m IK K5 11 PAGE TWO Finest Qualify Always iffl if vniifiliflt 7 EA EDITORIAL B09 objections all the benefits PULP MILL CONCESSIONS ( We, are today publi'sning a copy of the' referendum on yhich the people of Prince Rupert are asked to vote offering that in case a pulp mill is established in the city certain privileges be extended as set out iii the memoran-diiW of the referendum. All we ask just now is that people of tlie city study the document well and allow to weigh against any possible which would accrue to the city from having the industry established. Most people are agreed that it would be a wonderful thing for the city and voting in favor of the y. may be Pne way of tryipg to get it established. This advertisement Is not published or displayed by the Liquor - Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. GRANTS PROCURABLE yJ $385 ) ,NANEY(rj j M f Hvttlvd and guaranteed br ft :QQJ.Jss&.'y J m I m. Grant A Siiu Ud.j (.Imnd.llrh f J& M A-&1 nd BMLmle-GUnll,,! hu.tlll.-rU., M' ' , M m.2S Uufrto"si7uid."""w' y , '""iy, Insist on "GRANT'S BEST PROCURABLE" The Original rui oic at venaprs or aireci irom "Mail order Dept" Liquor Control Board, 847 Beatty Street, Vancouver. B.C. Extraordinary SHOE SPECIALS Youth's Storm Calf Hoots-Heavy soles, sizes 11 to 13 . Boys' Storm Calf Hoots Heavy soles, sizes 1 to' 51 . . Missscs' Calf Rlucher Oxfords Leather O-f H1Z or rubber soles, sizes 11 to Child's Calf Oxfords Good dependable shoes, sizes 8 to 10J, up from . $2.45 $2.75 2, up from . . $1.45 Good Shoes Large New Shipment of "Jack & Jill" Shoes in Oxfords and Straps Just Arrived Family shoe store ltD The Home of in ah HALIBUT The source of Sunshine Vitamins A and D' Boiled Halibut with egg sauce is digestible, palatable, satisfying. CANADIAN FISH & COLD STORAGE CO. LTD. Prince Kupert, B.C. Referendum PUBLIQ NOTICE Is hereby given that a referendum, as reauired bv fy'). No. ,897 of the Clly1 f Prince nupen, wm De neia on Monday, uvs 27th day of September. 1937, from 8 a.m. to 8tp.m., a the City Hall Fulton Street". Prince" Rupert, B.Ci, to ascertain: il) As to, whether',, in the event of the Canadian American Pulp anc Paper Mills Limited, or anv othei company, 6taenih, utilizing anc carrying on me manuiaciure oi pulp and (or) paper at the dry dock site in tle City orPrince Rupert, it' should be granted the fol, lowing' concessions; in ifeii of al' rates, license's' and (or) ottier form- of municipal' taxation to which if inaj-be subject under the "Muhlclp" al Act," at present or In the1 future (a) A .fixed annual payment of Oni Thousand Dollars for a" perioc of five years and a fixed anqua payment of Five Thousand Dol lars for the next twenty years (b) Aft?r the expiration of the said twenty-five year, period the rate of taxation is not U exceed twelve and one-hal. mills on improvements anc twenty-five mills upon land. (c) Free water for fire protection personal and other uses no directly concerned wih manu facturi'r.g operations during tht lifetime of the Industry. (d) Permission to take and use th water required, by the said pulj and (or) paper mill from Shaw atlans Lake, during the life" time of the Industry. (2) As to whether, in the event o the Canadian-American Pulp ant Paper Mills Limited, or any othe company, obtaining, utilizing ant carrying on the manufacture oi pulp and (or) paper at the Sea Cove site in Waterfront Block" 1 Prince Rupert Townslte, It sn'o'uli be granted the following conces I sions, in lieu of all rates, license ; and (or) other forms of munkipa : taxation to which' It may be subjec unuer me Municipal ACi, at pres ent or in the future: (a) A fixed annual payment o Five Hundred Dollars for a period of twenty-five years. (b) After the expiration of thi twenty-five year period,. th rate of taxation is not to exceec twelve and one-half mills or improvements and twenty-five mills upon land. (c) Free water for fire protection personal and other uses not directly concerned with mantr I facturlng operations, during the lifetime of the Industry. (d) Permission to take and use tht water required by the said pulj and (or) paper mill from Shaw, atlans Lake, during the lifetime of the