Today's Weather Tom orrow s Tides (8 A.M.) Statin High - 9:30 a.m. 17.4 ft. l'rini f Rupert- -Raining, south- 22!25 a.m. 17.6 ft. east wind, 21 miies per nour; Low 3:15 am. 9.4 ft. barometer 2'J.r2' sea moderate. 15:50 p.m. 6.4 ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER SxXVI No. 79. APRIL 1937 PK1CE: 5 CKNTh PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., MONDAY, 5, IS t NOT LO in Frd 1,ant at Kansas Sit Down .. . Iff 11'.... iTn City Caiicu V'M "rtS 'uc " Misunderstanding Chrysler Tied I I . I So Settlement Yet of Detroit Dis pute Kough lime in 1 Wilmington KANSAS CITY, April 5: Settle-1 : announced of the sltdown strike in the Ford Motor Co.'s plant ' at Kansas City. All the employees will return to their Jobs today In- eluding 350 who were discharged. The dispute, it Is now stated, was due to a misunderstanding. i Itefuse to Compromise LANSING, Mich., April 5: An- other three hour conference on Saturday between John L. Lewis, head of the Committee on Indus-1 ' trial Organization, and Walter P. Chrysler president of the Chrysler Motor Corporation, failed to reach ( any settlement of the strike which has tied up the Chrysler plants In Detroit for twenty-seven days. ' When the conference recessed for; the day it was announced that ' both sides had refused to com-' promise Wilmington Strike Spreads 1 r WILMINGTON, Delaware, April 5: TlKre was violence Including! the breaking of windows by demon- j rtrators with rocks as a strike of truck drivers spread to 3400 build-' H trades workers Saturday and threatened to become general. Ex-j tra police officers finally restored , order :ic. Weather Forecast urn!r:ied Uirou. th courtesy Oi b Dominion Meteorological Bureau ' tfcorU imd Prlnc Rupert. ThU ror. w u ..apncd from observation t- ueneraf Synopsis Pressure U Jw off the Northern British Co-abla coast Rains have occurred Western British Columbia and t has been fair Inland cunt Prlnc: Rupert District and Queen Charlotte Islands Fresh south- si to southwest winds, showery J t first and clearing gradually. County Court Is In Session 2G G8. five Cases on Docket One of Which Ills Been Settled Registrar Presides in Absence of Judge County Court was In regular monthly session this morning for toe formality of setting cases which M conducted by Court Registrar Andrew Thompson In the absence jtam the city of Judge W. E. Fisher, docket consists of five old.ine through to Anyox to visit the "scs as follows: King Tal & Co. vs. John Dohl, tiff3"85' BrWn & 1Iarvev ror Plaln" ,7' R L McLennan for defendant, '"85t settled. Jack Lambert vs. John Clausen, 882.02, Brown & Harvey for Plaintiff patmorc & Fulton for de- "ttdant adioumprf in npvt. rrmrt LaSalle Extension University vs. p' , J Hughes, $150, Patmore & lu"n ror plaintiff, Brown &Har-' y for defendant, date to be fixed. I teoi? Seddcs vs J A swansonj tiff' b w" 04 "arvey ior piain-, K, L. McLennan tnr Hpfnrtnnt..l fla tobe fixed. "winem British ..wS wviuiiimu 4 vnwt Co, Vs. F p ni.k -i neri for Dlalntl. defendant In v 2' adjourned to next court. . nere Wete tWO nnt.iirnllzht.'lnn ion pmi ' Name wujrclp(i Kin,. Sninr-. av frt .I. ...... me swimminK park at. "vv" t Crcek include "Oyrola,8ear' tal, by Trevor Williams who I "re that he haw hit on the MtV-and Mrs ,. mile yet. "k'luc r..if.rt' 'W -., ... " I 'T i iiiiTii I'j.fkl" m.tnuJ . uoruonrawceU Escapes From Okalla Prison 4 VANCOUVER, April 5: Gordon Fawcett, notorious . , UU llUib U A&U Ul 1111.1 1 1.1 1 J 1 1 1 lllll I- .... of - - William Baeley and ! -ugit. jr , uau an- i i w r other prisoner. Vernon Camp- bell, made their escape from Okalla prison yesterday. Faw- cett was awaiting trial on a charge of hold-up and wound- in whilp onmnhoii hart niport. ed guilty to robbery with vio- lence and was