Court of United States, through Its; junctions, with rendering Con-tress impotent and powerless to Ll with the economic and social Ublems of the nation and with routing the express will of the leople, President Franklin D. .Roosevelt, at a dinner here last light in celebration of the Democratic victory at the polls In the jsst election, declared that he was Ljot willing to postpone any longer ihnn was actually necessary me Lc when it would be possible to (jcmove legal doubts from the de bit and practical soiuuon oi me Country's problems. Of course." declared the Prtsi- Icnt. 'we will continue to wotK to raprove conditions for the .work- Monle reduce hours of work, r.crease waccs. abolish child labor mi swoat shons and Drovide use- m work for all the unemployed. P'e will continue our efforts to- ard flood relief and prevention. fjr such h'ngs as these we have r;slbe'-'un fo fight. We cannot run Mnj fror, the fisht on the advice i! defeatist lawyers. "In th. ;e elections within flvt tarsgrci majorities of the people it appnved of what we are tr ! to do. Speedy and democratic '.itlon. are needed. We must bk Up steps necessary to give 1-.KS.W that what we do shall ptt nullified by these sweeping '1 w said the President fceaiir a a member of the De- facriL, i n:iriv. "have not the cage lead the American sp".. whe :e they want to go. some Wt i -n n Wp mint tnkp Ihe u'-tion to remove the pickle 'Tni Consress in effect- Rlc: ..'ion' ! It Vl vlanfnne itioitlr urhlMi to chief executive delivered f?alm' hr Runremrf Court In the (irrt of a rie of maior addresses ii . I0 08 Riv nation from the White House JOG SCALE DECREASED i vanii V1U Viwavu Dowiwl'ole and Piling Pro-luclion Substantially Up with thr majority of loKulng J"ip: having been closed down fnce the fir-r nf n,n w (Kale in Prinrp nuwrt rilttrlrt jsn ir in lo-n u,. u n.i , .mo uvcii Yciy us"1' av total of only 040,484 feet. The fiuruar, scale way by t,hp OTTAWA, March 5: (CP) Observers here are consider- lng the possibility of Canada continuing as a member of the I .pa ffii p r.omlnz as a Question before the Imperial Confer- ence to be held in London in May. Some anxiety is express- ed as to Just what Canada would do in the event of Great Britain becoming lnvol- ved in war with certain na- tlons. Some weeks ago Premier King himself questioned the advisability of Canada con- tlnulng as a member of the League under present restric- tlons. 4 CRISIS IS OBVIATED Unions Withdraw Pickets Which Had Been Holding up Canadian Boat at 'Frisco SAN FRANCISCO, March 5:- Another crisis between Pacific Coast longshoremen and shlpown ers was averted yesterday when the International Longshoremen's Union and the Maritime Workers' Federation declared the British Columbia port of New Wcstmlnstc; open and fair and withdrew picket who had been preventing tlir unloading of the Canadian steamc Rochelle. Ycsterdav afternoon har been set as the deadline at which time handling of the Rochelit' cargo would commence regardles-of the picketing. Kamloops Tories Will Nominate Former Local Man to Preside Over Convention Set For March 15 k'ami.oops. March 5: The in tk .,.. f.,t.,m iio , cincprvAvive Association n to be a fireside radio talk to! has set March 15 as the date of a, to - a . 