. MceMordie, | th annals of Prince Rupert me b 4 : Sesee Ph 150 in the annals I ca by his dea $635 each. oe For Rent 4 lLast night in the MacIntyre Hall] inflicted it See ee en eee The Insurance People beri lthe members of the Prince Ru-|dict of th M plesk 1; Lot 61, Kalen Istana syn- Fire Flat in Clapp Building. Westenhaver Bros. “rt |pert Bt. Andrew's Sociéty enter-jing at the ing ock 1, Lot 61, en Island + Life For Rent—Comfortable mociern house, 482 Fifth tained themselves, their friends! police court 1 didate, $690. Marine Ave., near Hospital. Phone B ; 23¢ 73 land their ladies to a_ spirited] sisted of Mess | A a 7 ee ere te pice ics "Sates te ued con kan: : TL able oe e | dance, m which the Scottish | Edge yt ip \ hae a bee 1, Buch, $1,515 Employer’s Liability Peat Rooms—Buckley Bloek- | | dances wore ee a a ey Arcee and G ace , Meee Contractors’ and Personal Bonds eo fence. The music by Gray's or-|was chose Block 2, Lots 2, 3, H. L. Donald-|| Policies Prepared While You Wait. [| ror Rent—Two roomed cabin, : ae to webride, |chestra was reminiscent of the} Through an son, $1,040. THE | a? tenon only $10 per m tf | | familiar airs of Scotland, and) Poppadolos me We have just arranged with one sane 2, Lot 4, H. L. Donaldson, Mack Realty & Insurance —— | though the pipes were absent, the | told the grim sé hi ients to place forty-two oe COMPANY. | | whole dance went with the swing | seen the victim pes ‘didi sine cata prinsssamh 0s eA Re aD pS ee ee Soe Insurance | of a Highland gathering rf the dinin ots on the = f 4 lg : \ing advantages to the purchasers. The as, eeR a 900 —_—E_— 5 —— eee ‘ Great delight was occasivned | the tragedy a 3 f best in Sectio Block 3, Lot 3, R. Gordon, § ——————————— : =| our Cc jes are noted for prompt and just| Do away with this. Patronize a white | n audience of Canadian on-|stairs to attend to | 1 lots are some of the best in ns a 1 Block 3, Lot 4, C. McDonald, $865. settlements. We write every known class of 1 at )é 7 and 8. The prices are as low Block 4 ree 17 18. M Albert | Insurance. The Mack Realty and Insurance Co. | laundry. White labor only a | lookers by the dashing rendering | through the « | 1¢ heard as any on the market, and the $1 ate Re aE ag rs ; THE ANTHENS— New Bart Barber ‘Sho a by the “Seotties’ most recently |@ gurgling sou 1 g the terms 80 easy—monthly—that any- Block 4, Lot 19, M. Albert, $840 We EERE ILS : = Wanted ! Pioneer Laundry. Phone 118 from the heather of the Highland door be realized one can buy. Along with this Block 4 tot 20. ‘91 i "WiodJ4é Try us once and you F schottische, and both Canadians sent for the d | exceptional offer, each lot admits aoe aye8 Mak, Met on as a cig will always come back | emer re RE =| and Seotch went in for the reel o' | Tom Wray gaye ' the purchaser to a drawing for aj“ '°*"™ *! : eae Say Meee | Young lady to clerk in Néws Stand Apply | tulloch with vigor. had known decea Block 4, Lots 23-24, Clapp, $2,075. DENNIS SVORONOS - 122 6th Street §| 1 wharf }mon elemet a | FREE TRIP ROUND THE Block 5, Lots & 6, M. Ramsay ee tee ae ce Sccatack Avply LINDSAY'S CARTAGE and | Refreshments were provided |!" nth. Kel WORLD. If Abe hold the lucky $1,725 dacs a anes pases 1ereeenenemnaneranees |" Box 2189 News. STORAGE | libe rally, and the organizing com- pert before, ab g ticket the trip stot prepa Bate ta bh Block 5 Lot 7 R. B. Hanlin ee ‘ 4 Wanted—Servant to do general housework. other | mittee was most energetic, its . can surrender it for a cash cone $1,696 ’ Yee , Section Two Price maid kept. Mrs. L. W. Patmore. G. T. P. Transfer Agents | members being Messrs. M. J. Mc-| gpecialiste in {itt i i _— ’ ‘ : = d p | tis 7 § su ' sideration. The chances are good Shioble <6; Lote A+8 8. Webohnan, The sale of section two has shown | “int repairing for men asd Geaning se cpities | Orders promptly filled. Prices reasonable. Neil, D. GC. Stuart, T. McMeekin, | eron’s. See ee ee ee $2,775. : the splendid value of section one. We) Percher, 60 Third Ave, Phone24 Red. tf | pice i Bp Rochester, Centrest. Phone@s| W. G. Dennis and 8. D, Macdon- investigate. sin''6). Des 8 4, 6: aa have a large listing of inside property | We have permanent enitione for ene or. sere | lald, secretary. The members of $1,060 each. including a special snap on Second in Western Canada. | We can offer very attract: eee | the City Gouneil attended, headed | owing = to his , re wi < i mt teorge e nreé Biock 7, Lots 6, 6, M. Scheinman; | AV. Call todey. HF. McRae @) ie te beces daily to cor wert, [by the Mayor, and took part in | George Kerr, | $925 each. Con SIS Geownd Ave. a ent aaiareaiaaeniares rhs” Gos ee MADE AND| the dance, but regret was felt that | ciety, could : - id, for th r- | ; oe Block 7, Lots 7, 6, 9,10, T. Mc- | Seas ear ae le Be tal Wine OCS ook EPA FED) | | SESREDSESRESLESSES ESSER HERES Clymont, $850 each. T | peg. AND COMPANY ithe 7, Lots 11-12, M. Albert, N O IC E 1 ~?| JOHN CURRIE d | SECOND AVENUE THE Block 8, Lot 17, Geo. Leek, $1,760, Lost and Foun a mor Block 8, Lot 18, J. Komp, $1,525. ar ere ie ge : : | CONTINENTAL TRUST (0 Block 8, Lots 19, 20, H. F. Mc- TY | : The James ae | rae & Co., $1,475 each. TO PROPER OWNERS FOUND-—2 Small Keys. In Inquire at News Office. ig — Ta Nicely furnished Good tabl aad Block 8, Lots 21, 22, O. M. Helger- ee rc Vicely furnis rooms. G table . Board $4.75 Room and Board $7.00 J °°", $1,475 each. IN SECTIONS ‘5, 6, 7, AND 8 | Real Estat o QUALITY HIGH PRICES LOW Block 8, Lots 23-24, J. Walsh, = aise ed i as sy j | We have listings of propert all leo gr . © Vv roperty in PoPrac | sd ih A meeting of the ratepayers | Meat genta a rt oe oe We Pay Highest Prices rs arts of the city at attractive prices - f Sect 5, 6, .7 and 8| Let for Sale in Section 5, Block 22, Lot 15 for Brass, C ar. Lead ¢: P . ° - Sn ———————————_ — — of Sections 5, 6, 7 an Ave. Apply Mike Ruzich, Box 582 City. t or brass, Vopper, Lead, 2 _ and easy terms. If you intend will be held in the Presby- | Rubber Boots, Solder, jase | . . 5 | ere meer eee re ere erry buying property see us terian Church Hall, on Fourth Dross and Bottles ere Avenue, on Friday next, | December list, at 8 p.m., | for the purpose of forming a| #~-"—e—~~rmemwermemememer——| | rine Bunert Cash Store e@ Ratepayers’ Association and | Eastern srenoe rarest ton ide ore rience. wants . position Address tenographer,. 6 ‘or to elect officers. 2t | dova St., Vancouver, B.C. t-f 735 THIRD AVE. | Stenographer Safe Deposit Boxes $5.00 per year wi Storage For Silver Fire Insurance Board Companies eee ———in 1912 Re 9, Lots 1-2, J. Kirkpatrick, > Oe her aue e aa a re | wy ‘ “Bloc s: sordon, | Someta eee | htt 6 ao z i cm 4500 Sich, Cpu! ae For eee Rowan oh ss eth Ave, West. 210-57 | —BIG SHIPMENT OF- | r | CONTINENTAL TRUST C0. GEOR SINCLAIR | Block 9; Let 6, Fardin, #820. sa Enamelware $i | second Avenue Prince Rupe GOUVENELIA MOMS HOG eee oe Intending Purchasers | 7°" “"" “" """ “r'" 6 | Edseeaeeneennenneseeazeaeeaaeaneantageasaneceaceas arti: Gic2 CHARLES EDWARD RUSSELL aa ae. fe: Mi Albert, 3 Complete Assortment REGINALD WRIGHT KAUFFMAN Block 10, Lots 9, 16 700 of Section 2 Lots Prices the Lowest... Perrrrrrrrrrrarrt) GEORGE RANDOLPH GHESTER Creer! oa eee Sieicke Po vt } h. . ele 7 SIR ARTHUR CONAN DOYLE rua tebe: Yea an Nov. 29th is the date set for Section 5, Block 7, Lots GENERAL NELSON A. MILES bee ate Porn Mec 8s etree Oes the selling b suction of Lots | F. W. HART 3-4, with 4 room house, 7 > : : aN . P7ssVOU, 1 ectic ou wish to} 2n ve. and 6th St. *hone Y it aanintis cawie | Block 11, Lots 5, 6, 7, 8, Wm. & get a lot send us your instruc | eee Tree et iichene $25 per month. ALFRE INRY LI s | Nellie Beveridge, $1,000 each. tions to buy, together with the | AA.