dav Nnvgmber.5, 1937. IN GIFTS William F Canad Federal Block lan Register Before It's Too Late Votes will be given with every purchase from ndw until Christmas. One cent represents one vote. CONTEST OPENS NOVEMBER 3rd ENDS (DECEMBER 21th at 10 p.m. See Our Windows for Gifts and 'Details of How to Vote Make This a Merry Christmas for Everyone Stone CLOTHES OF DISTINCTION R.C. A. Victor "Radio's Greatest Value" Enjoy the Thrills of Short Wave Model 8f.k $109.50 Trade in Your Present Radio and Balance in Easy Terms Ask For Demonstration in Your Home Pacific Trans-Atlantic Tmnscontinental Trans-Pacific Falls and Way Ports To Vancouver via Ocean Princess Adelaide 'every Fr V- 10 NUKui , TO VANCOUVER DIRECT-PRINCESS Oct 29th. Nov. 8th, 18th, 29th WINTER EXCUUSION TO VANCOUVKIJ 1 J 1st, 1937 to I eb 28th. 1938 Tickets on Sale Nov. Final Return Limit Marchjlst, 1938 Pacific Services Canadian Connection at Vancouver with Tickets and Reservations from w. h. COATES, General Atent GLEAN FALSE TEETH-GET RID OF STAINS Ne w Ey Wy-N6 Bro.hin Str-KIn, 'mtilnr new dhcoYerjr, . Te-moYH blackett Ulni. Urnlth, UrUr like magic Jut put falie teeth or bridge In a ttaaoi Nrattr-andmdd Stera-Kleen powder. No TBenj bruihlnf . Recommended -by den-tit approved by Good Housekeeping. At all druggiittMoncj back if sot delighted. Miss Jessie McLenaghan, director of home economics for the Depart ment of Education with headquarters in Victoria, leavesby this even ing's train .for Prince George after having spent a couple of days in the city. Albert & WcCaffery Ltd. Twenty .years in the .coal business enables us to choose the best coals and .gives us the .experience necessary to serve our customers satisfactorily. Thone 116 117. Notice SeDarate sealed bids will be re ceived by the undersigned for Lots number 'one, number 3 and number four in Queen Charlotte City B.C; llHese lots belong to the estate of the late A. J. "Wilds. The highest 'or any "bid not necessarily accepted; Terms cash. JAMES H. THOMPSON' Executor. Drawer 1645, Prince Rupert,B.C. Announcements All .advertisements in this column rvlll be charged for a full month -at 25c a word. Boys Band bazaar and dance, November 5. Catholic Tea, Mrs. Roger's, Nov ember 10. 'Sonja S. O. N. Bazaar, Novem ber 12. S. O. N. Play and Dance, Nov ember 15. 19. Moose Carnival, November 17, 18, W. A. Canadian Legion Fall Baz aar, November 25. Lutheran Bazaar November 27. Cathedral Bazaar November 30, 30. Orange Scotch Dance, November United Bazaar, December 2. LADIES! .First Shipment of New Coats Arriyed Watch -Windows ,for New Styles Attractive Prices Inspection Invited GOLOBL00M THE OLD RELIABLE PAOii TH3 DAILY NaVTS -THRU LOCAL NEWS NOTES Honor the Dead . Help 'their .living comrades. Buy a poppy. Poppy Tag Day . , . November 6th. (258) Duncan p. Miller 'of the local Customs .House staff sailed last night on the Prince George 'for a vacation trip to 'Vancouver. Dr. Hueh Morrison. lnsnertor of schools, returned to the city on the Prince John last night from a! two weeks' trip to Queen Charlotte Island points -on official duties. &rlc S. Richardson, fisheries Inspector for the Queen Charlotte Islands arrived In the . city on the Prince John last night for a brief business visit here. He will.retum to the Islands tonight. At Its "weekly luncheon yesterday the Prince Hupert "Rotary Club decided to -donate the sum of $50 to the Navy League of Canada local branch to be used in connection with the fostering of the work of the Sea Cadets. Just Arrived 1 New shipment of shoes. Mayfalr. tf. Miss Tlorence Watt sailed last night