Wednesday, August 11, 1937. Bernice Palmer says . . . p..,,, familv amusement here ),a9 become classified and this is how it goes: Tuesday night moth- ler goes to the snow anu geis a tAieh ades' ovenware nigjuj, I Wednesday Dad goe ami hopes his dreams come true liHank Night, and Friday and . . (Saturday the whole family gos I and plays Screeno its a grep.t but fills the theatres and lines stand outside the doors waiting for the wicket to open an hour or more before the time. Thnso who don t stand on the sidewalk take a chance on hav ing to stand through two feature pictures, one comedy, on news and numerous advertise- nents Ovenware night Is just as pon. ular as Bank Night as every wo- present Is there with the resolve of completing her set of Ui?hes (never met anyone who has) and so, through good pic tures or bad, she sits every Hav night for 36 weeks. Most of jhem though like myself, end up with as heterogentous set of dis'i-13 as ever graced a table. You probably will have far more olhe dishes than soup plates and an pots than cups and saucers. And while we are on movies nait until you see Americas hewest heart - throb Fernad Gravet in "The Kinir and the Chorus Girl," He does thines to Hour heart with that smile of hisi find, for those maidens who give second mougnt 10 romance by iemote control, what a thrill! Oakland, CHEERIO. Mr and Mrs. Alex McLeod and Uld of London, Ontario, arrived the city on Monday afternoon's aln trom the east to pay a visit if re with Mr. McLeod $ mother. Irs. D. McLeod, Sixth Avenue West. Ttj a Dally News classified ad- rtlsemtnt for best results. fbone 18 and 81 I O. Itox 575 USSALLEIVTS ECONOMY STORE Quality Groceries Low Prices Courteous Service Prompt Delivery poat and out of town orders receive careful attention LOCAL NEWS NOTES Store Help Wanted. Experience not necessary. Apply McRae Bros. Ltd. (186) Hortlcultur Dinner, Commodore, Saturday, 0:30. Speaker, Professor Barss of University of B. C. (187) W. M. Brown, who has been to Pentlcton to attend the convention of the Provincial Command of the Canadian Legion, returned to the city pn the Prince Rupert this morning from the south., A. A. Gardiner, assistant general' passenger traffic manager, Cana. dlan National Railways, Montreal, Is a visitor In the city today. He arrived from Vancouver on the Prince Rupert this morning and, will proceed east on the evening train. , Dr. J. C. Poole of Fraser LaVr has been anuointed a cnnmer It playgrounds. There was a meeting1 of the club executive yesterday. Hotel Arrivals Central II. Melby and O. P. Austad, city; E. D. Cdomn, Blllmor; Lors Sana-berg and Lee Larsen, Port Edward; Bert Williams, C.N.R. Prince Rupert J. N. Browning, R. M. Johnstone, A. C. Lumsden, H. J. McConnell and P. L. Lyford, Vancouver; A. D, Matheson, Carlisle Cannery; Says the Electric Range And don't come back until dinner tlmel It's true you don't need to watch a dinner in an electric range. Just put It in, set the controls, then go away and enjoy yourself until dinner time. Electric cooking Is famous for Its flavour, and electricity Is the cheapest fuel you can use. Our it on for vou to have an electilc range In your kitchen. Flower Show Monday, all day. tf. 1 Just arrived l A new shipment of felt hats.-J"Mayfair." tf. tlx lor school now I All lines re duced. Fashion Footwear. elections commissioners. Official Visit To Oddfellows Provincial .Grand Master, William Carmlchael of Nanalmo, lte. THE DAILY NEWS FAU2- THRU Fine Picnic By Terrace Legion Enjoyable Outing Held at I.ak- else Lake on hunday TERRACE, Aug. 11: The branch of the Canadian Le- nofi gion organized a picnic Sunday at Laxeise .Lane' ana ijr. anu Garden Competition - Enter at11'- Af r'. themselves members th Leg,on' ki"1,y Ient tUer Daily News on or before Friday.'