PAGE TWO the daily news E We Carry a Complete Line of Men' WORKIN GB SO Up 00 Thurstons, Paris, Greb, Sismans and Valentine Makes Guaranteed Solid Throughout Priced From The Home of Good Shoes "POOR MAN'S PARSON' TS THE DAILY iNEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - British Columbia Published Every Afternoon. Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited, Third Avsnue H. F. PULLEN Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION KATES City delivery, by carrier, yearly period, paid In advat.ce tor leaser periods, paid In advance, per week By mall f fl to all parts of . British . Columbia, the British Empire and uuiia oiaies, yearly period, paid in advance 8y mall to all other countries, per year . - , ADVERTISING RATES Classified advertising, per word, per insertion Local readers, per line, per insertion Advertising and Circulation Telephone J8 :eirs Department Telephone 86 DAILY EDITION Member of Audit Bureau ot Circulations Huge Sun Spots In Sight Again tA"i?rT J"1, .oor man's parsoV' and vlca? , ul . ' "aT,int Kngiand, is shown above with the i. police chief of Monts, France, prior to mar-rying.the Duke of Windsor and Mrs. Wallis WarfWd at the. Chateau de Cande, home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Be-,deaux,.Re.v. 11. A. Jardine, who did not consult eccleslas-authorities for permission to marry the couple told newspapermen, "I consulted only my own conscience." 15.00 . .10 3D0 9.00 J02 .25 Tuesday, August 17, 1937. the largest evr observed in New YoA-'The larger ofMhe two, he said, is bigger than Jupiter, greatesf planet in the solar sys- -' teai and its diameter is about Seen With Naked Eye They Indi- one-eighth that of the sun. ' caie norm Lenires nnirnng , The spots were first noticed bv jHjigh S. Rice, associate in astronomy at the American Mb- NEW lORh. Aug. 17: CP) Mum of v9irai uii- u , New Yorkers, who wanted to see plained that sun spots are stoim spots before their eye, recent! centres, caused by the whirlpool took a look at the sun. Two exchange of gaseous material large spots, covering between from internal layers of the sun lr300th and llOOth of the sun's to the surface. The large spot, surface, could be observed with hp said. I ine naked eye. exDulsion nf : '.Murray. SHOW WAS GOOD ONE Sum of $10.90 Taken Resides Membership Fees Garden Entries .Ranked In the larger garden comDeti- tion those who wer ranked bv the judge other than the prize winners were in the following or- Uier: Charles Balagno. 78 points. (special commendation): R. w Scherk, 78; Dr. J. T. Mandy, 76; J. Wynne, 4; J. Naylor, 72; J. Fuller, C8; Mrs. McDougall. 6C: R. Moore, 65; T. Collart, 63; T, was scored and obtained 81 points but was not for comDeti- tion. For the smaller gardens 25 ft or under. J. R. Murrains garden scored 67 points and Lance Styles 64. Winners In the flower show yesterday were: Three red roses F. J. FulW. I Mrs. J. T. Mandy. Three pink roses Mrs. S. Ma- sey. F. J. Fuller. Thre white roses F. Riffmi. r . J. r uller. Three rosesanv color or vari. r n y v r. .eaiagno, F. J. Fuller. One ro.e anv color T. Piiv Mrs. C. Balagno. Bet rose in show T. RcaMr. Antirrhinum Mrs. S. K. lurray. Calendula i(rs. Casprson, !. Dr. Clyde Fisher, curator of side of the sun. j Calendula (mixed) Mrs. Mas-scribed them as "a remarkably The sun spots would travel 'sey- fine pair." He said they across the sun's face to the left, Any other annual, not classi- the only ones he had ever seen the scientist said, and would b