ii I ffi- jJT.r. w IS PAGE TWO THE DAILY NETS 4 THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon. Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited. Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES City delivery, by carrier, yearly period, paid in advance For lesser periods, paid in advance, per week By mail to all other countries, per year By mail to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, yearly period, paid in advance . ADVERTISING RATES Transient display advertising, per Inch, per Insertion Classified advertising, per word, per insertion Local readers, per line, per Insertion .' 1. Advertising and Circulation Telephone . . News Department Telephone DAILY EDITION .Member of Audit Bureau ot Circulations Imports and Exports Imports from the United States and exports to that country have increased very considerably since the trade treaty with that country came into force but this does not seem to have interfered with the trade between Canada and Great Britain, trade with the United Kingdom having increased until it has become the highest since 1928. Recent increases have brought the balance of trade between this country and the two countries mentioned very close with a slight advantage to Canada in each case. This is as it should be. The whole trade situation is very advantageous to this country and to the countries with which we trade. All benefit from the business. Real Farmers Now It does not seem many years ago that it was difficult to point to any one farmer in the interior and say that he made a living from the farm which he cultivated. Most of the residents depended on road work and ties for part of their living. Today there are dozens of farmers who make a good living without recourse to either of these aids. They sell their cattle, their oats, their timothy seed or other products or they live from the regular milk or cream check received from the dairies at Prince Rupert or Prince Georce. We are not suggesting that mak;ng a living. The farmer anu more but he is today getting a better living from thej land than ever before in the province. umuwiuui Recording Secretary. H. M. Dag-!cf gett. Financial Secretary, A. E. Woods. Treasurer, Norman Moorehouse. Warden, Albert Blackhall. Conductor, James Hadden. Inner Guard, W. -A. McLean. Outer Guard, William Geddes. Right Support of Noble Grand, J. Delorme. Left Support of Noble Grand. J. W. McKinley. Right Support of Vice Grand, S. V. Cox. Left Support of Vice Grand, Mike Hudema. L. S. S., John Eyolfsen. Chaplain, J. L. Mcintosh. Rebekahs Noble Grand, Mrs. S. V. Cox. Past Grand, Mrs. Alex Barbe. Vice Grand, Mrs. J. W. McKinley. Recording Secretary, Mrs. J. S. Irvine. Financial Secretary, Mrs. Norman Moorehouse. Treasurer, Mrs. G. V. Wilkinson. Warden, Mrs. P. J. Solem. Conductor, Mrs. J. Murray. Inner Guard, Mrs. G. B. Church. Outer Guard, Mrs. A. E. Black-hall.. Right Support of Noble Grand, Mrs. J. L, Mcintosh Left Support of Noble Grand, Vice Grand, Chaplain, Mrs. J. E. Boddie. HALTING OF VOLUNTEERS (Continued irom Pas l tier Saturday and the vanguard of 1 tine French Atlantic fleet has ar- j Bombing Embassies j MADRID. Jan. 11: In addition to the Britain, German and Fin- nlfh emibi'iiss, the United Stat?s I embassy was also nearly hi t by !'