PAOS TWO Extraordinary SHOE SPECIALS Youth's Storm Calf Boots-Heavy soles, sizes 11 to 13 J Boys' Storm Calf Boots-Heavy soles, sizes 1 to 5i Missses' Calf Blucher Oxfords leather or rubber soles, sizes 11 to 2, up from . Child's Calf Oxfords Good dependable shoes, sizes 8 to 10J, up from PubUibed 0 THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMUIA SAFETY PRECAUTIOUS 52.45 $2.75 5175 $1.45 Large New Shipment of "Jack & Jill" Shoes in Oxfords and Straps Just Arrived Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited, Third Avnue H. F PULLEN Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION UATLS City delivery, by carrier, yearly period, paid In advance Paid In advance, per week Paid In advance, per month By mall to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United 8tates. yearly period, paid in advance By mall to all other countries, per year ADVERTISING RATES Classified advertising, per word, per insertion Local leaders, per line, per Insertion . Advertising and CtfcuIaUcm Telephone Newt Department Telephone DAILY 1UITI0N Member of Audit Bureau ot Circulations . 9& . 86 J5.C0 .12 .50 3.00 9 DO D2 .25 Saturdaj', September 11. 1937. HOMEWORK QUIET t Doctors advise that in every home where there are children of school age there should be an hour of quiet soon after supper during which the young folks may do their homework undisturbed by piano practising, loud talking, radio music or any other disturbance. Under these conditions the children can concentrate on their work and the quiet will als.o benefit other members of the household. For children to try to work while other noises die going on is a great nervous strain and likely to caue mental and physical injuries. HOSPITAL BUSINESS Nelson Board Mates Number Of Suggestions With View To Getting Greater Government Assistance pital Association at Neln had "u m vuuuituuiwaiivu v v- Rupert General Hospital last J0,l "i?b night seeking endorsation for a in the 70c per In Fnst prn PnnaAi Vinn ic- n a. x 'hosnitals atinnll .itfcn,! tv,a St. --- vuimuii mtic 10 tx iiiueiiienL 10 increase' " "r the safety of motorists and pedestrians by having dri-ers'2niXi.S!i07 impo,rtance 'h,rJ,d J uiiverij be attached to business Hers tnkb a anfatir .,L.,l,r ,i L ma S maJet 1 lede ?nd wear a wh,te cross as an em- of hospitals. uieui. 1 ne pieuge is mat tne driver will : "Be careful all the time when driving. "Keep drink and driving apart. "Obey the laws regulating the use of cars. "Drive at reasonable and safe speeds. UNANIMOUS DECISION me citizens oi uawson ureek n the Pedce River , Ul, cievuii: "B"1 ant power and they could jiui, u luiu i.u jmi, in a Juan-, inemseives so they offered a frahchise to a power company. The deal had to be voted on by the ratepayers and it carried without a sinn-i Hrlp vMh vmI in opposition, a most unuaual thing in anv commnnitv There are usually at least a few people who seem to be opposed to the rest as a matter of principle, but in Dawson Creek the vote was unanimous. Imagine such a condition in Prince Rupert. HOSPITAL FINANCES The report, of the finance com mittee, W. M. Brown, chairman, pre. Uive unulVUieU attention to dnvirur. Wnted at the meetlne of the hos "Keep brakes, lights, horn, steering and tires in safe. ltal board last n,ght' showed there cuiuiuiun. Watch the car ahead and not follow too closely. "Keep in the proper traffic lane except when passing and pass only when there is a clear, level, straight stretch of road aheadi "Think of the car behind and signal intention before stopping, slowing or turning. "?1(n' dovv? at 4corners intersections and when passing schools and parked cars. "Observe road signs and signals. pedestHansrtiCUlaily Watchful when PassinK bicyclists or "Expect the unexpected at all times. Be courteous and considerate