ti&t cr TSarsli- Always Delicious !TURN SEA SOX? STOLE CROWN f NEW MUSEUM imiai finarf fli'nMi, ia i A ITMkf fbar 111 Iti 1 INTO LAND IS SUGGESTED tia :r aKa Urr tfcic A - - - a Ike fact tfcat "SALADA -A-Tj I Hwne r Eur?"1 iorjitia. -. , , . . . 3aK wj kY tku tk the Ezrrt?a xrj Y E As VUOJ3C. yevrotV btpL tfcr .-. F - Ya re In H f Ear J rw - - M rt-rmUr mmtti me:- M IV.ace tl aai tftot it Mussallem s Economy Store "Wkt LfUr Have Cnt" st TWA m If ATM 2 ft far lU&trt Htm 37c 16c 15c 17c 19c CXZAtf Off TOUT -I Qr, Weaver aw. 29c 2 Sx ccoowrr 19c 25c 25c Terras T.'ii.?5rr.u 2- parie) u U WMKVSt itXJUi rawcY razz 'rCl 17c 7c 7c Kt mi MS4 (ttr Tttwyi itt tittln Ualin USED School Books Elementary, and High We Buy, Sell, Allowance in Exchange The Book of Knowledge The Children's Encyclopaedia Used Tools, Stoves, Ranges, Rifles, Shot Guns, Musical Instruments Used Furniture Beds, Dressers, Dining Room Suite, Kitchen Tables, Odd Chairs New Furniture " 5-Piece Bedroom Suite $98.50 3-Piece Chesterfield Suite ELIO'S Furniture Exchange HoiirH-Oiicn J a.m. Clone 5 p,m, Phone (Iri-on 1)1(1 rncc Rupert, B.C. ' a4Mc4 ft? fferauur Sutr- J &rr li mw Xir :raae. tacft nu n ir stirs ferx flfciw M es e. -it Um- 9tr O.sra- i- tit ar a &Kr-u Wa. X&imetiim t4 tin t -rL . fl affect V, rwi i '4 rUr Uvss tiK Am-. i-f wt Sa 4 ksc titax Hit frrsrfrf urfkall . f f anuDr. j it 9M re F. r Am mertikd nihfif trvsi Br- i t Til Torn i. r froo the tw dna P9T nUr from Lai CkaJ and "Ut in a fenik plain h wiHe acet f Africa a th v v Vf.WT, Kor&ir ff.th whUe racw are U rrtre azaintt tk fmi. Br: f tte Orient a&d fur- ar aBd detlrottn 'f the &iro-"ean mUnnr. In eonitroethe work rr cettirie t come" PEACE RIVER Wawy,n Creek in the Peace 'fiver !JI held ft fjrt fall rlr frn Friday and Saturda 1j.L The two ,, aj a result, Ihe 'rawma- card for reildenti from -II 1rU oi the tnrnmnA'mj Ai. trlct. Mr. and Jin. Charles Rranit have returned from a honeymoin Uar take up residence In th-s 'fe Klver Ulwk. i!r. Brandt formerly iUnn Sofle Budlck 'f Buffab .kfr. A Jfawnlc Idze haj been In ttuted at VnwMoa Creek In Ihe I'eace River Block. V. M. Grant, dljitrfct deputy Krand mater, eprejented th (Jrand Lodjfe of ritlh Columbia at the Institution. It, l Boal is worahlpful tmnU;r of Ihe new lodje. Ir. H. 11. Greenwood of Horee-ihoe, North Carolina, a well known big game hunter, arrived st Dawaon Creek fnroute to the middle fork of th. I'l no Itfvor where he plan to ipend the next wuriy qaya huntlpy. Harry GHen, while on a flehinx trip to Carbon Hlvef In "the I'eace Klver district, caught what waa ald to. be a thret'-lnch halibut. Thla Is said to be the first flfh of that variety ever caught In thone Inland waters, Mrs. G. M. Oudley waa hostess at Jlnner recently ln honor of Kt. Kcv. G. A. Ktx D.D., the Bishop of Caledonia. TALK OF CABBAGES HKHI'KLKK. Ont.. Hept. 2! (CI')SIx cubbaKcs weljfhinjr a total of 7c pounds are on display here by I'. V, Llndhorat. They are of the "Copenhagen Market" variety. HA'ITKI) HORN OWL WKMjANI), Ont., ScpL 2: CIM Milton Mansfield, farmer tiear; here, exhibited proudly n lare KreuUhorncd owl he cuuxhl In a rat trap, ufU-r It killed 1C of his chlrkf-ns and wared the rent. I Wearer oce ' 'r t- jg;a eic-rs! Sir C At:a raler rf we of Bntur o AH Cost, 'Alri-eai ersarje. . p-.are-i hre on as wci6B r. fe natet! Lmj-t&c Sir OJart a nsnr in the ijxw-3t ax a aparvx: faUier -rho ktA o to jail after they bid ten tosad puitj of pfaichir; their dasf fetoUHattor raflHcery The fcoy. H. J Birtktwan? and J VT Bow3phar ere glren wn-teoee of ec year and nine awntltt hard atwr. respectirely. by the dfebvi magistrate at 8ohuff REAL FIGHT IN GOTHAM Mohoney, Old Fighter, Oppo. lammany and Others In Civic Campaign NEW YORK. Sect. 2: (CP Jeremiah T. Mahoney, chosen by the "New Deal" rebels of Tammany Hall as their candidate f t th Democratic nomination for mayor of New York- calls him- eelf "a fijfhtinz Mick." In 38 year at the bar and in politics, the G2-year old Iawrer and president of the United Statea Amateur Athletic Unkn has seen many a atjut scrap but the fiifht of his life begins when he clashes with the aroused na- oobs of Tammany and their can-;' isile, Senatjr Royal K. Cop land, for the supjKrt of New York Utys Democrats. And