d TT ay Aree VEAT vs ending 6 a,m., NEXT MAILS Twp For souTH sf ur MP, BAR. UH. BAIN Prince Rupert......Friduy 8 a.m, fi ' 99.418 1.61 For NorRTH epee nee Tera ee , cary L Cg; iy, Princess May...... Monday p.m. e R i Ags, \ ce imi % Formerly The Prince Ru rt Optimist, o. — = f , , \ 7 - a ee : —————— al : PRINCE Rupert, B.C., MONDAY, DeceMBER~4, POP. 4 B.C A Prick Five CENTS e \EW REBEL GOVERNMENT IS SLE OF SECTION TWO PROPERTY BROUGHT CLOSE 10 $600,000 Property Averaged a Little Over $1,000 a Lot---Proposal to Re= case, when it was certain that cognize the Services of the Auctioneer of Two Lots Proved Very Popular red and eighty! At the end of the sale the last The five pts sold in § yn two. by the! two lots offered, lots 101 and 102 G.T.P. fetcl nearly $600,000, block 20, were withdrawn, the Expectations of those who pre- idea being that the C TP dicted that t its would fetch a ema me G.T.P. heads en were bettered by | 4 Montreal be informed of the 7: m total of the SUggestion made by Ald. Clayton » $573,335. and heartily approved by the as- prices bid The two best lots in the section semblage of buyers, that these . : two lots be either presented to his 10, block 6 and 78, block 20, Auctioneer Frank Elis or sold to commal entrance tO him at the upset price of $700 in Second, A d Moresby Av- recognition of his undoubtedly enues in sé two went for excellent services at the sale. 5,200 being bought The lots constitute a double cor- by V. Ca f the Empress ner on Moresby Avenue and the Hotel and \ | Grattan of Lane continuing Fourteeth street. Vancouve The suggestion and appreciative THE CHINESE REBEL ARMY HOIST FLAG OVER NANKING Have Formed a Government with Premier and Coun- cil_ Imperial Viceroy and General Take Flight—-Japan Will Intervene y News.) Tielan and Viceroy Chang Jen Nanking, Dec. 4—This city | Chung took refuge on a Japanese has beer timed the eapital | warship. fChina and Huang Hsin was Japan to Intervene lected | ‘ Tokio, Dec. 4—Counsellor Mat- . sui of the Foreign office has left lews Reaches P. s ; . +s News Reaches Peking in great haste for Peking to con- | | TOLD THE TRUTH TO SAVE LIVES (Canadian Press Despatch.) Los Angeles, Dec. 4.—Accord- ling toa statement issued today | by the defence in the McNamara | | | j | | | |the accused men would be con- |victed, in order to save their lives they pleaded guilty and | confessed. remarks regarding the auctioneer | were received with approval by | Fog at Vancouver Mr. D. H. Hays who will ap-| Vancouver, Dec. 4.—(Special) proach his directors on the mat-|—Shipping out of this port is all ter. The lots had to be exposed | tied up owing to dense fog pre- for sale, but were bid down with vailing over the waters of the laughter by the large assembly. seu and Inlets. | | Pantorium Pioneer Cleaners, Phone 4. With a Present (Continued on page 4.) LIFEBOAT WAS PICKED UP I (Special to The Daily News) Victoria, Dec. 4.—The steamer Tees is afloat and their ship to get to Estevan wireless station. Jolliffe to the stranded ship. nd that General | Pek news of the|fer with Minister Ijuin about in- fall of Nar states that Gen-/|tervention. Britain, Russia and | tral Chang Hsang was killed in|France are supporting the Jap- | the anese move. | ] sunona blue f China has a red field with a whit TRAPPED A MAGNIFICENT SILVER FOX, WORTH $600 Joe Belway Made a Lucky Trap Near Mile 65 Last Week Railway Seems to Attract Animals Instead of Scaring Them Witt | ' if fan fn > belt of a beautiful|was caught not far trom the ied undressed at|railway. It is a sare fat tee so far from the Grand Trunk bably double that|8° f4" from OT act made Bel |Co’s works having had the eltec knows velway, & well of driving wild animals away Yer tray ss and Skeena ri- from the line of steel, the crea- at M ime into his camp} tures seem to be attracted neat i 6 P S ’ ° . ist week, The fox|er by the bustle of the works. >=... | . All Safe and Sound AHOODOO INON THIS FAMILY Victoria, Dec. 4, 2 p.m. |All the passengers and crew ‘of the Tees are safe follow- Dubli , ._|ing her rescue by the on The Marquis |i" 1e by /m " Waterford was d 4 oe Jolliffe. It is stated a over- “< as drowne sre | ° peared see ne hanging cliff prevented the Press Despatch.) Dee, 4, This is the third| , Re