Friday January 8, 1937 w ,Mlss nlirht on LOCAL NEWS JMOHsES loet nlnht (in Rupert for a trip the Prince Vancouver. l;rP 10 Vnncouvar, u r-ion Plovers' Al'a.-.,01) P -e Rupert Annual Meeting,, for, election nf off City Hall,. Monday Jan. ji, 8 0-ny. Sec'y w v h;s gent'iai sum; a smith. ELO'S (8) there ta J. City Commissioner W. J . Alder, in his capacity as a city council,! this morning gave introductory) readings to a bylaw providing for , the payment of interest at the rate j of five percent per annum for ad-' vanr payments of taxes. j George Minns sailed by the Prince Rupert last night to resume . tiis studies at the University of J British Columbia alter spending the Christmas and New. Year holiday season here with his parents, Mr and Mrs. C. Q. Minns. r Announcements Erik Frey's Concert, January 15. Presbyterian Concert, January 25. 1 Atlas Couch, with pad at Iron Beds each Woven Springs each .. Buffet at .... Lief Husoy Is leaving .j.'a', if. ... on so medicated with throat-soothing ingredients of Vicks VapoRub. I -l FURNITURE New Goods The English fram-at Its-Best Made of fine material We particularly call your attention to the new streamline hood which is available without extra cost. We have an assortment in this line. BLANKETS -Just Arrived Four Popular Leading Lines that Cannot he Iieatcn SILVER TIP 100 percent pure wool blanket. An excellent household blanket. SILVER KING The finest camp blanket in market. SILVER CLOUD All wool silver grey. POINT HLANKETS Their excellence is well known. Used Furniture at 7-Piece Fumed Oak Dining Room Set $32.00 We Buy Used Gopds or Exchange D. EL 10 FURNITURE EXCHANGE (6) . $9.00 $1.50 $2.00 $9.00 Phone Green, 421 Prince Rupert, B.C. Business Hours Qpen from 8 a.m.. to 5.p.m., Tliurs. 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. SplroiPostulq salledjlast, nlghtion the Prlnceu, Hupext .fo a .'trip, to, Vancouver. I Mrs. A. Johnston, oL Surf Polnt this mine sailed last nieht on the to .evening's train, to, receive treatment Prince Rupert for at Mayo Clinic In P.cchestcr, Minn. 1 couver Couver. ' a trip to Van Mildred. Lindsay sailed .last, II. Loakes of Surf Point sailed! j. k.. Gordon of Terrace arrived ne wiw -w:" iimiu on me wince Rupert m the dtv from th- interior nn for a trip, to, Vancouver. , last, night's train and sayeaboard i the, Prince, Rupert for Seattle. Peter, Lorenzen has been, abje to -' leave hospital ai& Rochester, Mjnn.J Tax sale lot 19, block 10,. section following an operation but., will be 7 was sold by city Commissioner remaining there for a while longer , W- J. Alder this morning to. Qla to recuperate. Ills nnwrpss fnwnrr? 'Osebercr for $45. . Ar irdin? to. vyora jepeiYen,, recovery is satisfactory, frrrare O. T. Sunda; has. turned' Sale of lot 16, block 17, section 5 for $135 was authorized by City Commissioner W. J. Alder this morning in his capacity as a city council. L Zarelll, after having spent ; 'several weeks in the city, saUed jlast night on, the Prince. Rupert ! for Vancouver enroute to. Gold- bridge. Nominations for 1937 officers Present C V EyitV of the Ro- were "ceiyed at a meeting . of the, tary Club has appointed a pro- ' le(?al Moose Lodge on Wednesday gram committee for the next six I night. The election of officers will months consisting of R, M. Wins- take place next Wednesday, tow. Al Small and A. O. Rix. - Miss, Lois McRae returned to. the Ainsley Blair, evangelist and lec- city on the Prince Rupert last eve- turer Is in the city, and -will be ad-'ninB rom Stewart where she has dressing a mass meeting in the ! beBn visiting for the past week with Capitol Theatre next Sunday at 8 ner slster- Mrs- - A- Kvale- o'clock on the subject "Mutterings of the Coming Storm." Doors will I At the Rotary club lcheon open at 7:30. Singing will be from ly W" L Blackstock re-beautiful colored lantern slides. Portfd pr?s!"f 53. .ln Teerd .t0 th! wa-pns 01, i. ai. a, rmaiore ni the Capitol Theatre. Practices are talcing ning. place evexy Thursday eve- Report onBoys' Parliament At Victoria Given The Hawks Trail Rangers group of First United Church held Its meeting Thursday evening when tMaurice Davey. who represented the Skeena-Hazelton district at the Fourteenth Annual Tuxis and Older Boys Parliament held