PERFECTION IN CANNED SALMON GOLD SEAL Red Sockeye -- Safest PINK SEAL Finest Pink. Salmon .Packed by the only Salmon Canning Company with an all the year round payroll In Prince Rupert. Start a Happy -New Year by burning Jasper Haird Coal Hyde Transfer Installation of Gunnar Selvlg, president, and other officers of the local Sons of Norway for the ensuing year was conducted at a lodge meeting last night by Oscar Sather. There was a good attendance of members and a social evening followed the lodge meeting. There was a reading by Gunnar Selvlg. Ten tables of whist were played with Olof Skog the winner of a 15-pound turkey and C. Aune taking a cash prize. Gunnar Selvlg was in charge of the card tables. Delicious refreshments were served under the direction of Miss Lillian Ytreberg, Mrs. A. Wick, Mrs. John Wick and Mrs. Hans Underdahl. The officers installed were as follows: President, Gunnar Selvig. Vice-President, John Murvold. Judge, Anton Dybhavn. Financial Secretary, John Stor-seth. Regent, Mrs. A. Wick. Secretary, Miss Fredhelm. Assistant Secretary, Mrs. Hans Underdahl. Treasurer, Mr. Hundeide. Boiling Beef 4 lbs Beef Pot Roast 6 lbs Round Steak 3 lbs. Pork Leg per lb Pork Shoulder per lb IT liii Friday, January 8, 1337 PABE FOUR THE DAILY NEWS It 1ft m rrz H I 1 COATS ALL FURS 25 Percent Off Before stock-taking DON'T MISS THIS i CHANCE! Come in and see G0LDBL00M The Old Reliable FREE TROUSERS Fre trousers or 10 discount for Suit or Overcoat of House of Hobberlin Clothes during the month of January only, and 10 discount offered on House of Stone Clothes. Quality, Style, Fit, Satisfaction Guaranteed I IMP TL. T!l i 817 Second Ave. Phone 619 TRAPPERS! Attention! Don't sell your furs until you sec Frank Lockwood P. O. Box 200 OFFICERS INSTALLED j Sons of Norway Leaders For Com- In? Year Take Over Their i Duties Inner Guard, E. Jensen. Outer Guard, T. Murvold. Trustee. C. Aune. Marshal, Mrs. A. Dybhavn. Assistant Marshal, Mrs. Skog. Olof Rev. L. C. Jensen will be leaving on the Princess Norah Sunday morning for Ketchikan where he will join a delegation headed fori Petersburg to attend the Alaska 75c 50c 18c 20c 25c 25c 20c 15c 15c 20c 15c $1 25c 50c 40c 22c 18c -WMBaBW'' Band Concert At Kitzegukla Entertainment of Varied Nature Much Enjoyed KITZEGUKLA, Jan. 8: On Monday the Kitzegukla band gave a very interesting concert In the McDames Hall; The program was as follows: Opening number, Instrumental, "The Canadian Patriot," Band. Speech, Arthur Sampare, president of the Band. March by band, "Stars and Stripes." Song by two children, Godfrey and Corah Wesley. Overture, "The Daughter of the Elm," the Band. One Act Play, "Hang the Murderer," Rufus McDames. One Act Play, accompanied by orchestra, "Three East Indians." Story, "The Trapper and the Cougar," Peter Mark. Shadow act, "Sawing a Man Into Two Parts," Abel Ross. Story by Abel Ross. listen to this - - "There Is no use ; arguing, with pe inevitable. The only argument available with an cast wind Is to put on your overcoat." And jt takes a stout overcoat to 1- 1 j : vrr L ? ' EXPANSION OF TRADE (Contlnuea iroin Pane 1 tries were $68,379,000, a gain of 13 percent, while the imports were $54,094,000, a gain of 18 percent. Refreshments were sold by Mrs. and Navigation. There is a urovl Ed. Wesley, Mrs. Walter Wesley, on ta 5 agreements that If Mrs. Mathlas Welsey, Mrs. H. Wes- either party should be dissatisfied ley and Mrs. Fred Sampare. with .the working of the agree- Proceeds were for the band fund, ments negotiations could be corn- There were 19 instruments taken menced with a view to a mutual . by the different members. The con- satisfactory adjustment, and that Skeena Crossing Gospel Party On Visit to Kispiox SKEENA CROSSING, Jan. 8: A S nl via Hfvn Armv cmenol mrfv frrvm GREAT FILM IS OFFERED Trade With Europe J "Charge of the Light Brigade" Is A provisional trade agreement Week-end Feature on Screen was negotiated with Germany, be j coming effective In November. The j agreement provides for mutual i most-favored nation treatment and a bilateral exchange oi goods in equal amounts, which Is the basis of Germany's foreign trade policy. Germany