Family shoe store lt The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited. Third Avinue H. F PULL EN Managing-Editor SUBSCRIK110.N KATIS City delivery, by carrier, yearly period, paid In advatce Paid In advance, per week Paid in advance, per month By mall to all parts ot British Columbia, the British Empire '"and DAILY KLUTiON ODIOUS COMPARISONS $S.C0 .12 .50 wiuw:u otatcs, yeany penoa, paid in advance , 3.00 By mall to all other countries, per year g.00 Friday, September 24, 1937. BOMBING CIVILIANS Public ODinion is beine o-radiiflllv arnncpH ao-ainot tha property but we must all feel the greatest svmnjirhv witVi Every day we read of people making comparisons be- tween trip rnnrlc in Rif ieVi flnw.Ul,, ii -.. ... ,14WOil vjuiuiwum cum muse on tne American Side of the bounrlarv. A - 7 wwkv- Hi 111CIUC VU 3JIUVV how bad are the roads on this side and how good on the uwicx. me mea is to try to sname British Columbia into improving the roads. m We all realize the situation. To the south we have a rich country, well populated and able to operate economically because of its density of population. In Canada we have a much newer country with a much more scattered population and a huge amount ,of new territory to be on-ened up. All this costs money. 1 Evidently the present administration is fully alive to the situation and is making good progress in getting the highways into condition. One difficulty seems to be that there is not always perfect co-ordination between the different districts and people driving through the countrv find themselves suddenly shifting from very good roads to some that are not as good, as they pass from one district to another. This difficulty will soon be overcome This year there has been greater improvement in the roads than in any single year hitherto and by the end of next season there should be little cause for complaint ENFORCE CURFEW When there is so much talk about juvenile delinquency and boys are blamed for various offences, it is suggested that there might be a stricter enforcement of the curlew regulations. The curfew bell rings at 8:30 winter nights and 10 n.m. in nummon kf u . MacKENZIE'S FURNITURE 24 PAIRS ALL FEATHER PILLOWS Per Pair 30 PAIRS ASSORTED PILLOWS Chicken. Duck and $1.90 r;a,r $2.50, $4.50, $6.00, $8.00 PHONE 775 .0 i r PAQE TWU THE.DAHiY NEWS Friday, '1 HE! ONTARIO IBOY SCOUTS 1 SMART ELECTION ' ORGANIZED 7 i Foot New Arrivals in Wonderfully Attractive Styles, Leathers and Colorings For Every Occasion. Popularly Priced i 1 'Fiery Session Led Ontario's Call to p ) Polls Will Be Long ! Remembered Two Highlights ly 1936 after bitter debate, died a year later. When the Conservatives Introduced a bill to repeal the legislation, Mr. Hepburn accepted lt, refused to permit 1- debate on the Is which shareholders' religious pref erence? was not easily ascertain able. In accepting the repeal motion a year later, Mr. Hepburn admitted the bill had failed to do what was II , Neal Carter Open to Iiovs -jAnd 18. is President-Bel weeri .12 ! A nieetlnV.Wi held in tToc Rooms last evening- for the local Boy School Tax Bill Repealed. Hydro Scout TmfnTK& rnpetlrur ws ad Contracts Cancelled, Closure and Censure Appied In House dressed by Robert Yerburg'h who (explained thp aimi of theiSroi't 'Movement bhd the duties4' of a I Scout Commitie. folfowine which ! TORONTO, Sept. 24:(CP) On- the meeting Ws 'organized into a tarlo's, twentieth legislature will be gcout Committee and, the follow-elected October 6, but Ontario will fng officers elected: I long remember the spectacular Chairman, Dr. .Veal Carter. I nineteenth with Its bitterness and" Seortflrv-Treniirer It-'w v'nr. ! drama. Vith youthful Premier dan. Mitchell Hepburn at the helm of a Executive P, C, Miller, C. V. j Liberal government, the legislature Evitt, P. HLIntey and Sergeant was lively, particularly In Its third J. H. McClintoh. and final session. After the election of officers There were two leeislatlve hieh- the following nnnnintmenf a tvn.