fiH, D- G- Borland, D. G. Bor- a iciv.iL-iipc aim jKi.osiny visiuie ior aoout a week What Droved to bo a verv sue-' cessful flower show loed Iat( inigbt at ien o'clock after it h-adj wren ifsiieu dv over lour buna-; led neosle most nf whom wet (keenly .Interested in inspecting i jine product of the local garden. land a number of who were seei: ing to lafn what could be grow . wijh success in (Prince Ruprt so that ther nught trv to do tl.; jsajue. Qwing to the recen" rains lth HTklkl'l. . ; large aa last year but coltaeys .dahlias were fine, roes veo good and there was an exhibit o gladioli, which, considering tit? season, was wonderful. Thp tntsk nrruHa nf iha sAir were 40.9O-but a number of the .visitor took niit mpmhorhin 'tickets in the organization, thei I1 m nf l7 Y.d n kanflail I- f-rrpf.l rv Hnrincr t h n rtav mpt tf . which had been collected fromi imemoersnip dues previous to the Ishow. j Among those taking a leading part in the work yeslerday was a group of ladies including Mrs. ,R. M. Winslow, Mrs. N'eal Carter, ;Mrs. C. J. Norrinwton. and Mr J. T. Mandy. President Charles' t Balagno and Secretary Frank (Warne were ably assisted by Frank Dibb, Walter Vance and otners. land. 'Dibb. Higjily cpmmended, F. Sweet Peas, named varities T. Beattie. : Sweet peas, one vase T. Beat-ty. Mrs. K. Warne. C.ladiola M. Stracian, Mrs. C, Campbell. Hladiola. One vase (mixed) Mrs. R. M. Winslow. Dahlias- Pompon Only one entry .Mrs. S. Massey. Dahlias. One entry H. F. Pul len. Dahlias. Deeorative W. H Sherman sr. Dahlias, 0 blooms J. R. Mar ray, Mrs. R. M. Winslow. Dahlias, Coltnes J. R. Murray,. .Balagno. Dahlias. Any bedding dahlh other than coltness F. Dibb, r Dibb. SpecjaJ prize of 24 coltness dahlia tphers donated by C. Balagno .for best dahlia in show -W. Sherman sr. Best .vase of perrennials Mrs i C. Strachan, j. Shield. Bst -vase or ;1kw1 of cut flow-' ers Mrs. N. -M. Carter, Mrs. I' F. Pullen. Pansies Mrs. H. rasnpr. Mrs. D. 0. Borland. Best general display of flowers (n one container Mrs. V. Cat-person, Mrs. D. 0. Borland. Geranium Mrs. H. F. 'Pullen. Beironla Mrs. T ff wi'At J. R. Murray. Begonia, hanging or nendula Mrs T. C. Wilding, Miss Elsie Finlay. Flowering plan! Mrs. D. Mc-Rae, Fred Riffou. Coleiis h; -DuHamel, Mrs. Longwill. Foliage plant, any .variety BRADDOCK STILL SIGNING FOR ADMIRERS a iuicr Dijij weight champion James J tiraddocK ,i ;i.i signing but now it's autog rapbs for his youthful admirers. -Here a few would-be-psmfs of the iO's help while away a few moments TODAY'S STOCKS Vancuve r Stocks B. C. Nickel. ..17. Big Missouri, 32. Bratorne, 75. B. R,..Con, Jh-Aztec, .iBii. Cariboo Quaru. 138. Dentoniaw.lJii. Dunwell, SO.. Golconda, S9. Mlnto. Ji. Meridianr.01. Fairvtey Amal., j06. Noble Five. J06i. Pioneer, 35. : Porter Idaho, .06. Premier, 2.36. Reeves McDonald, 1.00.."' ' Reno, .91. Relief Arlington, 21. Reward, .08. Salmon Gold, .7. Taylor Bridge, X4',i. Hedley Amal., .05i. Premier Border. .02. SUbak Premier, 15. Congress, J)24. Home Oold, .e24. Grandvlew, .21. Indian, D2i. Quaslno Copper, .05. Whitewater, .15'. Pend Dreille, 4.45. Pilot, .03. Oils A. P. Con .31. Calmpnt, 35. JC. j E, 230. Freehold, ,08& Hargal, .18 i. lcpougal Se.giir, .24. Mercury, 29Vi. M?rand, .io2. P.kalta, 135. Home Oil, 1.95. United. 21. Weymarn. .09V2. Dalhousie, .85." Toronto -Stoks Beattie, U5. .Central .Patricia, 225. Gods Lake, .70. Lee .Gold, .03. Little .Long Lac. 5fi0. ,McKep?ie Red .Lak. 1.27. Pickle Crow, 50. Red Lake . Ookl Shore, .0. San ntonlo, ,1X2. Sl?errltt,Gordon.2J0. Smelters Oold. .025. McLeod Cockshutt. 