of others; Drive as you would have others drive arid thus set a good example." had been 1688 hospital days in August at a cost per diem of $269, Hospital expenditures for the month totalled $4541 71 THE DAILY NEWS SaCiirdiy, 8Ptmbru, Shower For Miss Bud Brand Is Held Delightful Affair La.t Night Honor of Bride-to-be A delightful suri'ri.e took place Erfday evening at the home of lrsrs. E- Alexander, Ttie Kootenay Lake General Hos- 'j11 hono f 4M!9 Brand; next whose V'tlding take? week. Mrs. Dickerts Garage. Miss Flnlayson has been' noldlng a position at Stewart. I BASEBALL SCORES National League j Philadelphia at Brooklyn, to be. played at later date. New York, 1; Boston, 2. (twelve! innings i. i CincinnaU, 6; Pittsburg: 7. St. Louts, 0; Chicago. U. American League Cleveland, 6; Detroit 5, Boston. 4; New York, 3. Washington. 3; Philadelphia, 5. Baseball Standings New York Chicago Pittsburgh St. Louis ... Louis National League Thu B of QUALITY notug 26.os. Control ntrol 78 77 70 63 'ons before the next convent 'on Boston , 65 of the British Columbia Hospi- Brooklyn 55 'als Association The view was Philadelphia 53 -xnresserf n the letter that the.Cincinattl 50 British Columbia Hospital's As-j sociation did not have the ln- American League flluencP with the government t',ate.w yrk - 83 it should have. Possihh- tht. u-.iDetroit 76 due to lack of interesi and suo.!Cnlcago 76 port of the Association bv indi-,Boston -. .- 69 vldual hospitals. The communira-'Cleveland 68 tion urged that business mnna. ! Vashington 62 Igers as well a adminitrntnr Philadelphia 42 39 50 53 60 62 66 73 76 76 43 54 56 60 61 68 86 90 Man in the Moon .609 .592 338 .523 .496 .430 .411 .397 .667 585 1 576 535 1 527 j .477 j .328 J02 A visitor to Prince Rupert said he thought all the residents must be English because they were always grumbling al the weather. They say the adherents of the Oxford Movement never marry because they believe in the absolute truth. unburn dyertiiemfnt ii not publiihed or dtptayeJ hfiht Uquof ' Board 9r by th Governmeni of BwUih Columbiai , , I Opening Naval Dance Is Held In i Delightful Affair Ileld Last i In Fine New Hall at shower i Headquarters Nlfht' Opening of the new natal head quarters building here was marked, last night when the chief petty of-' fleers and men of the. local Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer Reserve and Miss Edna Dickens were' held a delightful dance with the The evening was swenl in play- of the 102nd Heavy Battery, Royal number ,,i , of rather ii drastic i,- . , 'it bridge, uiiuKe, the iue winners winners ur ux imnuuu mwim;, u sunt propqs- L n.. ,..,,..!!.,,. n , ais of increased government aid .. M a h,' I - One resolution, pointing out ' that the present government (grants were not commensurate jwith losses which hospitals sus tained through free patients and ana Ratchford. Mrs. l L.;,..-. C , axiu .Ulffs uruy UlCXfiia. :uct "auc iiuiuc, wcu. wmiuauu PsUwe end . d by h laf "t ? L 5i "VT T SY the:f I" all about one board while others were not con- Panted sidered acceptable, j .b?a uvl WP, b:hundrcoupl were present. nuilll liCTIU UUMTIUI SCI Ul Cli-I UailCUlg lkC(Jb U)J 11UM1 V pan. uu- amel ware. j til 2 ajn. In the fine new hall which Those present were: Mrs. Dici-jwas gaily decorated for the occas-ens sr.. Mrs, Bond sr.. Mrs. R.jion. Music was by Mrs. Jean De-Loftff, Mrs. V. Grimsson. Mrs. W. Carlo's Orchestra. Delicious re- p4t,.Ai, iiu t, . . , , , . , . ... bad debts. Advrvatwl irw.rM ur3- 150nu Jr" Js"' iresnmenis were servea at mia- l ii ho alrf f I fl . . . . 1. f i i . i.i- ... n. . 1 1 n t . I from """wv". . uowuiurne, .Mr.', iiigm wuii nus. mer vmignam . Lu'E- Ratciford, Mrs. Oden, Mrs. ' in charge of the catering. I iboard took the view that the I x. V. "Tfi' V" 'i L ."I I crease n ?rant as sueested was 7.. " ocll v aim aiu ueuy tmson Upossible of accomplishment !;;,;a"na U,eken?