li THE DAILY NEWS, , , ' flUNCS Rlll'KHT -inHlTHH'ttWMniA t rublMietl Kvety Afternoon, Except Sunda), 6y Prince Rupert Dally New. Umlted, Third Avenue H K 1'UU.KN . . . MMiattny&tlUM sumscttimu.s kati..h Ctj dellm. tjy cattwr, t(iy prrtod, p4ij In auvauce ' raid hi advance, per laM In advance, month .- . Uy wall to alt patta ot tmtUli Columbia, the WMih' Kmplro and Mirnt (jivk rs of the KN!il tlettmse ohwne. FISH & COLD STORAGE CO. LTD. BACK FROM METLAKATLA ....... . v. wunam wmv, HMinn before . N h ' 'councillor at Metlakatla, lie h with his son, Alvln. rvpreswt.ed vnur ciiAtis jean pikhi. in aavance a w lakalla Alaska, arrived home on Wy hU to all other counMtt. per jiwt - Thursday morning on the Lady AtlVKKUSlMi KATKS 'Mas0i ttWWlj anrt operated by Jtf cu&sinrd aavemn. pei woru, per inwruon - Uval reader, pet Hn, vr tnsetncv) .. .... .. . , .UvrrlUi( aul liivulaliou IVlephun . ... M New IVturtmeut Tejr phw, ... .......,. ... S MfmHf of Audit ttuitau t CtrtuUtUn IU1UY Satutttav. Detewbw 4. lMl.i'wnw leaehw - . - coch. and 1u . dent. A&Mison. a siu V uitiS ' i Mr. LMsk was one of the hov IvtxvNr t that Vatx wbWfa Kxatedl ltaKaee tor w Soeae ur sMHI .1 x i Man in the Moon 1 ,. 1 '!..'.. ML VIM. ' 1 - Social .Credit docs .not wn to very social and no on? Uka Iq give They sww to have made a ""XL." Tr r,' cn up and se how you ieei snuM start in tht defimse uf the southern tuvrts hut Httre k lHivrttitiMU Fisherte Cointnisswn dealing with the c m w tc AiMKmt wt tnis cwts; imMeat,es taat tne hnal iMwetativ wiii be stvnetiuitg jihmv than a vs uwn mi tM cttustt. lv taking that otfW he will be (Hum iiHmw . . - - - . The ekv-um at lhbrtd in which the Social Credit xvwwa. wwiWate was Katen in a straight fight against the united i?TuMS!uaCac Hsitlt is att ittdrcatioix that while the Social Givdit vibie t b'wh us and i hav cause- is sttti sirwtg it is weakening and there s a strong r4st t htm to mvj jcibiWY tht. if the omnvsitiivn is iwhetl at a svaertUl ? u haruet mtratu an' rt an,v eteit should lv ry ciosie. PENSIONS FOR HUN1) Ktry lute shouKl autrow the acjttoa of the provincial Vft'tM'ttktterthis wtvk in rxuuin to the akl of tht hlimL tt has Kn a stadittg disgrace to aU political parties that ever vast I'WOMAN liem here we can caanzm thii' Ofned this seramg wtth ato prewar the IsnHamee; There at a Kts! weNJ. Mrs. 8ofcrt Ca-a set fii- A trwWrxMt Kvv wittck can kc tkux" is t ; i ri , t, me ntf the mr4s t tk ft; ini(krtHM irctfffc comtrva AM eCt US system kft wxvfK wnkk has be ktiea k surf v , ajWMd PiciWi Circus. l(ki ttttfeth of about I ear S (JlllCerS twVMttY pouusuiiv. powtet. vNry t wwst .trwi sui ?W -r !? I Kim of lihii ajpi K$?t StxtexLcMiM. nw iiiewuwjw -se aaxy re Mtmevi a n. ecj tmKV to K$im Su. SlKiJharf Axh arf ti'STi5S2?f sy of tmtlW t c of thi WvjitW OT dS facMiK, hj JttA. Ifc Sek AnaSimwa -imk c ik Ttlh SWkS MufM WmfcfeiS. m tke ats. a aa ht at sf haame at 4 fik-y tKtJ 4ftt!swtv a xMry fef cytr jn Fi . tew tVa t twjtttc tiartwm CSrvtfts a its js ?43t. UK(MK Jwttr y ;W sy$(m HALIBUT MaS Schedtik Tsi&$ TittBsiig ilit Taatrsdhjt- rtrK 7on Earner Ijjl Cweqtfteei XiMK fC JLiytx. a StrV 1:31 ajt 4 5pt m$ MVkej. Margar Jtrcutrccg .Ctarcc . Taoiot aks &eatr,iil Cstn2 Jafecat. lk Ocs lot 43. tas?.tjiaf Sat. tar. 30i.SsaR"'Si tiis. 3L txtr Grte SScrev 5a Aoaccav iTt" Sftwcrat Ccc-jtfc. Otiumi a : IX. Tzmmor St 5ai .23?"" lisacswmv 24 Sas&fewf 42 ' - JOntcctA jti. MicauX. aAinm. XL !tat wix mil nr3c csaamtk. srr ! v TtMQidttv J 23i- a?oca 'ifttun ti 4ent tto 5hU 5. at x. Jsnani ousstie t twn. 5iwx ami. cVt 'janQMra St yeuc n iailass. 