THE DAILY NEWS —- — —_—__ —_— CITY TEST CASE Bs re arene (EOI 3832 reeeseeneneneeseseeeses "Supreme Court Tomorrow. | “Th e N ews” ’ Classified Ads. : aeaere | CONTINENTAL TRUST ( versus the city over the contract payments withheld on account of | —THEY WILL REPAY A CA 'L LOOKING OVER— iF alleged delay. The case of Wat-| {! = ROUND son vy. City follows. It is prob- nee 8 ome" able that both these cases will naa dda aes nigella | Ui ee ee eet memes —_ ere | a j | ~ LIMITED | We have listings of prop parts of the city atattrac: A case of importance to the| Winer ae FO citizens comes up before the Su- ee a ape aa urs 3 preme Court tomorrow. It is the (hy Ce | ease of Kelly, the contractor, j ne nt or or C nsertio users and easy terms. [f | buying Property see u be tried in the police court room. J G. M Kinnon h a applied t | Se For Rent | Safe Deposit Boxes $5.0 : ¢.asrmeaescetiek | The Insurance People| ——~ 4 the Council for the post of sta-| e nsurance Cop: ——— | Storage For tionway engineer to the city. Fire For Rent—Nice clean, war crease secre Life ates 35c and up. King ge Hote j . - ADAmAn far | : For Re to McBride, Fire Insurance Board FORM ORANGE LODGE Marine Frosty betel ee cabn, cone vermene | ™ Accident | HF.MRea&Co x, | = Plate Glass : WORLD First Steps in ee eae ys Employer’s Liability ee a | Strong Order in Rupert. Contractors’ and Personal Bonds | | * oe Policies Prepared While You Wait. Insurance | | CONTINENTAL TR JC] se. } THE $ i dl (0) if ‘ ‘ A strong Orange Lodge has M k R al & I ee crear | | LIMITE : G We have just arranged with one! }oon established in Prince Ru-|} Mack Nealty & Insurance a te tone wae | Second Avenu ' wy of our clients to place forty-two pert. Initiation cremonies took | COMPANY. Insurance. The Mack Realty ind Insurance Co, | | ” oe pert i] P.S.— Houses and Rentals. ; ncaiihnaemnsiesiidilians PPROPRepns mes nnsnns a ORSRES RSE HER ER ES ES ESCs Essel lots on the market under exceptional | place on Saturday in the Sons of | advantages to the purchasers. The| England Hall under presidence of| lots are some of the best in Sections| J. W. Whitely, grand organizer | Wanted ———— auouieiainsealall | Do away with this. Patronize a white | . j e : 7 and 8. The prices are as low| of the Royal Orange Association. | ATHENS — New Barber Sho merce somes: vtestetalantlt | i ‘Sruika Echos sate at as any on the market, and the | N ames of officebearers will be THE conaee S — New a P | Young ae Jody Ms cteth, ta News Stand. Apply | y: y il | terms so easy—monthly—that any-| published later when the lodge Try us once and you | ity nurse open f gagement. Angi | 1 one can buy. Along with this| arrangements are complete. saat — eae } Max 2159 News. eo ‘Pioneer La . Phone 118) “FROM HOME TO HOME exceptional offer, each lot admits} Twenty-seven transferred lodge oF SvORONGS sie ik buiel ee 2 Deets, oe : nay : | Percher, $80 Third Ave. Phone2% Red. tf —— OOOO the purchaser to a drawing for a| members and as many new mem- FREE TRIP ROUND THE) pers are already enrolled. WORLD. If you hold the lucky aie ticket the trip is yours; or you ADVERTISE IN THE can surrender it for a cash con- sideration. The chances are good— NEWS one in forty-two. Come in and| == { | & | teed ! investigate. | Fresh FLOWERS =| saa | } We refund your money if we do not | | j teach you to dance a the price | e e C | By S.S. Prince Rupert tomorrow a. m. j Wasuddaae tase "Badcidlige | FOUND—2 Small ei, tpaeine at News Office. We BY EVERYTHING Srd Ave., Law | if : j | | ere tl l {| + | We have permanent positions fur one or more | lady