& August 17. 1637. LOCAL NEWS NOTES .-n Wednesday. Father L. Maragny left on last liV :t "'" . - l..-..t . A-t J. .. . ... P & G SOAP 6 bars I j T A - AA-.IAA AA7I ACJAM.. i tn-w .riH.iiicii. i i;r. ni Jirs. .ii artnn onH 1 i left last .evening's lei. ,,t Maytiiii-:" - pons on train noma." Louden, .superintendent annual National Coast Vancouver and Mr$. Louden teica: Vm north to wake in ua t tip w Ukagway. (u. n Matheson of tha Can-a(l ;;aUna Railways investlga n m;i;at3iet with headquarter: p. ui George arrived in the city intcjtor on yesi&rday af II Ill Toturn 11. b ! legrge tomorrow e,v:nlng. ., train, returning to ,Ter-cvinlng. Hp had bien im Terrace to Sklvus on he :udden death thjre of nnhprts. C.N.R. track na- " . . j . . a I..AJ. 1 1 .1.. man ana came uu himj me cuy b n.'- remains. k Mexico president of the Inter iors Harvester Co., was a Sr...:' passenger going north rjl . .1 nJn.n Dnknrt I'A.tfl. )r.ru Ulc nuii.t; uuw.it jicatci. to make the ruond trip to ru'sv He was accompanied by ;. McCormlck. arrv ikiiulhi uuuuci. uiiclwi Gvro Club supervised play- ...til V. . i 1 I. . n OunuS Will ue mc reui.fr u- 8rr;w at the regular weekly jDiheon of the Prince Rupert Gyro Bb He win discuss some oi tne .. . a a l ..14.. II. I'l LUC L.U1111I1LUIIII1 ULklllll cnnaren wnicn me ciuo is spwn- TIMHUt SAI.K XS1HI6 ... ... - ...III h rwilVAil hn tV ft i as M victoria, uu., ncn i on th thlrtlrth day of ; t -x ,the piirotiase of -a out a.bOt.000 feet of v ... . Qiko .iiisajii ui an arm v. BO or District For- Pr j n iprt B.C HRIFT QUAKER PUFFED 4 CUSSIC CLEANSER-Sifter tin, Each free Aeroplane pic ture 2 for JEWEL SHORTENING Mb packets 7c BRENT.VOOD PEAS QSp While i.hev last StlnsUV KELL0Q3 URAN FLAKES' - 25 c WILD ROSE PASTRY FLOUR 10- lb. sacks. Kdo Each OIC 155 LUS11US JELLY POWDERS, LU8I1US FANOY FREE. LUSHUS SWEET MYSTERY SL 15C SCOTT'B fl H A I) F! "A" LARGE EGQSWd and Thurs. only. QOo Do?. o NAUOU FANCY WHITE CORN No. 2 tall tin. 2 tins 25c 1HRJFT COFFEE ggg Oround while you wait. THRIFT TEA--Ask for sample. Lb, 43c 25 c THRACE CARROTB ffp Fresh, large bunches TERRACE CABBAGE' Cp Crisp, green. Lb. TOMATOES No. 1. 5-lb. Baskets in Interior 39c "one 179 nn u. no! w Ship to All Parts of the uor a visii to uane ivamiyu neai UJll . 1 -Sniitbers. Mrs. It. H, Adcock and daurh. ter, who have been on a vjsit to . . . . A I A -.. L -. Alice a, reiurnea to the clt from the north on the CataU this morning. Verv Rev. James II. fiihsnn dean of St. Andrew's Cathedral, 1 . . L l i. it iei.i on ism evening a- train ior a trip to Halifax to attend Synod sessions. Moiley Shier of Vancouver, af j ter a husines visit tn Stpwnrl niey Mills of Terrace came ! &"led Jom norihs IP 1J" ! I lata I ft tli I a nmin n.r or.il ri 11 V... I n. Interior on yesterday u v t i u iiiuiiuiiB UI1U Dill in town for the next day or sp. M. A. liurbank. divisional eneln- eer for the Canadian National Rail, ways, returned to the city on yesterday afternoon's train from a trip over me une on oniciai duties. John R. Morgan, well known Queen Charlotte-Island logging op erator, amvea in tne city Sunday from Blllmor and sailed ve&ter. day afternoon on the Prince Rupert for Vancouver. Prof. A. F. Barss of the Uni. ver8ity of British Columbia sail ed by Ihe Prince Kupert .yesteri day afternoon on his return tq Vancouver after spending a few. uaya in the city. Hiss Tona Bourgon of Telkwa, who has been attending summer school for tenrhera at Victoria. Iliavinu' arrival! from thp south Sunday, left on last evening si train for her home in the interior. ilr. and