-u j lights -cancellation by the govern- made: ment of contracts for power be-i Scoutmaster, Robert Yerbtinrh. tween the Ontario Hvdro-Electrlc Asslsta - i U MilHOIV 1 ut tic.n 1 Commission and four Quebec power Meadows. i ..t. -l utll 1 - . T i .. 1 Luinpainca, aim a uiu, iaw:r re- u was ciecided tnac tht neV pealed, dividing corporation taxes; troop should be maintained on a ueiwceu puuuc scnuoi3 au nuuiau purely community basis affjlialed Catholic separate schools. with no other organization. j Much of the heat generated In The initial meeting .of the new Ontario politics developed over troop will be held next Tuesday these measures. The 1935 leglsla-. evening. All boys between the tlon cancelling power contracts ages ot 12 "and 18 inclusive who i stands, though parts of it were de- are interested in the Scout move, clared invalid by Ontario court? ( ment may attend or get in touch ;and new agreements were made ( with either the scoutmaster or with three of the four companies. ihjs assistant. The aim of the The school tax bill, passed In ear- Boy Scouts Asoclation is to de- arpafir rlrnmatlfc than ovor lClafts liftpfiil' t lhamntL L -...1 The dirtiest trick In Ontario his tory," Leopold Macaulay, South York Conservative, called the prem ier's shutting off of debate. Disregarding the Speaker's efforts to put the closure motion, he went on shouting. veteran observers said the en action ot any country in bombing civilians, killing women ! uing uproar was the noislest ta the and children Jfn House' hittory- Members outed as u-ell as nW mpn in fln owi o Mf 4-u t. TLi.V., . :". "r , at each other across the floor. And tuuiHij unuugii xrigniiuiness. ve nave little sympathy with the objection taken to war because it destroys lt only ended when Mr. Macaulay, still defying the Speaker's ruling, was ejected bodily by the sergeant- the non-comhatant nnnnlnrinn nf gnuxnimfm. v.r,f i v,...u at-arms a precedent. lesslv slancrhtpr.7 r: w' I. " "l"". BehJn the tax bill lay decades wr Vv. V, 1 c 1 uIJ,nion of controversy in Ontario over the , will be felt Mi u so throughout the world that such exhibitions school question. By the settlement r T cnirn nMi r ut11 Imn, i. . 1 a i . - MA .... oavacij win uae to stop, no matter wnat country is am 01 ,B03 "oman camoiics could guilty of doing it. 1 Pay thelr taxes to the separate scnooi system, xnev also could notify corporations In which they held shares of their desire to have their share of taxes go to separate schools. The 1936 amending bill made such allocation of taxes mandatory on corporations and Introduced a new principle division of certain corporation taxes between public and separate schools on a school population basis. This aDDlied to' corporations wholly owned outside Canada and to corporations of ?iop Kooa citizenship among boys by forming their character training them ,in haoi'ts of ob-; servaljon, obedience' and self- re-' ijum-e vracn - "- nir mum isrv ons. 1 ill nci)ii,t; sue and thus lilted the curtain tojuseful to .the publrc and hand! promoting their 'physical, mental and spiritual development. It is fell that there is a real need for a live Scout Troop in this Intended. Justice had not beenislon Included tho f.irmaiirvn achieved. The school Issue had; Labor and Induxtrv nrurri t opened up religious and racial minister hour and waae codes in sores which will not heal in the , Ontario Industries kaj I wuciiu UUW lifetime of this country." is functioning and codes have bt n Unusual Scenes in House 1 11c seeana wa? uie premier i move 1 ne amusement tax was