CUssiFlE FOR SALE FOR SALE! Speed boat, 13 knots. Seal Cove Past Office. (tf) FOR SALE Brick lined heater and Tenor Guitar. Phone Blua 825 after 5:30 p.m. (156, ABOUT THESE REPAIRS For lumber, shingles, cement, plaster. brick, Gyproc and roofings, see Albert & McCaffery Ltd. Phone 116. tf. FOR SALE A bargain. One acre, six-room house, good cellar, well, barn, henhouse, wood shed, fruit trees. One-half mile from centre of village. Price $500 cash. Address Chas. R. Gilbert, Terrace. B.C. tf. FOR SALE Fine quality timolhy hay and also clover hay w'th a small mixture of timothy Some peavine and vetch, with small amount of timothy. IV livery anytime. Mike JIasirli, Smithers. D.C. (1901 FOR SALE At T. J. Shenton'? 528 8th Ave., West: Bedroom" suite, cost $125.00, sell for S65.00; Victor radio, cost $375.-00, with 44 records, sell for $100.00; Dining room buffet, cost ?40.QO, price, $20.00; Kitchen table, price, $5.00; Sectional book case, price $20.-00; Royal vacuum cleaner, cost $80.00, price. $30.00; Oak extension table, price, $8.00. FOR RENT ANGUS Apartments, three and four room suites. (tf) WANTED Trr- two bedrooms. KAH tmn - a 1 T- Apply D. A. Burn ett, c-o S. E. Parker. (186) Hyde Transfer Phone 580 DRY WOOD JASPER COAL Furniture Moving Light Delivery 315 SECOND AVE. TT7 a dally let wanlftd. District News BURNS LAKE 1 paoi rotm ii n , THE DAILY KZWS yednesday,Aata8tl, IS i i i Mrs. Clyde Hunter of Decker Lake was a recent visitor at .the United Church Manse here. Master Duncan McRae of Prince Rupert is visiting at Tin-tagel as the guest of his cousin, Mrs. E. D. Stearns. Master Harold Bushfield cv- cled to Decker Lake where he will be the guest of Mrs. Clyde Hunt for a week. Haying is in full swing in this district. Good weather prevails in many parts although some have been affected by showers. Mrs. J. E. Middleton of Tinti gel has returned home after a visit to Prince Rupert and In the absence of Rev. Frank JBushfield on a 250-mile trin to Wistaria and other points south " - oi nere where services were con- WE EXPECT EXAMINATIONS FOR ducted, Mrs. Bushfield conducted letter carriers, mail clerks and a song service in the local Uni-stenographers will be held this ted Church. Miss Francis Wilt-fall. The way to get these posi- sie was piano soloist and actions is to act at once. Full infor.jcompanist. Many favorite hymns matlon free. We have helped; were sung by resuest and the nundreds to obtain Civil Service ' service was well attended, positions and can help you. Ad- dress M.C.C. Civil Service Schools,! Winnipeg, oldest in Canada, tf. NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelli. Proprltor "A DOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates $1.00 up 50 Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupjrt, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 1S6 Reception Is Held AtTopleyFor New Burns Lake Pastor TOPLEY, Aug. ll:-An infor mal reception for the new Uni : BURY "OLD : : HORRIBLE" : Alice Arm Mourns Nels Peter Wickstrom, A Good Friend And Neighbor ALICE ARM, Aug. 11: Wi buried "Old Horrible" Nels Pet er Wickstrom, Monday. To tht camp "Old Horrible" needs nt further reference. Suffice to sav that he was not horrible nor of great age but that the handle was given to him because tic word "horrible was an incessant word of his to describe everything in the superlative. Suffer ing from the last stages of cancer of the throat, he quickened the end by shooting himself in the head with a 22-riflc Saturday afternoon. He went about his last act unhurriedly, making all arrangements tn rau.u Ms neighbors as