In the Parliament Buildings at Victoria, gave a report on the proceedings. Ie dealt with the dally program of the fifty boys attending the ses sions and told of the Inspiration received from the fellowship with I these members. The work of the I parliament consisted of plans lor the continuance and development of boys' groups In the province Along this line a resolution was passed that the seat of parliament hp rotated among the large centres I of the province. In 1937 it will be New Westminster. It has been a number of years sjnee a representative from this district has attended the Boys 1 Parliament and the Hawks group are proud of this distinction. Ji Butter First Grade Butter 3 lbs, STIiEl'v BEEF Pot Roast per lb Cross Arjn per lb Prime Rib per lb Brisket, per lb Ayrshire Bacon per lb Sausage Meat 2 lbs. Fresh Ox Hearts each Shoulder Lamb per lb. Bostor Butts per lb BAHPA8.Y 2 lbs 95c 10c 12c 15 c 8c EGGS "A" Grade ff large, 3 doz. JJ.VV YKAL Rolled Roast Veal per lb Shoulder Veal 4 lbs Veal Stew per lb, 22c 50 c 10c 28c 25c 25c 18c 23c 27 c Fresh & Smoked. Fish Always In Stock PAGETHElf? illlJUUU!L Ul -' SScratchin 'I RELIEVE ITCHING In A Minutt Etcu ta nat awtbara )tcbia el waeua, UotobM, Bi5.'' foot, tul" and oilier akin .nip. tlooa. QliicU jlaWa to Ur. Dnnia xilm, aotWD-' SolUqukl D D. D. PRESCRIPTION, lu ienll ofia auoth. tbe imltJ ikiib Clear, vn4m aod aUla-km -drm faat ritopa tba luort Intern, llcblo, l-auutly, A JVio trial uuttie, ai drua , i.o.m SZy VJ !; ( 0. D. 0, PRE SCRIPTION. M MRS. PREECE Annual Meeting of Women's Auxiliary of Canadian Legion. With, a gratifying attendance of upwards of forty members, th? annual, meeting of the Women's Auxiliary of the Canadian legion, British Empire Service League, was held last evening at the club .rooms w.ith election of officers for. the cpmlng year. Mrs. Hugh Killin, re tiring president, was in the chair. Opening with business of a routine nature, reports were read which showed a very satisfactory year for the organization, both financially and socially. The election of officers resulted as follows: President, Mr,s. J Preece. First YicePresldent, Mrs. Robert Anderson. Second Vice-President, Mrs. H.- B, Eastman. Secretary, Mrs. M. M. Lamb, (re elected). Treasurer, Mrs. P. M. Rayner (re-elected by acclamation). Entertainment Committee Mrs. Christison (chairman). Mrs. Shrub-iall, Mrs. Wilson, Mrs. Eastman, Mrs, Anderson, Mrs. Oden. Sick Visiting Committee Mrs. Henry Smith (chairman), Mrs. Boulter, Mrs. Bussey, Mrs. Hugh Smith, Welfare Committee Mesdames Anderson and Goodsell. Investigating Committee Mes- aames uoinwen ana Micnaeion. t Press Correspondent, Mrs. W. Brass. Auditors Mesdames. Barber, Da- -Hoc anA Vllltn Standard Bearer, Miss D. Sewing Circle Formed A Sewing Circle was formed with Mrs. Barber as chairman, assisted by Mrs. Eastman arid Mrs. Good -iell. The first meeting will be held at the club rooms on February 12 A bridge, whist and dance was also arranged for the evening of January 19 in the. club rooms under general convenorship of Mrs. J. Preece. Hearty congratulations were tendered the retiring officers for a most successful year and upon a very pleasant note the meeting was closed. HOTEL ARRIVALS Savoy E. Buhrer and T. M. Smith, Eddye Pass Mine; John Walker, city; A. D. Stewart. Violet Rosang and .Winnie Walte, Lewis Island; Mrs. A. Johnston and Mrs. W. H. Taylor, Pprcher Island; Mr. and Mrs. J. White, A. Reld, H. White and D. A. Jphnson,, Port Simpson. Royal Nl Jensen, Kwinltsa, Prince ltupfrt 1. J. McConnell an( T. A. Nelson, Vancouver; Dr. Stanley Mills, Ter race. Central P; J. Rolls, C. N. R. Fancy Work At Reasonable Prices Palmistry Suite 7, First Floor FEDERAL BLDG. Pliqne Green. 