Pam wireless signals from reac h- Meat,» ead of the family to}. side stations Cron ent death. His fath-|!N& the outside stations. Committed uiei >| - ee Led sule > are ot ting ve s cide because of A gift that always pleases beauti feld oe lved in the hunting ful Chinaware. Many things a his Basi ‘8 grandfather broke | celebrated potteries of Europe. . While riding to hounds. liace’s Wednesday while passing Clay Pits. She struck a suk | Her crew and passengers were put on two meals low. during the day. 20,000 DISENFRANCHISED SEAMAN ON THE QUADRA IS DEAD Montreal Citizens Who Do Not | Pay Taxes Have Vote Refused. | Montreal, Dee, 2. Because Duncan Andrews a seaman on ithey have not paid their taxes ee , 0,000 persons will not be allowed board the C.S.S. Quadra died to- to vote in the forthcoming muni-|day at the hospital where he had | been hurried suffering from Ce- |rebro spinal meningitis, and the /Quadra flew her flag at half d Re-| Mast this morning in token of respect to the dead. The deceas- |ed was a member of the Knights pal elections. A CONVICTS’ PLOT | Kansas Prisoners Had Loade volvers and Dynamite Sent Them. Was Located by the Tug William Joliffe in Kyuquot Sound Late Saturday Afternoon---Crew and Passengers Are All Saved Crew Were Trying to Reach the Estevan Wireless Station, But Lost Their Way in the Fog—They Piloted the Jolliffe to the Stranded Ship—The Tees Had Stripped Her Propellor in Striking Rock—Passengers on Short Rations They are now on their way here on the tug William Jolliffe. day afternoon the William Jolliffe after gaining entrance to Kyuquot Sound, picked up the lifeboat and crew of the Tees who on Wednesday morning left They had lost their way in the fog and been without food since and were all in bad shape. Wm, | ,| graphic WILL ARREST DARROW ON CHARGE OF BRIBERY IN McNAMARA TRIAL Startling Sequel to Dramatic End of the Los Angeles Trial--- Thirty Arrests of McNamara’s Friends to be Effected in Indianapolis (Special to Daily News.) Los Angeles, Dec. 4—That Clar- ence Darrow, attorney for Mce- Namara Bros., will be arrested in connection with a_ bribery charge was intimated tody by Attorney Fredericks. The case against Bert Frank!yn accused of trying to bribe Juror Lock- N THE FOG all on board are well. Late on Satur- They piloted the wood was continued for one} week, | Inpianapolis, Dec. 4 — Every | person who was even remotely | connected with McNamara is| now under suryeillance by De- tective Burns and a staff of sleuths, and about thirty arrests | are to be made according to Fed- eral Attorney Miller who is here. | K. of P. Dance Postponed On account of the death at the General Hospital of Brother In- gles of Victoria, the Knights of Pythias dance to be held this evening is postponed indefinitely. Empress (Canadian Press Despatch.) Bombay, Dee. and Queen reached India to at- tend the Durbar and be crowned Emperor and Empress of India. It appears the Tees injured her propellor and bent her rudder post on ymerged rock, then slid off and anchored. After the first call of distress the wireless ceased to work. a day as rations were The passengers were transferred to the tug Salvor and will reach here RESCUED THE GRANT Halibut Boat Is Now in Tow of Tug Off Cape Mudge. The halibut steamer Grant, which was reported in distress jnear Alert Bay on Saturday, is now in tow of the tug Shamrock, northbound, off Cap Mudge. The {Grant is an American boat, for- revenue cutter, She is | merly a }now owned by the San Juan Fish- | ns Company. City Hall “Hospital.” | K | ; ; | st or t uit et 4) ve Leavenworth, Kas., Dec. 2. of Pythias Lodge and will be] ‘+ er dog wandered int Aw | , . . : s, | Cil al inis orning with a Phe finding of twelve loaded re-| buried with due ceremony by his : 7 ee sé se aihp + 3h, ne our sticks of a- , yadly voundes leg, i tlerk vers and four sticks of dyna-|] oqge Brethren. Messrs. Hay- s eieaotntn teh wa: Hatha 1 the Federal penitentiary | Woods, who is more than half a it ‘ay has | ‘ ted a fear aj ner Bros. have charge of the |\e1 as far as dogs are con- vare oda mas prevented ¢ eared). ae | vholesale outbreak of conviets. funeral arrangements. The | cerned, is taking eare of the in- < | Quadra put to see again at about |Jjurd animal until its owner ean ye fo ad, Off to England. }1l a.m. today. H un H. D. Robinson of the Rupert] VERY HIGH TIDES Marine Iron Works left for the | . : eae Old Country on a business visit] Every woman loves chinaware. Get} about three months, Mr,|hersome for a Christmas gift—select| Twenty-Two Feet at Wharf To- ast abo 0 s. Mr. } : | Robinson left by the Princess it now and we'll lay it aside until you} day——Higher Still Tomorrow. = res , want it delivered.