bNGSTON, Ont, Sept; 24 1 - .... . f ,entynve more convicts m. uiumuus pound America Moors Began Making to have gone on aitdown , Modern Shin Looting tw We are still glvint our Free Gift Tokens which entitle you to z wide ranee of Premiums. Come In and Look Them Over US S ALL EM' S ECONOMY STORE no1 FOR SALE P SALE- A few large bundles of 0t newspapers, 2 for 25c. h SALE -20 ft. Speed Hast. tUnots per hour. $150.00. Ap- fc'y Seal Cove Tost Office, tf. 1 SALE- 40 ft. I roller. Fullv I juipped with gurdies and iach, Suitable for halibut Hilling. Apply Cow Bay firo- terv (9'c. SEWING 1UTY SEWINQ CLASSES-Mrs. Thomasson, Wallace Block. Phone Blue 637, (t.f.) 1 TIIK Sl'I'RKME COI R! hi IKITISd ' , coli-mhia ! "if Mallrr of Ell (Hiornr, lirfH And Ine Mailer of the "AdmliilHlritlon ThKl NOTICE that nrdr nt H. (incur W E Plghpr. tha 16th div ot JWrt, A, D. 1837 I wm rTvlntort PiMtauwor of the wrtat of Ell . D"U1. nd all partloi hT-i .u. cnuna sMitu. ..m .ii... ..... - n 1. m.q m.u wmw: p. v ; ' W'H to m on or before the fa Jjr of October. A. D. 1937. tnd ' porues JndeMjwi in .r NORMAN A, WATT Official AdmlnMr.lor, 7 thi 17th day of Augukt. A, V W.m.ll NOIH K IMxrMini uml I'm AKE NOTICE IIIAT Tlie Depart- " OI W ic Warlu. Pi.iuirt.1 whose lrfs' t! Pint (VMa. TlollHlnir Mllf' mtr.'T n.d. will apply for a ' and (me 30 Imp. CJMs ! t wn'.ar cut ot Christen- hl:h OiU-s ucuthfrly and p aorac in: about too r.'.rh.-fi. -jv nirniF mh witr it hi aavim.umt Vhi rf. Charlotte City. it IL'III at A SL u' 0 ft. ups'Kim from .ho "i iho aovernmwit Queen Cljf c 7 Slcldofte Read and trtll US1 fi r ve;sela at the OsvcramfiH. F-ir .-. vr.-,j tjil foreshcre ''- . ' U1 Ji.ti oivj f... ... n 'fl I. j-rt. ni--w tin hl mtlce w l on th on th 37th day of Aujut. 1037 "vy oi this nrWcj ana mi apnii-n tursuaat Ibeirtito tad to tne "r Ac! will fce f.ed In the of- t ihe Water lteoorder t Prince . B.o ' h th" t.iid water Kecorder or 11 th: Conw.trnlUi. r.t wni Rlohtl "ulldlnna. Victoria. B.C., thirty das after tlie first ap- "'Se Of tl-.!s ritlo In n li(Vnl ne'1 - - . . " - hEPARniENT orl PUDUO "OHK8, CANADA, Applicant. " J. v. Forde, District E ;lneer. Agent. t . . ii...t h..1.1l.1ilnn llf ! U September 10th, 11131. C.N.R. Trains 'he East- plond; ays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays &nd Fridays ... I1" the East- - 0 p.m. "Mdays, Thursdays and Satur- . . . 11 n m - I t cy O v. cs w s The Old Man of the Mediterranean laughed and laughed when he heard the pdwers were sending warshins stock makkkt slumps south to sink those darned pirates. It was an old k 'the Old Man thlH nivnmr Kucino A o,l 1 .. vvw YORK SUnl 24- Tho ' t . , wwomcoo. lung as ne can ic- playing the very devil with freight rates. Perfectly able African nnrta lll JlmVm Tnt. n.. T-i.ii i.'' "ne AT 2:30 p.m. 1 oak dining room suite, 1 electric range, 2 heaters, floor lamp, 1 Majestic range, Spic Span cleaner, Inlaid linoleum, chesterfield chair, oil burner heater with coil, high chair, arm chair. 8-day store clock. pirates, along with the rest of th'f Vienthpn. Tri ItriHah nnw "e.0peCt- lpoilln,. ' 41,- K rr' fiimlnaf aiili-l -..u ..,, sB.iheir most odd tables, chairs, beds, .303 Savage v'atpr variety rifle, camera and case, and other TERMS CASH Geo. J. Dawes AUCTIONEER By Wstover . V " " ft V i.hMllluL .... pirates" have one of Important bases at' icr mruiiKiioius wnere tne trade Malta ' I wa" hS r?U Ge'IUn doWn t0 the 1I)th and and profitable. , tu the , of North Among Ann the first and greatest ?he, ric3 Were Mn at ,t whe. ' freebooters thatthis nfratetrade ttu.i o4 t, . barossa. aro 1 Vfre Before "J" long bnhT bad-acting ?.ar"!ed StatesJike -ome respectable: ( Kuropean powers. was paying trl-" Actions Held at King Edward ; , innt- trrjlniinli Jinf In keep her High School " j'lrftdRsrnph . fnit of