I? Continuing until Saturday, August 21 Floor Covering FOR THE KITCHEN Dominion printed linoleum by yards is the most economical. It wears well, is sanitary and still retains its beauty. We have a number of this pattern to choose from. Buy now. 7?f Sale price, square yard a DC Congolcum Gold Seal Rugs Congoleum Gold Seal rugs are outstanding for their beauty. For dining room or living room. We have a good selection to choose from. Buy Now. 7x9. on AA Sale price 9x9. CO CA OO.fJV Sale price rice C. N. R. Trains For the East "Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays e p.m. Fridays n a m. From the East-Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursdays io:45 p.m. Mondays and. Saturdays 2:30 pjn. ANOTHER MOTHER'S HELP MARKHAM, Ont. Aug. 17: (CP) To make things easier for calves a feeding pail, rubber nippled, has been designed. It was demonstrated when York County Jersey breeders held a picnic here. Be wis;. Read ta want ads. 9x10' ,. Sale price IIHHHHlBii $9.50 9x12. Q-in rn Sale price Beds Complete With Restmore cable spring or coil, and cotton felt mattress. fkA Sale pre O-W-UU Terms Cash No C.O.D. No Deliver- D. ELIO Furniture Exchange PRINCE RUPERT, 13. G. HALIBUT The source of Sunshine Vitamins A and D Boiled Halibut with egg sauce is digestible, palatable, satisfying. ... CANADIAN FISH & COLD - STORAGE CO. LTD. Prince Rupert, B.C. REVISITING OLD SCENES Mrs. Alary. Jobe Akeley, Famous Woman Explorer, On Way to Jasper WINMPfcO, Aug. 17: Mrs. Mary L. Jobe Akeley, widow of Carl Ake-iey, noted African explorer, passed through Winnipeg yesterday over Canadian National line enroute to Jasper National Park and the Mount Kobajn section of the Can-adian Rockie. This is her first trip to the west since 1S9. Long bcfoie she married her famous husband and loaied hJm successfully in his work in Africa as a result of which she was dec orated by the King of the Belgians, Mrs. Akeley, as Mary L. Jobe. had established a reputation for herself as an explorer of the then little known parts of the Canadian Rock- -' ies. Nearly a quarter of a century' ago, before the northern lines of the Canadian National Railways had bean pushed through the Rockies. Mrs. Akeley, on horseback and on foot, had penetrated many unmapped sections of mountainous Brit-' sh Columbia and the results of her ixpeditioni are still to be found on the maps of that country She sur. veyed and mapped sections of Jasper National Park, covered great aieai in the Selkirk and the Rock-; .e and pushed her way through' between Mount Robson and the headwaters of the Peace River near; Mount Sir Alexander. She was the first woman to attempt to climb that 11,000 foot peak which dominates the northern rockies and, while she was not successful, no more was any other party until 15 years after ,her attempt. Although Mrs. Akeley has headed I five expeditions Into this section of Canada and. while she will not at. tempt any new explorations on this trip, she will revisit the Robson! area, photographing wild life and probably go as far west as Prince George in the north before continuing on to Vancouver. The reports of this triD will be 1 printed by the American Museum of j National History of which Mrs. I"""-; a uicmuci. uemg concem-;ed with the administration of Ake-:ley African Hall, in which many .visible evidences of the results of the African explorations of her i husband and herself are housed. The Letter Box FINSLEK'S COMET Editor, Daily News: and Arcturus Just draw an Imairinarv Una between these two stars and you Will find the tnmel slitrhllv t.o. low this. Of course, it is gradu-allly growing fainter, as it rushes towards the conslellation of Rootes, and away from the earth. In appearance it resembles a whitish ball a9 thouirh one wprp seeing a -star through a slight fog or mist. It has a few faint rays of light constituting its tall but these are rapidly becoming less visible. L. W.-PATMORE. "TiLLIE THE TOILER" lZ BOTW COME OUT "TO D.MME12. THE DAILY NEWS Queen .Mary Gets Two New Giant Propellers The largest ship in 'he wor d t f.y tha Bntish flag, the Queen Mary, is shown above in dry cock at Southampton. The ship, m the King George V dock, is haying two new propellors put in place. The propellers, weighing 35 tons each, are xpeited to drive hrr to new supremacy on the high seiis WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront Here yesterday on her filth and final voyage of the season in the Alaskan tourist service, C. N. R. steamer Prince Robert, Capt. H. E. here southbound next Sunday. ; CP.R. steamer Princess Charlotte. Capt. William Palmer, was another ; j lull ship yesterday bound north with 229 passengers of whom 190 were Alaska round-trippers. The j If any of our local neoule are o1 Newark, New Jersey. Three ner intere.stfil in auuin,. Pimlur'j isons disembarked frnm tho chii. .VI(, . , a - - w ... . v.u4 Comet I tan assure them they can ilotte here and four went north from Afp it nl.iinlv Ihrmiirk c. n.thls nort ahnarri nor I J vueia a pan ui i i . v. v. ordinary binoculars, if they anil fortunate in having a few clear! The schiwner Republic sold 39,000 nights this week. . On August ' pounds of halibut to the Washing-twelfth I saw it just below AN ton Fish & Oyster Co. at Seattle kaid. the star at ih. Uig Dipper Ursa Maior) h:.nrl'. 