I SCMP ROAST - Per lb. PORK HOCK- - Per lb. Per lb. FOWL- Per lb. POUK I LEO OF PORK- Per lb. j SHOULDER PORK AYRSHIRE BACON Per lb. LAM I! and VEAL ? lbs. LEO OF VEAL ! lbs. SHOULDER VEAL CHICKEN ROAST CHICKEN nr lb. 50c 15c I ROAST OFF THE ROUND -i Sp iW, I PRIME RIB ROLL Per lb. 15c I MOULDER STEAK -I fin Pr1K XVV V 41, . $1.00 50c r PAOZ THR2J QAIJULJL-....- 1 ..i:o oiifV Misses' Samnle Sweaters v . IjUUlto. and Ballahtypp maWPure wool and silk and Rp,en' K 1 1 one and short sleeve styles. All sizes from 28 at, each X.UU uaring Dollar Day HQME' SPJJNS . mlors 48 Inches wide, assorted new designs, re. feible Dollar Day, J Q0 DRAPERY IiqMESPN , v :hes wide, assorted designs good g-J A A 48 in heavy cloth. DollaVDay, 3 yds. for t?i.UO RED TIIROWS wool and cotton ,Wd 'throws, lull 'size, plain fawn gi 0 with assorted borders. 2.50 Dollar Day u ' : i. . , BED SHEETS 050 Half Bleached Bed. Sheets, full size, " made in' England, absolutely free from dressing, extra heavy C A A quality. Dollar Day, ea. tf1,v FLANNELETTE SHEETS' 250 White Flannelette Sheets, for full o,Vo wi Fmrlish make. Extra Snec- 3iiv. : o ' ial, Dollar Day, AA each 10c 22c 18c 25c 25c 30c - -. r I'rtnee Ruoert Cribbage. Whir.i and Bridge League, annual meet inir. election of officers, Irida York Hotel. 8 p.m. J. E. Jack, secretary. (217) BLACKHEADS rub tUy with " druK itor. .nd mthed! : Uv 1 Hollywood complexion. American Tournament and Tea, Prinrc RuDrt Tennis Club, Satur day. Sept. 18, 2 p.m. Presentation of 1937 cups. Admission :dc Thpn collart returned last even ing on the Prince George from a visit to his Spider group 01 miucia. claims on the Salmon River near Big Missouri in the Portuna uanat district. Dr Peitsch of Los Angeles, president of the Alaska Evangel-jst Society, 'who has been on a visit to various Alaska points, Is r,nPnirer returning souin aboard the Princess Louise lh evening. Mr. and Mrs. George L. Rorie, who were married a couple ot weeks ago, return to tne cuy on the Princess Adelaide this evening from a honeymoon trip i Vnnrniivpr. Victoria. Seattle land elsewhere in the south. They 'will reside on Young oireei tween Sixth and Seventh Av-lenut's. Mrs. Rorie was formerly Miss Ruby Krikevsky. DOLLAR DAY Saturday FRASER & PAYNE'S Saturday 500 YARDS ENGLISH SrfEETING 72 yards wide, half bleached, free from filling, extra strong and heavy. Present price 65c yard. J.P Dollar Day Special, per yd 5)0 YARDS FLANNELETTE SHEETING Plain, white English makej 72 Inches wide, very- soft and warm, excellent wearing quality'. 41 Dollar Day Special, per yard TAFFETA PRINCESS SLIPS Bias cut Taffeta Slips, lace trimmed and fagotted: finish, all sizes In nurose and white. HC Dollar Day, each LADIES' RAYSUEDE PANT IES Novelty Trimmed Raysuede Panties, assorted tyls and shades. 