THE DAILY NEWS 7 — Samal ———————————— . — we — eee aE = = a a ni on : ——= | . nie | Block 19 Lot 36, J Hegart HISTORIC PHOTOGRAPH Ri Se een Lots 81-43 inclusive, Tsimpsean Lot 105, 0. Hansor i , Syndicate; $615 each. Lot 106, Westenha Front Rank Figures in Section 2 99 Lots 44-45, Robert Jordon; Lot 107, Wm. and Sale by Flashlight. 66 “1 he News ws” Classifi e S. $1,505. $730 | sniticemcentiaies e Block 18 Lot ih : ° 4 108, J. Young The closing incident of Satur- a 2 Lots 18, 14, 16, 16, Mr, Schien- Bisd © day's sale of Section 2 lots was man; $460 each. Lots 138-14. p the photographing by flashlight Block 12 $3,800 ; ; of th crowd of buyers. Following j = ne nt or OF ac nse 10n= Lots 50, 51, 52, 58, 54, Schten- bot 16, 3. Men: are the names of those visible in j man; $915 each. Lots 16; 17, 18. 19 the front rows of the group on —THEY WILL REPAY A CAREFUL LOOKING OVER— $2,060. ont; $1,390 each view this morning at the Electric | tt aisle. eh h Lots 67-58, G. R. Naden; $2,000. Lots 20, 21, Mr. Bx Studio: Auctioneer. Frank Ellis | Bilt; *- Lots 64, 65, Ald. Douglas; $880 | each, I’. H. Mortimer, Lee Baker, C. C. e insurance cop (Continued trom Page One) oe : ee ’ se og ee he aa comfortable coms. | ve Lot 38, T . Westenhaver, R. A, White, F.| Fire gi bom epi ey Re Arergliaar ad se ia vis | ORS ot at BM > ae | Life Lots 66, 67, J. Gottstein, $880 Lot 39, O. Besns a a eeatnke ghia head Marine "Scour saree ele se to McBee, | The following were the sales record- each Lot 40, J. Smit : las, Kirkpatrick an¢ 1e@ Mayor, Accident Hf.MckwatCn. CE «led on Saturday : 4 . A oe . 41. Seas G. R. Naden and Mr. Weston Plate Glass r pe ta a eee 2 Block 5. Lots er McCaffery & Gib- myc a, Mt Ce | Coyney. The picture is a very Employer’s Liability | Lot 28 T. D. Pattullo, $1,830 bons; $2,125. Lots 42-43, 5 good photographie record of an Contractors’ and Personal Bonds Insurance | Aaa ca ia ee ee 080 Block 11 $2,350 h i rel = : Policies Prepared While You Wait. } | Lot 29, T. D. Pattullo; $2,030. Lot 19, 3. Campbell; $1,420 Block 20 uistoric occasion. Ane nse ner tnee ner tneetpeeecrmsrter te ' } } Jestenhaver; co. ‘ : : ei Gia fr Ponape SiS al 1 & In + cs rein oc eet Ot ora Westenhaver; | rot $9,. Mrs. A, Smith; $1,420.) Lote 68-69, F. t We have just arranged with one Mack Re ty surance 1 y Saeieateeee eee, prompt ated ot | e222 70 ‘ Lots 21, 22, BE. Flexman; $1,420 Lot 70; N. Schier of our clients to place forty-two At the Auditorium. COMPANY. Insurance. The Mack Realty and Insurance Co. | Lot’ $1, G.Bain; $2,300 pi Lot 72. M. Alber l he market under exceptional| 4 "ew selection of Music just — ne a a ee Lots 23-24, J. McAleenan; $3,170| Lot 73, I. Palme: ots on the market under excep arrived, and there will be dancing eareeneeene : 7 —— | Lots 33, 34, 35, R. A. MeMordie, : I 7 25. 7 advantages to the purchasers. The) — | Wanted Block 16 ats 74, 75, 7 I lots are some of the best in Seciions | aligns Pe ede Mie Espen 4 { es eet Lots 1-z, H. Evans; $1,760. $2,100 each 7 : mencing Sat. Dec. 2nd. You can | eet arermermerme erat | Block 6 $24.6 698 Wek. Aalders) Lot 77, J. Gluck: 3 ene a ere oe low! ‘ithr dance or skate or both for THE ATHENS —- New Barber Shop | Young lady to clerk in News Stand. Apply | Lot 6, G. Angell; $4,150, eee ae md 78 Vv. Cs as any on the market, and the tt inh fades | Canada Ry. News Co.. on wharf. tf l. se eG, eel Seen $900 each, Lot 78, Casley i sail Rial bas 1e same oney. 4 8 ee . d | . Appl: 40 (, WG 2 ; Ve > P 900 ‘ 4 79 r Casley terms so easy—monthly that any Wat ees ot will always come eee. | Maternity puree open for engagement. Apply | tat 8. G: Abeell: 9n:088! Lots 9, 10, I. Palmer; $900 each Lot 79, V ‘asl