-- ; - -- .. ?AOK.rOUR ' -4 ij " " :'L;' v . rag daily HrajL , f ' eeks. Big Game From B. C. s .'; NEW. YQJtK, SfiPt. 2: cr -Michael Lerner, director of the American Museum ' nf ' Mnhirnl r tjhfi "Cassiar Mountains of iiiH.iiri jf 111 11 Ml V'UIUflillia. , turner wilj be accompanied by v'-l.SS.'ft. '-QRs: hopes to baj speci mens of stonei or blue shtvp, cafiMu and grmiieg. lie is ma Ing the I rif for hia nwn-nmuac. merit, and not in the interests of the museum. ' The couple will go by rail t tamonton and will fly fror--tyiere to, the mountains, where ey will meet their guide. The jPMc.ien Jasper National Park n aavance with pack and saddle FIGHT PICTUHES COMING D. 0. Borland, manatrer of tit Capitol Theatre, announced today that picture? "bf the Loui Farr fight fnNew York this Monday would be shown at the local theatre on September 20 and 21.' BftWLING ALLEY BasemInt .f CxcJiaiiffe Block PUQfE Q5S COAL fO, IEASE EVF.UYIiflDV Satisfaction aunrivUl Famous Eilwn .libera Tool Itulklrx Valley t.wl Vanrojftrr Island CikiI Prince Rupert Feed Com 11:1 11 v PHONE 58 and 558 GIANTS ON TOP AGAIN American Museum Man and Witej Beat Cardinals to Take Mathe- rf it . i x - I mnf ! l'-.l ft.-,.-. 'L ! To Hunt in Northern Cassiar Ranj;e Cubs in National League NEW YORK, Sept. 2: New York Giants went back intn thn leadecshin of the National History and noted biK-Kan.,On,a. League yesterday e8l.eruv bv r,v pleating defea'tinsr' 2er, er, is is preparing preparing a a hunting hunting tWr tWn S' Loi!,s 9i?.rd"als at the i'0o urouiuis. wnjle the Chicago Cubs were losing, to the Urook lyn J)odgers at Kblwta FuU The lead of the Ciants is merely uiauieiuaucai uy a scant decimal margin. Yesterday's Big League scores : National League Cincinnati, 5-i; Boston, 1-1. St. Louis. 3: New York 7. i Chicago, 4; Brooklyn, i.:, Pittsburgh, 3; Philadelphia,. 5 American League New York, 2; Cleveland, 4. Washington, 8; Detroit, 2. . Boston, 2; Chicago, 0. Philadelphia, 5; St. Louis, 2. Baseball Standings National League " W Chicago 73 New ork 72 St. Louts 65 Pittsburgh 32 Boston 59 Philadelphia .'. 52 Brooklyn 49 Cincinnati 47 American League New York 80 Detroit 70 Chicago 69 Boston 65 Cleveland 60 Washington 55 St. Louis 39 Philadelphia 38 L 48 4' 59 69 63 68 69. 70 39 50 54 Pet. .603 .605 .542 .512 .484 .433 .415 .402 .672 .583 .561 52 .556 58 .508 62 .470 81 .325 80 .322 HE GATHERS BAYONETS BELLEVILLE, Ont., Sept. 2: (CP) A na-y baypnet believed to have been used in the War cf 1812 has been added, to the- Collection of Jack Ward. et was fofinji in the Niagara Ri I AUSTRALIAN TENNIS STAR IN ACTION ver. in yjp The Australian Davis Cup team decisively defeated the Mexican cam in the zone eliminations. The AuSSs surprise player on the team was Vivian expected McGrath who Wa5 to be out of acUon with an old hand ailment. The hand recovered sllghUy ana McGrath was matched against Mexico's No. 1 player, Dr Rlchado Tap ia defeating him in three straight sets in MexS Autml a now meeU the United State team for the right to advan e in the pLy! BADMINTON CLUB MEET Harry Vard Is Elected President of i'riiue, Rupert Club, A meeting of the Prince Rnnprt Badminton Club was held last night at the home, of Mr. and. Mrs. George Mitchell. Tliere were sixteen nres. ent. The election of officers resnltPri as follows: President, Harry Ward. Vice-president, Earl Gordon. Treasurer, Percy Mcintosh'. Secretary, Miss M, Lawrence. Executive. Miss Bessie Thorn Miss Caroline Mitohell and' Peter Bird ! The club will open on September ia uns year Instead of October. 