little bother as iks- t. l- , it. ., ISllllP. Mo left throo nf -ins. nr prrapp. mnrn. curcio ui er of Mrs. Smith, has joined Mr.written Instructions as to the and Mrs. Thomas Smith and fa- disposition of his property and mily at Burns Lake for a motnr f erson,al longings. Seventy dol-trip to Vancouver and other ilarshis available cash wa3 southern points. ei as,ue 'O meet an iunerai ex- .penses. He had made his ow.i Master Raymond Stanyer, vho'coffin' .which was of ve,low ced:,r recently met with n sm'nn. QJand painted a very vivid red. He cident at his father's sawmill at Waf j1 seen takinK a ,a!t ok Tchesinkut Lake, the amputation of necessitating 0UI n. Ve surroundings, the his left arm mo"niains and tne sky, bein? below the shoulder, is making a found ,,ead his carpenter shop good recovery at the Burns LakeSOme tw? ho"rs ,ater 1 1 , 1 1 ...III l ti. I LOTH in Nnrri'Qi anma atari... turn to his home shortly. :,f've, -veara af0- the cycle of lickstrom's life followed that of Mr. and Mrs. J. Straten of Wisconsin are visiting in Burns Lake as the guests of their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Nourse. Mr. and Mrs. J. Straten ir. anrl inn nf Michigan, Mr. Straten being Mrs. bourses brother, are also here. They ' J have "avc been urnn travelling LravtMlinir by 111" a great many other immigrants who reached the States durirc the era of railroad construction of the West following the construction crew, plying his trade of blacksmith. Later he came o Canada, working on the Grand I Trunk, building a cabin and lit. ing at Hazelton for a nnmU, rvf I -.-.wvw v lvj rent Flve-roomcd house with years- "e'has Hved motor and will visit several Am. here for the -.. MALE & FEMALE IIELI' erican points enroute home. past ten years. He has no known relatives in this country. He was a good neighbor, industrious and generous. A. D. Y. TWEEDSMUIR IS INVITED Terrace Canadian Legion Would i Entertain Governor General TERRACE. AUZ. 11: The Torraro Canadian Legion, at a meeting on! Tuesday last, decided to extend an invitation to Lord Tweedsmuir, while visiting this part of Canada, , to come to Terrace. It Is proposed ' to provide a reception and to show nun the beauties of Lakelse Lake, and the hot springs.there. . Business Man Of Vanrnnvpr Y T anCOUVCr Home u Hnm ted Church pastor at Burns Lake, Rev. Frank Bushfield and Mrs. Bushfield, was held recently a lopley Communily Hall which was tastefully AemmivA ;, From World Trip -..v 1 1 J I - flowers from local gardens. Mrs. I VANCOUVER, Aug. 11: Chris A. R. Horning and Mrs. George Spencer, president of David Coverington were in charge of Spencer Ltd., returned to Van-arrangements. The program in- couver yesterday on the liner eluded vocal numbers by the 'Empress of Russia from a trip Misses Bernice and Sylvia Cov- around the world. Except for the crington and Mrs. Ivor Howell, crossing of the Atlantic and Pa-with Mrs. Bushfield consenting cifc Oceans, most of his travel-to act as accompanist. By re- Iin? Was done by air. "By air is quest there vas als0 a duet by He up-to-date business man's Mr. and Mrs Knhfti.i i nutria r.r trawiitr... .i i t . - ......u. m a - - v.oniiiiiei uccictreu :tir. musical contest the prize win-,Sf)ncer. ners were Jiiss Bernice Coverington and Mrs. A. Winter rJ munity singing was also enioved Vancouver Wheat and ice cream, cake and coffte VANCOUVER, August 11; (Cana-were served. The evening's nro- dlan Press) Wheat n..a anJe..t.c,08etwUh the l21i on the Vancouver market singing of "God Save the King." yesterday. BIG FILM IS SHOWN "Fire Over England," Now at Cap itol Theatre, is