re til n 6ptembr 34, 1937. nnouncements h.r 12. vro Hallowe'en n. October 29. TT..1I C.. tiANCB Boston nan, tr.. nr Nnm ruin' Wednesday, Vwu-y , atholic Uazaar October G and Mrs. C. C. Mills, ..j I..., Tim. Mrs. U. W.I mi-rull. rcueiew .v"i v P.. ...j .,.,li;rr::irv ButJUCr. Oct. Mrs. Bernard Lundahl A.T.C.M. VOICE PRODUCTION Piano and Theory (31 Fourth Avenue West Phone (ircen 991 FREE " LOCAL NEWS NOTES i i Soe the Mayfair window latest in fall shoes. for tr Peter AJicn, son of Mr. and Mrs. .J. D. Allen, arrived home lroni he Queen Charlotte Islands mbtal Cabaret. 'October 1. where he has spent Ihe summer. hvterlan Chi'r Tea, octoocr i. Mis ucrtrudc Mackenzie, who tw.u !... ..:.!! !IL t 1 uua uvuji YiftiiiiJK niui iur, unu Mrs. A. G. Hix, is returning to- night on the steamer Cardena to Vancouver. BLACKHEADS Cet two ounrei of peroxjne powder from roar druggiet. Sprinkle, on a hot, wet rloth nd rub tlx face gently. Bery blackhead will h dlitoWed. The on Bate, eure nd ilmple war to remote blarkheadi. litre a Hollywood com pi ex loft. I MLss Urenda Allen, who has ' been paying a visit here with lv i . . , . i ..!., n,i,i paionts, Mr. and Mr. J. I), Allen, i a i.a unu uii v n " --.- ; . i . - i t i ..l. i " ' " " . W Kail IJV LI1U l.UIUUIld .WjllKllw . ..ii. I r a ,'s. October 21- .II rt ff f lnlnl II 1 on her return to Vancouver. Tea. Mrs. Gib-! , , Mrs. J. A. Morris and daughter Miss Muriel Morris, are leaving for Vancouver on the Cardena - I II, v ....... v .a i no Miss Morris has red from the local office of V. II. Malkin & Co. Ltd., to the Vancouver office. Lev. W. J. Selder, United ' i i i r.. rv. lottc City, sails by the Prince ! Charles tonight on his return to 'iL. 1.1..... I. presoyicruii , . of ., . ci l'ntar a vv . t . 11.1 s.tiiki . u v - : - w",7W"v-j - - - - Sonja S. xm. uaznr, i'""-1"' 10. Cathedral Uazaar Iovcmler .'.(). The cases of Vincent Ubell, Friday aiul Saturday special. Just arrived from Terrace. Crisp, white celery, medium size, 15c. Large size, 20c. Bunoh carrots, 5c. At the Thrift Cash and Carry. II pl'ty a( Minartfl and V you'll (! bett-r I rl'KINC OF chargwl with supplying liquor to through lh rear window. Indians, and Connie Moody, charged with drunkenness, are coming up in, city police court this afternoon. J. A. Hughi. supvrinledeiit of the Pentecostal Assemblies of liritish Columbia from Victoria, who'is on a tour of I his district left today with George Stewart for Kincolith where he will conduct a mission over the Wonirii Iiave Inirrlcd In get tills free offer nineo it wis iiim.. 1. ....... 11 m ...... ...Jfiritiii hv.Ih nf lIieMfl lovely cereal I'owls . . . they're fjolnp fast thut tlio supply will soon bo CAliaiiHleil. Hurry for yours! Ktrr) tally love Kellogg's. Tliey liuvo that inntcliless ri.iic mid flavor llinl can't I10 iliii1icntel In nny rn Hakes. Criitichy nml ilelicioiis in milk or cream. 1 ino for ltreakfast, lunch or the children's supper. KcUopk'h Com Flukes lire mmlo heller. Packed heller. Tas pnieuleil KelloL'R package will! mo ,irtii-.irmr . in tlirni oven-frcfU. lcHly to serve. One of the biggest vnlues you can , Oriler prnfV df Kcllntag's lo.lay! Once ou'yo seen this "" ltnui. 'ii a ..tin lull a wimic sei lor your wrmaitm ... .y,,,a iKvtllll. intt liiofc . . - . - 111 11 1 mI .. ..I . nln.aiirnrn iliiii'a hii nooiiliir now. even more appetizing! Kellogg's Corn I' hikes lire sold by nil grocers, mid ijiiuriiiitccd hy Kellogg In London, Ontario. r-.'