Mrs. R. II. Nicholson of Victoria are visitors in the city. ilr. Nicholson is in the service of the Department of Transport and was formerly lo cated at Uigby island. Father Onthony Meulenberg luiriali nripfit nf . tht Roman Ca thollc Church al' Stewart, arrived in the citv on the Catala this morning from the north for a brief visit. E. I). Haddon. for many years a resident of the Portland Canal nn r i.nnir r'n.i.:.! e: i - n..,i... AVLJ V I Ak-K Y 1'"rl" lirsi iVL-airu ill iimi lW . I II 111 1 idirr Ui WiiS.nv. "I'll " OFFERS A'OU iG Money-SavinK , Items . Haddon and two daughters were passengers going through on the Catala todav enroute to Chelan, Washington, where ilr. Hauuon will join the service of Ihe Bri tannia Co. as accountant. After a visit to the Big Mis souri mine, M. M. (VBrien, chief jf4jld engineer of the Consoll-dated Mining & Smelting Co. and J T. fireirorv of Tacoma. a di ... rector of he Ulir .Missouri or l .. 1 1 I A 1. iporailon, were nere aooaru uk Catala toVy return WK south I ilr. Orgory, lefore it was ac ouired bv Consolidated, was pre client nf the Big Misouri to. Fred Randolph Smith of Tacoma district governor of the Rotary Plub, and Mrs.J3mlth sailed on the Princess Charlotte yesterday after noon for Ketchikan and Juneau af tera ylslt of three days here. On Sunday Mr. Sniith had luncheon with the executive and committee chairmen of the local club, Presl dent W. R. McAfee in the chair. The district gqvernor gave a talk on matters pertaining to the Internal affairs of the organization, Dr. H. 0. JOHNSEN .Will Start .Practising Again .Wednesday, Aug. 18. NEW ROYAL HOTEL j. Zarelli, Proprietor -A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates fl.6 ny 60 Rooms Hot ti Cold Water Prince Huport, B.C. - Phana.ZIl P.O..JMI IM QJd Man Superstition poppn into wary folks' lives again foi a one-day stay last Friday, th 13th. Just why anybody shouh hp nervous about this combine tion is not knoyn but it's hen and there is nothing one can rli about it. If anv one breaks a leg. lose money or a wife on Friday th Thirteenth, you can lay : 2 to one U't and collect) that the victims will plunk an accus Ing thumb down on the day am' date, "just because." ' Those who steer clear of lad des, mirrors and 6ther reportod ly Ill-omened objects, will point out that there were 13 at tin Last Supper, including Judas if-cariot. whn net. daw tradiiton ally a Friday, betrayed Jesus Christ. I But: sav thosfi who taboo th crossed-finger and wood - touch ing rituals, how about Columbus Didn't he sail on a Friday and discover land on another Frida October 1. 1492? True, ft wasn't the 13th, but it was as 'lose as anyone could come to it It is generally conceded Friday ri an unlucky day no mattti 'ho date. The Encyclopedia Rri- annica says that "according to Mnhnmmfdan tradition, Friday, which is the iWoslem Sabbath, was the dav on which Adam was 'rented, entered Paradise an.1 vas exDclIcd. and it was the dav if his repentance, the day of hi ieath and will be the Day of Resurrection." It hns nil boiled down to that mystprious "13." If anyone can prove by actual dati in record-intr of events that this numer! Is jinxed a Jol pf arguments will be closed. One copifortintr thought is that Friday the lHth won't appear niain until Mnv. 1938. Twice- yearly visits are down for Janu ary and October, 1039 and in September apd December, 19-M) UIIQE iPKAYKK FOR UNION" TQRQffTO, Aug. 17: (CP) Prayer for the union of the .Church of England with the Church of Rome and the Eastern Orthodox Church was urged In a sermon here by Rev. Father Mathew, organizing secre tary of the English Church Union. WHAT NO POTATO BUGS? MILTON. Ont. Aug. 17: (CP) District farmers are puzzled, though happy, because this year for the first tme In memory no potato bugs have appeared. 