1. ine membership has been limited to 35. So far there are 30 signed up as members. Old Country Soccer tt r ' iuir iW iuc year 10 aate ton anuerers, 2. have reached a toLii nf rq nn mo I Abei-deen. S; CI, - ----- " - 9 'W4UZ1 f 9K .QUALITY! Jr. . .., V -" vi'il? ,y same wftk m; i? lh U. h! -M called r,ca Fifinie an. Spnrk, Leaving Just Regrets'?. How often could t W. .e said about the Indiscriminate. Leer, IVopIe hJh, jSt onler beer are often disappointed. 'Lev prcha8e fmdTL of laBer ? tha, there a dir,rece beer-Ju.t as therVu UUl S,,e I l 2 delijflitrul and wortl,while-,therH let you down. V.t Mt BritUh Columbian,, have, learned that Lucky LaRer is a better Lew It i khhI t the last drop I,,eause It's made that way. Muni 1T hup., ,(,. ,. ,h5 t. Mul, rtm.mhf Lucky lt.r -.ll " t'.an ordinmry t.mt. L'njilish I,eaRue First Division, Awenai, :s; Huddersfieid Town, Birmingham, 3; Middlesbrough, Brentford! 2: P rp.ltnn Vnrl li Knd. 1. - -1 w jr- SPORT CHAT I With outdoor sports pF t TTe iBiimnwr almost conciuned. local alJilejjc intes wilj, tjirn to, in- uoor acuvmes ana bowling pro mjs.es. to .enfpy another success ul. season this wintpr. Thp Upy B.OWlinir Al ev has b pen rnmnlpt.- ly ren'o'vated and" the ailev rp surac,ed. Bed Young has be.-n uiiituuiieu manacpr. javua no. tivitje8.tforr t,h,e season wf)l sopij On I-abor Dav the annrtlntF event of the forennnn ulli K tu UK t irams representing tiorden Strp-t nd Boojh ilemoria;. School,. These inter-school games hav? been a featur of hp i nhn. n. sporte7or, years. The Jeam to 'represent Booth Memori.n) S.'i..l wjl, be chosen from the following;. Zbura; L. Keays, C. Sun-berg; J. Watt. H. HolkPstnd k. McCrimmon. J. Wilwn m ii.. gan, if, Cameron (rantntn r. ker, W. Comez. U ItAlor It Hodgson. " . Derby Count. 1: VAlv,.. KeILS?: Lfc "compared wiih 79, Manebe. W CI U l t l.00?1 -if? the ret e,Bht Scftist, r. .ml-r' V". u OJ Te sawlog scale 11 ai.Mi ui irki 1 iii'iciin 1 in itiiA . . . . . Other Famous Malt Beverages B. C. BUD LAGER SILVER SPRING LAGER BURTON type ALE COAST BREWERIES LIMITED VANCOUVER . NEW WESTMINSTER . VICTORIA - icci, as comparea with. 24,174,755 board feet In the same month last year Scaling ner snecles In bnirH fof .ir- For the SPCond. slraitrhf the Canadian, h'pen, golf cham-pJonshln Will le nlnvcl at c A 7..- -t.-, " -Mi- drews,- north' of Tonj'qto. The 72-hole championshjp ,wj'th Jt., tft. 00. Prize monev nnH thA',n Sold trophy will start Sept 9 ana run three days. The jfinnt .on. i.iuie will be tjefendW us first ami nnlv title against the hpf t.. both countries. LOG SCALE edar . 'Piuce IS HIGHER Aut u$t Pnwluciion This Year About ham? H Year, Aro, Keeping 1937 Well. Ahejd of 1836 t,CS"1 Timber scallngs.lri Prince Rupert niviiui OI..AUBUSL W ax fnl. cws, figures' for the .same month a year, also belns shown for mm Jackplne Hemlock Balsam . Miscellaneous 1917 1,403,455 2,509,053 12,48729 ' 548.127 . 