OPPOSITION S.S17 Die As ?esuli , ... 1 t A 1 Form" Attorney ucncrai m ;u btrta Deserts Social credit In Legislative Chamber i anaua. uiuumiv" ...... ;3r premier ADernurm cmnuuu . i . .1 . u tJ..ni-n Tin CldUIid Mia iiiv..t...p memuci v not quauiisa w acv hiwihcj ;tneral. The special session or the legis lature oDened today with the rcad int of the 3pecch from the Throne lal credit '.egisiauon arc iu uc yuw tnrougn ana uic scwuh u uui. v- wcttd to list more man uwee w lour (lays. No Interference Dlmatches from Ottawa Indicate iiihP nnir.bilon eovernineni does . . . l 1- 1.. 1 ...... with 1A B uutrim i uhvuhi. ...... 0rctI5-m-COUIH.il JJitKCU u nun government um .. . . - . f spM to prevent me v so:ui ureau icmtiaiiun i"" Wilkins Was Forced Down :ii ami. ihe . uepanmeniu pi jukc LoM Way in Mist Yesterday And , landed on I"' Northeast I yesterday and, Instead, landed or. lake t'fty miles northeast of Winnipeg. They had taken ofl iesterday from Fort Chippewnyr. 'n Northern Alberta. Premier Mussolini Is Visiting Germany Official Welcome Will Take Place At Munich Tomorrow With Ilig Show In Herlln On Monday IlKIU.tN, Sept. 24: Premier Benito Mussolini of Italy will uc formally welcomed u, Germany al Munich tomorrow. On Monday the l PAnnprtloti fr,,h the visit of 11 Duce will take t,lace in Ilerlin, STOPS NOISY FUNEHAL SII(iifi.Mt i.'...- n.,t I'.l: (CP) rtev, J. ,1' G. Glossop. of- iiciaung at the funeral of Mr3 J-ouIsa Mlriter and her son, Ar jnur, asked that "parents keel jl'cir children quiet or else kind 7 leave the church grounds." ui yy est v ancouver Auto omasn VANnOIIVF.R Sptifnmti UOfo'JtiBtnnf r killorl n frnxfV itmr. nU!nnl1 i. i'iinl EDMONTON, Sept 24. (CP) - , fatiiv nfi f;ftK epr;miQiv v,nrt in n MAY ACT IN SPAIN LONDON Great Britain is ready to discuss with France and Italy the problem of Intervention In the Spanish civil war. This decision follows upon Italy's ap-irent willingness to ban further volunteer enlistments in the Spanish insurgent army. CENTENARIAN DIES VANCOUVER Mrs. Janet Jamieson. ated 100, died here yesterday. She was born in Scotland and had lived twenty-five years in Vancouver. JAPS ARE 4CCUSED at Ottawa intimated yesterday that .... inIlsnlo hv Soviet For ... j... I rjnlnf. cr mrV ... . r 1....1...4...... iaj person Ht4iiuu uvuij y ...-v met any of the acts to the courts to: rff.rfte ft1 to thlr villdlty. Halt a dozen oil companies In the Turner Valley have transferred their bank accounts from Calgary to Vancouver, Issuing their checks from the coast city. This action In-i(tnT Arts of SabotHl On Eastern Siberian Railroad -MOSrOW, Sept. 21: The So-vie! government yesterday officially charged Japan wit'i Ino'.t lug sabotage on the Eastern Si har been taken agalns.1 the possl- l)CrIan ja;iWiiy. Two liundrel blllty of enforcement of Social tWtjve person9 inve been exct voivlng Alberta bank branches. PRESIDENT Ctllt iaf f for acts -i sabol ige on the railway, it is ail nounced. IS ON WAY ! Of Winnipeg All llevehing Warm Welcome WJKMj'EG, Sept. 24: - Ou, Along To Speak At their way back to New York af tei , Cheyenne their unsuccessful search flight i in Arctic regions for the missing) jjj.jTON, Iowa, Sep. '21: -Soviet transpolar fliers, Sir Hu !p adent Krankiin 1. lt'o.sev.il Jrt Wilkins anH his pilot 1 cr- ,ef, )re yc8tarday h. Wt Holllck-Kenyon, missed Lac f1 'courW of'h.? journey to the lu Bonnet In the misty weathei . . . j with Mr. Jtoose- ;..n i,i..n-pd nn the iear-tr" platform of his special tram io receive a great reception. Warm VwltOM"-3 ' i.. m, Middle Wes when. the chief executive paused. The President will make nis ursi speech at Cheyenne, Wyoming. HA It SILVER vim- YORK: (CP) Bar U- Iver was unchanged at 44c P" !! ...n.nn tha Mew York mct- al market today. Atlin Town Is Coldest Place In British Columbia Atlin was Today's Weather Tomorrow's Tides (t AM.) She High 4:20 a.m. 18.6 f.t prince Rupert 'Overcast, light 16:15 p.m. 20.7 ft. rain, southerly wind, five miles per Low 10:12 am. 7.1 ft. barometer, 3025 (falling).; hour; 23:11 pjn. 4.0 ft. mneraturi. 