1 1 . . .. ! . t ( n tn cplprt HI nommaung conuin -candidate to contest the riding at the next provincial election. Dr. A. II. Bayne. president of the association, will occupy the chair and Dr Frank P. Patterson ol Vancouver, president of the British Co lumbia Conservative Association, expected to be present. Weather Forecast inirtiUlicd UirougT u. twy o. Dominion McU, J.e Thla io- V ctorla uvi Prince Rupert ta Mt U compiled trwn oUscrvatloiw tht 3' il n? tl covers S a m today L '...ilni's D.m. tomorrow). General Synopsls-A disturbance fill uuivu - Forest Branch, was Was anas has jum vv caused rain along im 1,821 board feet The large camps wueen Charlotte Islands HOW M .nnnnl.. ...J 1L. .11.... v . wwwi may oe pied to be more substantial. I m wale of poles and nllln ex- IL, crlor as wcU as railway ties pi increase this year over last. I "to scale of poles and piling this wnw nneai ieei as nwred with 101,910 lineal feet ntu. "ivuui lasi year, ine i, , " V1 po'cs ana piling "J. Jew wail in cedar. The to . ... . L3i 04o 7 uu"1' ims February was hi . ;l .ln hemlock-as compar- k nut .i . ... frame VJ . uven Pleces ln tne month last year. SCale for this .February u-l m d low. per varieties was; as fol- w 4I,723 boart ft. Hernia,. ..." oo:ra wra reet. reet. British Columbia. Coast while mllC weather continues lniana. ni., Tnr.Prt district and Queen Charlotte Wands-Fresh Ud strong easterly winds eomcwnai with occasional snowers. West Coast of Vancouver -strong southerly wsw, vw , with occasional rain. Kirkland Lake Miner is Dead John Allan Murphy, Oakcs Mine, Yukon Cold N"'1 Strike Closes All PRO 1 INI lvL- LIBRARY VICTORIA, B.C. Today's Weather Tomorrow's Tides (8 A.M.) Ik High 7:41 ajn. 16.9 ft. 21:31 pjn. 15.0 ft. southeast Prince Rupert-Fair, Low 1:05 a.m. 11.0 It. wtod '22 miles per hour; barr neter, 14:37 pan. 7.9 ft. 29.7o! sea moderate. , A NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER -J- ol. XXVI.. No. 54. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., FRIDAY, MARCH 5, 1937 TRICE: 5 CKWTi COURT IS ASSAILED ontrcss and Will of People Both Flouted Declares Iloosevelt Continue Fight Party Does Not Act, K Democratic Someooay r.c wASHlNGirON, D.C., March 5 ,r charging the Supreme panada Quit League Is Question! Seattle Mills But Two Major Lumber Plants Are Tied Up SEATTLE, March 5: All but two of Seattle'3 major sawmills were closed yesterday by strike of employees for increased wages. VENGEANCE ABUNDANT Long: Trail if Reprisal in Russia For Assassination of Sergei Kiroff Two Years Ago MOSCOW, March 5: (CP) Sergei Kiroff, head of the Communist party in Leningrad, favorite of Dictator Joseph Stalin and believed by some to have been marked to succeed him as the actual if not the nominal head of the Soviet Republic, was assassinated December 1, 1931. Since then, it was revealed last night, there have been some 150 official executions as a direct outcome of his death. In addi tion, several hundred, and pos sibly thousands, are awaiting trial. There are reported to have been several secret executions as well as suicides by persons under investigation. Minimum Wage For Men Also TORONTO. March 5: (CP) A bill providing for the ex- tension of the minimum wage law to men as well as women was introduced in the Ontario Legislature yesterday by Hon. David Croll. minister of wel- 4 fare. The minister and a board appointed for the purpose 4. : would set the wage scales. 