PAGE SIX THE DAILY N2W 1 HI d i U BUTTER. First grade. Qff0 3 lbs. OOls HIESII KILLED OGJn B01LIXG l()WL-Lb3 FRYING CHICKENS gg SHOULDER LAMB 4 Qn TRIMMED Lb. API LEG LAMB Lb "fls BREAST LAMB ?7(J "fL sloo "B" Grade, Large PEANUT BUTTER )ffn 2 lbs. BAKEASY 15C SAUSAGE MEAT OCTo 2 jbs. NEW SEASON'S MINCEMEAT FOR PIES OCo 2 lbs FRESH FISH Soles Flounders Smelts Shrimps Crabs Always on Hand Put your home in tune with the times. Start vith the floors , . . for in any room it ia the FLOOR vhich strikes the keynote for your colour scheme. The bright new Congolcum Gold Seal Rug pat terns for fall will suggest many attractive decorative treatments . . . and their modest cost will leave you extra dol St. Peter's Tea And Sale Was IGood Success lars for other articles of house- furnishings. Congolcum Gold Seal Rugs arc labour-saving a damp mop keeps them spotless. JSo tiresome heating and sweeping . . . no scrubbing and they lie flat without fastening of any kind. 'isit your favourite department or house-furnishings store and examine these rugs. But beware of imitations! Look for the Gold Seal, It is your only assurance of emiiie Congolcum . it is your only guarantee of complete satisfaction. A very successful tea and s le ,)!" home cooking wa hold yi'-;erday afternoon by the Woman's Auxiliary of St. Peter's Anjlicai' hurth in tie Parish Hall at Seal ove. , Weather was auspicious .nd mai y ladies called during he afternoon. The ball was pret- ;lly decorated with autumn lowers end folia. The guests wflkft- received by Mrs. n. A. Kelsfiy,' president of he Auxiliary and Mrs. J. E. Hirfchall, wife of the'rertor. Mr. 1. G. Vierick was general convenor. Mrs. A. J. Croxford was i h'rgt' of the tea room and Mrs. W. V. Tflttersall and Mrs. Tancock poured. Serviteurs were Airs. S. L. Peaclny anri Mrs. W. luubsall. Mrs. A. P'rebourg act-vl as cashier. Mrs. A. Itarb wb In charkt f the apron stall. Mrs. J. W. Moorehouse and Mrs. David Scolt 'inducted the sale of ice crci-in hilc Mrs. W. 0. Vitfar and Mrs ". Sieverr looked after the home .ooking table. . MARK MOST FATAL NEW YORK, Sept, 26: (CP-'iseases of the circulatory sys m, cancer and pneumonia, in er 'nidintr causes i,,.fi, io$ accorl'nj" m . tifilvs's bv the department f hraHi. MacKenzie s Furniture Carries a Complete Stock of Congoleum Their store is a splendid place tr. buy your requirement. Call at their store or order by mail. PHONE 77"i KEEPING FORESTS Fire Uanjjcr's Idea Brought Valu-able Objective and More Social Life for Children 11URNS LAKE. Sent. 24: Iso lation of children in British Columbia's interior drew from the mind of a logger an idea that has given the province a volunteer conservation corps headed by i Lord Tweedsmuir. Eight years ago smiling William C. Saunders, district fire i ranger at Palling, 12 miles west of here, was worried by two things, the prevalence of forest fires and the small size of IK-schools, averaging about 10 pupils each and situated so far apart the. children had no opportunity of meeting each other. Hoping to provide the child-:on with healthful outdoor recreation and to implant in their minds a zea thai would save the province's great timber stands f rom destruction, Saunders founded the Younj? Ranger Bands with his own children, Clarence 'nd Peggy, the original membcrsi Now a Young Ranger Band ex-' 'h in almost every school of the -tenor. Croups are formed of ?ive bands each which meet annually' for athletic and woodcraft ompetit'ons. First group was formed in (he "'its Lak area andv for six vears thereafter the district had IN &n.rfR5k - " - - w biwxt. rr eeemeeeeeeeeemM