“ 6644 4mrn™ $1.165 ARTHUR B. REEVE | Block 12, Lots 86. 86. 87, 38. E cash for the amount you care | Price $3,300, Diy BRUNO LESSING rinse ee jack Co to put in. | ise ELINOR GLYN | Demers, $400 each. TERMS OF SALE—One quarter | eee cash; bal. arrans ed. ee gy Block 12, Lot 39, E. Demers, cash and balance in 1, 2 and " ALAN DALE $400. years at 6 per cent. ‘ Artists and Illustrators— | Block 12, Lots 40-41, Westenha- ET ae a A HARRISON FISHER ver, $850, Third Avenue } CHARLES DANA GIBSON a | Block 13, Lots 7, 8, 9, 10, McCaf- ¢. R. NADEN COMPANY Cor, Fraser and 5th. Choice Wines and Cigars PETER McLACHLAN ~ af ; HOW ARD CHANDLER CHRISTY |fery & Gibbons, $800 each. RUPERT’S PALACE OF COMFORT REAL ESTATE TIMBER ; GRACE G. WEIDERSENM ee ee eee Limited, vaaaaaaaaaanaanaaaaananaaaanaanaanssssessssiii0 ARAC 4 G. a au S ai) | $800 each. : - : CHARLES A, WINTER | Block 14, Lot 8, J. Hilditen, $520. | Seeond Aven De eS : ore ceedit "we RINE? SIFU = 5 AON eS - Se SLR | Block 14, Lots 9, 10, McMordie, |= g ey RS Se 2 SUE RS D7 BSS S87 GUO DLR) LTH i c. W. KEMBLE 5 j Lt | #510 each. Water Notice gw a Block 14, Lot 11, Mrs. Strang. \ J : r ? gli fe @ x Do these names mean anything to you? Do you un Block 15, Lot 1, M. M. Stephens L Alfred Christian Garde of Prince Rupert, oc- | |S] ; derstand their towering significence in the fleld of litera- 5 ‘ cupation Mining Engineer, give notice that on the | !igh ‘ echoes de; si Block 15, Lot 2, Braien, $1,020. 28th day of December, 1911, Lintend to apply to| g& e a er "y ire and art? Have youver in alll your life seen so many | * Block 15, Lot 8, 0. M the Water Commissioner at his office in Prince | As i . Helgerson. Rupert for a license to take and use two cubic | panies of such eee grouped together as contributors Block 15, Lots 4, 5, 6,, O. M. Hel- feet of water per second from an unnamed stream | (Up) i Oo one magazine? Such a gr j ake é - 70 wie Disses & Coast Reape & Buaens Divisica, | 66 fates — or a group would make it a pub | gerson, $1,010 each. 1-4 mile east of the Tyee Station, G.T.P. Ry a ; ication beyond price, and that is exactly what we are call- Block 15, Lot 7, Hampton, $1,155. | The water is to be taken from the stream about | ; g .¢ 2 g R nent seal a melt Tt Meets , 7+" | one half mile above its outlet, and is to be used | igi \ ing your attention to thathis moment. A magazine whose | Block 15, Lot 8, Hampton, $1,010. | for developing power for aquary situated at the | IS or » es staff of contributors for 1912 contains all these names. | Block 15 outlet of said creek, along the Railway grade. i 5 A ‘. ae ee , ? , Lots 9, 10, H. Harris, fhe product of either of the above writers is easily worth | $840 each Dated Nov. soe Tae aan oan | the subscription price of $4.50. | Block 15, Lots 11, 12. R. A. White sa , | “ie ~~ i Cosmopolitan has endeavored in the past to give its | $500 each 3 ! NY leaders four-fold in return for the subscription price. This |-- Bloc 8 ots 19. 