Today's Weather (I AM.) prince Rupert Raining, southwest wind, eleven miles per hour; barometer, 29.63 (rising rapidly); moderate swell. Tomorrow's Tides High 3:00 a.m. 19.0 It. 14:36 p.m. 20.8 It. Low 8:51 a.m. 8.3 ft. 21:25 p.m. 4.0 ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER XXVI., No. 258. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1937. PRICE: 5 CENTS lasL Hies Heavy In Oriental Waf i V 'ILL SIT SHORTLY ,tll Commission Expects to ,mpletc Hearings by July! and Make Report Before End of 1938 ' iTTAWA. Nov. 5: (CP) Hon.; irtori Wtsley Rowell, chairman of Royal Commission on Domln--federal relations, states that IS STIFFER Icvfd That it May Be Bolstered United Stales Premium in London tnw YORK. Nov. 5: A sharp lance in the price of the pound ! ling yesterday lent strength to jrlsthat there might be" an ln-1 isc In the price of gold. In Lon-ivesterday a premium of 13c! ounce was being paid for gold. Industrial average In New York i trading yesterday was off I, nils, off ,11, and utilities, up Capture , Sice okane Bandit Robbrd Hank in Inland f.mpire City ot $1300 Trapped In Woods I. ... r iookanc bank of $1500. a lonel ndit was trapped by police In the J I Mrs. McDames Of Kitzegukla Passes Away I - i KITZEGUKLA. Nov. 5: Las Tuesday Mrs. Arthur McDames j wd peacefully away at her home In the presence of the family. Mrs. McDames had been a fsident In this town for many fears. She was married about 48 Wars ago and had been a grand-, Wither for many years. i The Illness was very brief. Three weeks ago she seemed compara-; fdy well, Her death came as a nock. Homo services were held In the . t --"M win, uu i ucduuy i; iw 1'icn rtcv. B. Black officiated. .On" fliursday evening the Ladles' Aid Jnl Choir of the United Church pi another service. I On Friday afternoon u large, Public service was conducted 1 gl Salvation Army Hall by Capt Riklnson ot Olen Vowell. assisted p Cant Halvorscn of Hazelton 'o Kc-v B. Black. variotix Wot , ivvhi UtgaillliaVlVlliJ TVV41 'went in a body the Ladles' 'At 1 " the trnlinrt rl, ,,,!, nnrt Ihn WmC LcamiP NnnwrniM fr(lnri.l "'WC to the fnnfrnl Thn KPrvlce IllClllflorl I ... . . 1. -vvi upciung nymn ana pray- Mrs. casket several French Vessel Reported Sunk BARCELONA, Spain, Nov, 5: A French merchant vessel was reported to have been sunk In the Mediterranean Sea olf Barcelona yesterday by bombing planes believed to be Spanish Insurgent. , TODAY'S STOCKS (Courtcay S'. D, Johnston Co.) Vancouver Stocks B. C. Nickel, ,10. Big Missouri, .40. Bralorne, 8.00. Aztec, ,07. Cariboo Quartz, 1.62. Dentonla, .12. Golconda, .0G. Mlnto, .04'2 Falrvlcw AmaL, .04. Noble Five, .04. Pend Oreille, 1.65. Pioneer. 3.70. . Porter Idaho. .03 'z. ' Premier, 133. Reeves McDonald, .30. ' JVeno, .76. Relief Arlington, .17. Reward, .06. Salmon Gold, .07. Taylor Bridge, .04. Hedley Amal., .07. Premier, Border, -01 V'-Sllbak Premier, 2.00. "" ' Congress; .02y4. Silver Crest, .042. Home Gold, .01'i. Grandvlew, .07?s. Indian, .01. Ouatslno CoDDcr. .03. Qucsnclle Quartz, .05. Oils A. P. Con., .27'2. V Calmont, .37. . " C. & E.. 1.82. . Freehold, .03. McDougal Scgur, .17. Mercury, .15. Okalta, .91. Home Oil, 1.10. Toronto Stocks Beattle, 1.25. Central Patricia. 2.50. Oods Lake, .57. Little Long Lac, 5.15. McKenzle Red Lake, 1.17. Pickle Crow, 5.50. Red Lake Gold Shore, .24. San Antonio. 1.45. Sherrltt Gordon, 1.30. Smelters Gold, .01!'2. McLeod Cockshutt, 1.05. ' Oklend, .13at. Mosher, .11. Francoeur, .45. Moneta Porcupine, 1.81. Bouscadlllac, .13. Thompson Cadillac, .37. Bankfleld, ,70. East Malartlc. .89'2- Preston East Dome, .91. Hutchison Lake, .10. Dawson White, .03. Aldcrmac, .45. Kerr Addison, 1.79. Uchl Gold, .85. Martin Bird, .35. Int. Nickel. 44.75. Noranda, 47.50. Smelters, 55.00 Athona, .15. Makes Donation (Drought Sufferers - "j vuMi,, naivorscii, uiiuh-iui o w.. "So,,,"Sln Saskatchewan song by Glen Vowell ifatT. v,rs' m- wcslcy a,a M. nMncerl at the Prince ant Thii.1.1 Rupert t?1itrt. ri,InC Com,nulty Brass Band, un- that t C ,Cidcrshlp of Douglas Wes- raised r follnurri ii, i to the ii. n as as .u the . funeral l!