IIIll IrflllJ HI m"aAm I'll'l'ni'lill The pattern illustrated atoi-e U "BAKU, Congnteiim Cold Seal Rug A'o. 4 13. tXote also the Congnlrum Gold Seal Hall Runner. It it 160. Congoleum Gold Seal Rugt range front the smalt iy$ x SJt. malt to the large 9 IS ft. rugt and are turprltingly tnexpentlte. A 6 x Jt rug, for example, coil only $(j.15 Congoleum It alto available In yard goolt uhere complete floort hau to 'be covered. CONGOLEUM CANADA LIMITED MONT REAL FOR YOUR CONftOLKUM RUGS SHE Gordons Hardware yc r nry i large ntock of all sizes in the newest and most popular patterns. Hotel Arrivals Royal P. Beamont, city; Guy Farrcw, Telkwa Prince Rupert L. F.h Barr,-Juneau,"n G. F. Tough, Inverness'? X F.O'Kecfe, Stewart; ...... W. ... A. ... ' Oswald. -. K. H. F couv George. Central Sam King. Vancouver; Han Hamre, Francois Lake; Melvin Hanberg, Ooona River; A. F. McMillan, Vancouver; J.- Smaha and P. J. Bolls, CN'.R. no forest fires. This year a miner fire, was detected by the Burns Lake band. One of the band's girl members borrowed an automobile and rushed to Burns Lake to inform Fire Hanger Waltei Wilson. Two other girls obtained saddle horse-j and two more pack horses which they moved to the highway point closest to the fire When Wilson reached the scene with his .pumping apparatus he was able to move it immediately into the woods where he found every other member of the Young Ranger Band already fighting the blaze. The damage was negligible. Organization Grows , Since the early days when the Saunders children were the band's only members the organization has grown throughout most of the province. The governor-gii eral became honorary chief mi ger this summer, heading 200 members in North America and the United Kingdom. Among the patrons is Hon. Wells Gray, British Columbia minister of lands. This summer the Burns Ike Band acquired the Wells Gray Young Ranger Inland in the lake that gives the town its name. On the island is a-cabin built bv Credit for the island re.nrl Trt a bowl of Kellogg'i Bran Hakes for breakfast and oce what a difference it makes in your day ! The energy-food you need in a form you'll enjoy. Grand flavor.. Oven-fresh criipneis. Energy and nourishment. Enough bran to help you keep regular. j Kcllogg's Bran Flakes are ready to. erve with milk or cream. At all grocers. Made by Kellogg in London, Ont. BRAN FLAKES In th Ooldtit vllw Paiti Keach Hit inwit peiiplt in clt) and distrtci with an advertisement n the Dally New.i GREAT TALE IS FILMED Sir Rider Haggard's "King Solo-mon's Mines" Seen on Screen Here This Week-end i . I It ak.I'. it t-nn , (iill'an. . jducr IlaBB" S 'ell and 0. J. Whcatley, nn- . ( ..Kinjf Solomon's ouver; Ken Matheson. Prince jjines come3 to the screen of the Capitol Theatre here as the week-end feature attraction. It is a Rritish niciurp and has an out standing cast including such fa vorites as Sir ceunc uardwicke, Roland Young", Anna Lee, John Loder ah(J''Pa'ul"Uobe"son. "King Solomon's Mines" tell the storv of a irroun of English adventurers, led by a giant Zulu guide, who penetrato a mysterious country ruled by an evil one-eyed Zulu tyrant in search oi the famous mines. The iruidc re veals himself to be a claimant to the throne unsurped by the ty rant. The white men- take his side and participate in a fierce battle that ensues. Many peril1 and adventures await the gallan' crew. The pace is fast, the act ing is superb and the Africar scenes are magnificent. The picture stays close to the lines of the original storv. da parting from it only to add to Ihe love interest. The native scenes were actually