.ncE'hdlary bombs from Insurgent planes Friday night, it was an 'lounccd by Socialist officials. Fout bsmbs went throMgh the roof of th". ETitl-h embassy, injuring one -f th? officials. Evacuation of Madrid's civil po pulation continues under way as . uV V T .rived in Casablanca harbor. Ger- tV-T - merce Friday night, President W. ,r m M. Blackstock 1 made a man attempts to penetrate Moros-strong appeal to those who are not now members of thelco were a source of unending chamber to join it and help shoulder the burden of the fr'-'-in 'a the three years prior work being done by that organization on behalf of the tou Great War- lt wm be re citv and district. Every businessman should be able to afford ten dollars a year as his contribution to this work and. even if he does not take a very active personal interest in the meetings, he should, we think, be willing to pay his share of the cost. Ourcoa m mafe you very tor Aetrdy we We ? Art out wnotf V?UU LIKE THE WAV I THEYTREATYou PHILPOTT - EVITT & Co. l td. Have the Coal to Suit Your Requirements 651 PHONE 652 defenders steeled themselves forrcnaeo ine Nev' Year's Day foot- A Styled up-to-the-minute PHONE 357 $5.00 .10 9.00 1 3.00 1.00 .02 .25 98 86 Monday, January 11, 1937 farming is ah easy way ofM": H.orce Tttral- of earns every dollar he gets;Mrs u Smjth. history of this part of the . , - v . o i-pt,ui Treat Yourself to a Happy New Year by having your Coal bin full of the best coal in town. . . . but built further insurgent assaults. Goering to Rome BFRLIN, Jan. 11: fCP) General ! Herman Goering, highest Naxi of-jficial next to Chancellor Adolf Hitler, will leave for Rome tomorrow on what diplomatic circles be-lieve "an important' mission" in I rconnectlon with the Spanish cri sis. Try a Daily News classified advertisement for best results. BLACHFORD for support, too LTU. You don't Kit to choote between comfort and ttyU when you buy "Archgrip" hoe teciue that hoei have both. A icientifically-designed, flexible iteel thank gendr but firmly tupporti your archei . , . yet "Archgrfps" look and trt juit at up-to-date in Kyle a any hoej in our itore. f " i, ' I ' Where Most People Trade rAMILY SHOE STORE (EsUb. 1008) OFFICERS FOR YEAR G. B. Church New Head of Odd- fellows Mrs. Cox Heads Rebekalis 1 The following' officers of the Oddfellows and Rebekah Lodges have been elected for the ensuing year and will be installed tomorrow night, J. E. Jack, district deputy grand master, conducting the odd - xeiiows insianauon ana Airs. w. a McLean, the Rebekahs: Oddfellows Noble Grand, G. B. Church Immediate Past Grand, Charles Harradine. Vifl riranH KTrMir Vf ali chin ! THIRD AVENUE 'MINES ARE DOING PART Tim Industry Lends its Output To Canadian Economic System OTTAWA, Jan. 11: CP Exten- sive prospecting and development work in progress during ths last decade is new bearing fruit in jiecord levels of mineral produc- on- The shipment of gold from . nn.JH 1 1 J 1 - " j" external points in th fiat 10 months of 1936 was 3.045jB00 fin ounces, representing a grain ol jnearly 14. percent over 2ie same period of the preceding year. i . lonirt ftnorf v,,, tho Mi, . J ' jtained in Canada as total exports non-rnrlnet'.rv mn m th rr 10 months wqre only l, 5QD.000. ounces against 2,205.000 ounces! In the jams period of the pre ceding year. The value of gold in. ims iorm snipped to the United States was worth nearly $50.000,-'British 000 against $73,500,000 in the first 10 months of 1935, while export? to Great Britain increased from $3,400,000 to $4,500,000. Ease mtal mining has also sup- plied during the last five years. considerable support to the econ- omic system fox the most of the:tne professional tennis series. mines, owing to a relatively low! eost basis due partly fca a combina-1 HOCKE Y SCORES won oi ine ores with precious metais, remained in production, while mining districts elsewhere were forced to suspend operations. Copper production In Canada was not greatly altered from the preceding year, an increased proportion going .to the British market. Nickel exports shewed a gain of about 20 