-... ..rl "lQUicr In the community and Vlil Rotary luncheon yesterday he sum or jiui.iu nu from among the members .nnir hn nn or me emu drought sufferers Saskatchewan, The money win ic donated conditional to Its being ex pended in the purchase oi .irozcn, canned or smoked fish. ;SCHACHT IS i tconuiiiaaH fcv few lew cur days hearings by July 1 next year., 44 tlnue to' wrings I" iJWWaii vvtuiuuia aiiuj lit mIamm l TittllinM! iCrta WUi taKC yiatc in uoiiuai february, Mr, Rowell Indicated. i' I0LD PRICE CONTINUING Consents to Continue to Function as, Acting; Minister of Economics BERLIN, Nov. 5: Following a1 conference with General Herman Goerlng, chie-f lieutenant of Chancellor, Adolf Hitler, Dr. HJalmar Schacht, whose resignation as min-, lster of economics was accepted a. ago, consented to con- function as acting minister. In this way, the government, it Is said, hopes to retain the goodwill which has been built up by Dr. Schacht. Movie Czar Is Awarded Medal i . In Recognition of Outstanding Work on Behalf of Moving Picture This Year HOLLYWOOD. Nov. 5: Will Hays has been awarded the gold medal for outstanding work during the year for the advancement of moving pictures. The presentation will be made on January 7. ELECTION I FAR OFF r Will. be no. Federal Contest In Can ada Before 1910, Premier King says OTAWA, Nov. 5: (CP) A general election In Canada is not likely before late In 1940 unless some unforeseen contingency arises. Premier William Lyon Mackenzie King Indicated yesterday In commenting ton recent rumors of an early ap-I peal to the people which he wished to set at rest. Political iorecasters might possibly be right If they pre dicted an election well along to wards 1941, the Prime Minister hinted. Many Pay Final Tribute To Late "Dick" Sheppard inNnnv. Nov. 5: (CP) After thousands had filed past his bier to pay their final respects as his remains lay in state, the Tuneral of Very Rev. "Dick" Sheppard took place yesterday. There was a brief service In his old church of St. ;Martln's-ln-the-Fleld, where he .irrinrt nn for vears the social ser vice and preaching which made him j famous, alter wnicn me iohihu ad vice took place In St. Paul s Roosevelt Back In Capitol Now Had Conference Yesterday Willi Mayor LaC.uardia Bctorc waving New York WASHINGTON, D.O., Nov. 5: President Franklin D. Rooscvui returned to the Capitol by train today from New YorK wncrc has been spending some time at Hyde Tark. He lias several conferences to attend before the op- ...... i Efisslnii nf CollCrcSS 111 tdl days. Before leaving New York ycsler-trioiit Roosevelt had a thirty minute meeting with Mayor Finrrtla LaGuardla. Postmaster In '.Tames Farley and Works Progress Administrator Harry Hopkins also being In attendance. There was no announcement as to the suoject of discussion. BULLETINS WINDSORS SAIL 'TOMORROW PARIS The puke and Duchess of Windsor today disregarded a protest of the Baltimore Federation of Labor, which was endorsed by William Green, president of the A.F. of L., against "slumming parties professing to help and study 'labor," and proceeded with plans to sail tomorrow for their United States tour. A representati ve'bf the Duke said that no change in arrangements had been made tor contemplated. The Baltimore tabor Federation on Wednseday condemned the Duke for planning a tour of the United States with Charles E. Redaux as guide, terming I5e-daux, an industrial engineer, as an arch-enemy of Labor, The resolution contained the "slumming party reference," suggested Nazi sympathies of the Duke and observed that the Duchess had . never lever before before evinced evinced any any Interest Interest r, in the welfare of the laboring JH In YlCtOHa i classes. The Duke and Duchess sail on the Bremen tomorrow. NEW AIR RECORD AGUA CALIENTE Establishing a new record of four hours and fifty-four minutes for the flight from Vancouver to Agua Calicnte, Frank W Fuller arrived here yesterday afternoon and then proceeded to San Diego. TWEEDSMUin HONORED TORONTO The honorary degree of Doctor of Literature was conferred upon the Governor General, Lord Tweedsmutr, by McMastcr University yesterday at the annual convocation which he addressed. STRIKE1 EXTENDS DRUMIIELLER, Alberta The strike in protest at timbering condition!) In Drumheller coal mines has extended. Six hundred miners are now on strike and four collieries are closed down. JACK McAULIFI E DIES NEW YORK Jack