repres es in each aig ond sownene | CARTAGE and in Wester to those la Nag ead as willing | } ‘LINDSAY STORAGE to devote four to six hours daily to our work. Clergymen, school teachers and those having | large pe acquaintance who can devote spare time will be amply repaid for their ser- — Address, immediately, Box 851, Winni- Oudats Wemptty Sek. Prisis OFFICE~—H. B. Rochester. Centre St. Phone 68. Lost and Found i li iinet HOTEL ELYSIUM Sid. Sykes, Manager The Finest, Newest and Most Up-to-date Hote! i: Excellent Cafe. Moderate Pr G. T. P. Transfer Agents AT KING’S DANCING ACADEMY 1142 Pender Street West - - Vancouver, B.C, Phone 8500. a | ARCTIC STUDIO, Butler Build'g in Sons of England Hall; at 8 p.m. AND COMPANY PHONE GREEN 336 Real Estate We Pay Highest Prices This is the Real Christmas Store | | | > ———— ———— | Lot for Sale in Section 5, Block 22, Lot 15, 7th | for Brass, Copper, Lead, QHVESOeSSOeSoOesoesooPOrd | Ave. Apply Mike Ruzich, Box 582 City. tf Savoy H { | ¢ KING GEORGE HOTEL }; ee ete ae see | | Rubber Boots, Solder, —_——_LL__i_—_—— ~ | i ae 2 eh ° -: SPOTLESSLY CLEAN ROOMS :- | | / Dross and Bottles f th ¢ W ? | . 0 é $ Re-opened Under New Management 2 | Stenographer oe ake! 0 e reat est 1? Rates 35c per Night and Upwards 3 | | j : bee Vd Cor. Fraser and 5th. Choice Wines and Cigars : MRS. C. McKNIGHT - Proprietor . | F ran aa ; ; } Prince Rupert Cash Store EVERY page of our catalogue contains suggest RUPERT’S PALACE OF COMFORT oo 4966646666 64466OO4 oO. gon ree oneareen er Oo! Pons pane ee ee S| aivina Ode gtove Aiatiiie tha beet of ove: ie os — Sova St, Vanvouvee, Bo te t- . | 735 THIRD AVE. woman or child. The whole Dominion know + integrity of this great firm, and the extensive ran, ations and manufactures. If you have not re logue, lose no time in sending us your name : early buyer is always the satisfied buyer. Rem: to you the advantage of the prices of the manuf porter direct from our V ancouver store, the thir kind in Canada, : ; ; ; 4 For Sale a j LAND LEASE NOTIGE | For Sale—Wardrobe trunk in first class condition | Apply Room 25, 533 8th Ave. West. 270-272 e 0 m l n g to all a a |2 Lots, block 29, section 1, price $5, 000 | "| Skeena Land Rernree_ teers of eee Range 6 | | 5 : 18 months Intending Pcrchasers ‘ake notice that we the undersigned, Alfred Henry Birks & Sons, Lid. § : sh, balance ¢ 2, 1-4 cash, ice 6, 1 Christian Garde and Wm. M. Johnston of Prince or eee pesseserasesees ei aiticiiateeeeiiliee 2 cae — a | ati per cent Rupert, B.C., occupation mining engineer and in 1912 3 Lots, block 7, section 1, price $2500) prospector, intend ts apes for permission ‘to ‘ each, 1-4 cash, balance 1, 2, and “0 Geet toate mile east of | { Writers—~ years at 7 per cent. ion ts the Tyee Station,G.T.P.Ry.Station and approxim- | eer Jewellers and Silversmi th Ss 8 s e cecaae 1 Lot, block 28, section 5, price $525, ry 27 miles east of Prince Rupert, thence north | is i SIR GILBERT PARKER ae 4 | 5 ns, thence east 20 chains, thence south 25/ ee fet ae ; $225 cash, bal. $50 every 3 355,19 Nov. 29th is the date set for Sats more or less to railway grade, thence | HASTINGS & GRANVILLE STS. : VAN‘ { JACK LONDON at 7 per cent. | the selling b: ae of Lots westerly 25 ebsins more or leas following said | a : ‘ UPTON SINCLAIR in Section 2. you wish to | grade to point of commencement and containing | PROP REPRO RRO RRO RRR RUAN 2 Lots, block 22, section 7, with 4-room 7 . | 8 9 Dee ete eee ROBERT W. CHAMBERS house, price $1837, $600 cash. balance | get a lot send us your instruc. | Sr Sr" ALFRED CHRISTIAN GARDE | #0 Sree bi GOUVENEUR MORRIS $30 month. On for tee anak en care A IE DAVID GRAHAM PHILLIPS Double Corner, block 4, section 8, | eu e amount You care | pon’ nec. 6, 4911 ——— = : CHARLES EDWARD RUSSELL Price $800, 1-4 cash, balance 6, 12) TERMS OF SALE—One quarter and 18 months at 7 per cent. cash and balance in 1, 2 and 8j| =——$——_——___— RE AINALD Ww. RIGH at EAU E EMAN Lots in block 11, section 8, price $300, | years at 6 per cent, ee GE INGE RANDOLPH CHESTER $25 cash, balance $10 month. COAL NOTICE . SIR ARTHUR CONAN DOYLE Lots in block 10, section 8, pri Read The Daily News GENERAL NELSON A. MILES each, $25 cash, balance $25 meas oe "6 R. NADEN COMPANY E, PHILLIPS OPPENHEIM LEASES Skeena Land District—District of Queen Charlotte Islands ALFRED HENRY LEWIS rear le or Se 99 year lease corner Second Ave. and imi Take notice that Austin M. Brown of Prince AR Pill R B. REEV E Sixth Street. Limited, Rupert, occupation saddler, intends to apply to A d ( ; t All th N > BRUNO LESSING 99 year lease corner Third Avenue and | Second Ave., Prince Rupert, B.C. Stes eat te niente Wee, fox n e e ews 7 * var 2 . pros or coal, o' ‘oleum ELINOR GLYN Fulton Street. 8 per cent. on valua- | . — and aden, the lollowing described ands on the ALAN DALE tion. * 75 a ol Bed eats ager te ' FOR RENT Water Notice ot Seer ree et ine Artists and Illustrators— Cabi z Ke nt Dock $6 and oe 80 chains west, thence 80 ehains north, thence 80 HARRISON FISHER abin near Government eos » > anc I, Alfred Christian Garde of Prince Rupert, oc- | chains east, thence 80 chains south to point of RED SASeerIoes - : ground rent to G. T. P. Stores on | cupation Mining Engineer, give notice that on the | commencement. < e] CHARLES DANA GIBSON Second Ave. 7ath day of December, 1911, i tatend to apply to eae iA UsTIN M. BROWN, Loeato e 7 . ; > . ry the Wat Sor issic t i i Loca! u HOWARD CHANDLER CHRISTY ——-——. | Rupert for a license to take and use two cubic | Pub. Aug. 19. We invite your listings. We adver- | | feet of water per second from an unnamed stream ae ANTON OTTO FISHER | in the District of Coast Range 5, Skeena Division, = = tise in many papers and in many ways 1-4 mile east of the Tyee Station, G.T.P. Ry. Ante waeircat —we have offices in other cities —our roe reser | ig to be taken from the stream abcut | ———__._____ “ * tHE LES A. I z or f h bo 7 lg yi aay D Cee = = Zs PE cep eS) yi = ies = ~ \LONZO A. KEMBLE ee eee foe deveoving voter tor attuned atthe | (@ Sia Ne Cae OM aa COZ OMES) eT Cathe a els PPR OS ALUNGO A. a 4 outlet of said creek, along the Railway grade. 4 iy E. W. KEMBLE RTE ALvaep CHRISTIAN Nene @ a ov. 28t | iN?! Do these names mean anything to you? De you un- Jeremiah HK H. Kugler, Ltd. aN TO aa i derstand their towering significence in the fleld of litera- | LLL ttt S e a er ture and art? Have youver in ¢ our life seen so mé = ane a ar Have youver in alll your life seen o many —BIG SHIPMENT OF- i names of such eminence grouped together as contributors ooo 66 to one magazine? Such a group would make it a pub- eee ae ee Ee ee eS EY ; E nam elware , lication beyond price, and that is exactly what we are call- ! Se aennee or ing your attention to thathis moment. A magazine whose Se eee. ee eee ere I ? staff of contributors for 1912 contains all these names. ewe iy es ai fhe product of either of the above writers is easily worth Complete Assortnient (aR 99 the subscription price of $1.50. >>> = ! ; oP the Lowest... Cosmopolitan has endeavored in the past to give its -:The Gift of Gifts:- rant Or ee our ome leaders four-fold in return for