trouble. In WEEKLY - AUCTION SALE At The Auction Kooms Third Avenue and First Street OX SATUKDAV, SEPTEMBER 25th, 1810 the pasha wanted to hike . During the past week elections the 383,000 ante and the United were held at! King Edward High Stftes obiected. Thts nbiectlon School to choose 'the' class renrp- TTed" to an expeditionary force and sentatives of Student Council. - -'he loss of the U. S. frigate The Idea of a Students' Council is "Philadelphia.'' to provide aa opportunity for stu- Stephen Decatur who is cre.lit- dents to train themselves in social u with Our Countryl May she efficiency. Pupils on the council always be right, but our country, participate along with the princl-right or wrong," made himself pal in Joint management of the some fame' by burning the THla- school community. This is consid- delpha" as she lay captive, and, ered one method of developing hab- reiurneci i0 une scene with a, mnn-. Its and attitudes that are essen-Eizod fleet five years later.'-That tial to good citizenship, time he made lhe pirates swear1 The following were elected, one off American vessels for good, boy and one girl from each class. Well, the pirating went or Grade 9 .sheila Blackstock and and. off for 20 years more, al- Aleck Bill, though it was pretty well cleaned Grade 9 B-Isobel MacDonald and up by 1830. British sailors learn- Alan Smith. ed the combination against Grade 9 C Dorothy Fowler and am-a corsair smps. ;xnw mey rjjck Cameron have to figure out the undt-r- Fresh Local Kaw And Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 rliNK I CCULD PLAV THE LEAO IN-StJOIS MEW PLAY.7 I 1 L-JLJl : T TV IT'S MOT A. (auesTidsi of V4HETHE12 VDO TOUt-D AsCT CTHE PAKT1 Tlt-UE, THIS UOLI OC: MOT NEW LEADIKJ3 LADV rTjtMKSu: - . "1 I 9 -T1U.UH TJ- - . . .-ftCMEKaS -T: , r An aerial view of the Brjtis , i estroyeis, Fortune ffront) and Flredrake as they sped t!. rough the Straits pf Dover, after leaving Chatham enrute to the Mediterranean. Thoy are two of the fighting craft sent by Britain with orders to act against the mystery submarines that have played havoc with shipping of eeveral nations in the STUDENTS COUNCIL and elected Its executive as follows: President of Council, Bert O'Neill. Vice president, Helen Valentine, Secretary, Maureen . Klrkpatrlck, Treasurer, Don Fitch. . . Miss Colussi Is Shower Honoree Delightful Affair Last Night With Miss Lyndia Pettenuzo as Hostess Last evening Miss Lyndia Pet tenuzo entertained at the home of her mother Mrs. shower given in MILK ! Canadian Whtn fur phrlician rlll:ii vosrolrd rnilli ul Nl' ... !t il rtcmmndtd by boVy IMtivl-ifti lh wild . I PJULWAV I tT(AM3Hirj I COMMUNICATION! HOTEL uk Jay Pacific Trans-Atlantic Transcontinental Trans-Pacific To Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way Ports Princess AielalJ? every Friday, 10 To Vancouver Direct PUINCKSS CHARLOTTE' PRINCESS LOUISE Sept. 4th Sept. 7th. 17th, 7th Connection at Vancouver wtth Canadian Pacific Services Tickets and Reservations from W. L. COATES. Central Agent Pfinrp Rupert, B.C. t Richer, Mrs. 0. Rosin, Mrs; L. C Griffiths, Mrs T. Olen and Mrs. E. Pettenuzo. Former Local honor E. LprSrt:!WomanDies elect, Miss Mary Colussi. The rooms were tastefully decor- . . ., . 4 ated with pink and white roses and,Mr' ,Jak ?.,cl1a? After J "T" Away streamers. In Scotland Long Games furnUhed the evening's lllntss entertainment, the winners being' Mrs. A. Montesano and Miss L. Many local friends will regiet Vaccher. to learn of the death In Glasgow, At midnight dainty refreshments Scolland, of Agnes .Marshall I were served. Mrs. O. Colussi and (Nan) wife of John McLean, and Grade 10 A Carol Rogers and Mr;. J. Vlereck poured. xocond daughter of the late Dav- Hans Petersen. Those present Included Miss Mary id Barclay, F. It. I. B. A. Besides Grade 10 