McAuliffe, former world's lightweight champion and one of the noted figures of the early days of pugilism died at his home here yesterday at the age of seventy-two. He was undefeated champion, having retired in 1892.' catch of black cod. I Tighten Up Regulations On Trading I . VICTORIA, Nov. 5: (CP) 4. linn rinnlitii WiMner. in the Legislature yesterday, announ- ccd the Introduction of legls- latlon providing for new regu- latlons governing ,MLfi stock r. trading iiauutb calling at residences. TO RUN IN I: SCALING , INCREASE Production of Logs This Year Sub-' stantially Higher Than Year Ago Timber scaling In Prince Rupert forcs'try dLstrict for the present year to date has reached a total of 114501,459 board feet as compared with 122,127,338 board feet In the ' first ten months of 1936. The scale for this November was 23.751.883 i7irTADi a U tabinet Will . VICTORIAu R Prof. King Gordon is C. C. F. Choice for Federal By-election VICTORIA, Nov. 5: (CP) Prof J. King Gordon has been named Co-operative Commonwealth Federation candidate to contest Victoria in the federal by-election tc fill the vacancy caused by the death of the late Hon. Dr. S. F Tolmle, It was announced last night. Prof. Gordon was runner-up in the general election In 1935 being defeated by Dr. Tolmle oi. that occasion by less than one hundred voles. Prof. Gordon, whose headquarters are In Montreal, is the son of the late Dr. Charles W. Gordon (Ralph Connor) who died In Winnipeg a few days ago. Hospital Meet Practically ' Every Institution Province Represented at Convention in VICTORIA, Nov. 5: (CP) With practically every hospital In 111 the MIA, board feet In comparison with 19,- American (iOZ.yai Doara ieci m uciouer ijo. I Scaling figures for this October were as follows, figures In the same month last year also bein shown for comparison: Douglas Fir ... 1,920,905 ; Cedar ..' 1,733,244 ' Spruce 10.292,125 The local halibut boat Lois N. Hemlock 8,076,304 was In port this morning with a Balsam ... 1,688,841 ja nnn ,Jackplnc I Miscellaneous A A J V VUUMVV K' 193 - - -t this October as compared wlth.52,- 166 In October 1936. tic urn caocu VICTORIA, Nov. 5: Premier T. D. Pattullo (CP) intl- mated yesterday in the Legts- Invaders Swarming Across Soo- lat.urp that, if the House adoDtS the bill providing for the es- tablishment of a new govern- ( mental department of trade i and Industry, the cabinet would be Increased from eight to nine members. 1 ! Today Weather i Government ""rlegrapn i Tjiple Island Cloudy, showery, southwest wind, 28. miles per hour; 'JAPAN IN 4 ASCENDANT IN BATTLE chow Creek Towards Shanghai And Are Also Advancing Elsewhere At Brussels Mediation Committee to be Named Today Hitler Suggested As Umpire But is Not Likely SHANGHAI, Nov. 5: (CD-Japanese troops are continuing to swarm acrbss Soochow Creek and are holding a weageuKe posuwu t Langara Island Cloudy, showery three miies from the city. Vigorous light westerly wind; barometer, Chinese counter-attacks are rc-29.66; temperature, 47; sea rough, suiting In heavy casualties among , Dead Tree Point Showery, light e Japanese forces which are, southwest wind; barometer, 29.80; however, holding their ground de-temperature, 40; light swell. spite the stiff resistance. Estevan Raining; barometer, Forty -two Japanese warships 30.08. have moved into position on the Bull Harbor Light rain, wester- whangpoo River In the heaviest ly wind, five miles per hour; bar- naval concentration so far in the ometer, 29.90; temperature, 44; light war. It Is believed that the Jap swell. Alert Bay- 41. anese intend to land In the ln- -Light rain, light east-; dustrlal area across the Whangpoo . . .. . in. . m - iu mM4.An11c province represented, me annual T , . Kt ,,i Perature S9; sea smooth. th?T" 2,' convention of the British Columbia Victoria-Clear, westerly wind., H he Japane se torn Hospitals' A-ssoclatlon is In progress hour. ing. Today it was reported .they 14 miles hnrr. nirph manaizin.? per h w Pe- SEv ni The Ll TruSS Vancouver-Clearing. - barometer, were within fourteen miles of the retary of the Prince Rupert, Gen- Gen- capital of Shansl Province. .Fifty ISS of Shanghai.' 'Japan- that institution. temperature. 