3, 1937 February. TUB DAILY WSWA THHKA- EPIDEMIC is i HERE 5WAKE of epidemics whose first symptoms are fen coughs, colds and feyer. Stop the cough or at the onset with Uuckley's Mixture, which ?t became famous in 1918. Take Buckley's Cin- matcd Capsules, to relieve the feverishness, ulache and backache. Buckley's Cinnamated Epsules contain Oil of Cinnamon, a powerful in- I fnl lSWfln 1(111 (V MCflfl in Rllflnn in (inml Jim fi- IIIIVIVI. IV"!, . . .j ... w ... UJIV lit LU1IIUUI' g epidemics similar to the one now raging, nrenarcd. Get these two dependable, effective tackley remedies TODAY. Buckley Products are Rd everywhere. fcire Kegarding New Special Rates For Room and- Board at THE KNOX HOTEL "Ilanquets a Specialty" ASKLL. Phone 71 N. M. BRASELL A. MacKenzie Furniture 'ebruary Bed Special ingle Beds as Low as $20 Complete told Weather Accessories bows -r Stove Pipes Dampers Stove Cement, Weather Strip al Hods Linings Asbestos rick Lined and Sheet Iron Heaters' from $2.75 up Thompson Hardware Co. Ltd. Ourcoatv mKeyou - very reat Y OUrSelt i -i i i v;&mtm oy navmg your t-oai Din Vouil like I full of the best coal in f The way I They treat You) town. ILP0TT-EVITT & Co. Ltd. Have the Coal to Suit Your Requirements 651 PHONE 652 UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: tS.S. CATALA EVERY TUESDAY, 1:30 P.M. Due Vancouver, Thursday p.m. JS.S. CAKDF.NA FRIDAY, 10:30 PM. Due Vancouver, Monday ajn. If convenient please purchase tickets at office. further Information recording reservations and tickets from A. W. NEWMAN, Prince Rupert Agent, Third Ave. Phone 5C8 wFish which made Prince RupertFamoas "Rupert Brand" SMOKED BLACK COD - Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. MEN'S SUPPER AT CATHEDRAL Annual Event Well' Up to Standard Considering Drawback, of, Flu .... Epidemic The annual supper of the men of the congregation of St. Andrew's Anglican Cathedral took place last night with C. V; Evitt presiding In place of W. H. Tobey who was laid up wiih the influenza. It was very well attended, considering the number who were not able to be present on account of being victims of the epidemic Aa excellent supper was provided by the members of the Woman's Auxiliary who were appropriately thanked. In his opening address Mr. Evitt urged those present to stand by their church and not forget attendance at the services. Rev. J. E. Birchall, in a well thought-out address, spoke of the well known instinct which made animals of a species ermm n. gether. Man showed relation to the animals in this way, that they neraea together and the Church provided opportunities for this gathering together at suitable times and on suitable occasions The dinner that evening was one of those occasions. Mr. Birchall referred to the criminal tendencies of modern young people as shown by statls tics. Young people were apt to act without constraint and become out of control of their parents. There was no authority to guide them He asked the men present to search themselves and see if often the young pople were not pattern- ing. themselves after .their elders Our boasted liberty often was re placed by license. A unifying force was most desirable and this the Church sought to provide through the gospel of Christ. Dean Gibson gave an insplra tlonal talk suitable to the occasion and Commissioner W. J. Aldet spoke .briefly. A toast to the ladles was pro posed by Col. W. J. Nlcholls and replied to by Mr. Evitt. Miss Maureen Klrkpatrtck en tertalned with a piano selection and David Jones sang twice. Miss Englna Chrlstensen, accompanied by her sister Margaret, gave two violin solos. The Woman's Auxiliary ladies In charge of the tables were: Convenor Mrs. T. Andrew. Tables Mrs. C. V. Evitt, witti Mrs. 3. H. Bulger, Mrs. J. A. Hln-tort, Mrs. A. Rlx, Mrs. Percy Tinker and Mrs. J. S .Wilson". Mrs. J. John, with Mrs. C. C. Mills, Mrs. A. E. Parlow and Mrs. Trevor Johnson. Mrs. F. A.. MacCallum with Mrs O. W.Cripps, Mrs. W. J. Nelson, Mrs. J. W. Nlcholls and Mrs. W. Dungate. Mrs. George Dawes and Seniot Girls. Helpers were Mrs. W. C. Asplnall Mrs. S. Vv Cox, Mrs. W. J. Greer, Mrs. Noel ' Jones and