6,721,184 1336 1,944,131 522,611 12,196,623 231,673 7.488.991 1,020,445 1,782.919 7.807 24,725,893 24,174,755 torest Products Lineal feet of 'Doles' and nlilnw iioiiutsu m me jnienor this Aug i amounted to, 4.4.903 of which 40,863 lineal feet was cedar and iuiy jHipaj iecy nemjocK as com- fiiiea wim luu.fui lineal ret in the .amc inonm lasi year. .The tie' count-this Ausnst wn is liO pieces 12.967 -Jacknine and 7 iienuocK as ngauist 43.024 In A-total. 0243; cor,ds of cord wood was recuraen' mis Aiiirntt. in r.nm 5.. . .-I fiirlffrtri ntltk 11l l iw . - Mir - Jtl-V 'VBUSU IVJU Triple. IMand ,;Part cloudy, west 'northwest.- w nd. 9C mtl.c per. hur; . moderately toukIi sea Lahpari Island ' 'Qvercast, northwest- 1G" .mjfes pt hour: barometer. iiO.lfi: U rinnrl Tf 'TlrXUi ' r'l-" if 'V VICTI. IHJIlli west Wind: la'rometer. .10 temperature, f,(J; slight c,hnp. Bull Uarborr-Dp erly wind., five, miles per hour? l.MnALl...A . 1 . " . iriiijiciamrp, .; monqraw sweJ, Alert Bav I.iirht rnTn liniif westerly wind; barometer.. .10,10; lemjieraiure; rjj pea smooth. Estevari Island Cloud v h.hi- - " " 1 , t - wind, four miles ler hour; bar ometer. 20.0C' Victoria Clear. e.nfprl four pilles Der hour: bftromplff Vuncouver Clear, calm: hnm. ' ' ... ri re t 1 in nee l.eorce i-rnlr ini.u, wrBl wiiiii, ioir nines per hour: iiui oiiirwr, i.j.z-i. Terrace Clear, calm ra Ai'vaimli '.! nr nlJ m Alice Arm Cloudy, calm, 50, Anyox viooay, calm, 54, Stewart Clear, rnim 1 Hazelton Clear cnlm r.R Smlthers Clear Palm Ka "Vrns j-K8-jier, calm, 55. Suecial For Babv "A man learns a lot, buildir 25 million ears!" "Seems tp me. notbins eyer. take,s the place of experience. You learn to do a good Job by doing It. The more ypu do It, the more you learn about it. "Take cars, for instance. They tell me Henry Ford, has built more than 25 million. Nobody qlse ever had near that much experience. So. the way I figure, Henry Ford's the man I want to build my car. "Besides, .all those cars weren't sold most of them 6Uk '""n: ror their. juu every jeai . "This year's Ford uti yet. Handle runs smooUi and J iiiiow. upedayaftfifdJ sitting here Forcb go by Ijjv 't,!. 'Jud, you go buy c.- M U1U! FORD I S. E. PARKER, LIMITS Dealers Prince Rupert, El SPE GALS! TDCr A beautiful Decorated 10-oz. Turl rULL""Wjth eve,'y Purchase of Kffem l-ruit baline. (Inlish Tyr Both for 39c Protect Your Teeth By using Mi jJl Tooth Powder on your fail . . 1 1 irt m 1 siiajieu tienzo loom urush Both for 39c Cara Nome Cosmetics v 25c Trial Size Perfume and 25c Trial Size Face Powder Both for 35c One Tin Stork Baby Talc and 3 Stork Nipple Both for 35c Orates ZZiti Pioneer Druqjgiats The Itei 11 Store Phones: Open Dally From 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays From 12 noon till I P""' 7 D m. till 9 p.m. MacKENZIE'S FURNITURf Dominion Linoleums and Barry and Staines Linoleum FLOOR COVERINGS- -Per square yard INLAID LINOLEUM Square yard as l ollows To yet your picture mp.do at the Hollywood Sludio. We Close Soon Hollywood Studios, 220 Cth St. Canadian Connection at 45c, 70c, 75c Piione 775 LAST DAZE To Vancouver Direct , ,.,,,sE FKINCESS LOl'ISf IMHNCKSS CHAULOITE LOITE Bept.-4th Sept. 7th. 1". 'J ' Vancouver with Canadian Pacific Tli'kpt nnH llirvatlniil frOlri W. L. COATUS, General Arent Trine6 Ituptri. ,1 The Ccntr?! Hlfl KOOMS an'J CAK" l-hone SI For Best Household C" MRS. 0. K. BtACR EpR i aciW Trans-Atlantic Transcontinental Tranj 'J'o Vancouver via Ocean Falls, and Way I'otU Princess, Adelaldeevejy, Friday, 10 p.m.