awaiting sen- tence. Okalla Prison officials have begun an Investigation of what Warden Walter Owen describes as "apparently an Inside Job" as the police comb the lower mainland for Faw- cett and Campbell. The break occurred last night, the men escaping through three doors which are usually locked and, after sawing through bars, sliding down with a blanket to the ground twenty feet be- ' low the execution room. The V executed Bagley's one-time ! pal, Fawcett, was facing charges of wounding, posses- slon of a revolver and retain- lng a stolen automobile. Today's Weather (Government Telegraphs) i Hazelton Cloudy, calm, -10. Smithers Cloudy, calm, cool. Hums Lake Clear, calm; 29. Terrace Clear, northeast wind, Aiyansh Cloudy, calm, :IG. Alice Arm-Cloudy, calm, 40. Anyox Cloudy, calm, 38, . Stewart Cloudy, calm, !&. Prince Georjre Calm and clear, barometer, 29.70; Vancouver Raining, east wind, Triple Island Cloudy, easl wind, 15 miles per hour; moder ately rough sea. Langara Island Rain, over past wind. 10 miles- ner hmir - harnmplpr. 20 38; tpmnera Dead Tree .Point Rain, stronj? easterly wind; barometer, 29.42; temperature, 40; sea rough. Victoria Cloudy, southeast wind, G miles per hour; barometer, 29.80. Estevan-r -Rain, southeast wind miles per hour; barometer, 29.. Smelters Officials Paying Anyox Visit Officials of the Consolidated Mining St Smelting Co. In the persons of M. M. O'Brien, chief field engineer for the company;, N. E. Nelson and Dr. A. A. Jure, con-sninntr pneineers: Mr. Telfer and Mr. Kitchen were passengers aboard the Catala last evening go- properties there which Smelters acqulred a couple of years ago from the Granby Consolidated Mining, Smelting & Power Co. Vancouver Wheat VANCOUVER, April 5: (CP) Wheat was trading at $1.49 V2 on the Vancouver exchange Saturday. 4 ,i ri Another berman Ship Alongside Disabled Vessel NEW YORK, April S:-The Ger- , ,mau man unci liner Bremen laie last nprman was reportca aiuB'ut steamer Borkum. which became .uinH in mid-Atlantic at the unit with a broKen suchus V. J. Crawford aboard the Cataiu - I iu here . V ..!,, ,,h fro: Ifivmni't'nil' U1IIIIK r-v-" - A. MacK,.zfe.. . 'ah for it trip Vancouvci HNflF QAM AND mm nnnni PEACE1 Some Quarters Feel That Only American Intervention Can Prevent War LONDON, April 5: Efforts are still beine made to rjersuade Presl- I M I rfflMf dent XPrn Franklln-D. nUI t.TA nnAH....U 1.1. Roosevelt ---- into --- the role of an International peace maK maker. - In in m many quarters the feel-' mg ls 8aning ground that only' lnteentlon by United States can save EurPe from another war. Al- though President Roosevelt and Secretary of State Cordell Hull have repeatedly declared that they have no Intention of calling a disarmament or any other kind of conference, it ls understood that the way may be opened at a con ference to be held here this week between Norman Davis, United States ambassador at large, and British officials. COLLIERY HAS FIRE Two Hundred Thousand Dollar RIaze at East Coulee Near j Drumhclier EAST COULEE, Alta., April Si-Damage estimated at between $150,000 and $200,000 was done by fire in the plant and buildings of the Atlas Coal Co. here yesterday. incendiarism ls suspected. (East Coulee is a town five miles southeast of Drumheller.) CUSTODY IS AGREED ON j Aunt Gets Freddie Bartholomew How His Salary is Divided Up ' LOS ANGELES, April 5: The fight for custody of Freddie Bartholomew, luvenlle screen star, was HAVE nitm FIRES rmrfi Damage Done by Simultaneous Blazes in Nelson District NELSON, April 5: Fires believed of Incendiary origin broke out almost simultaneously, in a number of Doukhobor settle- i ments yesieraay. neariy an me fires occurred within an hour of each other in the early morning at widely separated