PAD I FOUR Xw u 1 a i va 1 1 1 15 RELIEVE ITCHING In A Minut F-l taa ain atubborv Itrbiag U frfrftaa, bkAcbai, pisi4a, fttbkte't foot, rubs aal otbr ita amo-tioik ajiMly wtdi to Dr. IVnr,:-' r of, antiae-tin. :vo4 0. 0. D. PRESCRIPTION, lu f-alJa aid mtit taa irritated tkia. Cleat fiwdm and aia-Uae -dnra fan Mtopa I at mort i-itMue itching ia-daatlv A Si trial bottle, at ami Marea. pnr it ar B1W7 back. Ask U a a 0. PRESCRIPTION. It HERE IS GOOD NEWS! Our store is a store you can call your own because It is operated on a co-operative .system whereby we share the profits with you. When the purchase is made and the price is paid you receive tokens which entitle you to FREE PREMIUMS in return. So make our store jour store. MUSSALLEM'S 317-319 Third Avenue West Phone 18 P. 0. Box 575 IX TIIK Stl'Kr'.ME COIKT OF IIUITI!! roi.i tiy i In I'rulialf In tlir Matter of the ",ftmiiiltratlni Art" And In Hie Maltrr of Ihr IMatr or Malcolm Millny, Drrra-rd Take notice that by onto of H: lienor W E. Flaher, the 23rd day c April,. 193C. I wai appointed' Executo it tl" estate of MtlooLm Mllloy, df crawd, and all panties having cUlrv against the eald estate are "hereby r quired to furnish name, properly vert lied, to me on or before the 27th cU of March, A. D. 1937. and all partle Indebted to the estate are required U pay the amount of thir Indebtedness tr nie forth 1th. FRANK PEARCE. Port Clements. B.C Dated the 2Gth day of February, AX) 1337. Try Our SPECIAL SUNDAY NIGHT DINNER Soup Chicken with two Vegetables Dessert Tea or Coffee All For 50c KNOX HOTEL "Banquets a Specialty" Trappers and Buyers I have to fill my orders YOU CAN GET 20 Mortj From Me I am strong on everything. Make your shipment. As soon as I receive It I will send your money. G0IM0OM COAL TO PLEASE EVERYBODY Satisfaction Guaranteed FAMOUS EDSON ALBERTA COAL BULKLEY VALLEY COAL VANCOUVER ISLAND COAL PRINCE RUPERT FEED COMPANY PHONE; 58 mnd 558 TRAPPERS! Attention! Don't sell your furs until you sec Frank Lockwood Phone Blue 729 P.O. Box 200 NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll, Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates $1.00 up 50 Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 196 The Letter Box (Continued from page 2) Ject with the late Dr. R. F. Boyle. one of three outstanding surgeons at the time when I was a patient in that institution some years ago Dr. Boyle, who, by the way, was a North of Ireland Methodist, Informed me that while the Catholic Church frowned upon the systematic practice of abortion, they did not carry their objections to the point where an abortion for tha purpose of saving life would be prohibited. The only question that was considered was the absolute essentiality of the operation and this was left to the doctor's own discretion and conscience And the hospital interposed no interference with the exercise by the doctor of this discretion. No respectable hospital, it might be added, would permit any operation which would be a violation of the Criminal Code and I cannot conceive that your correspondent is advocating any such policy. On enquiries directed to high authority in the Catholic Church in this tciy today as to whether my conception of the policy of the Catholic institutions was a correct one, I am assured that such is the case. . E. F. JONES. HOSPITAL AFFAIRS Editor, Daily News: I am and have been a member of the Hospital Association for thn past twenty-five years. I see by an advertisement in your paper thai the Association has been called ir. extraordinary General Meeting or Monday next to consider a proposal respecting the Prince Rupert General Hospital. The notice does not state what the proposal Is and I consider it only fair to the mem-1 bers that they ought to be Informed beforehand what the pro-! posal embraces. i So far as I have been able to ascertain by enquiry, the proposal i is to consider the acceptance or non-acceptance of an agreement! VOLUNTEER FIREMEN Applications for Volunteer Firemen to supplement the permanent staff, may be filed at the City Hall. Applicants must be