one can buy. Along with this : , Sea eae ici reciciae wise; = Dk king, cleaning and prese-| ate + Qottatela $4,030 Lots 11, 12, Westenhaver Bros., Lot 80, V. Casley ; i —-— - vt 9, J. Go ein; ,030. es exceptional offer, each lot admits ee eek a DENNIS SVORONOS : 122 6th Street | ine, repairing for men and women heal ane a a oe $900 each Lot 81, H. Eb« the purchaser to a drawing for a A Hint to the Public. oe ee .. ad Lot 10, W. oe $6,575. Lot 13, A. Swanson; $900. Lot 82, M. Coher FREE TRIP ROUND THE! Ghristmas mail for the United |——————————__ | "hay"representatives in each city and township | 2 eee eee singe Lot 14, Westenhaver Bros., $900.| Lot 83, Mr. Sibbald, § WORLD. If you hold the lucky Kingdom should be posted by mer rtrmermersrmnermcrmarmmarmeret | ive Seems go these Wp auaicty oad axe wiles | Lot't, Hansel sean ee 150 eo Lot 15, Wm. Alder; $900. Lot 84, Mr. Brick $1,090 ticket the trip is yours; or you Thursday Dec ber 7tt re to devote four to six hours daily to our work. Lot 8, J. Zambetti; $1,150. : Lot 16, I. J. Davidson; $865. Lot 85, O. Besne ‘és lursday, ecember sth. Clergymen, school teachers and those having wots 9, 10, B. Bessobert; $1,160 a as s ~ a a oa . can surrender ‘it for a-cash con- j Learn to Dance | large personal acquaintance who can devote | Lot 17, H. Evans; $865 Lots 86, 87, Ald $ sideration. The chances are good— 1” hee time will be amply repaid for thelr ser | each Cg ee aan Lot 18, Mrs. D. H. MacDonald; | each. one in forty-two. Come in and $5.00 Reward AT (| peg. Lots 11-12, E, Douin; $2,910. $750. Lot 88, J. Elnivin investigate. : : ‘ , Block 20 Bloc 1. Lot 89, L. Drum: anes $5.00 reward a foi pear lag j KING’S DANCING ACADEMY dF d Lot 119, D. C. Falconer; $550. Lots 73-74, H. B. Scott; $2 200. | Lot 90, Mr. Mu E. Reynolds late of co reet, Lost an oun Lot 120 Mr. Hellman; $550. 75. 76, 77. 78, 79, 80, 81 I 91, A. Mul Vancouver, for information of the} | We refund your money if we do not 122, F. Gesah: $560 Lots 7f 1, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81,| ot 91, J ile whereabouts of her son, Samuel Rey-| j “seh 70, fo Shunet ie the Price Se dere Goneny Glas 82, 8. P. McMordie; $1,180 each. | Lot 92, J. 8. D C ee eran Wednesdays and Saturdays ee ee eae ee tas +P : i ahaa $545 Lot 83, H. F. McRae & Co.; $1,415} Lot 93, M, Albert ° ° jand has not been heard from since, in Sons of England Hall; at 8 p.m. ae 126. 8 aes aia 3485. Lot 84, A. T. Sanders; $2,325. | Lot 94, Westen! | Mrs. E. Reynolds, 854 16th Ave., East,|§ — aera as ' | 4ot rib ca aoe ~ Block 3 | Lot 95, J. Hega AND COMPANY | Vancouver, B.C. aa | | Real Estate Lot 126, P. Kerr; $485 > Lots 27-28, N. Scheinman; $2,400.| Lot 96, Mr. Jon | , _ LADIES CORDIALLY INVITED j | Lots 127, 128, T. J. Davidson; ‘ eerie SA ae : = | f HE clined ceca raornerserai| gree at Lots 29, 30, Olle Besner; $1,050) Tot 97, D. i | j Ee ee ta t Sal in Sects 5 BL k 2I mt 18, ath | € = me : se if ear h. ,ot 98, ) trowr Me er en ed | “Avex-Apply Mike Rasich, Box 682 City. "tf Lots 129, 130, Ald. Douglas; $485 Lot 31, M. McNeil; $1,050. Lot 99, F. H V > KING GEORGE HOTEL 3 ~ o Hg oe ae ei .| Lots 32, 38, A. C. Beatty and C. | $765 a 0 0 @ I eee ee :| et : B1, 188, 9, Gotteeiny PPO li sioks $1,000 -eheh. Lot 100, H. H 1S Re-opened Under New Management 2 | Stenographer zeneh Lot 34, H. M. McCleod; $1,050. Lots 101-102, i@ Rates 35¢ per Night and Upwards ° | ommcrwmermmcone peer armermsrmeede Cor. Fraser and 5th. Choice Wines and Cigars : MRS. C. McKNIGHT Proprietor $ | aa oe Tana j ee ee ee ee 7 ees i. 2 Pp . | Eastern stenographer of wide experience wants | i seseesce 2232 253 RUPERT’S PALACE OF COMFORT) | oe 0O666-064660666646600066 | | pen, ee pigmoaranher. 