4 4 JAPANESE ARRESTED iincchl Kato of Auburn. Wash., Taken in California on First Degree Murder Charge Is AUBURN, Wash., March 5:-Enechl Kato, Japanese laborer, has been arrested in California and chanted with first degree murder in connection with the killing of his wife and four children whose bodies were found last week In a rough grave in the yard of their home here, three having had their throats cut while the other two were strangled. DUNNING i HAS FLU Minister of Finance Stricken Con- i dltion Serious but Not j i Alarming ' I OTTAWA, March 5: (CP" Hon j j Charles A. Dunning, minister cf finance, is confined to bed at hi"? home here with an attack or m fjuenza. His condition was reports I last night to be serious but no! 1 1 alarmhig. He will not be able to( attend-the -House of Commons fori however, will continue. . . i.i week or so. The budget debate, . DOLLAR AT PAR NEW YORK. March 5: (CP) I ocator Of The Canadian dollar was on par Was In !wlth the Amerlcan dollar 011 th i New YorK ioreign exenange mur-tpt. vesterday. Labor Victory in London County Election Evident Tho Returns Incomplete LONDON, March 5: It was evident last night that Herbert Morrison, known as the "Prime Minister of London" and his Labor administration, had achieved victory and retained control of the London county council as a result of yesterday's election. Po4-,..vic ovnilnKlo ur tr loot nin-Vlt oViAVOfl tVint tVlJ m'nnl T?ofnrm rwirt.v. thp fusion nf nnnnsitinn crnuns. forty. Results in the remaining . thirty seats were 1 T 1 1 111. announced today, snowing mat L-aoor retained me rule of London for three more years by virtue of winning a total of seventy-five seats, a gain of six from before. TODAY'S STOCKS Courtesy 3. D. Johnston Co.) Vancouver B. C. Nickel, .30. Big Missouri, .64. Bralorne. 8.70. B. R .Cons., .05 'A. B. R. X.. .11. Cariboo Quartz, 1.52. Dyntonia, .21. Dunwell, .04V2. Ooonda, .11 Yi. Minto. .21 V. Meridian, .04. ; Mcrning Star, .03 'A. j Noble Five, .13. , Pend Oreille, 550. Pioneer, 5.80. Porter Idaho, .11. Premier. 3.85. Reeves McDonald, 1.45, Reno, 1.15... ....-tfe....... Relief Arlington. .30.. Reward, .16-Salmon Gold, .11. Taylor Bridge, .10. Wayside, .05 Vi. Hedley Amalgamated, .19!. Premier Border, .04. Sllbak Premier, 3.50. r,ongress, .09. Home Gold, .04. frandvlew, .18. Indian, .05. Quatslno Copper, .09,2. Quesnelle Quartz, .13. ' Oils A. P. Cons., .74 (ask). Calmont, 1.55. Freehold, .28. Hargal, .30. McDougal Segur. .56 (ask). Mercury, .61 (ask). Merland, .29 (ask). . OM'.ta. 3.30 (ask). Pacalta, .30 United. .63. Weymarn, .31. Toronto Beattle, 1.45. Central Patricia, 4.50. Ocds Lake, .75 Lee Gold, .05. .UtiMe Long Lac, 6.70. McKenzle Red Lake, .1.72. Pickle Crow, 7.55. Red Lake Gold Shore, '1.23. San Antonio, 2.10. Sherrltt Gordon, 3.00. Smelters Gold, .07 V2. Mcleod' Cockshutt. 2.70. Oklend, .34 Mosher. .32. Oilbec. .05. Madsen Red Lake, 1.20. Stadnoona. 1.72. Frontier Red Lake. .19. Francoeur, 1.18. ManltHvi & Eastenui.08i2. 1 Moneta Porcupine, 1.70. I Rubec. .09. Bailor. .07 Bankfleld. 1.41. Fast Malartlc. 1.76. . Preston East Dame. 1.35. Hutchison Lake, .25. Raiah Red Lake, .34. Aldermac. 1.67. Kerr Addison. 2.75. Federal Kirkland, .29. Upper Canada, .73. WHEAT PRICES' WINNIPEG. March -5: L ....' - (CP) KIRKLAND LAKE, uni, . imiijnd AT MONTREAL WinnlneK wheat Drices were un 5: John Allan Murphy, pwne monTOeaL. March 5: (CP) ' changed to Vic higher yesterday, . .1 J TJnsn. Tiiifin. QICU uitu v - ... ... .... .... . .i . ... ....... . . . . . . the Yunon uoiu in 'The British pound sterling ciosea May ciosmg at .wv4. . v,H hpen iutuv- - ...., . ... ...... . i i . . 