Industry. (3) It is understood that no re-tall business shall be conducted on either site. Those entitled, to vote are prop erty owners as defined by subsec tlon (2), of Section 180 of the "Municipal Act" and also all hol'd-i ers of licenses qualified to vote i under the "Licensing Bylaw" of the i City of Prince Rupert at Civic Elections. Dated at Prince Rupert, Province i of British Columbia this seven teenth day of September, 1937. D. J. MATHESON, Returning Officer. Miss Marguerite Durant sailed last night 'oh the Prince George foi Vancouver. M, NEURITIS JpV Oh tUaf tktt.lMl fe ll warn iw t al dih, Muc.ia Mia.' II rd'. Tkt rmbuWi II tiadr U. W Pain Off I Phone P. 0"". Box 57fl Free Gift Tokens We are still giving our Free Gift Token's 'which entftle you to a wide ranje of PreniuinVs. Come In and Look Them Over MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE . TEDS DAILY NSW8 " . . m. H- . . ay September v GOMEZ IN M win S'KuVs 6uV CleVeTaiia; Indians For Nineteenth Victory of Season NEW YORK, Sept. lY; (CI) .efty fiomex Jiitclie4 ii ( nine-eenth victory of the season hero esterday as the New Yprk Yi;n- ver the Cleveland Indians at the ankee Stadium here to increjst hetr margin of leaJershi'p In Ke Vmericaj) ; League ,tp teq-and'a-lalf games over the Detroit T' .ers. yho vere losing a close on. d th'e "SV'aaliingt'on Senators at fie National' Capital In ihe 'ayobal, league, the '?' Y,ork Gja'nts took a thrct-n-a-half gapie margin over the hicao ' Clibk by blanking the 'irates at" Pittsburg wliilo tlie 'bbs; flaying at home.'were be-ng shuti'ou? by the Boston Bees. Yesterday'' Big League scores: National League Boston, "7 j Chicago, 0. New. York, 3; PittsbUrg, 0. Brbbkfyri 8-1; Cincinnati, 5-5'. Phila?aelph!af ' ' 2-1; St. Louis, ;-8. 'AmeVrcan League Detroit,; Washington, 7. Cleveldh'd, 0; New Ybrk, 8. St. Louis,' h"; Philadelphia, 4. "Mr. and' Mrs. Elwood T. Brooks f T'erra'ce arrived in the city rom tfij interior pn last night's raTh ahci sailed ahoard the Prince 'eor'ge foj- a trip, to VacquVgrj. JTED V ANTED English baby pram, reasonable price. Box 18, Dally Jjews... . . (219;. SEWING JTILITY SEWJNd CLASSES Mrs. Thomassbn,1 Wallace Bfock. Phone Blue 637. . . (t.f.) FOR SALE X)R SALE New chesterfield1 suite. Apply Dally News. (220) X)R SAlEElectrlc range, household effects. Phone Black 925. (220) OR SALE Electric McClary Range -and Radio set. Phurie Black 454. (217) V,ITEK XOTIfK Ulirrsliin and Vsr TAKE. NOTICE JTHAT Th Depar-.-int of Pirtillc WoMca, Cnada, whos Udress U Pot Office Building, New Vestmlnster, b.C. will apply for a cence to taie and use 30 Imp. Qala er m'.nute of1 water cut of Christen-?p Creek, wUlch flows southerly and iratas.lnto SWdegate Inlet . abouV 900 ti portasterly aioag High Water Mark from the. Government Whtrf, uten, Charlotte CMy. The loiter s will be diverted at i ctnt about' 450 ft. upstream from he 'ridge cd the dovernnient Queen Char-otte Olty- 8kldegate Road and v;:il :e .used for vessels at the Oovernmect 'VhX. purpose upati the foreshore rer rve drtfrlbed : list 2870 Queen "hartotte Islands Dlstrfct. B.'C This nsUce was potted on tbc round w tW 27thrtayt of,;ugust, 1937 A -ctpf ot' (this51. notice ,an4 an apnll-atton urua(;. thSs-ejto, and to the 'Water Art will .filed tn the of-'Ice cf thi Wsler Rroorder at Prince '.VTp.tt(. B.C. Objections to the application may be led with tM ti'A, "Water Recorder cr vlth the comptroller tt Water Rights arjiameat Buildings, VlStcria, iTc.. Tlthfa thlrtr days ftsr the first ap--arance cf tb!s notice In. a local news-f r- DEPA8TMENT OP PUBUC WORKS, CANADA, Applicant. By J. p. rcric District Enjlneer, Agent The titife cf ths'.tlrtt publication cf hi not' la 8tp.fOltr 10th, 1937. I t Far tes M Neck Piece Nothing,, looks so distinguished as furs, We have a, large stock in latest fitjjll Bet, sure, you..see them. i our tredit is uood W. Goldbloom THE OLD KELIABLE Prince Rupert, B.C. Federal Blk. Mail Orders Promptly AUended To 'MwaT'iinfBiiia'ini!t','"i,'"Mr,"-M Rbssland Defeats ! Traif In Ldcrosse Score of 16 t, 14 in Xioie&.y Playoffs yesterday ( ! KPSSLAXn. Sept.nRMslnnd deteted' trhl bf a 'sjore of lb I to 14 in Kootenay lacrosse