? Judging Saturday. (187) lIakew.d' summer home for the joccaRion. Trucks and cars a- Alex Murray, who lor many yearslf"lbl,d ,at 0'f n the yii-was a"d merrymak-who in the city serylce here but.'6 for some time now has,e th P' , , " ' ,Jr ranching at Doughty In the Bulkley L fJ?K iff.?1?"1! sirs trr KiXJJ' "Wle the old folks played, m m " ;or attempted to play, football. e veterans snowed surprising energy energy and ana skill skim at at the the game game, on( tu r v. n ,.r t . John Gurvich, G. W Johnstone v headed centre forward J. R. Murray, Harry Menzies, .,lng no fewer than gixteen M. Brown. A. J Gaetano Ciccone, Is announced in the B.C. Gazelte.l"0" o: rrince llupert,, Johan rt,course to his crutch ine i-nnce itupert uyro ujud was1 J'c"ia" oi uona uiver, a. u.i The, Wa Knatin o,i iu uiuuiiuy uusiiiess session ai us ",,u,:,i,u . rmiKer ui jnir ton an i ,l . regular weekly luncheon today with the president, Dr. l. N. Brocklesby. in the chair. Business consisted """" I 71 1 1 " ' .uuwcii, itmes uennoime oi gate, u. II. Jolliffe and II. scor- n..ji : :. -..I .w. is""'u Mils In spite of the prodigiour John Curne. At i v... .u ?;68tCa?,lIfa"e i v. . ad Rrt . fior., . ux keiiper, iti, who vviio on on occ occasionad ies made bus to provide such a spread as is , ,.,, . n ,,,. k.-t-vrnary ierDert proposed r largely of matters pertaining to the !eenf "'n Charlotte City toast to the host and summer acUvltles of the supervised !and l of Sandspit thought such a successful af- ' - ....... "Uftlli VU hCVUIilX an annual event. Captain J. B. Colthurst, In his usual happy manner, congratulated the athletic veterans on their prowesc In the football field, although ht thought the high jump recorded at the sports held during the af ternoon wag not so much. Twr feet one would not look much it print. I Tl . i . . I ceived ceived Last Last Mtht Night , T Hcainer was Iine- .Ve rfc" iiresnments were exceptionall good and everybody agreed tha' An official visit to the local Odd. the day had been an unqualifie fellows' Lodge was paid last night success. n by William Carmlchael of Nanalmo,1 Mpnriri.m Provincial Grand Master. Following F. S. Walton, rpadmaster for the ri n,n,n Mt,,. n n the lodge meeting, there was a so- Canadian National Railways, who Bloomfleld, Fort St. James; Mr. and cial Bothering In. which the Rebe- has been on a vacation trip to kahs There Vancouver and Vancouver Island yr Tii.r itiiv, r.ith- Mr Joined. were speeches and' Mrs. John L. Lazear. Mr.' and Mr- Carmlchael and by Mrs. "turned to the city on the Prince Mrs. Richards, K. Mellon and G. A. "orace Tattersai, district, deputy wis morning nb. ir PutcKnroh. now w grand , president pf the Rebekahs, Brown. Noranda," Quebec; G. j;nd?!Ptt.'pifge,-dl3trtcf"depuly rand master of Oddfellows. Chair- r an a w finmor mid. water, Michigan. Tf MC,laf aK VlC6" grand of Oddfellows, In the absence Royal 1 from the- city of the noble grand, E. G. Kingston, Vancouver; Mr. James Hadden. Community slnglhg and Mrs. F. Hovlck, Ketchikan. ; was enjoyed and Misses Jean Mc- Savoy ' Lean and Ruth Nelson played piano Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Smith, Albert Rolos. Dancing was indulged In and Perkins and Stewart Smith, Port delicious refreshments were served. Essington; K. Relte, I. M. Miller and Mr. and Mrs. Carmlchael leave on Mrs. R. Hill, city; E. D. Cromn, Bill- this evening's train for Jasper and mor; K. Falconer, Alice Arm; Mr. will return here, visiting Prince and Mrs. A. Murray, Doughty; C. F. George, Smlthers and Terrace en- A. Green, Terrace. route. mm t f4 Northern British Columbia Power Company Limited Your Favorite Picture Enlarged Framed and Colored Special $1.00 We ARE EXPECTED TO CLOSE SOON Hollywood Studios, 220 6th St. Mrs. James Adams, Greenville, Dies Well Known and Highly Esteemed Native Woman of Naas River Passes Away The funeral took place on Sunday