116.714 board feet. locator of the Tough-Oakes IN FAVOR 0FJTRIKE Canadian Railway Employees Insist On Complete Restoration Of Wage Cut MONTREAL, March 5: Howard B. Chase, spokesman for several railway employee unions in connection with the present negotiations for restoration of their ten percent wage cut, stated last night that indications were that all but about two percent of these employees were voting in favor of a strike If the cut Is not restored. The large majority of -strike ballots are now ln but the result ' will not be officially announced until March 18 although the vote is known to be overwhelmingly in favor of demanding the complete restoration. The majority of a recent con-cillition board recommended a gradual, partial restoration. RAIL LINE t Sabotage Is ALL CLEARr ' Snow Blockade in Lower Skeehai Removed and Traffic Running Normally Again Followine the clearing of snow slides from the line in the vicinity of Kwlnltsa and Skeena, traffic is' being resumed over the Canadian National Railways here today. A stub train left at 9:30 this morning to go as far as Terrace and Is returning late this after-nnnn with nasseneers. mall and VANCOUVER. March 5: The Vancouver elty council Is asking ths provincial Department of Railways to make an Investigation of alleccd Inadequate service, over crowding of street cars and other comnlaints ln regard to the opera tinn of the British. Columbia Elec tric Railway In Vancouver. Aid. Fred Crone, on behalf of the city council, is preparing the list of matters to be brought before such an investigation. MONTREAL GOLD PRICK MONTREAL, March 5. The Ca- i-m,v mirilan wiQian eold goia nrlce price was s UP ui '2C v at lyesteraay. c . -.the at $4fo-B on lne Montreal ex- price were uiiciictnisca w -JbC "'' ner wu".v ounce . ;thls mis aisunk district since 1912 and wa mine. mine. chan8e market yesterday. higher with May closing at $1.33',i. tal market yesterday Being Probed Secret Investigation Being Con ducted by British Government, It is Learned LONDON, March 5: The British government has launched a secret investigation Into alleged incidents of sabotage In aircraft manufac: turing plants handling government contracts, it was learned yesterday. Laborites had won fifty-four seats and the Muni- J tllT MINE. MANY DIE Greek Tanker Blows up Off Coast Of Spain Most of Crew Perish LONDON, March 5: (CP) Another incident in connection With the Spanish civil war occurred yesterday when the 2000-tcn Greek tanker Nuki struck a mine off the northwestern coast of Spain and blew up after the gasoline cargo took fire, most of the crew of twenty-four being believed to have been killed. Previously British and French ships struck mines in the same vicinity but this Is the first' occasion on which there was loss of life. Kimberley Is Beaten I V 'LONDON. March 5: (CP) The Kimberlev Dynamiters, MARCH 20 NEW DATE Embargo Patrol of Spain by Nonintervention Committee May Start Then French Accused Fascists Say They Are Fomenting Trouble in Morocco Strong Note LONDON, March 5: A new government attack upon Ovelda in the course of the Spanisn emi war was beaten off yesterday, it was announced by the Insurgent command. The non-intervention committee has now set March 20 as the pos- sible date for the naval and land patrol' of the Spanish coast and frontiers In connection with the effort to enforce an embargo on movement of outside forces and fighting equipment into the civil war ridden country. It was' originally planned to start the patrol this Saturday but it was found impracticable to do so. at this time. Note From France SALAMANCA. Spain, March 5: (CP) The Spanish Fascist regime accused France today of fomenting 1 disturbances in Spanish Morocco In order to force a pretext for ln- 1 vading territory held by General- I lsslmo Francisco Franco's arniies, 4j declaring any attempt at aggres- lslon against Spanish Morocco I would be met with adequate reply. ! rrt ! . J ll n,t. nnl.ln.1 Hie lUSUlgCUW uipiuuiaiiu kauimt lodged a strong note of protest with all signatories