662 Gore i BENS b> 3323 se38233 SESMESSESESESES 3385 se33 SESS: ae = | | oo ee nt | oe eh : ¢ | | Se } THE $i O OF For Sale % | ‘ ec ect | |_| QONTINENTAL TRUST 0. ° | a wa ate | . an LIMITED i | | $s 0 min to an a a |2 Lots, block 29, section 1, price $5, 000 | 2 asa nerence 6, 12, 18 months| Intendi Purchasers We have listings of property in all 3 , e | at7 per cen ; SR =I1n YO] Dict | 3 Lots, block 7, section 1, price $2500 | | parts of the city at attractive prices q each, 1-4 saab, balance 1, 2, and ‘0 d If y tend } . 9 & an easy terms. you inte Write Fe A sed cB ngthigenn ion buying property see us HY pivers—— 1 Lot, block 28, section 5, price $525, | ay SIR GILBERT PARKER $225 cash, bal. $50 es » sos, | Nov. 29th is the date set for ONTINENTAL @ JACK LONDON | at7 per cent. ot aoe oy wre of ae D ith thi Pat : hite usT | Safe Deposit Boxes $5.00 per year UPTON SINCLAIR 2 Lots, block 22, section 7, with 4-room | in Section you wish to} Do away with this. Patronize a white G S gi get a lot send us your instruc- laundry. White labor only at e ROBERT W. CHAMBERS house, price $1837, $600 ‘cash, balance | tions to buy, together with the ¢ Storage For Silver é GOUVENEUR MORRIS et meet ot leg cash for the amount you care Pi la d Ph 118) es Te i ’ + A @ ouble orner, oc ay on » t ut in. | ire Insurance oar ompanies - DAVID GRAHAM PHILLIPS Price $600, i-4 cash, ‘balance 6, 12| to put in. ip_one quarter|f loneer Laundry. Phone | i CHARLES EDWARD RUSSELL and 18 months at 7 per cent. cash and balance in 1, 2 and 3 | one REGINALD WRIGHT KAUFFMAN Lots iu block 11, section 8, price $300, years at 6 per cent. TEE | 7 ee ui { GEORGE RANDOLPH CHESTER 25 cash, balance $10 month. Yep ee co} SIR ARTHUR CONAN DOYLE Lots in block 10, section 8, price $275 9@ CARTAGE and | ? | CONTINENTAL TRUST CO. @ GENERAL NELSON A. MILES each, $25 cash, balance $25 month. GC R NADEN COMPANY STORAGE ! i} ) a, E. PHILLIPS OPPENHEIM LEASES . oe ALFRED HENRY LEWIS 99 year lease corner Second Ave. and Limited G. T. P. Transfer Agents | eae | Second Avenue Prince Rupert i ARTHUR B, REEVE Sixth Street. ( i Orders promptly filied, Prices reasonable. ¢: PROP ROP Se, SPSL2 SESE BRUNO LESSING 99 year lease corner Third Avenue and | Second Ave., Prince Rupert, B.C, ee ere Contre tit, Phenees,| HART 38833 e3 eS3EHES: eater thesheteanweey ELINOR GLYN Fulton Street. 8 per cent. on valua- | —_— — = . B. ester, Centre St. one 2 ALAN DALE WO 2a) eda Water Notice ——$___—_—____— a Artists and Illustrators— Cabin near Government Dock $6 and) » aifred Christian Garde of Prince Rupert, oc- HARRISON FISHER ground rent to G, T. P. Stores on | cupation Mining Engineer, give notice that on the : ae : . Second Ave 28th day of December, 1911, lintend to apply to i CHARLES DANA GIBSON . - the Water Commissioner at his office in Prince “a ‘ FROM HOME H , . ; . ‘ ry SA a Rupert for a license to take and use two cubic | HOWARD CHANDLER CHRISTY | We invite your listings. We adver- | feet of water per second from an unnamed stream ANTON OTTO FISHER tise in many papers and in many ways | }2,'he District of Coast Range 6, Skeena Division, GRACE G. WEIDERSEIM —we have offices in other cities—our | The water is to be taken from the stream about We P High Pri ’ 1 INT PR equipment should interest you one half mile above its outlet, and is to be used e ay ighest rices CHARLES A, WINTER quik ™ y f for developing power for a quary situated at the f B C Leg ] ALONZO A. KEMBLE Bs outlet of said creek, along the Railway grade. or brass, Copper, ad, : E. W. KEMBLE . Dated Nov. 2b iL eT AN GAR Rubber Boots, Solder, ee Synen -Mananer E. : ] sE a . 1911. 