We Carry a Complete Line of Men's WORKING BOOTS Thurstons, Paris, Greb, Sismans and Valentine Makes , Guaranteed Solid Throughout . Priced From $3.50 Up Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. fUlNCE KUFEKT BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited, Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION KATES City delivery, by carrier, yearly period, paid In adTar.ce For lesser periods, paid In advance, per week $5.00 .10 By mall to all parts ot British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, yearly period, paid In advance 3.00 DAILY EDITION Wednesday, August 11, 1937. LIFE INSURANCE ADVERTISING The life insurance companies of Canada have for years past banded themselves together and subscribed to a fund ior letting the world know why the protection : they otfer is desirauie and beneficial. Tney have shown I by picture and display reading matter that women and cniidren need protection whicn can be secured only by life insurance. It often means the keeping of homes intact, giving children an education, the elimination of fear and, in many cases, the accumulation of a sufficient sum to enable the insurer to start in business or to live in com fort during old age. j The money saved by means of life insurance is rein-i teejntr to the advertiser that the newspaper has the circu- iaz?ar. latibn it claims. The insurance companies see the value of this and have chosen only the audited newspapers to carry their advertising. They have to play safe in all their dealings, even in advertising. The idea of telling the people of the country about ln-' surance without reference to any particular company is! one of the co-operative efforts which is growing through-' out the country. Recently it was followed by the tobacco j manufacturers and by the automotive industries. In every ' case it has proved of value. ; . I WORKS PROGRESS The United States Government recently issued a report on its works program which has been carried out under the Roosevelt administration. It shows that a tremendous lot of money has been expended in order to provide improvements and at the same time to give employment to the people of the country. A peculiarity of this report is that it gives no infor- ; mation to an outsider as to where it was issued or to what country it refers. Only by reading the text can it be in- : f erred that reference is made to the United States of America and not to Canada or to Great Britain or any other English speaking country. Evidently the compilers of the volume think that no other country In the world could pos- " sibly undertake such a stupendous task. i OPPOSING AHERHART ! f There is a strong sentiment developing in Alberta against Premier Aberhart and his policies. Just how - stl'6ng the sentiment is cannot be guaged except through a general election. Possibly it may not be enough to bring about a change of leadership for Mr. Aberhart is an astute leader and he has kept his propaganda going continually throughout the province. If he can make the people of the province believe that his lack of success is due to the opposition of the big interests he may be again returned to power but, if they once realize the truth that Aberhart does not himself know what he is doing, there will be a tremendous turnover in that province. In the mean-: time there is no indication that Mr, Aberhart plans an appeal to the country. I NEW EMPIRE CHAMPION MAY MEET LOUIS TO M0UN T BIG GAME vested by the companies in such a way as to help keep the Prominent Pittsburg industrial COUntrV nrosnerous. i ,sts and Capitalists in Prince y L I The Prince Rupert Daily News was chosen to