52 PHI A3s rbtm THE DAILY NEW8 CI A S I F I E FOR SALE FOR SALE Large English baby buggy. Phone Red 514. Uf) FOR SALE 1930 six-cylinder Dur-1 ant In fine condition. Wallace's. . (79) ; FOR SALE Kitchen range with oil burner, 3-piece tapestry Chesterfield suite. Apply 625 Tatlow Street. (81 FOR SALE 25 foot pleasure boat, 15 h.p. gas engine, generator, At- water Kent ignition and storage battery. Phone Red 182. (82) . FOR SALE In order to stimulate; building, lots will be sold at one-1 half the assessed value until May 15, 1937. Property values are ad-1 vanclng in other cities. Apply City Hall. W. J. Alder, Commissioner (88) FOR SALE Modern hotel at Hy-der, B.C., steam heat, excellent location, licensed premises. Will FURNITURE Factory samples must go this week. Guaranteed 10-plece Chesterfield groups $69.50; 10-piece loose pillow arm groups $72.50; 10-plece bedroom suites (round mirrors) $74.50. Furnish your home complete three rooms, 59 pieces all for $165. FURNISH Your home with brand FRANK LOCKWOOD Phone Blue 729 P.O. Box 200 i I be sold at a bargain. Apply Fra-! zer Hotel, Hyder, B.C. (tf) i Fr the Last COAL Nanalmo-Welllngton for furnace and heater. Alberta Egg-sootleas, for the kitchen range. Albert & McCaffery, Phone 11 or 117. (tr) nth or ho ran Inf Tdi-mi d it I From Vancouver Sunday von wish. nrriPr tnrt .TnHne' "n'ox and Stewart Shore Mail Order House, 8th floor .Bekins Building. Vancouver, (tf) Duke 9f Windsor's Private 'Plane Arrives ' ' ' ' ' ' ' : ' : . . 'oeat-ZiAM of the duke's private pictuTe Znl'VJlT' " WaS flWn Vteu the Felden, and is W. Captain I Mail Schedule Monday, Wednesday, and Friday ,...... From the East . 5 p.m. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 10:20 For Vancouver Wednesday 3 p m i-rom Anyox and Stewart- Tuesday DR. MANDY "TILLIE THE TOILER" AC k tost "THE OTHER fcOOM VJHHZE TO ASK T.1LLE'S FATHER. FOR HER Hand im MAREtAGEi 1 7 Art ct IS HEARD i "The History of a Pebble" Subject ' f Interestil,S" discourse On p m 'I Saturday Afternoon Tuesday 1 S2:30 p.ir Thursday , ..9:20 p.m.. About twenty-five members of F"day . g;30 Dm the Women's Canadian Ainaaian Club uiud heard neard April 12 and 22 4:30 p.m. an interesting flip r'm,h,nn, OH, HEL.UO; DICK -YES, Dad arrimeo LAST MI3HT ' You SAY yoU'D LIKE TO MEET HIM vmy ER-HOLD "THE L1KJE A "SECOND WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront Union steamer Calala, Capf. James FintHay. arrived in port at 8 o'clock last night from the Oi south. and . sailed at ... 11 p.m. fcr oiewart, -.Anyox and " other .i no row morning to load salmon. pert, whrt-h has been dry rWk.1 fii a i i,.iA..i.i VaJBLL, MAC VM HAT'S THE (SOOD WEVMS I DD DAD) C5IVE HIS COMSEWT To outs M AT2T24 AGE; tin- derKoinjf annual overhadl, will In Jeanne hn Wednesday of thi. week for Vancouver, New York Stock Market Firmer All Averages up Fractionally Satur day After Unsettled Week NEW YORK, April 5:-After an unsettled week, the New York stock market showed reenvprv nn Saturday. The 'industrial average was up .va; rails, up .33. and industrials, up .07. Ffazer Hotel, steam heated rooms, Hyder, B.C., near the Stewart dock. (j 21 II () U U s i: it v i c E GREAT STAR HERE AGAIN Grace Moore in "When