April 5, 1837 largaret's PRING SUITS Latest in Style and Color 305 West '1'lilnl Ave, I'Jinne KIO C 0 A L I PLEASE EVERYBODY Satisfaction Guaranteed I4M0US EDSON COAL ALBERTA I HURLEY VALLEY COAL 1NC0UVEK ISLAND COAL PRINCE RUPERT FEED COMPANY rflONK: 58 and 558 FOR SALE m hotel, Hyder, B.C. Good ,r.j for building up fine busl- no at small cost. HOTEL MIAZKR llyder, B.C. THE EAL f QUALITY I nana GOLD SEAL 'fancy Rod Sockeye PINK SEAL I Finest Pink Salmon licked by the only salmon tinning company with an all p year round payroll In Prince Rupert NEW ROYAL HOTEL J Zareli: Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FKOM HOME" Itatr si on Pms Hot & cold Water I Prince Uupert, B.C. fwne 281 v n n. ion Hyde Transfer Phone 580 DRY WOOD JASPER COAL Furniture Moving Light Delivery 315 SECOND AVE. LOCAL NEWS NOTES , Shipment of coats and just arrived, "Demers." of their wedding yesterday. James R, Wilson, Usk teacher, arrived on the Catala Sunday night from Vancouver wherehe had been attending the British Columbia Teachers' Federation convention, He proceeds to the Interior tonight, Mrs, A. 0. Scott, wife of the accountant of Hutedale cannery, came north from Vancouver to Hlili'daiii on the Catala yesterday. Don't forget when visiting Port land 'Canal that the Frazer Hotel Is the i best place tp stop. Fancy Tuna Fish II 2rlb. tin Heinz Tomato Catsup per bottle Roman Meal per pkg. Brittle Tack 2-lb. pkg. Fresh Spinach 3 lbs suits i Frazer Hotel, the only steam (70) ; heated hotel in Portland Canal, ' - cit.nntfirf at XltrAnm n r Mr, and Mrs, A. T. Ivarson, J412 Eighth Avenue East, celebra. House Dressea from ijcii me 'iwviiijr-fiii.il anniversary , mers. 27c 14c Potatoes Netted CO ' Gems, 100-lb. sack I.B.C. Soda Biscuits Mb. pkg Honey Graham Wafers 1-lb. pkg Quaker Puffed Rice 2 pkgs Calay Toilet Soap per cake 19c 19c 25c 19c 31c 25c ' Brooms 5-string - 5Qp goqd quality, each J Strawberry Jam Royal City, 4-lb. tin Pure Toilet Paper 19C 3 rolls Sliced Pineapple 10C per talKtln 19c Celery- 15C per bunch Radishes 15C 2 bunches Cauliflower 19C per head Free Dflivfry on Orders $2.00 and over wmmmmm iwiii ! Blue 916 203 Third Ave. Phone KIMIE'S DRESSMAKING BHOl' Dressmaking Remodelling Pressing Alterations Miss Klmle Uyede. rrop. (tf) Mrs. Eva Roberts of Kitkatla. jwho was operaled upon recently at the Prince Uupert General Hospital, continues to make favorable progress towards recovery. It. C. Johnstone, manager of Inverness Cannery, who has been spending the winter in Victoria, is expected to return to the Skeena ltiver on the Catala next Sunday. ' The annual general meeting of Prince Rupert .Rowihir and (tf) Yacht Club will be held in the r City .Hall on Tuesday at 9 p.m.. Miss Lietty Sinclair, Port .Us-1 April G. Change in time on ac- sington school teachex, came i count of Ro(i and Gun Club .meet-north on the Catala Jast evening '"K called for 8, p.m. Alex MeRae, after spending Easter in Van- ae"- Jreas. , (goj couver ,and will proceed to the - Skeena River today. Miss ,E. A. Mercer, Miss Marj , illartin, W. W. C. O'Neill, J, S, Manuel ' slacks V'tMners" Wilson, Miss Caroline Mitchell, next week for New York where his marriage will take place to Mrs. Mabel C. Walton of London who will be arriving from England aboard the liner Queen Mary on April 19. They will return by way of Vancouver, Mr. Davies attending an Orange Lodge convention in May on the way back. They will make their home in the Leeds Apartments here. Overwaitea Ltd. Cash or C.O.I). Phone 813 Johnson's Glo-Coat Deal Buy 1 Pint Tin Glo-Coat and receive an extra tin for HtZp 1 10c. Both for Eggs Grade A Large per doz Hedlund's Soup Oyster, Clam and Mushroom 25C O 111 lo (79) airs. U. Walker and James , Hutchison, local school teachers, W. E. Walker, manager of .Arreturn!d to the city on the Cat- randale Cannery on the Naas a'a last evening after attending River, was a passenger aboard ie annual convention of the Rri- the Catala lasl evening going through to the cannery for the season, Peter Fotheringham, cannery foreman, was also going north on the Catala. Allan M. Davies will be leaving tish Columbia Teachers' lion in Vancouver. Federa- Sam Jensen and Charley Mcintosh appeared in city police court Saturday before Magistrate McClymont on charges of drupk- .. .. . . 