Mrs. H. S. Meadows. Hotel Arrivals Royal Joh,n D. Galloway, Vancouver; Mrs. L. G, Belliclnl, Houston; John Prince Rupert Frank Wheatley, city; M. C HoMen, Vancouver. Central J. E. Hogan, Remo; E. C. An derson, C.N.R. Knox M. L. Clark, city. Announcements Masonic Ball February 3. United Missionary tea, Mrs. Jen-ner's, February II. Legion Valentine February 12. Box Social, Presbyterian Tea, Mrs. J. H. Carson's, February 18. ' Evelyn Bagshaw cltal, February 18. Hcwson Re- Baptist Supper February1 18. Anglican Chancel Guild tea, Mrs. Rorle's, Friday, 19. High School play, Presbyterian Church, February 25 'and 20. Junior Chamber Dance, Friday, April 2. United Spring Sale, April 15. Oxfords, straps, ties, pumps, to clear at $1.95 at Annette's. (tf) LOCAL NEWS NOTES night. Social follows. Norkap Society (28) Bringing, home the remains of her son, Herman, who passed away on Saturday night at Tranqullle Sanitarium. Mrs. H. Skattebol will ! Mrs. Skattebol's other son, Arthur, Who went to Jasper to meet her. The Junior Chamber of Com merce, at Its regular monthly meeting last night, decided to hold a dance on April. 2 with a view to raising funds to aid projects in hand. It Is planned to present a number of novelties Including pos sibly a fashion show. The social committee, Ross Ingram, chairman, will proceed with arrange ments. Social Evening .Mr. and Mrs. Sehersvold Honored With Presentation Following Recent Marriage Following the regular monthly meeting Monday night with Presi dent H. Gulbransen In the chair, the local Norkap Society, who had turned out In goodly numbers, en-Joyed a social evening. First a de- icious fish cake supper was served n the course of, which a, presen- atlon was made to Mr. and Mrs. 3chervold who were recently. maii led. A brief program was presen-:ed and then card playing was eri-ioyed, the prize winners being: adles' first, Mrs. Holkestad; se- :oncL Mrs. P; Andersen; . men's lrst. Nels Luth; second, Fred FJlas-jen". Ingvald Fsnness was the win-ler of a raffle. To round out the ivening dancing was. enjoyed with nuslc by Mrs. Luth and Henry Llndseth. William Lawson Of Simpson Dies Well Known Resident of Neighboring Village Passes Away PORT SIMPSON, Feb. 3: William Lawson sr. passed away In the Port Simpson General Hospital a few days ago after a lengthy Illness, Rev. R. J. Love, United Church oastor, officiated at the funeral. The Port Simpson Concert Band was In attendance and members of the Port Simpson Athletic Club ind Young ' People's Educational Association acted as pall-bearers. listen to this - - "The most beautiful object In the world, It will be allowed, Is a beautiful woman." And It needs no proof that all women are beautiful, although Ma-caulay, the historian, who said this, was careful enough never to marry one. Beautiful objects require beauti ful settings, so instinctively, women like beautiful homes. Comfort goes with beauty and comfort requires warmth. This Is why Albert & Mc-Caffery's coal enters so largely Into Prince Rupert's domestic economy, For twenty years, Albert St Mc- Caffery's coal has been the best available. It is the best today. And if better could be got, we would have It. It gives you the most heat for the least money and that's what you want. And besides giving you the most heat, it's the most economical because it lastsl Next time you need coal, Just phone 110 or U7 to Albert St Mc-Caffery and order Nanalmo-Wel-.llngton coal for the furnace and heater. For the kitchen range, ask for egg size Balkan Minchead, Al- jberta Bootless. It's trade name is "Inferno." It's hot. And It lasts, too. You deserve the best, Oxfotds, straps, ties;, pumps, to : clear at $1.95. at Annette's. Ctf). Dick, Evans ot Terrace, having been taken suddenly- ill; on Sunday-1 B. Irvine, federal radio Inspec- was brought to. Prince Rupert HosV , tori is returning to: the city, being pital Tuesday night. Mr. Evans, du to arrive from Ocean Falls on lately, arrived at Terrace fror.i the Prince Rupert this evening. Massett where he conducted i Moose Lodge members j and visitors. Installation! ceremony 9- o'clock to ; dairy business. Notice A mass meeting