You're In Love" at Capitol Theatre Grace Moore's newest picture "When You're in Love," which is said to compare very favorably with her highly popular "One Night of Love," comes to the scieen of the Capitol Theatre here ai the feature offering for the first of this week. Cary Grant is the leading man. Others featured in support of Miss Moore as well 'as Grant Include Aline McMahon, Henry Stephenson,' Thomas Mitchell, Catharine' Doucet and Luis Albernl. , The story is that of an Australian opera star who is forced to leave the United States because of immigration laws. Unwilling to leave, the diva goes to Mexico in an effort to obtain a quota number but is unsuccessful. In order to get back into the States she has to buy herself an American husband who turns out to be a hard-drinking young painter with an utter contempt for the star. Complications follow with the climax of a happy ending. Miss Moore sings a widely divergent list of songs ranging from grand operatic to current popular. There are some elaborate and beautiful settings. t, . ; illustrated lecture at , r" ''T- whence , sl,e w,u Visiting Pastor turn to ih" ,,ort tomorrow aft- e Cafe Saturday af- Js Heard IICard &Unda Smuhv no." h.boun.l. The vessel i3.1& 4 nm ! ternoon- by Dr. r. JoseDh Joseph T. T. Mandv Mandv. Wednesday , io a.m i resident 'mining engineer, on the Tiaay 4 p..n isuoject of "ihe History of a prn e, 10 and 29, a.m.i eDDie. Miss Lillian Halllwell. I the president of the club, was in calling at Wales Island tomor j Rev., T. Hind of Point Grey Baptist Church. Vancouver, win jthe preacher at both morning and Northland Transnortn?., r evening services yesterday in the chain- steanW vrii, ? .i s " 1 rivst Ilaplist Church. There were Dr. Mandy, In opening, told how at 5 o'clock Sundav mnrni., f.., ffood s,zed congregations and stones had - been . worshlnned n uiojtipcu hv 'Ketehiknn :ind ti ,iiu,n.s,. much interest was taken In the . . . .. ' . . ' " " uiscnarging ""'""i.son.L., tvH-L ......... 1. ujr tiiiu, aner , 1 1 -311 o m SaVaS2S. Scientific. Sturiv Hdrf marto thl-fo narnr, nf . !'ser new factory samples. 66 piece 1 Thursday . 8 pm. men appreciate the tremendous- mon in tierces for transshipment Pas'r. ur. F. W. Dafoe three room groups $184 Ideal F"r Naas Kiver and Port Simpson 1 ns of the spiritual force known as East over Canadian Natioml J!r" IIind wil1 be conductJn "I)0-for the working man; extra high j Sunday pjr God. Stones had their personalities Railways, sailed at 7 a.m for ial servieea here fr the next e""v- 5vutio iw-uictc unci dnu 1 ri nimoson ' a11" utawutuuns just, as naa trie "ciinie. , PV.nct art lalrl rrvrv.H Cfi rn. .,, I Tnor4r, tn n i . .... ... uuwmittm giuupa Miiti vjf u.M a.m. aiulu v a gram 01 sana u studied. tapestry Chesterfield groups I Queen Charlotte Islands 'The age of the stones was almost $89.50; kitchen tables with drawers $2.95; dressers $9.95 beds complete $13.95. Terms desired. Here is an onnortunltv of a lifetime. Act quickly. Wei AP 8, 18 and 29 . am Dr. Mandy described the Pffrt- need the space. Free storage Write today. Julius Shore, Mail Order House. 