3n: ReMitw biaas wuier afr Shy to aa K C 3 4 311 -31 A: a .anscbw s FACTOR William l.eask Home After Attend m party credit. JJadame Chiang Kai-Shek Will Ins Annlversay Celebration In w ' Have To Be Reckoned With Alaska Native Village ' fancy I can see Mr. Aberhart Before Japanese Win War Wlsntng when he ha to but pot t NEW YC3X. Dec. 4: CP Be -. - for the Japanese soidtery com New Zealand; supposed U) be, a plete Uielr conquest qf China the. Kletlakatla at lh fMM leader In democratic le tisUUan. 1H have to conquw a woman lollowlnj; the lead of British Colum- their most dangerous adversar;. bia In Instituting physical educa- next to General Chians Kai-Shek tlon under vtaif supervision. j SJJe Is, no fierce anuuon but .. ,W Uxask. HB. wturned to W Lwl nlj,hl , fkmfnU nport- fitilf persati with a big brain and -"nHJe U n5M in hi ih IV9 OhMr hf PAmmmt s vmrM rJ initiaUve Shp Is flon ! IwMmibcr of hU ww. iu lts molest against tovernmTntalWngNi wife, lo all Intents ana! uwae w huh. m. by st6nn of pro. purposes sh Is )olnt-detatof with om i-tst mst af tne nlhk hex husband of China 450.000.OOC (people ad basketbU . . . hn.' w ut.ii t Mi who One spek3 litem By tn People fave money by re- saying fusing to give fchrtstmis prtehts this woman U uklng an activf usually have nothihg Irfi by Fehru- part la U war. Apart from otfei i. u i .k.. .i... i .e .i .f :n ' . Tw, v... x.v... ary anyway. tnmas. an actually is cwunancwr. II is iu'jkai iiju mr iu'Kiiuiirin in ui'ivir win vmv vxrsi m hi ot .n.-.v. Uvrtoief of CMnas air fore Jiittw Kwpert at Kwst one cim in the near fiitvnv as mrt;; ...r"1 -Hetto Dad. i tiuiht rd just As an, be wtrd. she ha , rwmriRg our comaM orW 1 Witness H if je del wtiRt to htt-bnd to CJfcrtstlanny and tt b, h4. wtth pride and ktnsru at th wrut I tamk I may as well f " utrraence . j here tn Alaska W hov this pro- 'out thinking Xta cct a liwyer. fress wiQ continue In the fattre In j greater afteasurc than la th . . . . V. . . . , . . . . . . . . . ........ ...... .V . . . 1?-. . . . . VI. . . w ... ihh taw ivrtHi itifj-r ur wtuiw ituu.i i w m swpr y I krv - i.... ..r Wuv ....w... races vo at. vnc wviwwt vv jvri niuouv. j know PATMQKR SKCHKTAUY The aiuwintwent vf U Patwxorv s secretary of the V ''Children's Story joee' l -I am my proud t uad hrelulu li"t" n,f Urtawt tte tcM sou that lamtfeeoalY sxir-l Th Mrlat a diversity of accomplistunnt. Youl 'too late! son. Your co'Ji- and activities she Is first lady of as been tKme hei-e so far exwnt the rnitation of the!ktta xti. Mr. l. s at ff aRd ff4 , ltrh1?tJ'T?T'v unit. Nw the Kvs ihouM lv vii the guns to0 Metiakaiia cation w LTLT fcrtty ttUtke their tieiwise plans effective. ltTiw m great pkasur to tJ youf ' ci' Pw her with a ltalrs of stole and envoy ex w .t ,ku tK nnteh uiY,r-.nt Unr," traordmary. THK AK15KUTA KUKCTION I ... .... i "DUtnoi Uie rise as ftatulencr When she tent directing the aii . v - - of the