B Frances Moore and j Colussi, Mrs. G. Colussi', Miss An- her husband, Mrs. McLean is sur-Helge Holkestad. .gellca Colussi, Mrs. J. O. Vlereck, vlved by one daughter, Jeajo,, on, Grade 11 Emily Christopher and 'Miss Rose Montesapo, Mrs. A. Mon- son, Ian, a brother, David Barclay Donald Fitch. J tewno, Mlu Mary Martin, Mrs. L. of this city, and two sisters in Grade 12 Helen Valentine and j Santurban, Miss Grace Clark, Mrs. the Old Country. ' ' Bm O'Neill. I G, Clccone, Miss Lillian Vaccher, -Mr. and Mrs, Mclean m6ni Commenjlal Ma i:een Kirkpat- j Mrs. L. Prtroff, Miss Lyndia Pet- from here to Scotland five yt-ars tick and Ralnh Sith. tenuzzo, Mrs. T. Bussanlch, Mrs. A. fro. Mrt, McLean has ljep il) The council held Its first meeting Do nlnato, Mrs. G, Culos, Mrs. O, for some time. SOUTH! VANCOUVER Calling at Ocean Falls and Powell River Steamer leaves Prince Rupert Every THURSDAY, 11:15 P.M. CANADIAN , NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS WINNirEC, WHEAT WINNIPEG, Sept. 24: Winni peg wheat prici's were up three cents yesterday with October losiifg at $1.29',;. " " . TltLIE THE TOILER" VAlELL, IS IT I 30SH, KO, TILUE-.Va1E'vJE-I vaJBUU, VUU "7 V J "THIMK. VAJE'Dl ' My LOOKS' UkcSOT TD HAVE SOMEONE: CHANGE My (3m . BTTER' STAPCT OO EiOM'T UKer VJTH A fcEpUTSTICN U NAME "TO lWyS jvV AUV. OVER Ls Tiw r az? 1 k some- a wmnhvv. J.Vr h m&m team h bb - .. .-n aj -U BG A. HIT jr7x7?l vr P.UT fcUT V5U M3U eifiT fJRT A A. ' I LOT LOT - V T? lsoRrcv TD H Me HOVJ much voo heuped; 1(mcI, ,r-t- i him rr v 7 i wi - ! SO "THAT'S RAM&y IDEA OF AN ACTT2tSS SHE'S aei-UT WE DEEMED THE MOST SO TTiAT"s"TrCiK"H'STHE s- iy sii i' if st. n t r .1 . . . ..... i i i iu r waraj.i r - i AFFECTED fejrfr V ' '"J" FICIAU f J L'l . BUNCH OF EHl V CRHATjRE Cff JKljA ""t Belay September 2 1937. 1 TH OAlLT NEWS . PAGE ftve .It ore Convicts In PIRATES BUSY ON GREAT BRITISH SHIPS OFF TO HUNT "PIRATES' itdown Strike SEA BACK IN'1492;uNOT ! mran 1 ..tu"-1 1IItv of FooJ Suld to lie Cauwe .... .... sr&2t i Ai&r 1 11 Of Ptnientlary TroURi i l ivlngmon uuy I NEW IN MEDITERRANEAN IK4 'r-? tnnrlPd l0rted lv in Collins Day Penitentiary r , tnm At Vi ntiallttf rt food. York stock market was in T " j' cu mining anu on in roCKV other "lump yesterday with"" JHtj'uj'-iiiipuriani Mediterranean sea trade lues generally off at the dote, routes. And most of that hone 18 and 81 P. O. Box 578 'ree Gift Tokens the powers of the world,, includ- ,, "' ' , , . ing the United States of America, eIder brother Uruj fought him-have been sending expeditions to 5eIf into an unmarked grave. The putthe rascals to rout younger, tougher and smarter - Skipping Phoenician and P.o- brther went ri&ht on up. man and all such ancient' history, As he captured more and more the Old Man flips o page to the women' ,ip9 an.d, rPasure fnd year 1492. That stood for tne became KinB of AKie'-. lul" of discovery of America in the TunIs and iugh ndm"-al of a school hook, hut it stands also J, Tu,k 'im1.' W?"1, ofL th" for the beginning of modern pir- Chr,s,tiiin nat.lons tr.ed their hand at him out. The greatest wiping acy as a big-time business in the Mediterranean. In 1492 Ferdi- er iV1 "' har,e" V of nand and Isabella, who backed he H?!v Ro,nan '"pent Christopher Columbus' well-pub- hc w Part of the1..1C,h cn' licized expedition, also kicked ysendjng pne expedition after the Moors out of Spain. T r, , "v-1' Ba1rbaroa9 The Moors had lived a long'1? d.ied ,,n h,s pa,ace at time In Spain and didn't want:"tantin?&n ,. to leave. MnIMaU 1 a-t.1 ol'te ""i.. So they did the nexti -best ' the stronghold for thing; they hung around Cr,.,ti, .u ... 'V , , !-he Knights of Malta who did i tr h Qnf i i ..A jitnr best to scourge the Moslem. o v. miv imciui ii out in ft im t'sW" ' K- i"'- - - - i Mf .... i!i 4i i;ii tf.i it n !!