48: sea, smooth. NORTHERN AND GENTRALpRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER tfl VU. XAVi.. iw. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1937. PRICE: 5 CENTS utMess War ftVINft TftHree Women Instantly Killed Former Attorney uenerai oouu -y .v.v - HugUi yesterday requested his seat automobile accident on the steep hill of Highland Drive m the Alberta Legislature, opening in tapuano J.......W Estates UUVM.VU oi IS. tne brutish UllWlkJil X facitic ftwtXAW Properties . lUjJl Vl.l on 1 - II.A Cn.lnl TT If 1 , . v w . H ----- : . .. . . the UDDOSluuu. nub"'! , wfco- crlbes tne present. auiiiuii"u AS Uil . T . . tile ever Known m uw. uiawjijr ui Hollyburn Ridge at West Vancouver late yesterday af BULLETINS bury of Perth, Ontario; her sister, Mrs. J. W. Hogg, 8620 French Street, Vancouver, and Mrs. Robert Bc-Beth of Los Angeles, a cousin. 'Ml??: Lillian Oraham of Los Angeles Mrs. McBeth's sister, who was driving the car, was probably fatally Injured. Mrs. F. A. Cleland of Vancouver, dstcr of Mrs. Hogc; and Mrs. Thorn-bury, received minor Inlurie. She crawled out of the wreck to the roadway and summoned aid from passe rsby. The two injured women are In North Vancouver Hosnltal. Young Mussolini Visits America To Hhulv Moving Picture McthoJs Prprnutions Taken Against Anti-Fascist Demonstrations NEW YORK. September 21: -ViUnr'a Mussolini, second son of Premier Benito Mussolini of Italy, arrived in New York yes-ter'ay. He was taken from the to nt immitrration aud Goes Uncle Samxrieady to I'ay $50 To Sallora Going Through Oriental nVar Zone WASHINGTON, D. C, Sept 24: The National Maritime Commission Jasti night approved a bonus of -'50 for members ol crews of j6vernment-owne!l ships passini? through waters of the ,kh the fi nrnm.n ni nt. SincJapanege war zone, 'the Na- of control, bolted down the steep ona MarjUme Union affiliHte grade and turned over four times, of the Urnm ttee on Industrial R,m.,Bi unm. Organizalionrf had demanded a $250 bonus. ARRESTS IN FOR STEAL I? Two Men Taken in N- rthern r ts) Clinibl hv Provincial Police Officers i VICTOI!IA, Sept.. 21: Accord 'njt to wprcf itHieived at jrovln cil po'ice ivendqitfrtcrs her" ar-est has been ma'Jft in N'jrlhe.i. The two groups ot women . reiawa It b Screcant. E as cousins, had Rathered In Van- ro. , ..,,. r. aV nf p.;,.,.. couver for a reunion. Mrs Thorn- ( offit.ei.. 0r Uyt bury had attended the wedding of a r hnfl lxU her son in Victoria, the couple be- f for ibo . n.irtl.,ai..s participants , In a T-ZS)W S3i yy. lng now at Port Albernl. on tneir honeymoon. t fur robbery fypm the Hudson P.aj Co.'s post at rprt Nelson in August 1035. $ , TWuearxlliok.).'nev;lif, recently following Ihc discovery of a cache containing a large quantity of the stolen furs. NEGRO TO BE HANGED Death Sentence Imposed Upon Kingston Convict for Murdei Of Guard whisked awBy uner pol.c- gui.'l K1N-GST0K 0at Sept. 24:-t reclus.on. Anll-F c,Sl ?ro '." Cliester Crossley, negro convict, strations were feared should lie yesterday sentenced to hang hpvo appeared n pubhc December 11 following h' Young M-.ssnlin! is in Am-rij Df murder o learn moving p-cture meti-ods ,ipntpntiarv suard on July ,f Mii.. country. Hal Koach, wc nown Hollywood producer, .will! work with him. Halibut Sales Slin"Trv ATT'TVnn .t 04.000 tiounds, 9.4'- and 7c to lO.c and 7c. Canadian Nne. American A tint-tic 32,000, Cold Storage, (1 An and 7c. 7c. Arctic, 33,000, Pacific, 9.9c and A.....isl:i in.ooo.. liOOtll. 10.2t on.l 7p. . Excel, 24,000, Atlin, 10.3c and 7c. "IRON LUNG" IS DONATED PuNlc-snirlted Vancouver Citizen Purrhnscs Equipment For Vancouver Hospital VANCOUVER; Sept. 24 ! A public-spirited citizen, whose id-eti'Hy is not revealed for publication, has donated an "iron lung" to 'the Vancouver General Hospital for tir'c i in the event of tbp coldest nn outbreak of infnntile paraly lpr. sin here. This special type ot res- SS which costs 900, ha. uSher reports. Thero was a been ordered from Boston and Is reading, i,J there there Pt of .. 