2¢ , - Nel- $5.00 Reward Ki) our ome e : policy has increased it ‘culati til it he ; d k 16, Lots 19, 30,-Wm, & Neb $5.00 reward will be given by Mrs | e every ath an A “a ee 5 aay rn saat nee outelrippe pe Beveridge, $440 each. E, Reynvids late of ¢ 3000 Scott Btrest, | Bp) yublish 800 maa nantes meta ‘} ae ae i) DOORN ao |} Block 16, Lots 21, 42 Rochester, ae for information of the | (@@] ‘ ] : ; copies of the Christmas number, It is $355 each. anaaa* a he principal hap) . our earnest desire to extend immediately the circulation Block 16, Lots 23, 24. H. Harris, | ereetots Of her son, Samuel Rey-// i} It gives you all the news of your own city and district as well as the p iW as , nk: fer ntl ATTA UN Acie ed : 2 MOG 63, 24, H, *, | nolds, who left 2 26th, 1910, nacre € . al \ paas aa arr = a with this Pe nd ie me we a, ae Sean act eae a pte heoe Misael: Sh, Pmt Re in all parts of the world. The news is well edited, its news columns are clean’ i i ece or » accep ubscriptions to Canada a 1e . 25 986 ‘ ; ai SY f rate of 841.50. eee re ne 25, 26, J. Gross-| Mrs, EB, Reynolds, 854 16th Ave., East, We some, It is a paper you need in your home. The advertising columns of the i : , 855 each. ; , | , : : ¥ Block 16, Lots 27-28, Kyte, $805. Vancouver, B.C. a4 if you in touch with opportunities for getting the full value for your money. : R —FAMILY GROUP— sre eee 1-5): We Bev Block 20, Lot 47, C. D. Newton, | ‘) = i Conede 5 : ‘ $300, Ne se ae § 1 Block 17, Lots 3, 4, 5, Crandall, Fe tty Cosmopolitan... .. for him and her $1.50 Poet 00 Pare | $400 each : nan Block 20, Lot 48, Wm. & N. Bev- ‘43 Fe sememerner = ~~? i Coot Homoasieg for hime and her 1.60 50 2.00 sls Block 17, Lote 6, 7. 89, 10. 11, | ohidwe,. $2,825. or ee In Commercial Printing ee t it lay, for the whole family 3.00 1.00 4.00 ee Par ede aae A. | “k 2 " J | r 00 12, 8. P. McMordie, $395 each, oe 30) Sat 49, Wm, & N. Bev- | 4 . oRaaaeaeee | i : Block 18, Lot 23, Crandall, $430, | &P'G8® $1,929. \ Bill H ‘ ; L heads t a ; A ; a ty a } eads : etterhe i Block 18, Lot 24, R. Whitham, Hg ee tate 51, 5%, M, Albert, |e ] a Ficat a Sen b ge ae Msg ONC aT PR esis costes to dyeing STR $410, 408 Anes: ice Li ic Cortuticates Block 18, Lots 25-26, G. Broderius, Bee eh wane, The Sei ae Mees : M ney Piccclation | 5 areas oF mont, $1,420 each. : icles of Assoc } iO Cosmopolitan Agency, P.O. Box 851, Winnipeg ee Fo ee ai eat nce we Block 20, Lot 55, P. McLachlan, ||\)) amorandum Forme aren ed Pamphlets ta y 9, Lots 7, 8, McCullough, , ‘ E : : We handle Blank Ledger trat amphie ) lah GENTLEMEN: $350 each, $1,500, Commercial Cards Forms for Loose Hlhss ] 5 Please enter my subscription for one year to Cosmopolitan : Block 19, Lots 9, 10, Geo. Young, |™ i Leaf System err NN at $1.50, Good Housekeeping and Cosmopolitan at $2.85, or Cosmopol- $350 each. | fF —~ Jemermermirmermer mem ) itan, Good Housekeeping and World Today, at $5.00. Block 19, Lots 11, 12, F. E, Cul- if : Wedding {fi For society printing, we ensure correctness of style and taste in Visiting Cards, - Invitations and Dance Programmes. For any kind of printing from the humble lin, $350 each, BO YS. ! Block 19, Lots 18, 14, Tracy, $850 ‘dodgt Trew ¥ er es Keb ach dn (40443915 dp Ae aes each, . Block 19, Lots 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, START IN BUSINESS =| to the highest grades of multi-color printing consult the ‘‘News Job’? : : "3 24, Angell, $350 each. ae y a OO Fc 383A Ts Rake Cues i OA lke MONT ois as be tk cs thas thdeces cake Block 20, Lot 1, M, Couture, $915, Sell the Daily News. ° x ° Block 20, Lot 2, M. Couture, $850. It’s the easiest and quick- 8 d ve iW Block 20, Lot 3, M. Couture, $935, og) Warps earoing mane? | Daily News Building - Thir ) Add 15 exchange to personal cheques Province, «+ oSé 2h 6.4554 od Block 20, Lots 44-45, Westenha- . P apy. ® | 98 st - Vers $8,175, THE NEWS OFFICE 4 ane 98 PHONE i Block 20, Lot 46, C. D. Newton, ee Eat) $300, (Gaseous coosme oes EW REA ED Be ae CAR as Awww =