38. J ese are reported to have been land- Alyansh Raining, windy, 42. ea. Alice Arm Raining, southwest Brussels Conference wlnd 45 . j BRUSSELS, Nov. 5:-The sub- r.i.. cm.fhnrpct. tuinri.' committee of the Nine Power Con- nUVUA VIUUUJT,. ovww.nv. , . Stewart Cloudy, calm, 40. Hazelton Cloudy, 38. Smlthers Cloudy, calm, 38. Burns Lake Clear, calm, 29. NO MORE SHINGLES Market Closed to Ca nadian Imports for Remainder Of Year Local Company Incorporated Shell Fish Packing Concern Form cd With Capital of $10,000 vTrrroitTA. Nov. 5: (CP) Prov- rnrriwnnd this October totalled incial Incorporations this week In- 289 cords as compared with 125 elude that of the Prince Rupert China and Japan in effecting peace Is to be named today. Tho conference yesterday decided on this course as a substitute to tho scheme of sending a second invita tion to Japan to attend the conference. There was skepticism In conference quarters in regard to a report that Chancellor Adolf Hitler might be named umpire of the dis pute between Japan and China. It was hardly likely, it was thought, that China would be willing to ac cept Hitler as a mediator with P.ormnnv nlrpnri hnnnrl hv frpnlv J to Japan. - . At . Berlin Hitler said yes- - WASHINU'IUN. U.K... IV.-. - All United States ports have Deen , ; with view to be- Sosed "formally a 839,341 to Canadian shingles for L P1" of the dispute He 3,143,343 remainder of the year, it was ," . ... " ..... . 'would not. however, assume the 6,360,449 announced last nliht. the quota ne saia. umess Dom s.aes 5,848.021 limit for the year having been ex- ln advance to hls 3,135.405 hausted. The quota was actually' 98,438 reached on November 1 but since 237.954 then hundreds of carloads have J Totals 23,751.883 19,662,951 been shipped. No more will now be I Forest Products taKen unui nexi January. ' The scales of poles and piling for this October totalled 206.390 lineal feet, of which 179,583 lineal feet was cedar. 25,379 hemlock, 1200 fir and 228 spruce, as compared with 79,-614 lineal feet In the same month last year. ! A total of 14,438 ties 14,050 jack-pine and 388 hemlock was counted Would Declare War TOKYO, Nov. 5: (CP)-Japan-ew naval authorities yesterday proposed a super-war cabinet for Japan and a formal declaration of war against China. Fine Photographs Of Governor's Trip To Arctic Circle while 71 cords of fence posts were .shell Fish Packing Co. Ltd. with txin of Governor General Tweeds- i-j i H, Inct nnrfpfl nnnlt.n1lTal.lnn nf $10,000 and head ronlr Hnurti fh MapKpnT.lp RIvpi SCalcU Hi lii" j u v.. - - . . - .iu ; - - In the province. The idea, the whereas none was counted a year office at prince unpen, ine con- to the Arctic are published in Attorney General explainea, ago. ,ccn' Vtlll uaa 4 JUil ""'Ul' - w " ' 'ie- '1C oi Ul VVIA'UVl ucvuow Afi . A mcj lit J uiuuuo I1IV4UUU was to retain confidence In the investments of the province, particularly mining. The am- endments endments to to be be presented presented to to selling shares to the public to Inform the government lm- mediately of any material change In financial set-up and forbid stock salesmen from canvassing by telephone or 1 WUr.t Rupert. VANCOUVER. Nov. 5: (CP) The - , -r wheal price was off hHntt In I OTlirOl 1-illUI I 1U VU1111U1 a,i the Leclsiature. amonc other .V.(.,., , i,tu ,. - - UKU1II VMi'fiuo w 'it 4 J. 1 tiiiiitm 1. 1. ...Ml will fnrri? 4,.nn r.omnanles nniMft'in AG 4 17 . . . . ing to $1.20',s today. BEEF PRICES IN VANCOUVER FIRM VANCOUVER. Nov. 5: Beef prices continue firm on the Van- ..,..,nt Willi (.nip tnt.n mnt? construction of a plant at Prince some good pictures of the Gover- Price Of Coffee Being Abandoned of Eskimos as well as landscape views of the country. The work of the missions at Aklavik is also I I shown. I Another series of pictures In the same magazine snows ine Stranee Story of Archibald, the Arctic," Archibald being the Anglican BlshoD. Dr. Fleming's dlor RIO DK JANEIRO. Nov. 5: (CP) cese Includes, thousands of miles 158 head yesterday, best steers sold The Brazilian government yester- or very sparseiy lnnaoHmcu at $7 Closing prices were: steers,! day announced abandonment of Its try within the Arctic Circle. $5 50 'to $6.75: heifers, $4.50: cows, efforts to control the price of cof-, The pictures were taken by Miss j3 ,fee. . j Margaret Bourke White.