of the Alee- who won the world's amateur , tratlng arms on the . r " ' " leiras convention.1? - . ! The Insurgent staff charged that the French were secretly concen- bordcr and hockey championship here planned to introduce them Into the last week, suffered the first 1 Soanish Riffs, defeat of their European tour 1 in Paris French sources bran-here last nl?ht when they lost ded the accusation as absurd, to the Herrlrieav Racers, a National League team consisting largely of Canadian players, by a score of 7 to 2. Major McGiverin Of Victoria Dies' Was Son of Hon. Hal McGivein, Former Federal Minister Without Portfolio VICTORIA, March 5:--MaJor Jarold B. McGiverin died here yesterday after a lengthy illness. He express from the regular train without portfolio in the first Mac-whlch was due here last night from kenzle King cabinet. the east but which turned back from Shames. Today's Weather The usual Friday way freight noi.Mn- f u-iw loft at in nv.lmk this mornlne for TriDle Island - Ooudy, southeast Street Railway In Vancouver To Be Looked Into ometer. 29.45; temperature, 35; scj smooth. r Dead Tree Point Part Cloudy moderate southerly winds; bar, meter, 29.56; temperature, 3U; heavy choppy sea. Prince George Clear, soutn vlnd, 4 miles per hour; barometer 29.76. Vancouver C'oudy. southesu wind, 4 mils psr hour; barometer 10.02. Canadian Parliament Will Ready to Rise by Then It Is Expected : BIG ARMY : BUDGET IN ; Great Britain to Spend 2G,00,M0 Be More on this Ann of Defence Tills Year 1 LONDON, Marcn 5: iCP) Great Britain's army estimates for 1U37, issued yesteiday. provide for the ' exptnaiture ot 82,174,000, an In crease of 1:20,000,000 over last year. With Wednesday's estimates for the navy, an army and navy ex-' oendlture of 87,239,000 ln 1937 is was the son of the late Hon. Hal contemplated. McGiverin who was a minister Air estimates weie brought in today, showing that Britain proposes to spend 82,500,000 the equivalent of 1412,500,000 on air defence in 1937. This is an Increase of 31,-800.000 over 1936 and raises the total bill of Great Britain for the 4 1 V V - w . . - w - Pacific and will be back tomorrow wind, 18 miles per hour, moderate 1 three fighting forces during the - t . A HAJIA MAA AnA .Ma 4 I KAA pvpninff ly rough sea. The regular train for the east Langara Island Part cloudy i- of , thi pvp- cast wind. 5 miles oer hour; bar- ning. year to 269,739,000. lorty-tnree percent over last year. Air Defences The present scheme of aerial expansion provides, among other things, for a metropolitan air force of 1700 aircraft divided into 124 squadrons. It Is also proposed tor create special units of an auxiliary force for operating a balloon barrage ln connection with tne London area. The defence balloons would dron nets ot wire which would disable enemy planes coming Victoria- Fair, northwest wind I"""1" 7 ,' changes ta M, tlw , armv army miles per hour; birometer. 30.02 flpal tne organization ot t-"P Estevan - Raining, southeast i arf ,ln lr,H 11 m1lpe nr hour! hir. VaHOUS divisions. meter, 29 96. Prorogation By Easter is Plan The House of Commons last ni?ht approved of the government raising the sum of $2,000,000,000 for Its defence and rearmament program. MANITOBA AND ALBERTA I HAVE REACHED FINAL TORONTO. March 5: (CF -Manitoba and Alberta arc playing off today for the Canadian curi- firrJWI Marrh V Pmrnantlnn Inir ph.imnlorL!lln. Both WOll thrCC aeo a-. $34 79 - on the localinc- v, ,ofrParIlament by Easter Is now " ex- games yesterday , , over oUwr ,, prov- i pected, It was stated yesterday. lnces In the qualifying rounds.