23" above - or ! oxrfected . . . to arrive .. . In about nfan,fe ten of Irost. uig'H it -, - v.. .)pirres Z J, been general throughout p-nlvrl9 In Vancouver, health the interior of the; province. Minorities announce. BIG NAVY AND ARMY American I-egion Urges Great In crease In Uncle Sams forces Next Convention in Los Angeles NEW YOUK, Sept. .4: After passing resolutions urging the United State to equip itself with the largest navy in the world and to greatly Increase Its regular army, the nineteenth convent'on of the American Legion concluded here yesterday, j Stanley Doherty of Boston was I "Wed national commander while Mrs.- Norton Douglas of S"Ule was chosen president of the Vo- men's Auxiliary, Mrs. Douglas 13 the wife of a King County judge. lxa Angeles was chosen as the! 1938 convention city. Wire Messengers In Seattle Are-Talking Strike I SEATTLE, Sept. 24 : One hun dred and sixteen telegraph mes sengers in Seattle are threatening to go on strike for higher pay: An Increase of 3c per hour has been offered and rejected but negotiations' are continuing. On Furiously BONUS IS : Next Thursday : SENATOR NO MERCY APPROVED: Half Holiday TODAY'S STOCKS Vancouver B. C. Nickel, .11. Big Missouri, ,42. bi-dloi lie, .4U. li. it. Lou., .03l2. Aztec, .0C. Cariboo Wuaitz, l.'47. i.tn.uiiu, .ii. 'Duhwcii, .y2Vi- wOlcoii'la, .0l. "Minto, .10. i aiivivw Amalg., .05. Noble Five, .04?i.f Pend greilie, 2.65. . Pioneer, 3.25. Porter Idaho, ,.01, Premier.2.0JVil -T.5ever "Mebonald,". 60) Reno, .75. Ilelief Arlington, .16. Reward, ,06',2 Hedley Amalg., .06. Premier Border, .Ol1--. Silbak Premier, 1.65. Congress. .02. Home Gold, .01-fi. Grandview, .14V2. Quatsino Copper, .01. Quesnelle Quartz, .08.' Whitewater,, .09'2. ' ; oils ; A. IV Con.,,. 29. "f . Calmbnt, .35. . . y" C. & E., 1.66. Freehold, .06. ,t( Ilargal, .20. McDougal Segur, .15. Mercury, .22( J , Okalta, .87. Home Oil, 1.19. United, .15. . Toronto Bealtie, 1.02. Central Patricia, 2.01. Gods Lake, .48. Lee Gold. .02Vi. Little Long Lac. 4.55. McKenzie Red Like, 1.01. Pickle Crow, 4.65. Red Lake Gold Shore, .26. San Antonio, 10, Sherritt Gordon. 1.73. 'nltt'rs Gold. .OUfc.v McLeod Cockshutt, 1.25. Oklend, .12. Mosher. .13. Gilbec, .01 M:. Mudsen Red Lake, .55. Stadacona, .75. Frontier n"d Lake, .04. Francoeur, .35. Manitoba Eastern, .02. 'SIbhcta Porcupine, 1.60. ..i.o i-i:. Thompson Cadillac, .35. Bailor. .01 Mi. BankfiVld, .55. East Malartic, .87. Preston East Dome. .75. Hutchison Lake, .10. Dawson White, .09. Ralah Red Lake, .04. Aldermac,: .71. Kerr Addison, 1.80. Uchl Gold. .70. Martin Bird, .33. I For Children Tm: VICTORIA. Sept.. 24: (CP)- CHARGED! IS SHOWN of Information Against Japanese Continue Air Raids of Hance J. Logan in Connection With Reparations Claim Premier T. D. Pattullo yester- OTTAWA. Sent. 24: (CP) Sen- day ordered a school half holi- ator Hance J. Logan of Parrsboro, scnooi scno'n cnuartn cuuuitu mm imu uc ue gnwi t xur ior ucimuum aeirauaing nic vnc icpattwui" t sum of $71,276.72, the property of His Majesty the King In the right of the Dominion of Canada, with Intent to defraud." Senator Logan acted as counsel for Hatfield in his application for reparations for the loss of hia schooner In 1915. SAFETY IS I QUESTIONED cated in Atlantic I hp Azores. The captain of the British tanker Amastra, which was said to have reported sight-. )r, tho F.ndeavour I yesterdpy, wirelessed last night denying any such report. He had neither seen or heard of the missing yacht. STUDY BY NEWSPAPER Plfn-i Being Considered by Tor-or to Authorities In View Of Infantile Paralysis Epidemic TORONT. Sent. 24: With anhnM. nf Hip citv remaining count of the infantile paralysis epidem'c, the Toronto Board of Education is consider lng a plan to use the news papers, and possibly the radio, in rnndnctinir classes for school Chinese Cities With Thousands of Civilians Being Slaughtered Hankow Attacked day for chlldrjn throughout Nova Scotia, arrested formally byj British Columbia on September the police yesterday on a warrant Great Britain Considering Drastic 30, the day President Frank- based on information by George Action to Stop Conflict lln D. Roosevelt will visit Vic- Beament, associated counsel for - toila for a few hours as the Captain Freeman Hatfield who guest of Lieutenant Governor earlier In the day was sentenced j trie W, Hamber. Victoria to eighteen months Imprisonment, SHANGHAI, Sept. 24: Dealing out ruthless death, injury and destruction, Japanese alr- .tua.v..