points. The ! wave of incendiarism with a lone : bombing in this district resulted ! In the destruction of four schools and three community halls with A the damage of three other halls and a fifth school damaged by a crude bomb. At Ymir, south of here, a school building was destroyed. Near Castlegar, west of here three community buildings were fired, two being completely destroyed. Appledale, Winlaw and Perry Siding also had fires. At Appier dale the government school and a hall were damaged. At Winlaw the government school and a hail were destroyed, an unsuccessful attempt being made to burn another hall used as a school. At Perry Siding the government school was destroyed. SONS OF FREEDOM AGAIN? This outbreak, in which the loss of the four government schools is estimated at $14,500 with $3,000 for the one Castlegar hall, the other damage being not yet estimated, is the first to occur since three halls and a saw mill were burned last June following the firing of a bridge for which Paul Vatkin, Grand Forks Doukhobor, was sentenced to life Imprisonment. The previous burnings and. .bombings in the district were blamed by the orthodox Christian Community of Universal' Brotherhood oil "the expelled Sons of Freedom sect who in 1929 and 1932 staged nude parades, resulting in more than five hundred adults being sentenced to three years imprison- i ON VISIT; definitely settled Saturday with nt each at Piers Island in the the adoption of the child by his Gxt of Georgia. aunt, Miss Mllllcent Mary Bartho- ' lomew. Under the terms of thelrVlf jVfflU settlement $800 of the boy's earn- i VijU lYiErl lngs of $5000 monthly will go to the aunt, ten percent to the parents and the remainder to a trust fund which will be turned over to the boy when he reaches the age of twenty-one. REPORT ON HEDLEY IN Findings of Special Investigator Presented to Provincial Gov ernment Today I VICTORIA, April 5: The report, of G. L. Fraser K.C., Vancouverl barrister, appointed to investigate the affairs of the Hedley Amal- samated Gold Mines Ltd., Is being presented to the provincial govern ment today, It ls announced. It' Attorney GeneraI's de SSJir l Three-Gent Quart Milk in New York Dealers Battle In Price War In Gotham Low Mark Did Not Last Long " ... ,.r,,r ii 5:-As e. a- ,ii al NEW YORK. April - prs staeed a cut price war, milk was selling for three cents a quart yesterday In some East Side stores but only for a short time, advancing later to five cents. Halibut Sales American Yukon, 21,000, Atlln, 8.9c and 6c. Canadian Gony, 11,500, ' Culd-tftorae, 7,ic and 5c nniTlf THWNQ Constables Terry Stewart, L. A. Standard Oil Co. Officials in City'Requa, M. R. Dafoe and W. J. Cur-On Business in Connection. rie (Mill Bay), who have been pro-With Local Plan jbatloners, are accepted as perman- ent members of the force. S. E. Nord, general manager of the Standard Oil Co. of British Columbia, and other officials of the company In the persons of R. D. Baker. E. A. Beuce, F. Hofer and Barney Johnson are In the city on business in connection with the company's plan, which has been under consideration for the past two or three years, of establishing a branch on a site Immediately to the east of . Cow . Bay. They arrived t frnm the Queen Charlotte Islands and plan leaving for Vancouver on the Catala tomorrow. ; Tennis Series Is Evened Up Perry Wins Over Vines at Spring' field to Make it Twenty Victories Each Hl'KlNUfltL.U, i"., April o: The tennis series between Fred Perry -of England and Ellsworth 1 Vines of the United States was , twpn games each . ..J...H ...... yesterday when Perry defeated Vines in straight sets 6-3; 6-2, 6-3 here. I)f. Neal Carter, director of the Prince Rupert Fisheries Experi - mental rtutlon returned to tne citv on the Catnla last