carry this advertising because it was a member of the audit bureau of circulations, which means that its circulation is audited each year by an independent outside auditor who Handsome Bon Foc: d, Sou African heavyweight boM?r, smiles as he meet3 his fiance just uftt-r whipping Jack Peterson three rounds ;0 take .the. hjyroejt&tchanv. pionhip of the British Emi'-ire'. Now cauliflower rumor hath it that Joe Loui., senj:itional American negro lwwr, may iC') England for a bou --ealnsr Foord this winter Enroute will It u port Today to Alaska where, the1 until timn prominent dusirialists and naturalists, ar rived in the' city on the Princi Rupert today'" from Vancouvc enroute to Ketchikan. They ar accompanied by their wives. Mr MelIort fc pr?sWeBt of the Alumi num Co. of America and is, ir cidentally, af nephew of Andrei W. Mellon, former Swretary o the Treasury. Mr. Lazear is president of the Boiler Tub Co. o speiui late heptem!r America. Also with tho nnrtv In cpnrrh nf lifor Itnmo Cl.l i ... . .... reports to the advertisers. This is the only way of guaran-j Rich,,,, k ",h Tohn m! i3 X ZZ S?3 Pittsburg in- alist in the mounting of animals FLEET OWNERS TERES MOST ECONOMICAL Large fleet owners who analyze tire costs to the fraction of a cent prefer Firestone Tires for their cost-cutting, carefree performance. You, too, will find them the safest, long est-wearing and most economical for your car. With all their features for safe, long mileage, Firestone Tires do not cost one cent more than ordinary tires. See the nearest Firestone Dealer and replace worn tires today. Life Siren and Coca-Cola Cotnpaniet are two of th many bif fleet owners which itandar-Jize on Firestone. TOURNAMENT AT TERRACE Tennis Club in Interior Town Would Entertain Loral Players TERRACE! Aueust 11: The Ter- m I Al..t I. 4 i r, . race lennus viuu is ujnig iu oi-range a tournament with the Can adian National Recreation Association Tennis Club of Prince Rupert. The idea U that the Prince Rupert players may pay a" visit here on August 27 and remain a couple of days. It Is proposed to begin the alfair with a dance In one of the tialls at Terrace -on the evening of their arrival and then play tennis M, the following Saturday and per haps on the Sunday. The new jourt at Terrace Is a great improve ment on the old one with more pace and a much better position, individual Bowls Competitions Are !n Progress Now In the first round of the city lawn bowling doubles championships. George Wilkinson and Dave Bor land defeated James Irvine and Percy Tinker Monday night while Bob James and Oeorg Hill won ver H.T. .Cross and Harry Birch. Angus Macdonald Is now in the Inal of the singles tournament and will meet the winner of Dave Borland vs. George Hill. BASEBALL SCORES National Leau Pittsburg 6; Chicago, 5. Boston, 6; New York, 1. Brooklyn, 7; Philadelphia, 5. Cincinnati; 2; St. IhiU, 3. Amrxlcaa League Chicago, 6; Detroit, 4. Philadelphia, 7-6; Washington, 15-8. i St. Louis at Cleveland and New York at Bostoa, posponed on ac-:ount of rain. Washington 42 St. Louis 32 Philadelphia 29 67 up Baseball Standings j Including Gaats Up To Yesterday ; National League Chicago G4 36 New York 58 42 St. Louis 54 44 Pittsburgh .. .: 52 Boston......... 48 Cincinnati 41 46 54 56 Brooklyn 40 57 Phlldelphla 40 62 American League New York'. ; 67 29 Boston . 57 38 Detroit 57 40 Chicago 59 43 Cleveland. ,.. 