—Wallace’s. | Mary, eS . This morning’s tide was so jhigh that it washed over the new INVESTMENT THAT PAYS. | Visited Wreck. | }gangway erected at the Davis tai fabington left in the} . | at Tie ot ernitid ; . Con ee “7 aut aah cone | No-chamo in cAiasianne Canada peuaths. ae _ feet one inch launch hover boas o - was re «6oficia measuremen?, 7 the wreck of the Carrondelet,{can better invest a dollar than Reatadeee ghthida:canlie tas mith It is undrstood now that the old} so nd it for a year’s subseription | higher, touching twenty-tree feet, barque is beyond salving, her | to The Family Herald and Weekly |and Wednesday's tide will be the back being broken, Star, That paper has been a | highest, with twenty-tree feet five blessing in thousands of Western | inches, Afterward the tides will Mrs, William 8, Hall will Noll homes, Its agricultural columns {go back rapidly to normal ris Wednesday of this) aye as good as a course in a col-]}and fall, ; reeeive on week A NEW CHART Survey of Chotham Sound from Digby to Kennedy Island. in colors of Chatham \ chart Sound, British Columbia, from Dieby Island to Kennedy Island, numbered 302 of the Canadian Hydrographie Survey, has Just been published by the Hydro- Surveys branch of the Department of the Naval Service of Canada, lege, Its world’s news page Coy- ers everything in the nws_ line and its.magazine section provides ample reading for the whole fam- ily. Any person seeing the beau- tiful picture, “Home Again,” in a shop window would readily give two dollars for it, yet it ean be had absolutely free by sending a dollar for a year’s subseription to the paper. Such a paper for a year with such a beautiful die ture all for the price of a bushel of wheat is certainly a good in- Tom and Jerry at Savoy. PRISON FOR SUFFRAGETTES Society Women Who Took Part in London Raid Now Pay Penalty. London, Dee i Preferring of the suffragettes who were ar- the yne women known in s80- recent to prison, rested in raid have gt of them are elety. Best room in town at the Savoy, prison to payment of fines, scores | sulfragette | Many | | They were given a royal welcome ;on the arrival of the vessel Me- | dina and escorting squadron. The King and Queen will make their state entrance into Delhi on December 7, and this date, as |well as December 12, the actual |date of the Durbar, will be gen- }eral holidays throughout India. /On December 12 a royal procla- | mation will be read in every town 5.—The King SHIPPING NOTES Camosun Will Change Hour of Leavin gto Sunday Evening. The C. P. R. steamer Printess Mary arrived this morning from the Naas river and proceeded south direet. The steamer Co- quitlam is at the wharf discharg- ing general cargo. With pas- sengers and mail for the south the steamer Camosun left at 6 p. m. Sunday. The Camosun will schedule to leave at that hour until further notice instead of in the morning. We pack chinaware so that it may be safely shipped anywhere.—Wallace’s. KING GEORGE AND QUEEN MARY ARRIVE IN INDIA Amid Gorgeous Welcome of Indian People the Medina Reaches Bombay—Royal Party Will Proceed to Delhi to be Proclaimed Emperor and of India and village of the Empire, royal |salutes will be fired from every | gun in India and the whole coun- try will be ablaze with illumina- tions at night. The thirteenth will be devoted to a people’s fete jall over the land. | All of the ruling princes and great chiefs of India will be com- /manded to the Durbar. Envoys | from Nepal and Afghanistan and ithe Maharajah of Bhutan will jalso be present. It is expected | that fully half a million people wall greet the King at Delhi and will witness the spectacles con- nected with the Durbar. KING GEORGE AND QUEEN MARY Who have reached Bombay, India, i it ee FORMED IN CHINA — il ( Q Ss = TY Ree 5p e re eo et Smeg eng i ll