-, cra continued tneir Domoing of seeing the t commission in the long-standing the opportunity raids over a wide area in china Persident. tease of the schooner Gypsum yesterday: It was the most savage Queen, Is alleged in tne inrormaiion i to have "unlawfully by false pre-J tences procured to be delivered by j the Bank of Montreal to him the, air attack in the history of modern warfare. Three thousand persons are believed to have been killed in Canton, whole sections of which city were reduced to ruins. After a respite of one day owing to heavy rains in the ' Yapgste Valley, the Nationalist capital city of Nanking was again bombarded with an estimated one thousand killed. It is now computed that some 800,000 persons have fled for safety from Nanking to the relative safety of the country, Nine Japanese planes today bombed Hankow port, killing close to two hundred, persons and I wounding four hundred. The 1 I A J Doubt Cast ast Upon Upon Whether Whether or Not an . droppe1 Endeavour avour I i Has "as Been uecn i.o- mm,h.j ritv .iitrirt UVIUU9 Ull VUT1WM J w.w-.-w-- 'Tand iwo la the river near the 24. CP) -I LONDON, Sepl announced lo. Doubt was cast here last n e pao(lnffu ch,ncsc uron the authenticity of a report e, ht mlI sou(n. thatthe m.ss.nsr British sailing lum, s,7p Enavor had been o-j Sits Chine'se garrison annihil-r-aied In the Atlantic Ocean stv1 . . eral hundred miles southwest of a,ed WOULD END WAR LONDON, Sept. 24: (CP) Great Britain, it was reported last night, was considering taking drastic action to put an end to the Sino-Japanese war. Posibillty v of invoking the terrrts of the Washington nine-power treaty guaranteeing the integrity of Chinese territory Is mentioned, k Special police guards had to be called out last night to protect J the Japanese embassy in London s after angry crowds had gathered ' to protest against the warfare in China shouting: "Withdraw your" bombers. Take the Japanese mur- derers out of Chfna." children in their homes. Such a VICTORIA, Sept 24: The po-plan is already in operation injice are asking Victoria citizens Chicago. I for all possible assistance in a pi There is no definite sign of an!prenenuing the slayer of elderly end of the epidemic as yet. From Mr8. , Smith who was brutally Transcona, .Manuooa, near v"'-!Bssaulted and murdereu in a a nipeg, came word yesterday five new cases. Robbed Ptdiners Who Sheltered Him: Gets Jail UI Victoria Police Seeking All Clues Assistance of Public In Finding Murderer of Elderly Woman Invited cant lot on Tuesday. Any person having any possible clues have been invited to report them to the authorities at once. Winnipeg Gets Fall Of Snow - Generally Cool Weather Is Con- 24:- tlnulng on l'rainea PRINCE GEORGE. Sept. A who stole SIQO of gold man WlNNII wltjv,lpKri EG( Sept. . 1 Half Hair from four placer miners-down Hie Fr."er -n-nch of wet snow fell i around miles River about forty i below here after he had been Winnipeg yesterday There ws rain and light snow In Saskche-teneed given a meal and bed was sen- In eighteen months' tm. wan with generally cool weather ; prlsonment yesterday. continuing on the prairies. A. E. Parlow, district forester, I WEATHER FORECAST will sail tonight on the Prince Mrs. George Eckerman sailed Prince Rupert and Queen Char-Charles for atrip to Moresby Isl- last night on the' Prince George lotte Islands-Moderate to fresh nd logging camps on official for a trip to Tacoma and else- easterly and southerly winds, un-buslness. ., . ..where In the United States. setUed-and cool with showers.