43 51 54 64 .610 .580 .551! .5311 .471; .423 .404 ' .392 .697 .600 .588 .578 .457 .437 .3331 .303' Steamship Sailings ror Vacm'tr Mondays-SS. Pr. Rupert 3 pis. Tuesday Catala 1:30 p.m. Frtday &s. P. Adelaide. JO pan. Ss. Cardena 10:30 p.m. Sat-Ss. Pr. Alice 5:30 pm. Aug. 18-8s. Pr. Louise .5:30 pm. From A'ancouver Sunday ss. Catala 4 p m, Monday1 ss. Pr. Charlotte axn. Wed. ss. Pr. Rupert Friday s..Pr. Louise Ss. Pr. George 8s. Pr. Adelaide 10 a.m.l ajn. 10 a.m. 4 p.m. Ss. Cardena pjn ' For AnyoK and SUwaxt ! Sunday ss. Catala p.m.' Friday ss. Pr. George 2 pjn.! .From Stewart and Any ox I j Tuesday-&s. Catala . Jl:30 ajn.' . Saturday S. Pr. George .7 p.m.! ' Fer Naas Kirer ani Fart Simpson: Sunday-r-5S. Catala - 8 pjn.j ' From Naas River ami I'ott Simpson , T-resday ss. Catala .11:30 a.m. . For Ocean Falls Monday ss.Pr. Rupert 3 p.m. Friday ia. Prim Adelaide ;o p.m. ' Saturday ss.Pr. George. 7 p.m. From Ocearr falls j i WL ss. Pr. Rupert ...... to a.m.' Friday ss, Pr. Oeorge .... 10 a.m, Ss. Pr. Adelaide 4 pjn. Ss. Cardena p.m.) For flnetn Charlotte Islands j Aug. 14 and 28 P. Charles )0 pjnJ Prom Queen Charlotte Islands Aug. 12 and 26 ss. p. Charles ajn.' For Alaska-Monday ss. Pr, Charlotte . a.m. Ss. Pr. Robert l p.m. Wednes. Ss. Pr. Rupert .... 1 pjn. Friday 8s, Pr. Louise a.m.' (From Alaska Monday Ss, Pr. Rupert .... 9 ajn.j The Letter Box MAKING H1STOHY In h 8 orv mat a resp-.u sible government has has dared dared to to onenly challenge the banks. Financial :ial Treasurer Treasurer Ixjw aav? Here )t is: "It is rlar from conditions in f Prince Rupert and Queen Char-;ktte Islands-- Fresh south to south- What they're savin WHIFFLED From the Waterfront Editor, Daily News: With another capacity u3t 0f The government of Alberta is .hJ... . j. Ji i n- ii-ii. t r ' . . I . - -i.-w.i I.I Ht',.... , makin history. This is me - - - - - - b inp vounsts. in,k .-tlliiCf Pr, Rupert, Oapt Neil MuLean . anfoj tfie power ofj;n port on ilrii; :. lu .,( - i t ...' .nuuh u n mas ernww!', ' that Alberta can prevail agaiitH the organized finance of Canada, we must agree the attempt shows urpat courage courage icsemb- ling thai of David when he stood to Goliath. What dos nr. 1 raock tills afte ii Aui g. whence she will n-twm here, pet Monday morning, .southbound, Ualclng her fh last February, th' ft about MILLBANKS (now with Cork TIPS) 1 here tim K. tc!ukn i). Alberta that those who- control -ohip Bdllnsham u lived at j our banks are either out of touch "CiocK ycs.-raay ar r.oai with the demands of the pwple j liter discharging ivw CatUdrf or they are deliberately thwart-! in their will. Whatever the iwon, this state of affairs must be chanired forthwith and con- !trol of policy must be assumej I by the government on behalf of the poopl of the province." I N. SHERWOOD. Weather Forecast 1 'Purni&iiod tbroua ti courte o it Dominion Mrleoioloee&l Buru t .Victoria and frlnc Buptrt. ltd fore ten at 5 ajn. today and cover the 31 .hour period ending S pm. unnnrrow). Tiie barometer is rising on the north coast. iih lith and one ot tmei lt transhipment east ovt r Canao: National Railways m . :r j ut 6 na ior aeaiue. SGuthaiund aiur a spetUj ehcduled crui.u' to A.iska ia tortlioru RrtU'h C'-'imba tata Ith a full liit of Unas paai ws, CPJL steamer-P:.i:e cbi atte, Capt. WUiiam P.uiac; jrt at 3:li tin. fien:MHu vUl sail at 9 p.:n Vi.couir west winds, part r'.cudy wllhsbn. irs. West Coast of V : - Jvcrlii- Moderate to frpsli a"i u-L'-.i.hr loudy and midei..' urnrt morning fogs 1 f M 1 V "Why do you smoke Miinianka?' "My dear Jellow, ace huntin' people tumbled to them ages ago!" CAPILANO ESTATES LUTED West Vancouver's Beautiful Residential Development FAMOUS GOLF COUItSB COMPARATIVELY LOW TAXES choice mrs now availalh For Particulars Apply to H. G. HELGERSON U Prince Kupcrt, H,C. Agents For Mane, Fullerton & White Limited General Insurance Agents and Ileal Instate Counsel"" Vancouver, H. C.