on the Trince George "for a visit in Victoria. Olof Hanson, M.P. for Skeena, arrived in the city from Smithers on last night's train. William Chapman, for drunken ness, was fined $25. with option of seven days' imprisonment, in city police court this morning. Neil Cameron sailed onthe'Prlnce George last night for Victoria, hav ing been called there on, account of his mother's illness. ,R. G. Mackenzie, Queen Charlotte Cltv hotel Droorietor. and Mrs. Mackenzie arrived in the city on the Pjmce John last nignt and sanea on the Prince George for a trip to Vancouver. Allan. Cross, who has been spend ing the season on the Naas and Skeena Rivers in the service of the "B. C. Packers, sailed last -night on the Prince George for vancou ver. Canadian Legion, B.E.S.L. Church Parade, Sunday, November 7 to BaDtist Church. Fall In at Legion Clubrooms at 10:30 a.m. Medals and berets to be worn . . . LEST WE FORGET. (259) CaDt. Gerald H. "Barry, inspectoi of Indians (schools, -sailed lasfrnleht by the Prince George on his re turn to Vancouver after having spent the past couple of weeks in this, district on official duties. Dr. H. N. Brocklesby of the Prince RuDert Fisheries Exrjerl mental Station and E. E. Kuchei; Australian scientific student, will sail tonight on the Princess Ade laide to visit California pilchard reduction plants. They will be away about three weeks. C. J. Ouantlc. suDerintendent of motive power "for the -Canadian National Railways at Vancouver and J. W. McAulev. divisional mas-- ter mechanic with headquarters at Prince .George, arrived in tnc; citv -on Jast nieht's train In the course of a trip over the line and will leave by this evenings train on their return to the interior. H. Silverthorn, well known rancher of Houston in the Bulki ley Valley, who arrived in the city recently after having spent the summer engaged in mining in the' Tagish Lake district near Carcrossjl is planning to spend -the winter in Prince Rupert, probably paying a visit to Houston. He expects to go back to Tagish Lake next season, FOR SALE FOR . SALE Milking goats and two Billy goats. Jim Postuio. (263) FOR SALE Engine and circular snr n PhilllDson. 1730 Atlln Ave. of owner. H. a'. Helgerson, Ltd. Joseph ?Cook Is sailing tonlghton the Prince George "for ,a trip to Vancouver. - Roger Powell, (Indian, -was fined $10, -with option if seven days' imDrisonment. In city police court yesterday afternoon for drunken ness and "was assessed ,an ,addl- tlonal .-$5. or five days, Tor declin ing to .reveal -the -source rot .his liquor supply. He ,1s doing the twelve days. City Solicitor E. F. Jones, after havine been a Datlent in the Prince Rupert General Hospital for some months, is now sufficiently recovered to leave the institution and Is at present staying at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Allen. Third Avenue. "With the aid of crutches, he is now able to be aTound. A.'P. Allison and T. AKelley, well known Queen Charlotte Island log ging "operators, came north from Vancouver to the Islands on the present voyage of the steamer Prince John. Mr. -Allison .disembarked at Cumshewa -Inlet and Mr. Kelley at Murchlson Island. :Camps are being now gradually closed ddwn for the -winter. I I 1 1 'Tolds" mav come With lowered resistance often due to constipation. Kellogg's All-Bran. absorbs water forms -a soft mass promotes . elimination. Serve as a cereal with milk or cream, or in recipes. Eat two table-spoonfuls daily. Sold by all grocers. . . KITCHEN Range. Cheap , for casn-1 i-BONE ROAST fFJ " i ppr u factory. (259) PERSONAL (258). FREE SAMPLE A perfect cleanser and sterilizer for false teem. Write KLEERO CHEMICALS, Box 566. Vancouver. B.C. (259) NURSERY STOCK Ati-ftDiulL. JONES Family Market Phone 957 AND Phone 9a7 Fulton Meat "Market Phone 683 Phone 683 Specials ! VEAL VEAL STEAK 20Cl ' Per lb. RUMP BOAST VEAL O p Per lb FILLET. OF VEAL 25C Per lb. M -lb. SHOULDER OF, VEAL -'gjQ STEER BEEF SIRLOIN TIP Per lb -lb. POT-ROAST Phone Red 624. 