to adjourn the House because of Uons, came neaf lie end othe ret-the conduct cf a cabinet minister, j 'wiped out. Municipalities, werz giv-Hon. Peter Heenan, fiery irLshman'tn a subsidy of pne mill on their from Kenora. I rateable assessment a new rt. Premier Dr.i parture In Canarila i uyi uui, 10 emu inure is nn iwuki Hepburn iicuuwu accused auuuseu ui real eltort made to enforce the curfew regulations which ! Roberts of attemPUns 10 "black- J"?. provide that children shall Algoma Btee CorPratM not be out unaccompanied on I11" th.? the Streets after thos hm, A Jt,.Z J 7Lai(l n "e!fort to get a medical con- the curfew ,ln m?n ' " Zl'. 1 c,u"IVC"'t:,a I tract Irom the company, Dr. Rob, I ,r. - -..-v ucijj BUlllCWIlctl, erti denied the charge and an in quiry was ordered. The jdoctor, waJ inuvcu uy uie premier 10 me ud- posltlop side of the House. The inquiry was not carried out. Dr. Roberts apollglzed to the prem- ler after the session closed for ac- c.uelng him of being "dictatorial," an, accusation, made when Dr. Roberts said the premier had per muted Sir 'James Dunn. Aleoma tieei president. Instead of Dr, Rob erts, to announce a government bounty on beneflclated Iron ore. rir Roberts Is not a candidate for re election, Kenora's roads caused the flare- ni.inAKRTOlx THIRSK, Eng Sept. 24: fCP) Britain's , glider .death roll since 1931 was raised to nine when Eric.JIaule of Feli minora competing Jn an annual gliding festival, crashed to the" ground! He wag killed instantly. up Involving Mr. Heenan. The premier had announced the House would in all night t0 pass the esti-maUs. Mr. Heenan, minister of lands and forests', and Kenora's representative, arrived just before mldnlghU-just In time to hear Oeorge S. Hjnry, Conservative House leader, say money had been 1 squandered In Kenpra constituency. Mr. Heenan'resented Mr Henry's charges and dlsiigarded the Speak-' er's rulings to keep his seat. He started across .the floor of. the House toward Mr. Henry. Restrain ed, the mlnlster,,kept nPihls Interruptions. Finally the exasperated premiet adjourned the House "be-caute of mjrcolleagu'a conduct." The next day, Mr. Heenan apologized to the Speaker and he and Mr. Henry smiled at each other. LeglslaUve highlight of the ses- set up under the Industrlal ards Act. Aons with thn M11 ...... ...v ,v CCk" TWO Other SVnlnclvo anlcnrlae tiriP tin tho howl u,n c . v. .. j. . - tpiouuvo f fiitwu 4 lllcdaure 10 marked the nineteenth legislature's! empower it to fix ininVmum wages last cession. ;irst was tne formal 1 or men in industry. expulsion from the Liberal party of The budget, with ts $9,030,030 11. w, iwwiwauivoic, mAiicji rv....wM ouijjius lor. me present representative, by Pismler Hepburn. I fiscal year and 'many tax reduc- Milk' jrom - j" after making ':JVunW i JU. - ll T 71 if Sl Charlr " I iLJrd on 1(1 jml love s Wby lle' Wn... U.Prity . i.nd . M VJ- . c CharW ndUUit Notice halite natural W ThU v flh U Ul ! St. Cbarle. .mprv your trll y l coking . X ' cflw. AA , , or your f 4 ! t P dnnk ous J w by nwne. Lo ! . t 73o?t&HZ ST. CHARLES MILK THE IlETTEH IRRADIATED EVAPORATED 3IILK NEW ROYAL HOTEL J Zarelll Proprltor "A HOME AWAY FROM nOME" Itate $1.00 up 50 Rooms Hot & Celd Water Prince Kuport, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 196 COAL TO PLEASE EVF.nVnOIY Satisfaction Guaranteed 1'amou VaUuii Albrrta Cull ltiilklry Vallfjr coal Vanrmiipr Inland Ciial Prince Rupert Feed 'oinatij-PHONE t 88 and 5S8 Stofiof "WEE WILLIE WINKIE" A 20fh Century Fox Picture 'liRP OVERHEATING THE SEAL QUALITY owf GOLD StAl Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon r 1 Packed by trie onij salooB cannbg company with an the year round payroll tt Prince Rupert Hyde Transfer Phone DRY WOOD JASPER COAL Furniture Moving Light Delivery