. seven days, imprisonment, in city police court this morning. Tom Hanson, for drunkennuss, was sentenced to three months' imprisonment, without option of fine, in city police court this morning, It was his third offence USCIATICA WW the pnmM pari wall 1 1 with warm water ( than rub la About 7 ofclock last night a car driven by Stewart McGreish went . off Sixth Avenue whils turning into Ambrose Avenue from this end when the sleerinc :ifter having attend-1 gCar locked. The . car dropredi THIS DAJLT RBWI fc-ii. -ii imw Timely Recipes j As the result or a bumper crop this season, peaches arc abundant and are being freely used in tfie, Oillly menu i3 ii-uiiij;apw5 and'jn salad, vHi paddi"??,, nd Conrad Johnson and Wilfrid i in several other ways House- Seney, for drunkenness, were wives are taking advantage of the each fined $25. with option of biir harvest and' are setting up winter store itof home-canpeu peaches. In airways, Ihe peach is pre-eminent. . reach Marmalade ! 18 poaches, 2 oranges, sugar, water. ' Peel and stone, the peaches.' Re; move seeds from oranges and put through a food chopper. Mash all together, weigh and allow an I equal amount of sugar. First ciok the fruii until tenuer in a sman amount of water, then add heated sugar and boil quickly until thick. Pour inlo hot sterilized glasses, cool, seal with paraffin, and store. Bernice Palmer says . . . If you enjoy lemon pie (and who doesn't?)' here is its sister and you will like it just as much and find it even less trouble to make: Lemon Custard Two egg yolks, 1 cup milk, Vi Rupert Jabout fifteen feet and landed onlCUp sugar, '2 tablespoons flour, 1 its nose. The vehicle was da-.tablespoon butter. 1 large lemon mnged but McGreish was not in-1 (juice of). jured. He extricated himself' Mix above ingredients in oraer GUNS TRIM RADIO PLANE irtven riirht in the Han It Is to be cooked in. fold, in stiffly whipped whites and bake In lah of water in moderate oven 25 to 33 I minutes or, if jireferred, cook in WATCH ETT. Eng., Sept. 24:, individual custard, cups. (CP)-With their second volley, Fof a family consisting' of five gunners of Ihe Gist Anti-Aircraft persons double the recipe and use Rrigade brought down a ()uton more lemons if you liko a tart l!ee radin-cnntioUed airplane. It flavor. This eobkk like a custard u-mu rivintr inn utiltw ,:in hour at onthu bottom, has a. Up the 5 a height of 3,800 feet. texture of .cake,., and is nicc j hi) 1 - n 1 H 1 - 1 an n "n ' I r c k , r ., GLASS CEREAL BOWL KP''is three packages) Bjg mSm l ot kellogg's Lv- y " f J COKNFIAKES X. ) A (J ) AND MY bowl j JMJ WITH THREE PACKAGES OF V t 'I'l l j-lJu tfMmtfl CORN FLAKES '...i JIM o, your s! ?d- 3 iiiirr Ki'i'iift m B m b k ate iu mf- im 1 1 U ti ..ZTrHttu I v,aaaaj t It mukes Kellogg's y r-mnr Jr &mw I 4 either .Hot or cold. ' And hcrcr is an inexpensive spice cake the children especially will love: Old Fashioned Spice Cake Onehalf cup lard, 1 cup sugar, eirir. Z cuna Silted iiour, z iea- spoonj baking powder, 1 cup milk.i teaspoon salt, Vi teaspoon nut- m($.m WpiWMoYc&)' V tea-' spoon! "alls"bicet i. FV.P riiisins. 