If he wins the Democratic primary September 10. that wiM only be half the battle. Tougher still will be the campaign against Mayor Fiorello H. LaCuardia, cx-Iected to run for his second term on either the Republican ticket an independent. New York voters will decide the mayoralty itself November 2. Mahoney a aubstftuMon forGro-ver A. Whalen, former iwlfce commissioner as New Deal candidate cam as yet another surprise move In a campaign remarkable for the number of latt-minute shifts. He is expected to command stronger support than Whalen, especially in the ranks of organized labor, and his selection makes questionable the ability of Tammany to regain control of the city government. Proposals for enlisting labor support for the anti-Tammany Mahoney include the formation of a "Labor-for-Mahoney" com mittee. If Mahoney wins the primary, this would be expanded Into a new party,, the United Labor Party, and used to entice1 labor votes away from.LaGuardla, .w))o is backed by'lhig American Labor Party. planiTtostay' Tut I WINDSOR, Opt, Sept. 2; CP) a o,uyi; pounu sinner wo a orougnt irom Amlierstburg to a!i-chor the British flying boat Cam- bria. i extieefjd in vluif WlniUni Hft)f imfini A 11 nnvf ItMincf lAtlantliii'Hghf.-- Army Nov x, Ha U erafe? sk 11 w fwtier fti Mt ti.il r- Veal Caries trmfcf taHr tfc twwi t r sssuUe VaNhr a w-.1-" w tt Bale yark itot ss&Max waJ fr sa. xei at Mae it '"'8 W partirv- ix :fce MWWEi mt wti1 Mrctwe if ft hut a frMf -2a ti atlecaK. t&tf l EaUe'rel' aatrre n TW im4 v&at if jrgjatt Hi i4 t!u.t ImmU ke kea Ai-.,' tfc - f4-raJ t Ttr Patt s Fratr St mmi'sP i for tic Aer h4 sitMrava i -ser meetn?. hm lMTtinL tk Carter as iKterrie-s- tfcr ri inm n i refers WkI t tfce fear a! le T win o,rf attratf tr f a a4 wem Mem yrx. New Fire Chief J-'-e sex sstiy. , j T -il s h h t now In Lharcre l&Ahttur ilit herit mth t a- t ?xAr the eravd vj Tit- AH of Old Departaent tfc a5,a tie tfoe when 'a T1e Befng At trvt tau were ra 1 p rt. rny people u th k-7- e tfc. boildi.r a J!l J arrHe4 aS tbe w; ,"-vZi Jtertlar rmtr - - - - -J 44 W C "cHI jr T,E? to ret in OW.r who. ADD 3 Wt f th- : tfc ataff f le4C FOUR SOXs AND.rJ StpL 2: -p WALLACE'S FRIDAY and SATURDAY Hand Embroidered Pillow Slips special. m i f Pair 1.UU Bridge Sets Hand worked grass linen etc. With colored embroidery. Cloth and napkins. J qq Flannelette Sheets Extra heavy in blue or pink. Q4 fif Each ql.UU Damask Table Cloths 54x54. White centre, colored borders. (JJ QQ Pillows Featheu filling art HE 0 ticking coveys. ,Each wC .Monks Cloth Heavy C-f A A weave. 48" wide. Yd. . . v A U U Unbleached Sheeting 72" wide pure quality. j- txr 3 yards 01. UU Curtain Nets Frilled or plain edge with dots. Assorted C-f A A colors. 4 yards for.. VUU Flannelette Stripes or Q4 A A plain white. 6 yards . . V-l"U Brocaded Hayon In rose, gold, blue, green, white, mauve, Q-i A A yellow. 4 yds. ...... ?AUU Fancy Ticking 34" wide C-f A A in floral design. 5 yds. VXUU Curtain Hods Kirsch make with Curved ends. O 2 for.. ZDC t Japanese Crepes In assortment of colors. AA 7yards vX"U Crofter Yarns-rln a full range of colors. Ball . . . Tiger Fingering Yarn Assorted marls and plains. A splendid sock 7 skeins . . . $1.00 Phone 9 10c Dress Goods In assorted vcxtsfor school dresses. Offn Yard 2t)C Boys' Lastex Top Hose Q4 flfi Sizes 6 to 10. 3 prs. VvV Women's Pure Silk Hoe - Mercury quality. 8 J to 10. Values flCp to S1.50. Special, pr. UOt Children's . . Cotton Hib Hose Fawn r - A. rtl 4 pairs tJLsUV Children's Ankle Sox CI Hfl Assorted sizes. 4 pairs V AvV Ladies Cotton Hose jj -J QJ Boys' and Girls' Wool Turn Top Hose $1.00 Watson's Quality Vests Winter weight, silk stripe, CJ fl() strap shoulder. 2 for V,u" Waffle Knit Snugs and Qi Hfl Vests I garments .. . r,JLVV; Ladies' Silk Knit Pyjamas and Gowns -furp"nal 1.00 House Dresses In tub fast prints. Assorted sizes. QCo Each ...J..:....;. . Pastel Dresses In lace weave. Val- S0?1-76- $1.00 Foundation Garments Corset, Cor-selettes and Girdles. Assorted styles and values. SI 00 Each ....,....., Blouses In plaili or fancy Taffeta. Sizes 14 to 40. Values Qi flfl to $1.49. Each Raincoats In blue, fawn, brown, rose. Values to $5.60. CO 95 Special tyM" Wc Close at 8 p.m. Saturdays Third and Fulton