filmed in the heart of Zululand. Rattle scenes with thousands of natives fighting to the death, perils of Jungle and desert and the finding of the fabulous diamond amines of Ophir are among the thrills of the picture. KITSEGUKLA A flower sale and social wis held in the United Church on Saturday night. Rev. Bishoj Black opened the meeting and Tal,..., IH. II. a-A ... II.. J"?""" imicj- itieu hs uucuon i r ii 'i j members of the band with money eer. A goodlv dlsplav of ar'.f. they raised. "thPmselves. It 'Vasi!i n j. i ' .u. . I i inn! iiuniis mesne ii me locn declared open in August . by Lordjladies were quickly disposed ol Tu-porlsmiii..' iweeusmuir ilni-in.. dunnir o .. . . .. ... . . . . . a ceremonv in which he was initiated into the band. to the highest bidders. After wards, coffee, cakes and pic-were served by the Ladies' Aid These "i-?e were were enjoyed enjoyeu by oy all. an. Thosf inosi i,i idea , is ... uY i, ...7. given Fire Ranver Wilsnn . .. . i , . " .!. oer were iaier soia uy auc Northern Railway constrnctlfin whfn the dittrict was swept 'iv fu-". HOW do you KEP SO FRESH-AND ACTIVE? I fAT TO VttL fT I I Kev. Dr. S. S. Osteihout ! Vancouver, the superintendent ol mlsslonj for the B. C. Confer i'ce ( r th Unitd Church o, Canada, paid an official visit U Kitzegukla. Dr. Osterhout con lerred on bus ness. malterj wi- k: PMlor, ttev. Bishop BI.tI - I I - CUuixW Bourtl. He ni: pressed himself as pleased w'lj. 'vtiM bsiiig done in Kllzegrk la. it? wajjtbe guest of Ihe Kcv B. Black- for the day. He left ot Saturdiy evening's train for Port ' "liugtotl. l:v. D. W. More of Hazel toi, v-'m in K;tzegukla on Saturday conferring with Dr. Ostcrhr.ul on bue'nes? connected with the work of Ihe United Church it. Ihe district. SAVOY VOTE!, I'. T. Patteiion. Surf Point, 'ohn Bekvik and A. C. Christian-yon, city; U. V,. Cunningham, P,t Ing' on; Jlr. and Mrs. H. Giav and Miss E. C. Umy, Aiyunsh. Mr. a-d Mrs. C. Johansen, Dun-dan Island; Frank Brunatorc Vancouer; Mr. and Mrs. H. Mc-Donald, Toronto. REPORT IS EFFECTIVE rreildent W. II. McAfee of tie Ro tary Club Tells of Visit to Hood '. Hlver Assembly The Prince Rupert Rotary Club yesterday listened for about three quarters ot an. hour to a racy report of the recent visit of Weldon R. McAfee to the district assembly of presidents and secretaries of the Rotary Clubs in District Number 1. He described the getaway from Prince' Runcri. the 'alfrilahe IHn t'A geatlle iintf-Portland, the reception1 at Hood River, gave a resume of the proceedings at the convention, told how Prince Rupert got Into the limelight, mentioned the discussion over where the next dis trict convention should be beld with final vote of more than two to one for the north, the convention being divided between Prince Rupert, 9 i f-v-uiDtr ?i ,t r in rhJLi ran i hi n 1 1 mi i i i ii : I M fsn FSI J I Made Ry John H. Stetson Company (Canada) Ltd. Brock hats for fall arc outstanding m style and cratLsuianship and we haw ms received a wide assortment of shades n Tan, Grey, Blue and Green. Vc extend to all a cordial invitation to inspect our fall shov ing of Brock hat- , i!! S PRICE $5.00 "; I Watts & Nick'cson I'lvonti 315 iJG Third Ave. HALIBUT The source of Sunshine Vitamins A and D Boiled Halibut with egg sauce is digestible palatable, satisfying. CANADIAN FISH & COLD STORAGE CO. LTD. Prince Rupert, B.C. i i I If nftillAvt n T 1 .. ...nn..l..n told of the debate 0n the proposed The report was one o , division of iho riittrirt onH nf lit iniprfistlnc and elfecuve - ' - - - hbw IV - W - tm being shelved until come future I at a club meeting