2JD5. Oklend, ,17. Mo&her. .26. GJt?c, iHi. Madsen Red Lake, ,75. Stadacona. 1 21. Frontier Red Lake, J)9. Francoeur. 1. Manitoba it Eastern, .03!4. Moneta Porcupine, 1.74. Boaadlllac. .25. Rubec, D22. Thompson CadUlac, S35. Bailor, j02. Bankfield, 5. East Malartic. 1.17. Preston East Dom. 1.32. HuUihlron Lake, .16. Dawson White. .11. Ralah Red Lake, .09. Aldermar. 1.20. Kerr Addison. 2.45. Uchl.Oold, 1.00. Martin Bird, .63. New Vork Gen. Blee . 58. Radio, lli. C.P.R.. 12Ve. VS. Steel. 120j. Aubum Motors'. 17. Oen. Motors, 59?i. Mrs. H. F. Pullen. Jlanginir baket II. .Fred Riffou. j iDKAW IN CRICKET VVJctory for ,Enland In New ,7a- .Fween LONDON, Aug. 17: (CP) -With a draw at the oval hera and .a conaequent victory for England in the series, the first (match of which was a draw while the second went to England, tU I third and last cricket match with New Zealand ended today. Defending subbomly. New Zealand ran up first innings core of240 jruns yesterday and, at the cae of play, England had scored 86 irons for the loss of three 1 wickets. As on Saturday, rain again hampered play yesterday. Vice-Regal Train Awaits Governor Special Cars of .Lord .Tweefts-I muir Arrive :From Burn Ike j Late Monday Afternoon I' Special vjce-regal coaches bearing the coat-of arms arrived here to yesterday afternoon's (attached regular train from Burns Lake to , whfch point they had brought ,flhe Governor General, Lord 1 weeusmulr. at Ihe end of the week. The coaches, four in number, including a baggage ca. Will await thp nrrii-il nf l.u Governor General here on Friday night of next week and will take Win and his party East on the Monday evening following. The Wie,r.?ga party is now in earnn (n Tweed8iiuir Park south of Burns Lake. During thpir tt.r day stay here, the Governor Con. ?ral' party will reside on .,. special cars. j Dnijialches last night- told of JLady Tweedsmuir nwking htr first airr.lane flight in a Roval Canadian Air Force miehlne piloUd by Squadron leader Earl jMacIj who had flown to In-.tata Iike from X'ictoria via Be''a IBella, .Bella Coola and Prince George, having an arduous trip witfc Biifafirable weather. Thrt provincial police radio If keeping the vjce-regal party In touc hwlth ihe outside world ' COLD STORAGE HEADS ! J. A. Boyd Of Montreal rrMn of Uw. Canadian ,FLsh Zt Cold Etor-. WOMAN IS "HlgaeKt Country' INDICTED .fiRPAT SEAPORT j Continued from Page 1 mile way to Wtosung Forth where 0 WIDE AREAS IN HEART OF p. wrecked aiiYYajr5 ulYe ;Bargain Fares the citys busy Whangpoo River 4irjcUve tate B n. tlows into tn?. Yangue. uc ror rpiemler IV i WhansDCo warthlos of the Japan- est Navv shelled Shanghai's giant WINNIPEG , municipal .what-.ChBe fought ain .fares tu .back with cannon and machine choice travel ai ai guns. 'iimr, .11 United States ordered its B. Paiker. sme' As-aUc fWet ta-take up p-yUiifij 41'W&l alu.g the. Chjn cpi?t and the fhW 51U featur. XjSS. Augiuu sleamed uruUr fore- ir2s. ed draught to Shanghai. flJckets will be A Japanese nival otticer id that ranontinental t . Chinese troop? blew up three brid- nber 6 to 14 ; ge In Ohap.'i and bes'in bombard- for thirty day ment of Japanese positions In n t8 f cent -a n jHcngJtejr.artijjoxih of tae jnter- ' cenr aJd a qu natfial mtlemtnt. lepers and at , . rpaKd'tnitih JsuUdinge jywni 5iewr 1 In Ii'fcrjbern QhtneM aJ' .Chapel abd ;Klangwan. ftfita Pelping it was reported Chineae legulars had blyckd the '. northwestward advance of the Jap anese army and hew .uraupc Nan-kow