percent, the movement to the United States recording a marked gain. Zinc and lead were marketed In the United Kingdom in increased volume, an mharvwt I demand accounting for the ad- '"" iU i:es. ine aemandi for asbestos and its products recorded a gain of 45 verzent ovnnrt.. t - WJ IrKJ I ine united Statss amounting to $5,139,000 In the first 10 months of 1936. Frantic Appeals Made in Kidnap Police Have Evidently- had Little Success so Far in Quest For Tacoma Boy TACOMA, Jan. 11: Further frantic appeals were mads through the press at he weekend by the parents of kidnappyj Charles Mat- won who was snatch sd Irom h's home here two wesfc 3i Su-dav Activities of federal agea'.s during the past few days, while shrouded w.ui .nycry, nave nesn fruitless i-r us can oe learned. SAW ROSE BOWL GAME L. II. Kublev and son Woiioo of Ketchikan were nassenseM aboard the Princess Norah yester- day afternoon returning north af- tr,P uip 10 10 California. uainornia. They They at- at- rasaena Hose n . . u. m wjucn Miwourg Panthers beat University of Washington and were disappointed with the affair. :::::::: 1: i:!' ...ii .. "ii-: ' i;i W 'W'.'i m m 8 in m i ? i 1 1 ami iii a an.a . : c : a:: lil!;!: 1 ii II 'ii si 11 !i! ill! iiiiini"".!i II lil.""; ill Ii h; ; ijijj 1......,,,.,,.,:,.,,,.,..,,,.,..,.,,.,: r ' i: Six Local Trundiers Paying Visit To Ketchikan A local bowling team consisting of Eddie Smith, Scoop Bury. Nels Gunderson, Bill Schriaberg, Stan Morin and Jimmy Clccone left yes terday afternoon on the Princess Norah for a trip to Ketchikan tt'Vwrp n- spripc. nf tmmps Is tn he " Pyed. The team will return to the city on the Norah Thursday after noon and the series will be to either three or five games, depending upon how many time permits or 1 t 4. t a a a local players. Fred Perry Wins Over Vines Again Tennis Player Takes Thirtf Straight in Professional Series CHICAGO, Jan. II: Playing in Chicago Saturday night, Fred Pe: ry of England defeated Ellsworth Vines of United Stages 6-0, 6-2, 6-? for his third- straight victory In National League Saturday Rangers 3, Maroons 2. Canadiens 1, Toronto 2 Sunday Detroit 4, Boston 2. Maroons 5, Rangers 2. Chicago 2, Toronto 1. Pacific Coast League Saturday Vancouver 5, Oakland 2. Sunday Portland 1, Seattle 1 (overtime) - . . . HlfC Nirlt I ,niVirh Is Entertained Party Held Last Niht Prior To Her Departure For California Last evening a delightful send-off party .was given by Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Skinner. Borden Street, in honor of Mrs. N. Gurvieh sr. who is leaving Thursday evening for a trip to California, accompanied by her son, Mike, and daughter. Miss Nellie Gurvieh. Many friends attended the affair to wish Mrs. Gurvieh ben voyage and the evening was spent In slneinz and dancing. At midnight delicious rifreshments were served by the , hostess. When the party broke up in the wee small hours the guests Joined hands with the guest of , honor in the centre of the rine ; while they sang "For She's a Jolly Good Fallow." wnitom nnn o t..- sell, nronrlftnr nf th- K-nv arrived in the city on the Catala last ast evening evening tn to pay- n nt , week or so here. In 1 1 Yanarxi aaaI dent in a street car In Vancouver he sustained a badly cut arm. 1 Be wis R)rt mo want ads. :!;::;!i::;:::y:::asi::::: ::?:::::::S::i:i2 iii si 5:: E055i58SKSW lib 1:1 Pis! iipFiljgiliSEi i::!!::!::i::::::!:i:::jt.i,:l:i;:::::yj;..y;--!.j:rij;:ji: A rare old Liqueur whliky, blended from thoroughly ased Scotch malts, rich in bouquet and flavour , , , , 250$3 60 , 26 On. 40 0: Local Bowlers On Trip North f This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquof W 9F by the Gpycrnmeiit of Brituh Columbia. OUTPUT