8th Floor, Bekins Bldg., Vancouver. (tf) FOR RENT VACANCY Angus Apartments, 3-room suite. (tf) FOR RENT Front apartment with electric range. Smith & Mallett ' Ltd- (tf) FOR RENT Seven roomed house, Graham Avenue. Nice garden, Pullen, Daily News. (tf). HELP WANTED WANTED-Housekeeper. Apply 2 to 4 p.m. Suite 4, Levin Apartments, (tf) SPLENDID Opportunity open for lady with telephone, to solicit subscriptions for popular Canadian women's magazine. Permanent, profitable work. Apply Box 15, Dally News. (81) LOST LOST-Gold filigree brooch. Finder please leave at Daily News. Re- wara-' (80) FOUND FOUND Keys on ring by Capitol Theatre. Finder may obtain same by calling at Dally News and pay, lng for this advertisement, (tf) PERSONAL OENTLEMEN'S Sanitary Supplies highest grade 15 for $1. Pacini Supply, 751 Granville, Vancouver MEN Get vigor at once. New Os-trex Tonic Tablets contain ra oyster lnvigorators and other stimulants. One dose peps up organs, glands. If not dellghteu "aker refunds few cents paid -all or write. Ormes Limited, tt TRAPPERS Will guarantee top market prices Jor Beaver and Muskrat. Other furs at value. j From Alaska April 12 and 22 In the Daily News. If you wish to swaD something- rrv a classified IN Till; M TIIUMK l JT W Illtl riSII COM Mltll In Hie Mailer of tin. ill I nKI rut Inn All" And In (lir Mailer (if llir Dstale uf Mike Samliil Ili-ceaM-iI. Intestate Take notice ttoftt by order of HI Hon or. W. E. FWher. tll 11 rlar nt A.D. 1937, I VhA appointed Administrator of the emtatfe nf M11r Snrii ceased, and all parties having claim against the said estate are hereby re quired to furnteh tame, properly vrl-Ued. to me on or .before the 2nd d-tv or May, A.D. 1937. and all parties indebted to the estate are required t' pay Uie amount of their Indebtedness to nie forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT. Omolal Admtatotrator, Prince Hupert. B.C. Dted thU 2nd day of April A.D HERE IS GOOD NEWS! Our store is a store you can call your own because it Is operated on a co-operative system whereby we share the profits with you. When the purchase is made and the price is paid you receive tokens which entitle you to FREE PREMIUMS in return. So make our store vottr store. MUSSALLEM'S 317-319 Third Avenue West Phone 18 i. o. Box 575 1 01 waier ana glacial action the p.m: earth down through thiageS. Dur- 's ie ice age. ine .North American Dannl. U - . . .finHnont ' U n U A 1.1' vvaiu mc most people in city v"v"-" occn coverea a and district with an advertisement deptn of two miles frdm the'north umu uuu fiuissouri.niyer regions. Fertile valleys and lakes had been left In the depressions. Rocks indicated that the Niagara River gorge was comparatively recent. Its age was estimated, at 8000 years. Oldficld Ujider Ocean The speaker srfowed some Interesting fossils. A fossilized shell found on the topjof Mount Oldfleld Indicated that t)he ocean at one time had covered" even that mountain. A fossilized Wab found on the Queen Charlotte! Islands was an. other Interesting, exhibit. There was evidence that Great Britain, Denmark. Sweden and Norway had bee at one time 1700 feet under sea level. The Andes Mduntalns In the last seventy vears had sunk 200 feet. Some thirty or forty lantern slides depicted the results of ela- cfcil action, chasms and rock for mations