evening from Vancouver where he attend- ed meetings last week of the Pa c Ific Coast Rub-executive of the I 'isheries Iteseiireh Hoard g Cnu- ada, IQPFNT HAY it att a ht a Prince and Princess Giichibu Of Japan Honored Yesterday In Canadian Capital OTTAWA, April 5: Prince Chi- ohihu. brother of Emperor Hiro- hito of Japan, spent a day In Ot- tawa yesterday in tne course i jus trip across Canada enroute to Lon- don to attend the coronation of King George VI. The Prince and Princess were guests of the Governor General and Lady Tweedsmulr at Rldeau Hall during their stay. ' royal salute was fired In their honor from Parliament Hill and among those who welcomed them officially were Prime Minister William Lyon Mackenzie King and members of his cabinet. The streets were lined with thousands of people anxious to get a glimpse of the royal couple as they were taken on a drive from Rldeau" Hall to various points of Interest. ESCAPE WAS MIRACULOUS Los Angeles Parachute Jumper Lands on 60,000 Volt Power Line and Lives 1 LOS ANGELES, April 5: Dropping from an airplane in a parachute7 here yesterday. George Williams landed on a 60,000-volt high tension line. Miraculously, he alighted on the ground unharmed. The parachute was completely burned. a ,, . . PROMOTED Corp. Robert Gibson Becomes SergeantConstable George Soles . Made Corporal Announcement is made of the promotion of Copt. Robert Gibson, jwell known as a provincial police officer In this district for many years and n5w divisional clerk here, to the rank of Sergeant. Constable G. H. Soles of the city detachment is promoted to the rank of corporal. PLANE IS MISSING . Wreckage Found Near St. John's, Arizona, May be That Of Douglas Ship GALLUP, New Mexico, April 5: ; (CP) The sheriff's office at St.' John's, Arizona, reports the wreck-, age of an airplane being located a mile and a half from Alpine, sixty miles from St. John's. Whether it Is that of a Douglas plane, which has been missing since the week-end with eight or nine passengers, could not be determined Immediately. Robbed of $200; j Locked in Vault Experience of Manager of Meat Market in Vancouver On J ; -Saturday Night " VANCOUVERt April 5: Reginald wouus, nuwa&ci v. a ( meat market, was held up by two, bandits Saturday night and locked 1" a meat vault after being robbed The funeral of the late Mrs; .NT. Ceremony Takes Place In Gurvich will take place tomorrow,! Tokyo Today Tuesday, at 2;M0 P.m. from St. I 1 Andrew's Cathedral. The remains; TOKYO; April 5: (CP) Prince nm; m vnu.v,. Parlors from 12:.lo to the open, lng of the service when the cof fin will be sealed. Friends wish - 1 C. Undertakers, of $200 in casn. Tne two roDDers(ing to view the remains uetorc are believed to have been actually .the service may do so at the K. narmnl r IM ADR IT) IS Y ounsf 15ur&lar Fatally Shott VANCOUVER, April 5: (CP) A burglar suspect Identified , as Fred Hlmmelman, aged 20, 0f Burnaby was fatally shot early today In a downtown i chain store in a hand to hand j struggle with Constable Lyle Roblln of. the city force. TODAY'S STOCKS Courtesy 8. 1. Juiiutuu Co. i Vancouver B. C. Nickel, .33. Big Missouri, .'56. Bialorne, 8.25. ' B. R. Con., .05. A2tec Mines, 09l2. . cariboo Quartz, -1.70. Dentonla, .17. , Dunwell, .03 '2. Uolconda, .11. , Minto, .25. I Meridian, .04. Morning Star, .03 Vi.' . Noble Five, .09. Pioneer, 5.20. -Porter Idaho, .07 Vi. Piemler, 3.10. . Reeves McDonald, 1.62. ' Reno, 1.05. Relief Arlington, 2. Reward, .HV2. Salmon Gold, .10 V2. Taylor Bridge, .07 Vi. Wayside, .04Vi. Hedley Amalgamated, .17. Premier Border, !03. SUbak Premier, 2.85 Congress, .08. Silver Crest, .08. Home Gold, .02V8. Grandvlew, .17Vi- Indian. .03. i . Quatslno Copper, .O6V2. ' Quesnel Quartz, .10. Oils A. P. Con., .40. Calmont, .75. C. & E., 3.30. Freehold, .13! Hargal, .21. McDougal Segur, .23. Mercury, .34. Okalta. 