1. M !,.., Tl T - ' 1 ... ,.o?r, !f.,.l t.. ..f''"'a- " -CIl.l!l .M.'L'OIll ;e so he was fined S5Q, wih option of fourteen days' imprisr onmeHt. For Mcintosh it was a first offence so he got off with $25, or seven days. Bernice Palmer says . . . A perusal of the San Francisco telephone book is like a "Whose Vho'vdirectory of former Prince Rupert people. One name familiar to old timet s is that of J. Aubrey Sweet. Aubrey js general manager of the Pacific Straw, Paper & Board Co and is a regular Don Juan fo looks, ('member what a handsome youngster he used to be?) Yes, girls, he is murrjed . 7. Rip Boyd, another old time; now living across the bay, recent ly flew to Chicago and back on company business he is civ salesman for the Alemite Lubricating Co. . . . There is an old sav ing that if you stand on Markei Street, San Francisco, Ion enough you will eventually meet every one you ever knew and I am beginning lo believe this ir true. Last week we met Barney and Arthur Quinn, two real old timers, and Stan and Marie Wilson. Stan is still with the bank and they have a very charming home in Burlingame. CHEERIO' Announcement? Eastern Star Coronation Bridge, April 6, Oddfellows Hall. Baptist tea, sale of aprons, April Presbyterian Choir Concert, Ap ril 7. University extension lectures, April 7, 8 and 9, City Hall Dean Finlayson. United Church tea, Annette Fashion Show, April 8. Circus First United Church, 9-10. April 10, A. Y. P. A. Tea, Cathedral Hall. H. M. S'. Pinafore, April 14, Ap ril 15, Capitol Theatre. C. N. R. A. annual dance, Moose Hall, April 10. 22. Presbyterian Spring Sale, April k St. Peter's Sale, May 6. Gyro Club Coronation Danr.o, Moose.Hall, May 12. THE DAILY NBWB fao2 nnisa Women's Labor League Whist Drive - Dance A very enjoyable time was spent at the Canadian Labor De fence League Hall Friday evening when a whisl drive and, dance, under the auspices of the Women's Labor Defence League, was held. Cards were played until 11 o'- clock and, dancing until two. Those winning prizes wer: ladies' first, Mrs. W. E. Penney second, Mrs. J. Johnson; men'3 first, H. iLien;second, V. Rowc. The ticket winning 'the hamper of groceries was No. GG. Mrs. J. S. Black's Orchestra supplied the music. Timely Recipes Maple Oatmeal Cookies In view of the fact that the harvesting of Canadian maple syrup and the making of maple sugar are about to commence fo 1937, the recipe for maple oatmeal cookies should interest. Two and one-half cups fine oatmeal, 1 cup maple syrup, Vi cup water, 2'2 cups flour, 1 cup shortening, 1 teaspoon soda. Boil water and syrup together. add soda, then the shortening. Cool slightly. Add to dry ingredients and allow the mixture to cool Ihoroughly before rolling out. SteamshipSailings For Vancouver TuesdayCatala 1:30 p.m. Thurs. ss. Pr. George 10:30 p.m. Friday-i-ss. P. Adelaide .10 pan. Ss. Cardena 10:30 p.m. April 12 and 22 ss. Princess Norah 5:30 p.m. From Vancouver Sunday ss. Catala .i.4 p.m. Wed. ss. Pr. George : .10 a.m. Fri. ss. Pr. Adelaide .. 4 p.m. Ss. Cardena p.m. April 8, 18, 29 ss. P. Norah p.m. For Anyox and Stewart Sunday ss. Catala Wednesday ss. P. George 4 p.m.! From Stewart and Anyox j Tuesday ss. Catala 11:30 a.m.' Thursday ss. Pr. George 8 p.m-. ! For Naas Kiver and Port Simpson Sunday ss. Catala 8 p.m. From Naas River and Port Simpson Tuesday ss. Catala ... 