16. 29. Annpuncements United Fashion Show, September Pyro .Hallowe'en Dance, October THE IDAIfcY -NEWS PAUJS TiIRJ5 KING AND QUEEN HOSTS AT SECOND GARDEN .PARTY Sfekii Hnmm lloyal hMs at the second g rden party held in Buckingham Talace grounds since the cjoronatio.n, Queen Elizabeth is shown at left as she greeted a guest. King George is .greeting two more guests at right FRIDAY THE THIRTEENTH Was The Last Hoodoo Day Until May, iy:i8 Surprise Party j Sailing McLeans To Mrs. Hveding j Arrive In Port Farewell Affair For Popular Nor wegian Lady Who is Leaving for Old Country At the home of Mrs. John Mur- vold, Ambrose Avenue, a happy farewell surprise party was held, at the end of the week by the Ladles' Aid of St. Paul's Lutheran Church In honor .of Mrs. Magnus Hveding who is about to leave for a year s trlD to her native home in Norway. Mrs. Hveding was presented with a handsome brush, comb and mir-ror set. An enjoyable program In-iluded vocal solos by Mrs. L. C Jensen and Mrs. O. Wick with read ings and Dlano selections by Mrs Jensen. Delicious refreshments were served. v Those nresent were Mrs. J. John son. Mrs. J. Ivarson, sMrs. E. John son, Mrs. E. Evensen, Mrs. Martin skni? Mrs. H. Groven. Mrs. L. C Jensen. Mrs. S. Skog, Mrs. A. Erick- son, Mrs. P. Pederson, Mrs. A. An- tonsen. Mrs. H. Soransen, Mrs. J. Mlcklesen, Mrs. H. Johansen, Mrs. J. Storseth, Mrs. L. Sandvar, Mrs. J. Strand, Mrs. E. Skog, Mrs. J. Murvold. Mrs. L. Husoy, Mrs. G. Selvig, Mrs. C. Jensen, Mrs. B. Char. stad, Mrs. Peter Llland, Mrs. A. Bendiksen, Mrs. H. Erickson, Mrs. L. Llndseth, Mrs. P. Wlkaai, Mrs. Peter lien and Mrs. O. Wick. Peter Lien and Mrs. O. Wick. Mr. and Mrs. Hveding will leave on tomorrow evening's train for New York where they will embark August 25 on the 'steamer Stavan-Jerfjord for Oslo. Hotel Arrivals " Savoy mlt. Dr. J. Sebastian, H. Marshall, Three Generation Repieenled Whon llftntu l'riim Seiiarali'd I Routes Are in Vancouver VANCOUVER. Aug. 17: (CP) Three generations of seafaring (McLeans met recently -when -three vessels, sailing widely -separattd' routes, were berthed here .within' a few hundred yards of one an-1 other. In the .emrineer's store-room pf, R. M- Niagara, Canadian Aus-. ralasian liner, was the patriarch if th sail inn- clan. Charles Mc Lean, who has completed 101 voyages on the Niagara between Australia and Canada. McLean first saw .Vancouver the night it was razed. by fire in 186. When the nassenirer liner and flagship of the .Union Steamship Limited coastwise service, s. . Catala, docked at the company wharf. Charles McLean's son, Captain Harry McLean, was her pilot. Within a stone's throw of the Niagara lay Ihe R. M. S. Empress of Canada, aboard which William McLean, son of Cantain illarrv. was having his first taste of the sea as a messenger in the purser's department Surprise Party For Miss Casey Another Affair Last Night Popular ltride-Elect For A delightful surprise party was held last evening at the home .of. 