1.45. . Pacalta, .20Vi. . Home OU, 2.10. United, .29. Weymarn, .25. . Toronto Beattle, 1.55. Central Patricia, 4.15. God's Lake, .71. Lee Gold, .04Vi. Little Long Lac. 6.70. McKenzle Red Lake, 1.70. Pickle Crow, 7.15. Red Lake Gold Shore, .68 V?. San Antonio, 1.90. Sherritt Gordon, 3.15. Smelter Gold, .06. McLeod Cockshutt, 2.70. Oklend, .39. Mosher, .37. , Gllbec, .04. Madsen Red Lake, 1.18. Stadacona, 2.40. Frontier Red Lake, .18. Francoeur, 1.33. Manitoba & Eastern, .04. Moneta Porcupine, 1.89. Bouscadlllac, .78. Rubec, .11. Thompson Cadillac, 1.60. Bailor, .05. Bankfield. 1.30. East Malartic. 1.77. Preston East Dome, 1.32. Hutchison Lake, .24. Dawson White, .27. McQualg.Red Lake, .20. Rajah Red Lake, .26: Aldermac, 1.55. Kerr Addison, 2.95. Uchl Gold, 1.00. Martin Bird, 1.00, Chesterville, 2.45. Hugh Pam, .32. Funeral Notice n Anirn a nnrn Spanish Civil War Fighting Again Around Capital City as Well As on Other Fronts Loyalists Win Tide of Battle Seems to be Largely In Favor of Government ITALY TO WITHDRAW ROME, April 5: Charges of "flagrant violations" by France of the international "Hands off Spain" agreement, a government spokesman said tonight, may justify Italy's withdrawal from the 27 nation non-intervention accord. MADRID, April 5: There was fierce shelling of Madrid again Saturday and Sunday by rebel ar-' tlllery, apparently, seeking revenge for reverses on other fronts. Rebel airplanes also poured bombs Into the city. The government forces , replied with artillery and machine gun fire and, both sides suffered, i On several outside fronts the loyalists claimed continued advances yesterday. Ten thousand ln- surgent soldiers, Including many Italian and German reinforcements, were .declared to be In wild retreat. i The Insurgents claimed a further 1 advance In the Bilbao area, j Today It was. reported that the government's southern army had turned the Insurgent left flank north of Cordoba, capturing the village of La Granjuela and open-! lng the way for a direct attack on (the Penarroya coal mines. j The government army ls making 'slow but steady progress on the 1 Guadalajara front .to., .the. north-1 west. I On the far southern front the In-' surgents are reported being pressed 1 back while In the north Basque I miners are on the offensive In I Asturias and a strong army is ad-! vancing against Burgos, one-time j capital of the Insurgent regime. I Madrid's war-time police seized a store of bombs and arms in one-' of the capital's principal market I places and announced that they had broken up a plot to convert a . market and a nearby hotel Into Fascist fortresses. Coronation Day Service Planned l'rlnce Rupert .Ministerial Association to Conduct Rites On May 12 Bishop Riv.To Speak The Prince Rupert Ministerial Association, at its regular monthly meeting this morning, made j tentative arrangements for the I conducting of a service in the 'Capitol Theatre on the morning I of Coronation Day, May 12. lit Rev. G. A. Rix D.D., Bishop of Caledonia, is being asked'to give the address and others have been assigned to take past as follows prayer, Rev., Dr. J. V. 'Steven son; invocation, Rev. C. P. Clarke; Scripture reading, Major Eva Laycoek; benediction, Rfv. jlr. K. W. Dafoe. Very Rev. James R. Gibson, as president of the j Ministerial Association, will c-i-cupy the chair. There will also i be special selections by a unit il choir under the direction of A. J. i Lancaster. MANCH0UKU0 ! HEIR WEDS Dynastically Important Oriental - - 1 j Orchid Throne of Manchoukuo, .was married Saturday to a Japan- jese commoner, Hiroka Saga, aged a, m me ursi, 01 iwo cHcmumra to be solemnized in a. dynastically ; important nuptial rite.