pass n the face of artillery and .aerial Jumbardment In Tokyo is was understood the Japautae .emment had ordered jSdditkrful .warships, troops and plan to the Shanghai. zone at the urgent request of the command )nvChlna maters. (The .BritUh far eastern army command atJlong.tCong has ordered (.battaUpn ot Welsh .Fusiliers rushed-to. Shanghai to reinforce the British garrison there guarding foreigners In the undeclared mar between China and .Japan. The ateamer Empress of Asia was requisitioned yesterday u take Brit ish refugees frcra Shanghai to Hong Kpng. Japan. U now on a full wartime basis although general mobilization Is not yet declared. Jaoanese consuls throughout China have been order to withdraw and all Japanese nationals have been instruct ed to leave Canton and Shantung Province. In Tokyo the Japanese cabinet has decided tn ask for a sneclal session of.Parllament on Beptember 3 to considerpaclng Japan' economic structure -on a wartime basis. ,I,IEIW .ARE STILL .LOST .(Continued from Page 1) Corns station has not heard am- signals. The Russian pjane was lat reported in the air buckinir hli. Ards jn a thjrty-(ive legree b-i 1 I A 1 . I mw ze,rp icinptrature somewherf: north of Fairbanks. ThU u-nrH was. received Friday by the Uni-! icq staxes Army r.qdio sftipn at Anchoraire Alaska Tho mo.a sajd "f-ing at 3Q90 meters sixty) miie neadwinjj windows frosted an U.K. FORSAKE ABOUT THESE REPAIRS For lumber shingles, cement, plaster, brick, Oyproc and roofings, see Albert & McCaffery ,Ltd. Phone ,18- tf. FOR SALE Two beautiful gold en cocker spaniels, Males. Five monlhs. -Just right for train ing. Sixteen dollars each, worth double. Box 18, Da.iy N'w- 1130 JX)R,RENT ANGUS Apartments, four room suites. WANTJGl) three and tf) age Co. and Hugh Kindersley of MALE HELP WANTED ,yA" London, England, a director, sailed - by the CaUla thU afternoon for PRDBRLY-JANITOR for General Vancouver after spending a couple HosP,ta'- Apply 10.12 and 4-0 of days in the city, fhev w. o'clock. (1BM accompanied by Ihelr wives. WAJiTED-Oood home ,for police dps- Out of town preferred, Apply Mta.,pep.)Kelsey. Bl) Ma Murder In The OST-JJrpwn felt hat near .Und-Is Seen by Cincinnati i ay'Oarage. Finder please leave Prosecutor Daily.News. (ifli) CINCINNATI. Aug. 17; (CTl ' JVfter ,ri(:eivng evidence In Jwhat rpsecnto'r il)udey Ou(calt .termefl the "biggest mass murder M tjie c'oqntry,'' .Hamilton .County .Grand Jury yesterday indicted Mrs. Anna Hahn, 31-year old Dullamel, mother, on two charges of mur-' .der. ' ' 1 ror 1 ue re' Persian cat. iI finder j please phone 314 and tecaive .raward. (191) FOUND - Pair horn rimmtd glasses. Owner can secure arne by paying for this ad-'ertistment. ; tf. av liable win. ". ile children pnrs at age cai. ' f rat fares. Stopover privileg,-. wrmitted at Jas; er nonto and Calgary Off, RAIN IX STEWART Rainr wpati.p Jaoanese Stewart the la ha'. ty i. 1 Wan 1 ik ' 1 u;: h -1 : L ... ' I. inrougnoui tne -un.c. r "ltet; "roers say Uiat t t' ' tr. experienced in year- SAVE THE KIDDIES As They Are Today a Picture at the illollywood Studios, Zi Cth St rnone lg and 8.1 P O.B01JJ MTiT C C I 1 1 r 1111 mUOOALLtfllj JECONQMY STORE Quality Groceries Low Prices Courteous Service Prompt Delivery aim out 01 town orccnrfce careful attention THE SEAL of QUALITY GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only salnm" canning company with an 3 the year round payroll U Prince Rupert Hyde Transfer Phone 580 DRY WOOD JASPER COAL Furniture Moving Light Delivery 315 SECOND AVE.