Offering of Out-standing Interest "Fire Over England." an histori cal story of special interest set in the specious days of Queen Eliza beth when Spain was at the height of her power and England was beginning to show her strength. Is a mid-week attraction of outstanding Interest on the screen .of the Capitol Theatre here. Adventures of the characters and intrigue in high places make the picture a thrilling one. Court scenes with lavish costumes are featured in the film. The important part of Queen Elizabeth is played by Flora Robson, Today's Weather (OoTeromemt 1lgTph) Terrace Cloudy, south wind, temperature, 52. Alyansh Cloudy, south wind, 55. Alice Arm Cloudy, calm, 55. Stewart Heavy rain, south wind, 54. Hazelton Cloudy, calm, 54. Smithers Part cloudy, calm, 65. Bums Lake Clear, calm, 50. There are also many elaborate naval and military scenes of the day. In addition to Miss Robson, the cast includes Laurence Olivier, Viv. len Leigh. Leslie Banks, Raymond Massey and Tanara Desnl. The worth of the picture Is attested to by the fact that It was awarded the 1937 gold medal by the motion picture division of the League of Nations. Announcing ELIO'S Furniture Clearing SALE Starts Wed,, Aug. 11th, 9 a.m. on- Floor Covering Chesterfield Suite Bedroom Suite Stair Carpets . , Blankets Suit Cases Wardrobes Trunks Camp Stoves Tents Pack Sacks Toys English Prams Folding Carriers Folding Bridge Sets D. ELIO Furniture Exchange PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. I- Queen reign "TILLIE THE TOILER" TH,S gAPAf2TM'S FUL.U Op NfiVMLy MAfiRiED COUPLES THE EMTRANCH LOOKS IM- . , . i -Pro LET'S EE. OH.VES. "THAT F1T5 EVEKV DOOR VCU COULQ WALK TO -TUfH I "SHOP Pf&CM A MAGNIFICENT SPECTACLE OF GLORIOUS ROMANX snectacular and -Impressive romance adaDted from tv,. ' ivel by A.E.W. Mason destined for apermanent place in hi ?0IU of the world's greatest films, based on the life and 1 1 Elizabeth, the spirited daughter of Henry Vlir Vv01 was a time of liberty, progress and expansion. "ost ULLc-Vii At 7:39 and 9:47 Splendor and action unprecedented all the pageantry of 16th century England the thrilling fight against the Spanish Ar mada ... all the glamor of the days when Spain and Britain wrestled for supremacy of the seas . . outstanding performances by a cast of exceptional power . . FLORA UOBSO.V RAYMOND MASSEY LAURENCE OLIVIER LESLIE BANKS Also Musical "BARNYARD BROADCAST" and PUBLIC PAYS' (irime uoesn i ray series) TONIGHT and THURSDAY 2nd Show ai 9:08 nrr? The Sensation Northern B, C. i The New R.C.A. Victor BATTERY RADIO New 1938 Models are Really New and Set a New llith to Mile Radio' Greatest Value Featuring the Famous Malc Brain New Distance BooMer Continuous Tone Control Automatic Volume Control 20 to 1 Drive Ratio Illuminated Sunburst Type Dial rhonograph Connection Super Fine Cabinetry Plus Low Battery Dracn Economical Operation And of course All-Wave Round the World Reception I'lus the Sweetest Tone R.C.A. Victor Battery Sets are Triced from $37.75 to $111.93 Sold on Easy Terms Write or Call for Circular Showing These Sensational Battery Operated Radios Federal Block, 3rd Ave. UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Bteamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver; T.8.S. CATALA EVERY TUESDAY. 1:30 P3t Due Vancouver, Thursday p.m. T.8.S. CARDENA FRIDAY, 10:30 MH, Due Vancouver, Monday ajn. If convenient please purchas tickets at office, FArtiierwLn.!..rmaUon rtardln8 reservations and tickets from V' "EUMAN, Prince Rupert AenL Third Ave. Phone SSI If you lose anything try a classified ad. ' -ByWedover, ,