1 teaspoon cinnamon. Cream sugar and lard. Adl egg and mix well. Sift dry ingredients together. Add sifted dry ingru'i enls, alternately with the milk, to Uie creamed mixture. Hake in greased loaf pan at 350 degrees for thirty: to forty minutes. Lard Is still the cheapest short-1 ning on the market and you find It mentioned In my recipes. Of course, other shortening may be substituted if preferred. Oakland. CHEERIO t I A Dhvsician'a formula that has. benefited sufferers for over 60 years. Try it YouH be more tnan pieas- ed with the quickness with which it relieves Asthma and Hay Fever, preventing needless Buffering. ,Ycra simply inhale tne rumes. Your ntarttt Drug Start not u. eqqt ASTKHA RELIEF 11.00 per tin, trial liza J5c Alao ebUlnabla In cigarette form. NortiiroD and Lymeo Co. T4mlf Eataowoed ISM Toronto, Canada Twenty-Five Dollars Reward Will be; paid for Information lead Ing to the arrest and convlctloii of any person ' maliciously destroying . . : 1. 1 1 . - . . 1 . I .. ... 1 . breaJUiu railings along sidewalks, tihipwliil ridcKsJpr usln air giirjs pr Sllrig sh'ots lit breaking street, lights or'wlndows In. vacant buildings. Phone 40 day or night. W.J. ALDER, City Commissioner. JONES Family Market 'hone 537 AND Phone 95 Fulton Meat Market rhone '683 683 rhoi riione SPECIALS ni;i;r lluiup lUnsl of llccf-I'er lb Sirloin Tiji -Tcr lb. T-Bonc Koast rcr lb. 1'rih Rib Kollctl Per lb. . Hoast off the notitul- ' Per lb. rot Koast G lbs. IvOiiml SlcaJ; 3 lbu 3 lbs. C83 15c 18c 20c 18c 15c 50e 50c Itoil lictf and 1 hunch C'r!.' Carrots ... . , 3 II. Hamburger and ' His. Onions :, LAMB Sliouldcr Lamb Not rolled. Per lb, Shoulder Lamb Rolled. Par lb. Leg o( Lamb Per lb. Loin uf Lamb Per lb. VKAL Itump Hiwst Veal Per lb. Fillet Koast Veal Per lb. Kolled Shoulder Veal Per lb.. Shoulder Veal 4 lbs fOULTKY rtoatinjr Chicken Per lb. Bollinj Chicken Per lb 25c 15c 20 c 25c 25c 18c 25c 20c 50 c 30c 25c 1 FAQS TBRE1 Every cup a delight nm a mm TEA COMING Sept. 30, Oct. 1 and 2 The Original Rexall ONE CENT Otmes 1M "Jim Pioneer Drixqrjists The Keiill Store Phones: 81 & 82 Open Daily From 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. siittUuyn and Holidays From 12 noon till 2 p.m, 1 D.m. till 9 p.m. 1 i.ltiiajewii;tajMWWiiaaUIJiMji)( e.lllWlewWfJBwMA!.'l,'. itaTllll Your Story In PICTU Snapshots cf YOUR OWN m ilre the 'Sweei-ist Story fob you and your family or I .fines. No other bcok can compare with our 5n shot Aibirl The time to make up your Album Is ALL the time. Don't put It off this Important Item that cannot tail to give you hours of pleasure and enable you to 'Live over aiiain' thoce happy tunes you treasure so much. pre Kadak Albums KODAK 3 The handy "Week-end" style 25c and 35c The "Waldorf and the "Tudor," 53 leaver Artlli -ial leather cover iu Grey, Urowu or niack 51.03 ' The "Klngsly" S1.5I The "York" $2.01 The "Troy" Real leather binding $3.53 The "Mcllta"-The "Balmoral1" and the Kodak M :novy Hook" All at Kodaks "" prices, from $2.25 l $U)0 Nuace Art Corners 2 pkgs. Silver Pencils For writing on black. White Ink Kaoh 5c 15c 25c isMflfuMvs.Jj'd I II I rim Hinr aaaL.fraryrawr-aCT rmr-rrmrill .i!WW . The Ceiitral Hotel KOOMb and CAKE I'bone 51 .for Best Household Coal MRS. C. E. BLACK CLOSING OUT All Pictures to be Called For, Get Them Kight Away. F.ulargcmcnlx, Kcprinls and Frames Hollywood Ktmlioi, 2'n fitli St. UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: T.S.S. CATALA EVERY TUBS- T.S.S. CAKDENA 1KIOAY, DAY, 1:30 p.m. 10:30 p.m. Due Vancouver, Thurs. p.m. Due Vancouver, Monday a.m. If convenient please purchase tickets at office Further Information Regarding Reservations and Tickets From A. W. NEWMAN, Prince Rupert Aj?ent, Third Ave. Phone 568