OF FACTORIES New Market Since 192U was set r Canadian Manufacturers Last Year OTTAWA. Jan. II: (CP) Manu facturing operations gathered mo mentum in Canada In 1936 output having been greater than at any time since 1929. The gain over the preceding year was more than 10 percent, indbatlng the exten sive nature of the industrial re- overy. Employment in manufac turing p;nnt3 recorded decided im provement during 1036. The returns from the principal firms registered an average gain of 6.6 percent over the same period of the preceding yeAr. The exports of manufactured md semi-manufactured goods at t585,000,000 in the fiscal year 1936 showed a gain of more than 13 percent over the total for the preceding year. The proportion of total domestic exports was about 69 percent against 64 percent in the fiscal year endd March 31, 1935. The largest single commod-ty in this category was newsprint, he exports of which during the year were valued at $90,760,000. Best customer of Canada's manu factured goods was United States j whith received commodities to the amount of $284,090,000 in the 'ast fiscal year. The British mar-irst absorbed Canadian manufactured goods to the amount of learly $170,000,000. Canada sends nanufactured goads to most of the ?ountries, appreciable amounts be- ng shipped to at least 85 In the ast fiscal year. HOOPSTKRS TO TRAVEL, Home and home senior basketball series with Ketchikan and New Metlakatla, Alaska, and. Ocean Falls are under consideration by ine prince Rupert Basketball Association. Kazu Nakamoto is transferred j from the Moose Senior team to Ben's News Stand team In the In-1 termediate League, while Johnny O'Neill was transferred from Boyi Scouts to High School Junior) League team. The Daily News ' has 'an audited circulation. Play safe! "JOt Monday, January U 1037 Steamship Sailings For Vancouver-Tuesday Catala It30 p.ra. Thurs. ss. Pr. Rupert 10:30 p.m. Frldayss. P. Adelaide . ..10 p.m. Ss. Cardena 10:30 p.ro. January 3, 14 and .28 ss. Princess Norah 5:30 p.m. From Vancouver Sunday ss. Catala 4 pja. Wed. ss. Pr. Rupert 10 a.m, Frl. ss. Pr. Adelaide .... 4 p.m. Ss. Cardena p.m. Jan. 10, 24 ss. Prin. Norah am. For Anyox and Stewart Sunday ss. Catala 8 p.rn. Wednesday s Pr. Rupert 3 p.m. From Stewart and Anyox Tuesday ss. Catda - 11:30 a.m., Thurs. ss. Pr. Rupert 8 p.m. For Naas River and Port Simpson-. Sunday ss. Catala 8 p.m. From Naas River and Port Simpson Tuesday ss Catala ....11:30 a.m. For Ocean Falls Friday ss. Prin. Adelaide 10 p.m. Thurs. ss. Pr. Rupert 10:30 p.m. From Ocean Falls-Wed s. Pr. Rupert 10 ajn. Frid ss. Pr. Adelaide . 4 p.m. Ss. Cardena p.m. For Queen Charloue Islands-Jan. 15, 29 ss. Pr. John 10 pjn. From Queen Charlotte Islands Jan. 13, 27-ss. Pr. John a.m. For Alaska-Jan. 10, 14 ss. Pr. Norah a.m. From Alaska Jan. 3, 14, 23 ss. Pr. Norah p.m. From Skeena River-Friday ss. Cardena pjn. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Bryant and Mrs. Robert Blance will leave on the Prince Rupert Thursday night for the south. Mr. Bryant is taking his car with him and they plan to motor to California. Everybody reads the Dally News Thpre's reason 65 Taxi And Messenger Service Stand : Empress Hotel Bill Stuart Al French John Saunders N. M. BRASELL Prince RupertFamous Brand" This advertisement Is not published or displayed by the Liquor control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. Inquire Regarding; New Special Rates For Room and Board at THE KNOX HOTEL "Banquets a Specialty" Phone 71 R. BRASELL 7 he Fish which made "Rupert SMOKED BLACK COD Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish ft Cold Storage Co, Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C.