perimeter and charge him tw- doing some equally lai awrdJcgly.4 ordered tfce garage portant ru sha may be wnum man. -Ttt the way he does." PeUT. She emnioys eith?r Chuies, ' JO' faitlMi Th? latter languac WTtcess I thUok she speaks with an American ac- Law?er We dcat care what you due to her tons retknee u. think. What we wn to knw Is ututec stales. -w nunb nt IXVtk R C what TQU kCiMT UC4mC Cfm OOBTeTtftl h' CHeorgv Pearson was in charw of the biH giviusr effect to iT wwa iTOUr T TO" rani When Chiang was a eapUv oT rebels at Statu a Max aca. h itook mattcts into her hand and !Oew to him in one of bis priv-st : j planer She played a bw part ir lofMaMng bis release and in 'nttdtag the retab to eon into 'hts cam. Miased wmb this, ae an tttr !wmiy kueh: Quant Jam What soc Chi 1&e Svarr itotu. fvx MUe ciJii-jas airintaal cv0k1. hte efcc; food he hhea an eeth :o eat it wifth I here m the aU mw that set fcoil38-015 6f-tl tie uie of - - 'an ths v$mad Nflvre I d So r6 T7ar,f Aixen T" Xf k VWV 4ttS Utueh with all that Ptv oh. UmI kKluH n yv ---wry maktng hxl . Bhutrar- 1 errdte HiaH avJL ...i . a. v ...... . . f... . r?: ; : remember sb aa'? wui: a sccseraats ntm fw5k Xvanevt :his stead Baptist Ladies' Recovery Is ii tsterwa Is OW AlltlCipatea aaa aaa Hsr ar lr. k" JLa jus atcc x.txc (weeaa fsr Bep ire heAl cw fTOfras erraH(CV(vrr & Mtfca irsc teneec the s?i e f aadiS f Terrace, mfcc c alts mi car uv ritg TSarsssa? m&ZS Sa i- stfa-ra iggcta; xmt mr irataaeac 2 Ae rrmce 5ta IVWkH' 1IVn WW Si hxy trSW SJtre A K 5Uf5js!rfciati:r ef 'O oaf ij saaj xiss it in? iWo it, juwi two fetereiofts ot0 st frw vU away. S! aa at val IMKtt tW most CMtffe traffic SCXVw e.vW MUit. .'1 Ofttaji ... . . . . pe vaeeae mmrers as aamms.' l 'KeNaaHHL Mas. 3ert 3w TODAY'S STOCKS sarriiHiwd wte. that m far the re- T Arthur. Kgr. a apteors thai "sramsr w a tkr hmm '.bat due Arthnr Vamarr. aromCnt a msmaaK gjwm a Ar ganee ' eaaae ate aaal aaaaak Wkci f&f lac x cpna. Br finC x.? -Sfee Mm htfi the tebr 5h rJht LOCAL NEWS tnt ta dm SNAP 3arir im. "Srmimrv ami wfjsre h aofC iajt ftr x tdp m Mr wmt 9A& A LawooK jt amaaadR-. wdaa ius ban mt s 'h Bb Huxbws- amatRdl a ar fEamaai iiiiai ' at amaa. at TR- attention: S sanw ft JTSt Siim S. X. C 1 a NOW is the time to ?e! your SLIPP EUS New arrivals by Paris Maid and other leading makes in the most fascinating styles and designs in boudoir and comfort slippers. Priced to Suit Your Purse Headquarters For All Kinds of Toys and Christmas Gifts Regal Shop ( JLSivrtutM. ct Family shoe store ltD, The Home of Good Shoes The its$ nix ! the tniasUy far the firs! s t r .-i tl b estisuted to be SSU3XMIJ4. This b aa - itl S1K over the rxlae f r tb nrmedtBt period m : ' ' ' laVatioe ire Uut this year's grodoctioa w rx tti tst ( amy prrno jnr ia rsiae. which b a tpledW : -""amp tb sUbditT of tbe Miniir htlmstn im lkw w- Nn ra- erties are oeutt bresxbi ialo anartiaB. xad s " - n7a' tax of ott ar9rtiev rsQ rsKKitr di k - Ttuei oirr list yrxz mam SPECIAL WINTER EXCVRtN TO VANCOUVER 'c?1- raj- azixr a XTK31X r UNION STEAMSHIPS 3eaaat 2at Ttocwuwr jjj r.w. .1 SgeesaCXhAsei See Nawcnfttfr b. W t( :eiiaitr U TS-Ttimi mt 1 V ' ffnu aaort Xpma jl W. MTUCKVX -Tlirt 'i C .40wmna; rJaa rssdiaaw TtHlats. a! T'j ..ti-uaf