will buy as much from Of Capitol Theatre Tennyson's famous verse of the same name forms only the climax for the film story of "The Charge of the Light Brigade" which will be presented this week-end as the Canada as Canada buys from 'feature offering on the screen ol Germany and each country -wll treat goods from the other no less favorably than like articles produced In any third country. An Important exception conspicuous in all other recent trade agreements Is that advantages accorded bj Canada to other parts of the British Empire In the Intra-Empire trade agreement of Ottawa shall remain unaffected by the present pact. Both parties agree that it Is their intention to replace the Provisional Trade Agreement with a General Convention of Commerce the Capitol Theatre here. The pic ture depicts a glamorous romance In which two brothers one played by Errol Flynn and the other by. Patric Knowles, a newcomer from England ire rivals for the love of a beautiful girl in which role lovely Olivia de Havllland Is cast. It Is at an army outpost In In dla that the idyll begins and ends and in India many of the thrilling episodes take place. There li also the exciting action In Crimea to which sphere the British troops have been transferred. Of course the famous Battle of Balaclava, where the charge of the Light Brigade took place, Is portrayed. Scenes are spectacular Including not only battle action but colorful interiors and massive exteriors. The production is one of the larg- j est that has been essayed for sonra I cert closed with a scenario, "The If such negotiations should not be j time and has an excellent cast ' . 1 M Til JL I A 1 ...l- l .! 1 f 1 1 1 Land of Liberty." successful the agreements may be 1 which also includes Henry Steph ; terminated on six weeks notice, 'enson, Nigel Bruce, Donald Crisp, I The Provisional Trade Agree- c- Henry Gordon, G. P. Huntley meat takes the place of an ar- Jr Robert Barrat, Spring Bylng-rangemfcnt which b:came effective ton and Lumsdcn Hare, at the beginning of 1933, whereby ; wie miermeaiate tanii was ex tended 1 to German goods In ex were $50,000,000 and purchases chance : for mnst-f;ivnrrt nnt.inn $41,000,000, a . . OthPT ImrVVrtlnf ninlfnl .fnni.ii treatment oi uanaaian products If""-'' A. . . . . V Skeena Crossing visited Kispiox i from this arrangement were nulli ... .. by Germany. The advantages wons ere Ior retirement of which Canada expected to derive BC-u"e5 oi wuiaaian govern ments and corporations which were Church of America Bishop H L. the day Mon New Year and I fled to a large extent by the hed b investors outside of Can- . . . . MrtCC t r t nil un Alfln -l I o i - mill Ua 4i n-- ;ln attendance, as will also repre- lUnJted church there. They were Mrniawves irom iutneran cnurcnes :,home ln tlme for the New Year's in Alaska and Northern British ' Eve and New Year's Day festivities Columbia. JONES Family Market I'llONE 057 Specials Shoulder Mutton 6 lbs 1 Loin of Mutton 3 lbs J Leg of Mutton per lb I'll ONE 95? Bone and Rolled Shoulder of Lamb, per lb Loin of Lamb per lb Leg of Lamb-p per lb Boned and Rolled Shoulder of Veal, per lb Rump Veal per lb Leg of Veal per lb Fillet of Veal per lb Beef, Prime Rib, rolled per lb. ., Beef Rump Roast 7 lbs in Kitzegukia. drastic control of the grautlng of fda" Thcre were also various new- foreign exchange introduced In 01 naoian securities Germany In September, 1934. tlfei ln NeT York Principally for Gennany's foreign trade lm- 'TZl tl' proved considerably In 1936 over' SfjS 6 ta Canadlan !i ? agrlcultur- f"" the Drocedins vear The i he Reich's Helens , ,y al produ&ts was apparent ln w 193B exports from January to SeDtem-.., . v l , iwiuic uiis waae aid not assume 57 Pnrrn Ctrte", T the Pportlcns of the pre-dep? 9.3 percent greater than in he s)on TOlum u same months of the precedlnc f. uu . ' t... " ivea io relieve tne pres, -,... 1VWU HKJIU IUIU- .,.-.