single. Sleep-1 Ing quarters will be provided in! Fire Hall, and remuneration will i be allowed for practice and fire calls. (56) CITY COM f TRRTnMVP JONES Family Market PHONE 957 PHONE 957 Saturday Specials BEEF Pot Roast of Beef 50c 6 lbs : Boll Beef 25c 4 lbs Hamburger 3 lbs. .: ....!, 25c Round Steak 50c 3 lbs Rump Roast of Beef 16c per lb : VEAL Leg of Veal $1.00 6 lbs Rump Roast of Veal 18c per lb Fillet Roast of Veal 22c per lb Veal' Steak' 20c per lb , LAMB Small Legs of Spring $1.25 Lamb, each Shgulders of Lamb 15c per lb , Loin of Lamb-by 25c piece, per lb PORK Legs of Pork 20c per lb. ... Loin of Pork 20c per lb Fresh Side Pork 15c per lb Shoulder of Pork 16c per lb Pork Neck Bones 3 lbs 25c; Spare Ribs 25c' 2 lbs . Ayrshire Bacon 25c per lb Premium Chicken-each i3C to turn over the equipment, cash and other assets of the Hospital Association to the Sisters of St. Anne, a Roman Catholic Order who, for this consideration, will build a Roman Catholic Hospital that is to say that we, the Hospital Association, representing the pub-Interest in a public insitution, av? to be asked to turn over, without any say as to the ultimate dis posal thereof, assets amounting to considerably over $100,000, to an Drder which undertakes to build i hospital costing not less tin.-. $200,000. This, to my mind, would be a breach of trust as the money jubscribed by the citizens and ths government in the past was sub cribed to a public institution and not to an institution under the -ule of any religious or other body The Prince Rupert General Hos-1 oital Is an undenominational in j stitution, as it should be, with complete freedom as to treatment aetween patients therein and heir medical advisers and we are to be asked to turn this over to a bocy who will erect a hospital In which doctors will only be allowed tc practice under agreement that, nc matter what the wishes of th? patient may be. certain operation? md medical practices will not K performed, even to save the lift of a patient. That there has been criticism of 'he hospital management I w''i not deny but the criticism has no! been made in the proper place There has been a lack of interctf n hospital matters in this city md it is the duty of every pub"- pirited citizen to belong to the Hospital Association. Then, If he lis criticism to offer, come to tbr nestings and offer it there and THE DAILY NEWS Friday, March 5 1S21 FISHERMEN ARE DINED Enjoyable Farewell Banquet Staffed By Sons of Norway Last Night lirtS-l,'if Ti"' " ' m i wii i ...r.,.T.iiiniMiiW, i rir n ii t i A very enjoyable farewell ban-j Lambie Si Stone Increased their quet for halibut fishermen prior to j margin of leadership In the Senior the start of the halibut season was . Basketball League by scoring a de-held last night by the Sons of Nor- i cislve 66 to 36 victory over Grotto way Lodge in the Oddfellows' Hall, j last night. about one hundred being present.' in an Intermediate League ex-Gunnar Selvlg was In the chair and hlbition game, the Scythians had rave an address as did also Oscar no difficulty in disposing of Metla-Sather. There were readings by katla by a score of 37 to 17. Uarold Helland. For dancing which Annette's moved out Into the followed accordion music was pro-: leadership of the Ladles' League vided by Richard GLske. jwith a clijse 17 to 16 victory over The committee in charge con - Isisted sistea of ot Mrs. Mrs. A. A. Wick. wick. Mrs. Mrs. K. K. Siatta, Mrs. A. Dybhavn, Mrs. Chris Jensen and Mrs. E. Skog. HOCKEY SCORES National Lea;ue Chlcaco, 5: Canadlens, 3. New York Rangers, 1: Detroit, 2 Pacific Coast League Portland 5; Seattle 2. BASKETBALLERS ARRIVE The motorship Eskimo was due 5n port early this afternoon froir. Ketchikan, bringing in the Ketchl :an basketball team which wl.l play a series of games with local Seniors tonight and tomorrow. NELSON, March 5: In the first of the provincial hockey play-offs here last night, Nelson Maple Leafs defeated Vancouver Canadians by ja score of 5 to 1. Depend "1 J i-: v.vZ not on the street comers as is done at present Take an active interest