2 Jeremiah H K ler Ltd Dross and Bottles The Finest, Newest and Most Up-to-date Hotel ir \ Do these names mean anything to you? Do you un- ° ug ’ e release Excellent Cafe. Moderate Prices derstand their towering significence in the field of litera- : ; = AG ture and art? Have youver in alll your life seen so many | E Se eat —BIG SHIPMENT OF— Prince Rupert Cash store 1142 Pender Street West - - Vancouver, P: names of such eminence grouped together as contributors [ Sesetoreseny-trrantresomeorseermetrmiprnnt aetna to one magazine? Such a group would make it a pub- lication beyond price, and that is exactly what we are call- ing your attention to thathis moment. A magazine whose + me tt Yt *hone 85 eee ne Enamelware 7353 THIRD AVE. Phone 8600. pe ! Staff of contributors for 1912 contains all these names. / J ] | Just received from Davidson, Montreal The product of either of the above writers is easily worth aia J } the subscription price of $4.50. Se oe | | «Prices the Lowest... Cosmopolitan has endeavored in the past to give its / ” -:The Gift of Gifts:- leaders four-fold in return for the subscription price. This i Because Jewelry is liked by everyone policy has increased its circulation until it has outstripped every other American magazine, making it necessary to publish 800,000 copies of the Christmas number. It is We would like to suggest that our earnest desire t tend liately tt lat our stock furnishes innumer- i ! arn esire to exten¢ Immediately 1e@ Circulation able suggestions, ALL your Complete Assortnient 2nd Ave. and 6th®t. Phone 62 F. W. HART Shoes. i222 JOHN CURRIE | past the million mark, with this end in view we will, until gift wants might easily “be December 10th, accept subscriptions to Ganada at the supplied from it—with profit rate of $1.50 | to you-—and satisfaction to We Loaned those you wish to remember. Our Cut Glass stock was never more pleasing. We carry nothing but the very best— » We Loaned 2 Money FAMILY GROUP— Postage Total [ntil 5 here.-—Be sure you call early, Canada Libbey’s best products are SECOND AVENUE : - PRINCZ RUPERT : ' a Cosmopolitan. :. . . for him and her $1.50 .50 $2.00 Dee.5th — : = Housekeeping, for her and him 1.50 .50 2,00 all 8 4 SSS = = eeatiins } World oday, for the whole family 3.00 1.00 4.00 teane | Tenders Wanted Sealed tenders will be received by the under- signed up till 6 p.m., December Mth, 1911, for the | excavation for water pipe as shown on plan and profile which together with full information and | form of tender can be obtained from the city en- ies 'Wark’s FERRER HeHHeeE EEE HEHEHE HEHE THEE EEHEE HEHEHE EEE EHH EH EHEEEH EES ..»- THIRD AVENUE JEWELERS... fester. Se errr Bt | gimeer. The lowest or any tender not necessarily i” 3 Clrmetrmarmesemtrmesrmesrmermarmesrmerms if | MPH Oy Dyas, E. A. WOODS, ih bi Cosmopolitan Agency, P.O. Box 85 /, Winnipeg | te etre crm rmsemmarmarmnile | ot City Engineer City Clerk : te GENTLEMEN: PPPPPPPPrPeRErY ' Per Cent. to Bae Fant: Please enter my subscription for ene year to Cosmopolitan at $1.50, Good Housekeeping and Cosmopolitan at $2.85, or Cosmopol- itan, Good Housekeeping and World Today, at $5.00. Build This Build This House pare 53 ae eee, Spa orrn ere hs Section 5, Block 7, Lots SOMETHING 3-4, with 4 room house, House income $25 per month. PEA ss. ee PETER McLACHLAN-- = Third_ Avenue REAL ESTATE TIMBER MINES Bae ala ON ii dss Man 6 chile £46k 4c cae Godda coe ekki Let us loan you the money to Say cad a house or pay off a mortgas®: CANADIAN HOME INVESTMENT CO. McIntyre Block, Third Avenue, Prince Rupert. Head Office: Pacific Building, Vancouver, B. C. Addl 1Bc exchange to personal cheques WRONEAO oon hoes spa ake bane as fie