of citizens will, be held; in the. City-Hall Wednesday,, Ifebruaty 3rd, at 8 o'clock. Important radio project pertaining to C.B.CC. program hook-up. All interested please attend. (2)) The Prince Rupert Gyro Club return to the city oh tomorrow , was In monthly business session nisht's train. Also comine In will be 1 today when various club affairs were taken up with Dr. H. N, Brocklesby, president, In the chair over a good attendance of The suggestion was put forward by J. C. Gilker at the meeting ot the Prince Rupert Junior Chamber, of Commerce last night that the chamber might Interest Itself more actively. In various problems of national Importance financial, political and economic. The concensus of opinion seemed to be that this might well be left to the members individually. GIRL GUIDES MEETING First Prince Rupert Company of Girl Guides met last night at the home of. Mrs. J. B. Gibson, Fourth Avenue East. Under the leadership of Captain Muriel Brewerton, there was the usual routine after which there was a campfire circle around the fireplace. Delicious refreshments were provided by Mrs. ClissiHED FOR SALE OR SALE: One Aetna oil burner for heater. Cheap, for ash Phone Blue 825. (33) ?OR SALE 44 ft. 35 hp. dlesel boat Discovery, suitable for halibut trolling and seine fishing. Price $3,000.00. O. Fjelde, owner, c o Olson and Sunde Shipyards, Seattle, Washington, or Sunde and d'Evers Company, Seattle, Washington. (tf) FURNITURE Factory samples must go this week. Guaranteed 10-plece Chesterfield groups $69.50; 10-piece loose pillow arm groups $72.50; lO-piece bedroom suites (round mirrors) $74.50. Furnish your home complete three rooms, 59 pieces all for $165. Many other bargains. Terms if you wish. Order today. Julius Shore Mall Order House, 8th floor Bekins Buildingi Vancouver, (tf) PERSONAL GENTLEMEN'S Sanitary1 Supplies 'highest1 grade- 15 for $1 'RaclfinJ Supply, 751 Granville, Vancouver. TRUTHFUL Clairvoyant readings. Write Madam Francis, 2531 Woodland, Vancouver, B.C. Four questions answered. Send birth month. Donation. (tf) MEN Get vigor at once. New Os-trex Tonlo Tablets contain ran oyster lnvlgorators and Other stimulants. One dose peps up organs, glands. If not delighted aker refunds few cents paid wall or write. Orates Limited, tf FREE TROUSERS Free trousers or 10 discount for Suit or Overcoat of House of Hobberlln Clothes during the month of January only, and 10 discount offered on House ot Stone Clothes. Quality, Style, Fit, Satisfaction Guaranteed LING - The Tailor 817 Second Ave. Thone 649 PRIiVfENT' THAT COLT) WI.TII Prince Rupert HALIBUT LIVER OIL Liquid in Dropper bottles 50c;and $1.00 Capsules, per vial of 50 $1.00 Capsules, per box of 250. $3.75, A Special Mixture For Children Highest Potency Vitamin Emulsion - , Emulsifying in a. palatable form, the Vitamins of Halibut, Tuna . and Cod Liver Oils ' O-f Aft Per bottle of 64 doses We use only the pure undiluted Halibut Liver Oil in these preparations.. Guaranteed tests have prqven the local oil to be the finest of its kind, on the market. Rich in the essential vitamins, it is the ideal general tonic. - Ask For Genuine Prince Rupert Oil Ofmies Ltd. T7he Pioneer Drwzgt'sts The Rexall Store Phones: 81 & 82 Open Daily From 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays From 12 noon till 2 p.m., 7 p.m. till 9 p.m. ELIO'S FURNITURE Three-Piece Chesterfield Suite at very reasonable price Introducing The Folding Metal Bridge Set When guests drop' in for cards, this handsome bridge, se( is put up in a moment no need to disarrange the furnishing of the living room or porch. When the game is over the table and chairs fold compactly, occupying little space. Spring Filled Mattresses in all sizes BLANKETS Four Popular Leading Lines that Cannot be Beaten "Folding Carriers Used Goods Kitchen Ranges and Heaters Singer Sewing Machine 1 Portable Typewriter good as new We Buy Used Goods or Exchange D. EL IO FURNITURE EXCHANGE Phone Green 421 Prince Rupert, B.C. Easiness Hours Open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Thurs. 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. .5 i: ,i li 7 r