being shown. The president extended to Mandy a vote of thanks. Dr. C. N. R. Trains For the East Mondays, Wcdnndays and Fridays r. 6 p.m From the East-Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays ifj;20 p.m. April 9 and 23 9 D.mJ beyond reckoning. It seemed there'. "."VLI'ai . Lo- tanker- Ia- ; From Queen Charlotte Islands (had always been rocks or nebula. pe"a, L,ant- A- vkGa wasin If, April 7 and 21 a.m. From rocks could be obtained i T 1 ."9" ' o! yeterda- dis- ,For Alaska- I much historical data. y"-'rgnig tuel uv the tOmpahyV iiuvai uinKs. ; . i i -. . i i it. reame 1 erf I'rln'cW Ru en at the local TOO FAT? TOO THIN? Your Liver Must He Healthy and Acthe to RegalnJNormal JNVelgh Mndrrn-trlcnrr kna that the Urrr I. hr".,", 1"Pnti organ ln!the Kit thin il..ue,. lih, ,nd ftUnJ.re affXleT nd your enorajr It w. rii,. l ; 22S55 JJgrTT r"1 M "CI nrated doctor. Start nnm, iJiJT ;aur. rj l;y,,:,lfnnrrF lztX? 2Sc inj 50c at all dr4 .lorn. 35 TAXI LADIES AND GENTLEMEN: The Spring is here again. Don't forget your Sl'KlNG SUIT and TOI'COAT for the Coronation Celebration on May 12th, 1937. Prices are. reasonable. M. T. LEE Ph. Green 9G0 3rd Ave. XV. rtB I'HJBf ;';: uraiatE ::a il.b i tmxm ra ri 1937 DELUXE HEATED CAKS "Our blotto" Prompt and Courteous Service Koss Mattel Opposite Koyal Hotel Al French HE SAID NO J I DOM'T THINK YOUC FATHER LIKES MB, ClSSt I , A Til "TILUF i irr M t B 0 5 I) n s g K n u V P 1 n tm mkmtmxmms mzwammMuutm Bit usum mvm uS n: .. n jLiimmmg rrospects HELLO, DICK , VOHV, VES, I THIMK T VMOULD Rp A OOD VDEA FOR "TtX) TO MEET DAD MAC IS THE ONLV ONE VMHO HAS MET HIM tnUt- KOimT B1IKIM ijH who wrotf "Mr. Ddi". fJM J 'H.pp.i,.dOnN,9M' rfl f ; sB '1tt. JiaOMI KIRN 3 to.".W.rl.",'-Sh.wl..'- SSk FROM "MINNIE THE MOOCHER"...T0 SCHUBERT'S "SERENADE" ...SHE'S TER-R.R.R.inci ovut-oiut: X KXW GJUCI MOORK "WHEN YOUkEINLOVE" V. wm CAR GJUUf 'TJ.VJ ... 'At 7 32 & 9 44 ALSO News - Cartoon - Sportlight IB 1 TOU VI NETZR KNOWN BETORZ N. -.:m W ' Mil 1 ..yiunM 4Tf PHENSON Mil tntvl (I W..M Pl"1" .ll i Last Show at 9 12 TO.MCillT and TULSDAY The Central Hotel Fresh Local Haw And koo.ms and cafe IasteiiriAd Milk Phone 51 For Best Household Coal VALENTIN DAIRY .MKS, C. K. 15 LACK - H10NE-7 f6 VEfAH.SO FAra amd MOT SO QOOD Vour radio is a precision instrument. No matter how good a sft is age gets in its fatal work. The slightest strain on any of the hundreds of different parts may lead to costly repair bills. Treat your radio to a Spring Check-up In our modern equipped service station. It is good economy to keep your set In top-notch condition. KNOW that your set performs 100 percent right and gel full benefit of radio. Our Kadio Service is Guaranteed We know how to make a good job at lowest tost with maximum efficiency. A consultation will convince you. Phone 0 for the necessary arrangements. All makes and ages of Radio Sets repaired and serviced to your entire satisfaction. Genuine It. C. A. Tubes and Replacement Parts Latest It. C. A. Tube Prices 24A $1.50 31 $1.20 45 ' $M0 26 95 32 2.05 40 ISO 27 1.10 35A 1.40 47 1 30 1.15 go 53 All standard glass aiid metal tubes carried In stock. Also Evereadj and General Kadio Batteries at lowest prices. Jm By Westover