plav- Baseball Standings National League New Yorlc . .. . '2 52' .612 Chrcagb 8() 57 i84 St. Louis 73 63 .537 Pittsburgh , 72, 65 i2Q Bosiori $ 68 .504" Brooklyn : 61 76 .445 Philadelphia 54 82 .39 Cincinhatl' : 53 8t .396 American Iveague New York 91 45 .670 Detroit a 81 55 .596 Chicago 77 59 .566 Boston 71 61 .538 Cleveland 72 65 .526 .Washington 64 72 .471. Philadelphia 44 90 .328 St. Lbuis" 42 95 .314 K. E. JIcLeod, district passen- Ufr agent f,or the Canadian fa- ttifthnl rtailu-nve nt Vn was among qth'er officials of the. railway passenger deparirfent wio arrived here on last evening's train rom Jasper Park. best Dewar's. DtSTILLED, OiSJ BQTTLtD IN i ' 'Special Liqciui' 7X fi$,f soim mutt IJohnDewarS-Son OlTtU.lt. v rl, i W. OtKTH. . Eagles' Bridge Series Starts Tehty-four Tables in Way At Party Wednesday ight 'aa Enjojahle Kveat- The series. Oxbridge partie by the Kagles' Lodge during tin coming winter season with :n-dividua prixes. in jeach.caije, and grand prizes for the whole pea-son got away to a good start 1 Wednesday night wilh twenty four tables in play. The Aerie ildll,. jdst redecorated, present d. a pleasing appearance anfl. all present had a Very. . enjoyable, time. Serving of refreshment folowed the card playing with, dancing bringing the evening's proceedings to. a close. ; The prize-winners ,at bridge -were: ladies' first, trs, S. L.' Peachy; second, lra. A. K;i Dickens sr.,; third, MrsJJotfon;' fourth, Jlrs. W. ,. J.' . R.ifhars;,1 mens, fust, yf. I?uqderhani; second, Wi H.. Keilh; third, j. Delorme; fuiih, IJ. Matheson. Angelo Astori was master of ceremonies fqr cards and Robert -McKay for dancfni?: E.' Hut- sori and H. Ferguson were charge in the kitchen and r.rank Ellison presided at the door. I where a passenger conference, has 'leeti held, proceeding to Vancou-er aboard the steamer Priiice George. BLENOCO AND SCOfLAND BY $3.25. TO GET THE BEST DEWARS JOMM DIWAM A SONS .. Prk, Sctlan4 This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. A BONUS Yours Without Extra Effort Until September 21st Only Three Extra Cards on Every Dozen PERSONAL CHRISTMAS GREETING CARDS At $1.00 Per Dozen Just plac6 ybur order with us now and get 15 cards instead of 12. Come in and select i beautiful Christmas card from our sample book. Let us have your order for later delivery. These $1.00 .per ; dozen Personal Cards ar6 the biggest Christmas card value ever offered ' ftrigm !and cheery Cards, Calendars and Booklets with a choice of sentiment. Special offer of three extra Cards FREE in every dollar's worth Order must be placed, before sypt. 21. r,l , 7. r r. The Central Hotel FLASH ! ! FLASff ! ! ROOMS and CAFE Enlargements Phone 51 Heprints With Frames For Best Household Coal Stli' at Cost Vtkts S" U" MRS. O. K. BLACK Today Hollywood Studios, 2?0 6th jSt,, LLBjjw J i ' 1 i If, W Yes indeed tasty tnlllei d toasted rice make the crispestj cfunchiest, most deliciotf breakfast (or lunch or chil. drcn's supper 1 under the mn TheyVe called Kfllogg'i Ric Krreple and they rradj in I nut loud in milk or cream! R!ce Krispies are alwajj ready to serve. They're ligllt,' wholesome and easily digastcj never disturb sound slotpl Especially good with fruit or honey added. Your grocer sells Ric Knspics. An amusinj Sin nig Ijiii story for the chil drcn printed on each psdik Served bv bv restauranti il hotels everywhere. Majeli Kellogg in London, Oouiio. t-ln'l 1 iltl I at iXIiliiM Mrs. Bernard Lundahl A.T.C SI. voice rnoDicTiox riano and Theory 431 Fourth Avenue West I'hnne C.reen 991 HEX BOWLING ALLEY Basement of Exchange Wl PHONE C58 THE SEAL f QUALITY 'osoci-! s GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only salmon with an w canning company the year round payroll w Prince" Rupert IN THE MTKOIK COl'IU "f C OM MUM In the Mailer f Ell imhiii- , ,e MaVler A Act" ., ( ! TAKE NOTICE Uvvt W noinour vv. c. iovw'H Adminlstmtpt .of Uw , 111. claUns afialnst Uio , horoby horouy required required to to fymisa MrnU" '(01 ,!1 m xrly t-rlf led, io ine ,on 7, V ...... . .nit." rtnlwrl A. U- !! -II 'parties inC 'to tM required, to pay JJgftttl , NORMAN A. WAIT, Official Admll'i).M( : tw.. t.h I7tlfi day of A'W1"