- !.. . . pean neighbors In the same period decreased by 2.4 percent. From overseas the Increase wa3 7.6 percent. The embargo against the im ports Into Canada of certain goods keep the east wind out, as James tpm,h Snirie.f nr f nuwci duwcii iuiew But you can't wear an overcoat at home. The best you can do is to put on another lump of coal. And the best coal is Albert & McCaf-fery's the best available for the last twenty years. If better could be got, we would have it. It gives you the most heat for the least money and that's what you want. So. the next time you need coal, just phone 116 or 117 to Albert & McCaffery and order Nanalmo-Wellington, for furnace and heater; Alberta-sootless for the kitchen range. Ycu deserve the best! COAL TO PLEASE EVERYBODY Satisfaction Guaranteed FAMOUS EDSON ALBERTA COAL BULKLEY VALLEY COAL VANCOUVER ISLAND COAL PRINCE RUPERT FEED COMPANY PHONE: 58 and 558 Reach the most people ln city and district with an advertisement in the Dally News. Soviet Union. I The largt active balance which had been evident In Canada's commodity trade ln 1935, was continued as one of the Important feature, of 1936. There is every indication, too, that the tourist trade produced a larger balance than in 1935 and tne export of gold bullion remained on6 of the large sources of Canada's external credits. Canada's large net interest and dividend payments to investors residing abroad continued as an Important debit In 1936. During the first 10 months of last year the international trade In securities between Canada and other countries totalled $600,000,-000 compared with $435,000,00C during the corresponding period of 1935. Of this trade, the sales to other countries were represented by $301,000,000 and the purchases from other countries by $299,000,000. The largest part of these international security transactions was between Canada and the United States, sales to that country being $242,000,000 and pur-chases $252,000,000 while sales to Great Britain during this period - ) jjl thus assbted in promoting price recovery. It Pays to lluy From KIITCC A 1 I Piiri 1TI jjjiAcm a against purchases In Canada andjur prices are always right with 1 the charterlmr cnanering of or Canadian uanadian ves- ves ti- , ... . : sels was also annulled. The result of this arrangement was the restoration of normal commercial re lations between Canada and the me uiait.wj una we sen ior less Mail or phone your order and save FREE GIFT COUPONS for a Dinner Set and Rogers Silverware. Prince Rupert, B.C. MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY-STORE Delicious, Fresh COTTAGE CHEESE VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE G57 65 Taxi And Messenger Service Stand: Empress Hotel Bill Stuart AI French John Saunders I'M SORRV; ( SURE HE 1-. I'LL. MSTER. BUT "THAT ISN'T A shosm vou-eo OM. r. i OOVJM 60 TO "SLEEP HvC I I t -It I l SHEEP sheep ioq DO 6 r.i. I OF THE Mii OLIVIA DeilAVILLAND .J$M ' PATRIC KNOWLESF Wrnr Broi.Firit Ktionl Pictuft ujB "B JUp (At. 7:23 i&lTWRj -4 &j Tonight & Saturday r News and Cartoon SsLu GOOD FOR ONE FOUR OUNCE TIN OF RD A I h'Q 00UBLE-ACTIN6 DKM I f j BAKING POWDER with the purchase of 1 lb. package Braid'jTea or Coffee TO GROCERS , BRAID TUCK & COMPANY crlli.for iimt from LTD. VANCOUVrn. B.C. For You . . . Hours of enjoyment that you may have from good books join the library. Only 75c for all the reading you can do for a whole month. :- i' , HERE AR ESOME OF THE DETEST: "Level Crossing" .' Bottomc "Great Laughter" Hirst "White Velvet" , ...... . . . . Rohmer "Fighting Angel" Buck "Crocus" ..Neil Bell "Honourable Estate" Brittain "Yan and Yin" ; Hobart "Rich Man Poor Man" Fairbanks "The Gay Crusader" . Connor "Crime at Guildford" Crofts "Devereaux Court Mystery" . . . , Burton "Conspirators in Capri" Maddock "Lord of Terror" Horler "The Last Enemy" . ..Strong "Men Are Such Fools" .Baldwin "Sally" Metcalfe and many others. New books added every week right from the publishers JOIN NOW-This is Reading Time I . , "THIir TUC TAIICD" V. r u n 11 .1 nr 1 r nm - ! 1 1 1 .1 .1 1 . 1 nr. 1 111 .r.w 1 nil 1 911 r rn rnn ivaai i hmu vi. Li there's A Mam outside vmho imsists He hasJ VOUt5 HEHP DOS AMO VAisMTS "THE fcEVAJARD YOU ADVERTISED-.,. TCLO HIM tT WASN'T VOUR DQ6 VMEU.V-, I'LL (50 AND SEE VMM AT 1 ' h HE WANTS DOM'T T 5J&3 DAY J By Westover YUr. SEE -HE'S I C0UMTIW6 SHEEPJ I T -. .r. ,? -I Aft . . MUST BE A SHEEP 1 DOS -s S,i