2QP Dollar Day, pair f'V LADIES' AND MISSES' BERETS Silk and wool. White and assorted colors. Q-i A A Dollar Day, 4 berets for V""" LADIES' FALL WEIGHT VESTS Watson's fall weight vests, silk and wool ahdxoUon mixtures, built-up shoulder, tailored top. C A A All sizes. Dollar Day. 2 vests for VV,V 7. Announcements Ancrii'ran Tea. Mrs.' NeaT Car ter's, 'Friday, September' 17. Presbyterian Tea at Mrs. Brem-ner's September 21. St. Peter's V. A. Tea, Parl'.l. Hall, September 23. XDrange Bridge, September 23'. Eastern Star Tea, Mrs. Sam'Mas-sey's, Wednesday, September 29., Cambral Cabaret, October 1. Presbyterian Choir Tea, October 1. Orange Tea October 2. Catholic Bazaar October 6 and United Anniversary Supper, Oct 15. am Olrls W. A. Tea. Mrs. J. B. Gibson's, Thursday, yet. 1 C. C. F. Bazaar, October 23. Gyro Hallowe'en Masquerade Dance, October 29. " Presbyterian Bazaar, November 4.1 tiA.'o w A Ttaznar . Nov Oil i till O I' ! j I ember 18. Cathedral Bazaar November 30; - ..1711 "" " ' tfayser Part-Wool Vests and Parities Elastic knit. Snug flttlng.garments. Dollar fljfl. , A A Day vest and panties for t?Xyv TOWELS Turkish Towels at half regular price. Run of the mill, all makes and weaves. In four groups. r, GROUP I. Assorted makes. $100 GROUP II. Assorted Makes, Full size. cf fill 4 for GROUP III.- 3 for ... GROUP IV.-2 for Meth Davies Js sailing tonight qn, the Princess Adelaide for a trip to Victoria. Mrs. 'O'srar Indrv sailed last nlgff oh the Prince George for a visit in Vancouver. T. J. Thome oi Telkwa arrived rtv from the interior on last fii'ghtls.' train, and ; sails to- WVV -V. lL'''-";.i';Vi ' 'J ir, nigni on me vuua iui a m,, to"Ynco,ver'' Dp an H; jYrs".' A. E. Perrv and mtle 4a'tohter,. wo are leaving Port Simfison where tnev navt TV . -, - , been loedted for the past six V " -i, --.l 4sv it,- years, win. ' lou,j1llt u" k"r A'delaidp for Victoria later they will proceed to On tario. , 1 ' A. Thomas. "w.ho-.-hls"been jn charge of topograpnica survey: -V,;l. li, Tlonartnonl- nf Matlon al Defence has been conducting hereaboujs fdr 'the past few th. s.nu tonicnt on the t nn T miSiia fnr Virtoria. W 1. DeMary, E,- A. plamonder,, b If. iiiila and A. Sch'uerdfeger who have. been engaged in the same work, leave,, on this eve ning's train for Ottawa. T.. RasmussVn. who suffered a frapfiireil leff recentlv in an ac cident at the f. A. Keller. Log ging" Co.'s camp on the Queen Charlotte lsianus and nas oeen receivinir treatment in Prince Ru nert General Hosnital. sails to V,'v 111' ni:!1' A.lln!.),, nigni. on vne 1 uuc """umv for Vancouver to have further treatment. -Fancy and Jacquered. -Extra Large and Heavy. SI.0Q S1.00 SILK CURTAIN NETS 15 Pieces, all silk curtain net, assorted designs m honeydew shades. Reg. price up to 69c yd. A A Dollar Day, 3 yds. for . . V V Mr anA Mrs. C. M. Schultzikl and daughter sailed last niglitl on the Prince George for a trip to Vancouver. Hotel Arrivals Savoy F..T. Patterson, Surf Point; Jack 4 R. Woodward. Vancouver; Aft Ha- din and' H. Keefe, Prince Rupert; John Ferguson, Lewis Island; Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Brown and J. Bea- main, Smlthers. Royal C. F. Duke and- L. H. Tansley, premier; Doug Kerr, Smlthers, R. Douglas and Johrj Bron, Vancouver; Grey Sun1, Fay'Lar, M. frfoshl and T. OKasucny. ,f Frince nuperi R. Moore, Smlthers; H. L. Gray, Vancouver, Reg. Brown, Noran-da. Quebec: 6'. L. Gue'sLCTexton; D. W- Webster, Victorid; F: J'. Tjiorp-, Telkwii; J, Price. Barrett; E. yyu-liams, Edmonton. Central W. Stone, Terrace; B. Doberczak, Paclfici; O. Hunt, C.N.R.; R. B. Mit chell, Suhnyslde". 