11:30 a.m. For Ocean Falls Friday ss. Prin. Adelaide JO p.m. Thurs. ss. Pr. George 10:30 p.m. From Ocean Falls , ' Wed. ss, Pr. George 10 a.m. Frld ss. Pr. Adelaide .... 4 p.m.i Ss. Cardena p.m.' For Queen Charlotte Islands , April 9, 23 ss. P. John 10:30 p.m. From Queen Charlotte Islands April 7. 21 ss. Pr. John .... a.m.' For Alaska April 8, 18, 29 ss. P. Norah a.m. From Alaska April 12 and 22 ss. P. Norah p.m. From Skeena River Friday ss. Cardena p.m. ITOTEL ARRIVALS Savoy W. A. Johnslon, Victoria; II. J Smith, A. Anderson and K Campbell, city; A. Hayes, CN.U,;; Joe Trottier, Terrace; Robertson Logie, DJlimor; R. Mattson, SalJ vns; E. J. Erickson, Nash. . Uoyal I T. Helle, Prince Rupert; AL Benson, Haxelton; Ivar 'HamiusJ city; tl. liraerman anu w. i Richardson, Vancouver. Krince sRupert Jl. D. Raker, S. ,E. Nord,;E. A. Buce, F. Hofcr. Barney Johnson,' S. Sloan and K. G. Ball, Van-j couver; H . E. GouJbourn, Vfc-j toria; ;M. McLeod, Tclkwa; Mr. and Mrs. L. Conduk, Amsbury.-,; J. A tDuclos, iPrjnce George; Mrs M. E. Clark, Terrace; J. R. Mc-Intyre, C.N,R.; Miss Betty Sin- clair, Port Essington. Central i J. Huzio, Tyee; A. J. Hipp and L. Sandberg, Balmoral; W. Cole, G. Gould, J. Cole, F. J. Hipp and J. Bowman, Billmor; Bill' Morris, Smithers; J. McMar'tin and 0. Hunt, C.N.R.; A. Rush,! H. Bakken and E. Johnson, city; Mr. and Mrs. H. Paulson, Oona River; B. .Doberczak, .Pacific. Knox A. J. Mowat, McBride; W. Mil-son, Guelph, Ont.; S. Zulawinskie' Kwinitsa; Mr. and Mrs. V Wrale, Telegraph Point; P.iijl Hoffman, Terrace; ;Mr. and Mrs F. Flinn and Mr. and Mrs. D.I Roche, city; N. Cummings, Prince George; J. Johansen, Vancouver; J. Huzio, Tyee. "Huild Il.C. Payrolls" FINE FOR A BABY Hi "I had a pale, delicate baby from her second week of life. .She had to b bottle fed' and I tried different kinds of milk, including. goat's milk, hut the baby never seemed satis fied, was listless, colorless and did not gain weight. Finally I started 8 p.m.her on Pacific Milk. She got well and grew strong." This Is only part of the tribute Mrs. W., In her letter, pays to Pacific Milk. Pacific Milk IRRADIATED OF COURSE Piano Theory Voice Production Pupils prepared for Toronto Conservatory examinations. Mrs. Bernard Lundahl A.T. c. M. 4 Waldron Apartments Phone Green 094 UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: T.S.S. CATALA EVERY TUESDAY, 1(30 P.RI Due Vancouver, Thursday p.m. T.S.S. CARDENA FRIDAY, 10:30 PJW. Due Varrjouver, Monday ajji. If convenient p!ease purchase tickets at office. Further information regarding reservations and tickets froni A. W. NEWMAN, Prince Rupert Agent, Third Ave. Phone 5G8 The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand " SMOKED -BLACK COD- Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. First Aid Supplies We have on order a complete line of First Aid Kits manufactured to comply directly with the new regulations of the Workman's Compensation Board. Ask us for details. We would be pleased to quote .prices, on any replacements for First Aid Kits. . Ormes Ltd. TTite Pioneer Drvuz'sts The Rexall Store Phones: 81 & 82 Open Daily From 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays From 12 noon till 2 p.m., 7 p.m. till 9 p.m. D. Elio Furniture Exchange New Premises Moose lluilding, Third Avenue Phone Green 961 CONTINUES TO APRIL 10th This is an opportunity to buy first class goods at savings of 20 to 30 percent WALNUT BUNGALOW BED M 7 CA Complete; Sale price tJIJ. I ! V WALNUT BED GOM PLETE -Full size, with coil spring, cotton felt mattress W& L Sale price 3-PIECE CHESTERFIELD SUITE Q7J. CA Sale price FOLDING METAL BRIDGE SET f A In different colors; Sale price .... i'A1v r-.- $22.75 No C.O.I). No Delivery D. ELIO FURNITURE EXCHANGE Prince Rupert, B.C. Hours 9 a.m. to 5 p:ni, If you lose anything, advertise for it. IE ; it 1: 1: ii li i 15 l I s 1 m ii it i !; is ! I: it i: it .3 'l t ii J rr 11 - ii 11