701 iv nn; siTiiKMK roruT or uiiinsii OHMIllA IN I'KOIIATK In tli MJller of the ".diiilnbtrloii Act" And in Ihc .Matter f tin1 Ketatc of. lifpianl I 111, ( 11 1, .n V?T1', M,r,MY, TAKE NOTICE that by pitier of Ills Honor, y. E. Flslier. the 5th dy o; January. A. II. 1037. I wna appointed Adminltitrator of the estate of 'Bernard V Thornton, deceased, and all parti" navwg cuiuro agtiiiw vne sua rsui-.i- are hereoy requift'w w lurqisn name, properly vertflcid, to roe on or before the 6th day of February, A. D. 1937 and . all parties IndebUxl to the estate are requlrtd to pay,'Ui amount of their Indebtedness to nve forthwith. JOItiUN A. WATT. QUlolal AdniUtLrtrator, Prlnoe . Rupert, B. C. Duted thla Stli day of, January AD. Fellowship With God is Subject Pastor E. J. North Speaker At Fourth Meeting of Universal Week of Prayer Pastor E. J. North of the Pente costal Assembly delivered the" mes sage last night at the Salvation Army Citadel where the fourth meeting in observance of the Universal Week of Prayer here was held. The subject was "Fellowship With God" and there was a fairly good attendance. Final meetings will be held tonight one at the Pentecostal Assembly with Rev. Dr. Fi W. Dafoe as speaker and the other at St. Peter's Anglican Church where Major Eva Laycock will be heard the subject to be dedication. Last night's meeting opened with jommunlty singing of hymns fol- lqwed by a session of voluntary prayer. Pastor North read the Scripture lesson and a vocal duet, 'Fellowship With Thee." by Major Eva Laycock and Capt. Elizabeth Robertson was a fitting prelude to; the message of the evening. "Fellowship or partnership with God is the duty and privilege of each believer," declared Pastor North. There was lack in the world today t)f real fellowship with God. If man lived in contact with God he would have no doubt of God's word and God's truth. God recognized no denomination but enjoined all to fellowship with one another.through him. Pastor North also reminded his listeners of the forbidden fellowship with the world. The church was likened to a vessel on the sea of the world. None of the sea must get into, the vessel or disaster would follow. The meeting closed with tire singing of the hymn "I Surrender All" and Bean Gibson prpnounced.J 1 1119 Deneaiwoii. Mr. Frank, Dibb, who has been visiting In Brooklyn, n!y. with hgjr ($ daughter, Mrs. W. W Wood, h ex-; , - , , . til. IJCtlVU LU lULUU IV H- Ht,,) vt-- O 14 Vi wards the end of the month. FOR SALE Trap line. Apply E. Glover, 149 9th Ave. West. 11 FOR SALE General Electric hand, cleaner, 1935 model. Like new. Phone, Mrs. Pullen. Black 272. (tf) WANTFiD WANTED A good strong girl to do ! all cooking and housework for a family of four, must be cheerful! and willing. Apply Mrs. J. S.i Nelson, cjo H. B. C, Kltwanga, B. C. (9) WRITTEN Applications will be received up to February 1, 1937. for the positions of skippers, engineers, deckhands arid campmen for the Prince Rupert Fishermen's Co-operative Association. Address P. O. Box 264. LOST LOST In Cow Bay, young dog. Labrador retriever. Black, long tall. Phone 208 pr Blue 803. Reward. (7) PERSONAL GENTLEMEN'S Sanitary Supplies, highest grade 15 for $1. PacTtii Supply, 751 Granville, Vancouver. MEN Get vigor at once. New Qs-trex Tonic Tablets contain raw oyster lnvlgorators and other stimulants. One dose peps up organs, glands. If not delighted; aker refunds few cents paid all or write. Ormes Limited, tt HOTEL NEW ROYAL J. Zarelli. Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FKOM HOME" Hates $1.00 up 50 Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Kupert, B.C. Hione 281 P.O. Box 196 Weekend boap Spec Colgate's Cashmier Bouquet Soap Three Cakes with, a vial of Cashmicr Bouquet Perfume, Colgate's Gardenia Soap, Thjrec Cakes vyitM .viaof Gardenia .Perfume. CRPtVlM lift Mm BET 2Se 25c Ztiie Pioneer Druggists The .Uexail Store Phones: 81 & 82 Open Dally From 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays From 12 noon UH 2 p.mM 1 p.m. till ,9 p.m. HOUSEHOLD EQUIPMENT Iyitchcn Cans $1.25 Alarm Clocks $1.25 Ilardwiiod Tables .$2.50 Earthenware Crocks-. ... $1.25 50-Piece Dinner Set .$8.3Q Thompson, Hardware Go. Ltd: " --rmmmjjg :' , . 1 WSpL tX'me'Y &b-ztz:, to Jy!"z fuU I jPjxev treatyou) WAY town, Treat Yourself a Happy New Year having your Coal bin of the best coal in PHiLPOTT - EVITT & Co. Ltd, Have the Coal to Suit Your Requirements. 651 PHONE 652 MACKENZIE'S FURNITURE Complete Home Furnishing EVERYTHING FOR THE HOME Phone 775 Prince Rupert, B.C. s I TheFish which madefrince RupertFamoas upcil Dldll SMOKED DI kflt. n Prepared Daily Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. 8 at It's interesting to know when reading the Daily Newa that the people of the whole dis.trict'are'doing'the same.