In the election of the Hospital Board and see that you gel the best men on the board, men who will do -fairly and Justly by all parties, whether patients, doctors or the public. Do not be stampeded into givl-f away your rights as a citizen for assuredly if you do, you will re gret that you were so shortslghtd as to hand them over to a body over whom you have no control and who will never allow any Interference in the management of hospital affairs. If the Sisters of St. Anne wlsb to show that ..what they purpose tc do Is only 'in the interests of snf ferlng humanity let them make ? substantial donation to the fundf necessary to build such addition to the present hospital as is nee-1 essary to bring it up to date. ; I hear street rumors that a very 1 strenuous campaign Is being conducted by interested parties to pe' members cn ihe list who are fav irable to a Roman Catholic Hospital so that, by a packed meetlr on Monday, they may vote the Present hospital away. Don't lei '.his be put over Join the Hospital Association immediately and be at he meeting on Monday to show 'hat we. the citizens of Prince Rupert, can run our hospital with-lutslde interference from anybody OLD MEMBER fin future all letters pertaining "o the hospital must be signed by he writer). NEW YORK (CP. Bar silvei 'as unchanged 4434c per ounce the New York metal market odav. These Homes TAKE a row of homes in any street your own, for instance. You chat across the hedge about roses or tomatoes, but it probably doesn't occur to you that each of your neighbors helps to pay your rent or taxes, and to buy the food, furniture, clothing and other things that make life worth living. The man next door may work in an automobile plant. On the other side of you live men employed in paint and rubber factories. Across the street arc a baker, a railwayman, the foreman of a textile mill, a steel plant superintendent, a shoe salesman and a theatre employee, We Again Remind You . . . that the automotive industry not only in itself is an important unit in the business life of Canada, but that the manufacturing of cars and trucks entails the purchase of finished and raw materials from many other industries. Anything that would retard orders from automobile manufacturers would seriously affect many other important company payrolls. AUTOMOTI (JttMhm What affects one, affects all. Should the automobile plant shut down or curtail production, the steel, rubber, paint, glass, textile and numerous other industries will suffer, too. The railways will have less freight to haul. Stores, restaurants, theatres will feel the pinch. There will be less money in circulation. A thriving automotive industry is therefore vital to the welfare of all. The, security of any one man's job depends not only on the industry of which he is a part, but on the prosperity of industry as. a whole. ( DUSTRIES MARGIN IS INCREASED Lambie & Stone Better Lead In ) Basketball Scythians Win Over Metlakatla 1 Grottettes with whom they had : been been tied. tied. , Junior Moose Joined King Ed ward High School as runners-up In the Junior League by scoring an easy 19 to. 10 victory over the long-suffering Seal Cove pulntet. VANCOUVER. March 5: (CP) Wheat was selling today at $1.28. r Takt COUGHS half tcpoaful f 4 Minard io moUiief. If tat Minartfi, inhale ii. Alt rub. t ell lntsur cheat. You'll get relitf I f'KING OF PAirj Itv BIG ,K,,i jT In tht climax Sit mtloJtti ty JEROME KERN With o hot! tf htaulm am VICTOR MOORE HELEN UKUUtKlCK ERIC BLORE BETTY FURNESS GEORGES METAX A.o,w. Ctorit5itetnt.A PANDHOS. BERIA PnJuclion. Lytict by DOROTHY HELDS (At 7:25 & 9 33k Added Walt Disney Presents: 'Mickey's Rival' World News' TONIGHT & SATURDAY Lasi Complete Show at 9.08 The Central Hotel KUU.MS and CAM i'lione 51 Koi Bet Houiihoiu Coal -MRS. i;. E. BLACK A LENTEN SUGGESTION 0 Gold mm Seal O '' I Salmon Fancy Red Sockeye Packed by the only salmon canning company with an all the year round payroll in Prince liupert. Hyde Transfer Phone 580 DRY WOOD JASPER COAL Furniture Moving Light Delivery I 315. SECOND AVI;'. f I