in the Naas River native village of Greenville, of Mrs. Jam Adams and infant daughter, whose deaths had occurred a Mill Bay at the end of the week. There was a laYge congregation at the service in the Anglican Church where Rev. W. S. Cooper, the resident missionary, officia ted.' There was music by the Greenville and Aiyansh bands. Following the service, the funeral cortege was led to tin cemetery bv the Aiyansh liar monic Band. Members of the Aiyansh Young Men's Christian Association were active pall bearers and George Harrison, J. Connery, Watson Noble, Alan Cross, D. Matheson and J. Hay-hurst, honorary pallbearers. Friends came from as far away as the Skeena River to pay tri ' bute to the memory of Mr?. Adams who was well known ar.d' highly esteemed. There were nu merous beautiful floral tributes. Reach the most people In city md district with an advertisement In the Dally News. THE SEAL QUALITY GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only salmon canning company with an all the year round payroll in Prince Rupert KNITTING SUPPLIES We Have a Wide Range of Knitting Wools for Your Approval, Knitting Needles, Books, etc. Crofter A serviceable three-ply In several shades. A utility yarn of unusual value. Ball P. K. A four-ply pure botany wool of even texture In a large range of shades. Ball Arctic Two-ply crochet for suits, dresses, etc. In 10 shades Skein Patona A tweed effect yarn In various blends, popular yarn for suits or dresses. 2 ozs. for A very Made Ezzl A fast knitting yarn for sweaters, rugs, etc. In several popular shades. 2 ozs Sylvan Crepe A new silk and wool mixture In various Excellent for suits or dresses. Comes in pleasing shades. Oz 10c 20c 15c 55c 35c shades. 25c WALLACES Phone 9 Third and Fulton HALIBUT The source of Sunshine Vitamins A and D Boiled Halibut with egg sauce is digestible, palatable, satisfying. CANADIAN FISH & COLD STORAGE CO. LTD. Prince Rupert, B.C. BRITEN Flotation Process TOOTH PASTE It's New It's Different It Makes Them White Flotation Process Cleanses Hidden Angles Where Danger Lurks 29c Per Tube 2 for 53c Ormes Ltd. 37m Pioneer Druqtfists The KertU Store Phones: 81 & 82 Open Dally From 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays From 12 noon till 2 p.m, 7 p.m. till 9 p.m. 'Prince Rupert Vancouver-Jasper From any point 37 65 on th TrUniU This yearmakeit a "Triangle" Tour" via Vancouver I 600 mile through the sheltered vrateri of the "Insiile Passage" and 1300 miles of gome of Canada'i not majestic mountains. It's a grand holiday adtentiire. Vancourer U the gateway to the vait Pacific North west playground. There is a wealth of entertainment awaiting you . . . scores of places to see . . . many new things to do. Plan note for this fine vacation. Scenery! Outdoor sports! A cruise on a "Prince" ship! Gay, metro-politan Vancouver! There are few other trips that offer such a variety of holiday attractions. SIMMONS STUDIO COUCH With Bedding Compartment Fresh Local Raw And Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 637 Fart nel'ui meal and berth an tttamtr ufiiU at $a. Sea your naarttt aent he will be glad to helpyau. lplflailllLVILaVLBaaVBBa V-2- $40.00 We Have a Large Stock of Simmons Beds, Springs and Mattresses Phone 775 327 3rd Ave. West The Central Hotel 1100MS and CAFE Phone 51 for Best Household Coal MRS. C. E. BLACK Canadian I STEAMSHIPS I I COMMUNICATIONS I HcntLS I V' BHl ;w Pacific Trans-Atlantic Transcontinental Transpacific I To Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way Ports Princess Adelaide every Friday, 10 p.m. To Vancouver Direct Princess Alice Princess Lonlse Princess Charlotte Aur. 4th, 14th; Aur. 7th, 18th, 28th; Aur. 21th, Sept. 4th Connection at Vancouver with Canadian Pacific Services ? Tickets and Reservations from W. L. COATES, General Agent Prince Rupert, B.C. 3