'Mrs. jMrs. ueurgw Georg3 B. o. oa;cj Casey, , ucituw Eleventh i Ttneh McKav. city: Alberta Dob f Mice Plarn FJ Ole, Copper City; Rose Mulvain and en (Mickey) Casey, whose mar Sarah Johnson, Haysport. Royal riage to Alfred Teed takes place' Saturday evening next. Mrs. Sam r a n.Wo Unnrnnver: J. MC-... . m.i..i Tnn aw. i. mvAvuv, . -. - 'ilOUgail ailU iVita. rwtAiuiu ajuhs tiii ToH.ti,n T Rhndes. C.N.R.: - . . -a iu. aci, Atir.ui , -ere co-noivesses. run, ui uic c A. Pederton, Endako; F. Pihlgerand enlng was spent m enjoying piano1 rit.v. Fred Small. .... r...i AT . AA. AAAAVVAAa.., ' ieiCCUOIiS U IVIIOS C11AC1 AVAWAC" sinlthers: Mr. and Mrs. R. II. New- v, nnA -nmmntt.v sinirlnir. r tlW UIV M4 v... - j 0 & w vjll, Oyen, Alta.; E. G. Huston, Col-, Later Masters oeorgle and Jim- umbus, Ohio. my Weir, nephews of the bride- frf its .....v eicci, jircwrmcu aviias vaocji nit" H, B. Forse and Mr. and Mrs. R. dajntny decorated basket laden H. Nicholson, Victoria; John S.iWlth many beautiful and useful . . u tfA.lai, c-.lot- anrl T T . . . . i. u. uarren, vivii ... Dainty reiresnments were servea J. McConnell, Vancouver. Mr. and ftt mldnght, servlteurs .being Mrs. Mrs. John Rukin and family and R Lang Mrs s Hougan. Mrs. 1. I ivi.il 14 ivuivjii, ucuib-v . ... -i-atterEOi ano airs. n. weir. I Moots, East Lannlng, Michigan; J. Those present were Misses M. R. Morgan, Billmor; Miss ona Casey, E. Moorehouse, J. Strand, Bourgon, Telkwa; Mr. and Mrs. E srand, M. Collusi. A. Collusi, Hugh Klndersley, London, England, MeS(jame5 Vink. T. Moorehouse, E. Mr. and Mrs. John A. Boyd Mont- gander, F. Barber, s! I ' o rrA "I! w .HaudenhlW. W. Mccallum. R. rlSK UI1U lUJimj- AAAAltt UIVHV, l... ur un.h.rH ir Tndlananolls: M. B. Lone. A. Hardy. F. Hardy. F. Grlm II, viiottu'M 4 'i - r : w Paynter, Southport, Ind.; W. Cecil ble, H. Tattersal, W. N. Tattrsal, . . . . A. I t -! 4 Phillips, New wesvminsver; ngwtv H jTale Frebourgl a. gllversldes, F. J. Eckman, Toronto. Morehouse a. Houean. RIGHT UNDER THE SHADOW TORONTO. Aug. 17: (CP) When a Rouyn man came to town he tpld police four strangers took-$22 from him In a penny-matching ,game right outside the legislative, M, Lamb, McKenzie, Casey, Weir and Masters Geprge and Jimmy Weir. Reach the most people In ctty and district with an advertisement tn the Dally New. Orange "SALADA TEA Velvasuede 8I ingene Will Not Shrink, Wash as Often as You Please You Can Punch a Hole in it if You Like, But You Can't" Make it Run, Not in Either Direction Velvasuede is Very Easy to Wash Just Drqp it Into Luke Warm Suds, Squeeze a Little, Dip it up and Down and Presto the Dirt Has Run Out. There is no Need to Iron Velvasuede, But if You Want to, Shake Surplus Water Off, Roll up in Glean Towel for a Few Minutes, Then Hang to Dry. Iron With a Moderate Iron. Iron When Almost But Not Quite Dry. Comes in Tea Rose and White, in Bloomers, Panties, from Small to Out Size. Slips, Vests, Pyjamas and Gowns WALLACES Phone 9 Third and Fulton BRITEN Flotation Process TOOTH PASTE It's New It's Different ItMakes Them White Flotation Process Cleanses Hidden Angles Where Danger Lurks 29c Per Tube :! ) 2 for 53c OrmesLtd. Pioneer DruQpiats , The IUill Store Phones: 81 & 82 Open Daily From 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays .and Holidays From 12 noon till 2 p.m, 7 p.m. till 9 p.m. MacKENZlE'S FURNITURE AUGUST FURNITURE SALE 35 Simmons All Felt Mattresses All CQ (1(1 Standard Sizes in Stock. Price V Phone 775 UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver; TJ1.S. CATALA EVERY TUESDAY, 1:J0 MVL Due Vancouver, Thursday pm. . . .i T.8.8. CARDENA FRIDAY, 1I:JI TM. HVJvX 'Due Vancouver, Monday am. If convenient please purchase ticket at office. Further lnformatlqn regarding reservations and tickets from A. W. NEWMAN, Prince Rupert Agent. Third Ave. Phone 568 II you lose anything, try a classified ad. v 11