258)1 PRIME RIB ROLL cnM win Per lb. ... I mfi T" Tin CT . acceDt sealed -bids, handlea w n.w strictly confidentially up to Nov, Per lb. 15th. Terms subject to approval I SIRLOIN steak. Per lb. ROUND . STEAK 3 3 lbs. IDS. LEO i OF LAMB .Per lb SHOULDER OF LAMB Per lb LOIN OF LAMB By .piece. Per lb. DUTCH BULBS, Trees, Shrubs, l" rw Roses, etc., catalog on request. -ry. Agent Wanted, Empire Garden buuuuuuv v PORK Nurseries. R.R.3, New Westmin- rerio - ster, B.C. (258) COTTAUt; nwuir-r Per lb . Trrrnn rr Ci U P AYRSHIRE BAUUIM AU 1U3 TUlV BHUr, ,u 4 Vl FIAT DISTRIBUTORS are . opening . POULTRY 18c 50 c 18c 15c 20c 50c 20c 25c 15c 22c 22c 18c 25c 25c in your territory ed;e ' I fresh KILLED ROASTING OAp 6M, Demonstrators available. .Three ,b models ranging irom seven norse- CHICKEN tITrT,vr cp I BOILING g&C power to fifteen, BrlUsh rating. Lowest priced closed ail steei ny- "1 .KILLED ' TT . Timum TURKEY- o n FRESH JQg draulic brake cars in Canada. i ii i uu....Ai Per lb. Auto Sales, Victoria, B. C. (262) j nvery cup a , . - .V4 qa.d front tea.A "SALADa TEA SOI See our assortment of 1937 Christmas Cards Now on Display Come in and Choose Your Cards Now We Will (Hold Them for You A Vast I'rice Range from 3 for 5c Shop Early It Pays ; : Be Sure to Cast Your Votes in Our Prize Contest Voting is Now On One Vote With Every Cent Purchase Ormes Ltd. "Jiip. Pioneer Druqgists The ReiMl Store Phones: 81 tt'-tt Open Daily From , 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays From 12 noon till 2 p.m, 7 D.m. till 9 p.m. Foothills coal will suit jour stove, Bulkley Valley will warm ,your toes, I NanalmcWelllngton is Just For Stove, Range, Heater or . anything. Purchase Your Coal From PHILPOTT EVITT & CO. LTD. Phones 651 652 UNION STEAMSHIPS SPECIAL WINTER EXCURSION RATES TO VANCOUVER FROM PRINCE RUPERT FROM PORT SIMPSON 32 00 RETUN' meals CQC AA RETURN. Berth iJuDUU included. Reduced Rates to Vancouver also apply from Intermediate ,polnts. . Special Tickets on Sale Be'tween November 1st, 1937 and February 28th, 1938, Inclusive Good to Return up to March 31, 1938. Children Half Fare. Steamers : Leave Prince Rupert : Ar. Vancouver S.S. CATALA Tuesday, 1:30 p.m. Thursday, a.m. S.S. CARDENA Friday, 9:00 p.m. Sun., Midnight Tlckets-and Reservation? from Prince Rupert Agent -A. W. NEWMAN Third Ave, Phone 568 If Convenient Please Purchase Tickets at Office LAM) UEOISTKY ACT to Lots Thirteen (13) d F?u"f (14)) Block -nine (). the neme of WiUlace taiiifley ha been mt thltf attivji ran. IT 1A Bivoi tliat I shall. ut to xplrfctkm flrrt publlofttlon. iveiwt, laeue pro-vlsloiMil Cert.Ulctt.Uj of Title la lieu o? eeld loot 'ccrtukt, nue meantime valid objection he made to me mjwTKing. Prtooe Rupert. B. C thta 23rd. dy of October. 1937. ANDREW THUiu-oun, Deputy Relatrar of TltW- I.ANH ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to Lease iLand r n.,n.iM Tjinit Recording DUtrtct of Brltteh Columbia, and iw- Take notice that Frank Waterman ioi teoida t Piply for of aeecriDea '"- lowing . . OoSmeiiclng at a poet Pi E.nir of White Band Ijland and Sfnceloo few N, W.; thence. 00 It N E? SncTsoo frt 8. E. and can-taming 13 acre.. Dated Auguat M, ml.