- Mrs 'While not favoring a request fori" " . . ' ' UI I hi I w ine aouonng of ine irrant. the board was agreebale to seeking! an increase in the grant j other asking for amendment to the Residence and Responsibility Act so as to make it less dett mental to hospitals. Another of the Nelson reso'u tions raised the old question of' arbitrary refusal of the Work men s Compensation Board to pay nospital accounts in full. The re wiuuon proposea that the gov-1 ernment should amend the Work men s Compensation Act so as to provide for the deduction of hospital accounts from benefits to persons under compensation. Tl e ! loeal board refused to endorse j this prbposal. expressing the vie j that the- problem could be morel equitably dealt with by means of' a better understanding being obtained between hospitals. thi do, tors concerned and the Workmen's Compensation Board. Th idea of the Nelson hosnftai hoard was to bring the resolu- TERRACE The local board gave approval to resolutions requesting the; Two Terrace ladle- won S. E. tion as stenographer at Swains' were much enjoyed. Walter Smith was master of cere-monies and the committee in charge consisted of Chief Petty Officer Instructor John Anslow, Wal- ' ter Smith, Harry Robb, Sid White first and Allan Davles. Norman Mc- government to sunnlv hospitals Prlzes at tne Smlthers Fair Mrs. ' Glashan presided at the door with a type of form which could jf"11 Nash for colored embroidery be used to give a true picture of i3n Ilnen doth and Mrs. C. A. the hospital's financial position Hlnchliffe for cut-work embroidery, at all times, another seeking I more adequate payment to hos- 11 reported that Miss Cathie pitals under any new health jn-!Finlayson will shortly be return surance plan than was provided, inB 10 Terrace to take up up the the posl posi for in the last one and still an REX BOWLING ALLEY Basement of Exchange Block PHONE 638 SNAP I u p i a r i n t POWDER CltANS 4 POUCHCS CAMMO NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. ZarelU, Proprltor -A Home away from HOME" Rate $1.00 up 50 Rooms Hot it Ccld Watei Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box tj COAL 10 mast ivikvikmiv So'..rf Kmj Ouurar.twd Paniom llrtxin tlbrria foal Hiilklrr Vallr) (mi Va moii 1 rr Inland Ciial Prince Rupert Feed Ccmiaiij PHONE 58 and 558 Hyde Transfer Phone 580 DRY WOOD JASPER COAL Furniture Moving Light Delivery 315 SECOND AVE. it It r I "Ii this onctfiar 'toct-ond-Owt' tn( ?" "Ytt you IcucJiad mt fof my lod St Cep end I'm ewo SWEET CAPORAL CIGARETTES "Tkt futtil form in uhitk tohitto can hi tmaitj.mur ,f A New Star in the Sky ,,,,,wm. WATERMAN'S Skywriter ai,,,i A real Pen and Pencil by the world's leading manufacturer of Ideal Writing Sets. Only $1.95 Canadian far the set New Streamline Shape Modern Styling Brillar I in Performance and Appearance. In Grey. Gta, Brown or Jet. - Put up in an Attractive Hed and Gold Presentation Box There is a style and point to suit vour individual taste in "SKYWRITER" Come in and try this newest writing sensation for duly $1.05 the set. eMaeMvsM Ottawa, June 22, 1937 Council of Canadian Medid Association Endorses and Urgej Pasteurization of Milk and Creanl We have pasteurized our products since 1923 for your protection. Positive Past-teurization for Safe Milk at no extra cost. VALENTIN DAIRY Phone G57 '' Trans-Ailantlc transcontinental Trans rfi Bh Pacific m' I r. n .raciiii To Vanrouve r via Ocean Falls and Way P Princess Adelaide every Friday, 10 p.m. . To Varicduver fllreci ,MmfIt PRICICSS CHARLOTTE - PRINCESS LOUISE Sept. 4th Sept. 7th. 17th, Connection at Vancouver with Canadian Pacific seme Tickets and Reservation from bG W. I COATES, General Aent