the subscription price. This Because Jewelry is liked by everyone : ? policy has increased its circulation until it has outstripped F. W. HART | every other American magazine, making it necessary to | “a ; 2nd Ave. ace th St. Phone 62 x ) 8 ‘ ies » Chr as 2 : | ‘ ‘ , publish 800,000 copies of the Christmas number. It is We would like to suggest that | It gives you all the news of your own city and district as well as the prine!pa! our earnest desire to extend immediately the circulation | our stock furnishes innumer- | ese Mee need a Ak ean Pde CAL a al past the million mark, with this end in view we will, until 74 suggestions, par your 4) = — ki in all parts of the world. The news is well edited, its news columns are creas ) no or on wo eres pte Sars Fe ift wants might easily b { , f Ta re ian ee supplied from it—with profit MADE AND @ some. It is a paper you need in your home. The advertising columns of th: ate Of $1.00, to you—and satisfaction to | J 2y Bc ay eget ag OCS. okEPAIRED iS you in touch with opportunities for getting t the full value for your money Our oer Snes shosk Sas never \ a cs more pleasing. Je carry — — f FAMILY GRour- | pothing but the very. best te JOHN CURRIE ii > —— : : Postage Total ynti | se > ey oo est pro luc s are AVENUE - + PRINCE RUPERT ue ee | ! onan; for len ang het "eo 7 yd Doe. th | 5 nere,—Be sure you call early. aaa = | : t serene EERIE ln Commerdal Printing eee i , ‘ . . c —— - — messes World day, for the whole family 3.00 1.00 4.00 tegne | ‘Tenders W Wanted We hanes donne stock. of t i $8. J 9 , DORRORHHGGLA i ) Sealed tenders wit) ne cade received by the under- & Bill Heads aad aa Letterheac , } a Yr \ signed up till 5 p.m., December 14th, 1911, for the ft j a t sare eer tarether eta muracoeasie, 2nd | | Price Lists Stock Certificates | DI ether wi u niormation an \ : s AA pan send das d Del 64 CEMANWAT SCOR OES O89 e Ea Ue ELESIPMO CCL¥ ies ett hadi form of tender can be obtained from the city en- } .» THIRD AVENUE JEWELERS... , i #2 ‘, i! grnees. | Fn0 lowest or any tender not necessarily ‘ Memorandum Forms Articles of Association ) Paw tt te tt tes W. M. DAVIS, E. A. WOODS, y t osmopolitan Agency, P.O. Box 851, Winnipeg + ot City Engineer City Clerk Cdeinatetal Garda We handle Blank Ledger Ilustrated Pamphlets j {4 4 GENTLEMEN: = ) Forms for Loose 1 | 5 _ oes | | Leaf a Please enter my subscription for one year to Cosmopolitan == 3 — Ba} nen eager tremens ae 1.50, ~ ete 5 ‘ ; i = — st ) i $ i Good Housekeeping and Cosmopolitan at $2.85, or Cosmopol = G T.P. Townsite at South Hazelton = K f itan, Good Housekeeping and World Today, at $5.00. => Auction Sal Vv 4. ee | oe | = uction Sale at Vancouver Dec, 14, 11 &S| (5) For society printing, we ensure correctness of style and taste in Visiting ( ards, WV t Name We offer TO BID FREE OF CHARGE Invitations and Dance Programmes. For any kind of printing from the humble "0" x Siete TLR MP PEATE tet AD py SS MeL 5 AL RE Bi at the sale for anyone who wish to buy. == to th r oe an mane 6S gs ; : . This is your opportunity to be on the SS} /\ © the highest grades of multi-color printing consult the News Job’ — ? same footing as the Vancover psrple in cx & enemies vist MAE ia ss Ookiet craka aoe paying Heselton lets, soy | . FOR INFORMATION SEE— = al y an Buildi - ir ve : = Th; COLLART - Sole Agent = Vm ; 98 | Add 5c exchange to personal cheques POVINGS 5 5 oo os4k eck cd dineedthtiada = “ eed Relatnedt Gemetente tis ¢ Ag = \ PHONE 98 PHONE 98 Ft = Ox 805 226 6th St, Puons 81 = u = ee Fae Fie - a a C4 Eases oerpre Dipl Teepe rar uence oe