60 MORE Cl'PS PER LD. CBDlfiARt TtA 240 tmCUPS OO COM1N Ormes Z77i Pioneer uruqgiais G Sept.: 30, Oct. 1 arid 2 The Original Retail ONE CENT The Re'iili Store , .phnes! 81 n Open Dally From 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sunday and Holidays rom 12 noon till Z .n,' 7 D.m. till 9 p.m. TEA TOWELS Blue and Red Check, very absorbent, generous size, 20x31 Inches. Dollar' Day, 4 A A 8 towels for Vy V TABLE NAP,KIN Damask Table Napkins, assorted patterns, CJ-i A A good size. Dollar Day, 10 for jJXvv LINEN AND COTTON TABLE CIiOTlfS 52Hx 52" assorted checks and fancy designs. C-fl AA Fast colors. Dollar Day, 2 for1 vw" TpRKI$il FAcfe CLOTHS Good generous size. Assorted colors. 25f Dollar Day. 6 for ; SILK AND LINEN TABLE CLOTHS 52"x 52" silk and linen, assorted colors. 7Q( Special for Dollar Dey, each LINGERIE SPECIALS Silk Suede Taffeta An outstanding; opportunity to buy your holiday needs in dainty undies, at a real saving. Brassier and Panfie Sets, bias cut Princess Slip & Nightgowns, in shades of nurose, white, ice blue. Dollar Day, each $1.00 -I - - . . HF.EF lea. pot CAo J lit HAM DU RQ ER and eC:n ut,jmjmj II Ibl ROUND RUK , ' "1 1 JONES Family Market tfbone 957 AND Phone 957 Fulton Meat Market Phone 683 Saturday Specials LOCAL NEWS NOTES See" the Mayfair window for latest in fall' shoes, tf 'lland embroidered pillow slips and luncheon sets for $1.00 at the Dollar Store. t. Bovs' slacks, sizes 2G-34 Phone 683 79c. at the Dollar Store's moval Sale. for JOE SLAGCARD, 653 TAXI wishesjA announce to his many customers' tha't ne D,? ou town "for the . next month ana wishes) thank them for th'fu pairoiaKv: in m pects to give them the same. ?er-. vice in the future. 21X MacKenzies Furniture For ONE WEEK ONLY We Offer $3.50 allowance for your old Mattress on the Purchase of One of These SIMMONS Mattresses TRAFALGAR: THE ELIXIR: t. Regular $39.95 Allowa'rice on old mattress $3j5(J Cost iom..:..,:.r;:: COfi 5 This. mUrp5.has.feUlnlX temper, lnnr spring 7 pre built edges. Silk damask covering. l THE DRAKE AUwInraonoid mattress $3.50 -' ' COSt tO IOU - SZU 1D This- mattress, is wonderful value'ai the'regular v price of $29,951 24-95 ' Regular Allowance on old mattress W-sw toYou 21.45 These Mattresses are AlV Spring Filled, a SIMMONS Product, Expert Workmanship and fine, Materials Assure Healthful Sleep in& Satisfactory Service ftr.Rfany Years. The Mattresses are Now on Our Floor For Your Inspection and Comment. Phdhe 775 Ottawa, June 22, 1937 Council of Canadian Medical Association Endorses and Urges Pasteufization of Milk and Cream ! "p have pasteurized our products since i923 fpy your protection. Positive Pasteurization for Safe Milk at no extra cost. VALENTIN Phone 657 DAIRY I Canadian H Padfic TransrAtlantic. Transcontinental Trans-Pacific to Yancouver fla 6"cea'n f aijs and Way forts rnncess Aueiaiw every rituaji, ." ........ , To, Vancouver Direct ... J PRINCESS CHARLOTTE - TRINCESS LOUE vriV uC 1 s?ot. :th. 17th. 27th t Conneciton' at Vancouver with Canadian Pacific Services Ti..it anrf Kirrvaiioni irora , ...... i i rn'ATPfi nVral lltnt Prince Rupert, H.U. If r4 yvra4wy - - - If you lose anything, advertise for it. 8