'addition to the pro tirara and on the night of the fifteenth 'three smaller local boats in Seattle It Was about u thin) it ,li. u.ith caffKoo r.i.,j.i, t n. i I... iu wnce on us way between Alkaid halibut landings have been light at Seattle lately and the price is strong. Union steamer Catala, Capt. James Findlay, returned to port at 11 o'clock this morning from Stewart, Anyox and other northern points and sailed at 1:30 this after- noon for Vancouver and waypolnts. Frank Waterman of Seattle, who has been here for the past few weeks in connection with tl.P shipping of clamshell from Dun- das Island to Seattle, went out CSOIWS "TO "SUE-1 Coyc im. tm, rntomtt 1 Entertained For Tacoma Visitors Last Saturday Mrs. Fred It. Smith of Tacomn. wife of the governor of Ilotary Nedden, had a capacity list of 316 "l""cl '0umbeJr was tne Kues! of hon.or Saturdy afternoon at a passengers, practically all of whom weie round-trippers. The vessel had ,? ven by Mrs. Ueldon Mc-been delayed by fog and did not flU e Wl.felf he president of get in until 12:30 noon, sailing at h! .IotarT C .ub'. at her 3 pjn. in continuation of her voyage " " ' e uecorations were out in pastel shades, the tea table being centred with pink and mauve sweet peas 011 a beautiful lace tablecloth with green tapers. Jlrs. C. V. Evilt, wife of the immediate past president, presided (at I"1 the urns uiiio while mine HSSlSlini: assisting in 111 11 . 1 1 j , . list included a party of sixty-nine serving were Mrs. Neal Carter members of - - Salaam Shrine Tpmni'M ? .... . . r , , . wav . VUlli ! uwrjte .Miicnen and aire Alex Mcltae. Vancouver Wheat VANCOUVeIlTW 17: (Cl' Whea was quoted at ?1.25Tb on the Vancouver market yesterday, advancing to ?1.28 today. Skipper Stuart DonaldMr.n of Tort Essington on the power vessel Two Itivers, The Charles Todd, Indian Department's official cruiser from Bella Coola, arrived In port on Sunday from down the coast and left at noon today for Kitimaat, having on board Indian Agnt Ja mes (iillott Who i.-t in li.-n- -in official visit to that village. Mr. Oillett, who for many years was swinoned at .Mansett and is well known in the city, - was busy-while here renewinir old Annmln. lances. He w was accompanied -tniiaiiiea by oyi to the shell i, , beds , V, this , morning Mrs. Gillett and two daughters, 1 N HELUO, QSARl'M BRtMgM6 TILUE Afr THtS IS MAC OUT TO Dlliupn, yuST PUT ta f i. J 1 PLACES AT TUX -TArl cl i Birthday Party For Little Girl Mr. William Stuart Entertain For Her GranddaiiRhtcr, Dolores Lockwood A pleasant birthday party war held yesterday at the home of Mrs. William Stuart. Ninth Street, in honor of her litt'.c grandchild, Dolores Lockwood of Vancouver, on the occasion of her fourh birthday. After delicious refreshments were served the li'tle guest spent a happt afternoon playing gitmes on th" lawn, the weather being Me?i' for the occasion. .Mr, ami Mrs. J. Lambie paile Uiss afternoon on the Catala for a trip to Vancouver. ' I Canadian Trans-Atlantic Tu4dJ'- Anput 7 'ME5 Toxical LastShow starts S , ' A Burstlne Bnmk.i.., Drama with ik. o '! or "The Trail cf rule. SYLVIA SIDNEY IILNKY r o.NDA in "YOU ONLY uvii ONCE" With ttarton JlatUn, At 7 33 u.id 9:43 ADDED Broadway Brevity 4 CirloJ Comlnt Friday iiisiKiv uable and MUxj Summer Reading HOOKS In Our Itental Library-Selected from the Popular Hook Lists of Other Cities-HecommcndeS for lour Entertainment and Pleasure. THE MARSH . THE ACE OF KNAVES ChSrii R FIRE OVER ENOLAND M TIMEPIECE r'""5 THE DANCE GOES ON i. 0c,j. THE STONES AWAKE . Beau THE THUNDER DRAGOON GATE Murdv THE HALF ACE . -TJ? THE WHEEL SPINS 'I WJ THEY CAME LIKE SWALLOWS, .. J! "" Maiwl OF MICE AND MEN " sStahi-k I THOU SHELL OF DEATH ... . BJS J OIVE ME ONE SUMMER y THE OBSTINATE CAPTAIN SAMPSON Dcbj'm PERILOUS SANCTUARY . uj AMERICAN DREAM There are many excellent boks in our Library. loin and read them now. 75c for one month of thefatA reading obtainable. eMlaeMvs.Jid Ai(kll Tmnsmnf innnlnl IVoMa-Parifir Mrs. impicikvs BE OEHfirTTED v i $ fit pr i acinci '''IVIUUI 4 & 1 Hl'"v I To Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way rorU rJUlt Aceiaiae every Friday, 10 p.m. ... To Vancouver Direct Princess Alice Princess Lonlsr Prlnceis Charlotte Aug. h, 11th; Auf. 7th, 18th, 28th; Aur. 21th. S?p. 4th wmnecuon at Vancouver with Canadian Pacific Services J,vket? !nd "fservatlons from w W. l L. rniTrs COATES, General Agent Prlc Ruoert. B& Fresh Local Haw And The Central Hotel Pasteurized Milk rooms and cafe VALENTIN DAIRY ta Jm M PIIONE 657 MRS. C. E. BLACK -By Westover .7 '"' J - ..hiii m rmiin-rin EV-Ce! M&ZTtUtlPn iJ-TTTiW .1.1. mmbH