paoi rouB Terrace Has Gdod Gardens May Emulate Prince Rupert in Community Beautification TERRACE, Sept 11: Those who have given some attention to the flower gardens In Terrace are rewarded by a very fine show at this time. There Is a movement on foot "take up studies. Sep. TO . n T i n to do .what Prince Rupert is doing and to build up a reputation for a fine display of flower gardens. Visitors to the coast city tell of the pleasing effects there. Especially pleasing are the public gardens and lawns at Prince Rupert which have replaced the rough ehaos of rock and muskeg that used to meet the visitors' eye on arrival. Miss Norma Archie sailed last night for Vancouver where she will LIMIT 45 DAYS n.- RETURN - HBbUcr) im?t and Rurn Prom lltU .Tnnrtst '"JnRONTO. MOHTBE1- S56.60 460.45 90.o S108JS5 . ..i.c 1 Used Furniture Three 8-Plece Dining Koom Suites C9K A A From, up 0wVU Dressers QQ A A From, up Kitchen Ranges Reconditioned. Q4 A A A From, up ?X7UU Sewing Machines Reconditioned. Q4 A A From, up pJLeJ.UU Camp Stoves Off A A From, up ?KUV Heaters C A A From, up ?O.UV Electric Stoves Q4 A A A From, up t?JLUUU - New Furniture Beds Complete with coil or cable springs and cotton felt mattress. CTA Price t?Ov Bedroom Mats Reversible Wool Rugs Size 25x48. Price 4.00 Size 30x60. cn a a Price 3U.UU Floor Covering Dominion Printed Linoleum-Square yard , Rcxoleums Square yard 85c 45c D. ELIO Furniture Exchange Third Avenue Prince Rupert Hours Open !) a.m. Close 5 p.m. velop so that they might complete the season's pack on this variety. The chums were beginning to show up on the Islands. The following co-o p e r a I i v e oackers delivered cohoe salmon to the Prince Rupert Fishermen's Co-operative today; Ogden, 3,500 pounds from Squadaree, 4,000 pounds from McAuley Isl and, 1,000 from Anchor Island; Azurite, 2,000 pounds from Warke Channel, 10,000 pounds from Dundas. A report from. Fire Chief J. R. Morrison, read at last night's meet ing of the hospital board, stated that everything at the Institution from a fire standpoint was in good order and free of Inflammable PRINCE RUPERT DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD mm U Ttgm mt Cm THE SEAL of QUALITY ",oocvl 3at Mnfl GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only salmon canning company with an all the year round payroll la Prince Rupert i THE DAILY XXWfl fit rA. m u at Waterfront Whiffs Halibut Landings Light and Prices Not Very Strong Season Drawing to Close Run of Chum Salmon Awaited Wrote a patienter aboard one of our iteamers this summer. HP 5l7GramilleStreet (Seymour 3648) Vancouver Halibut landings at Prince Rupert during the past week were exceptionally light at a total of but 259,000 pounds of which 90,000 pounds was from two Canadian boats and the balance from American vessels. Prices of 9c and 7c did not prove very interesting to the American boats and two or three of the large schooners refused bids at Prince Rupert and went on to Seattle In the hope of getting better prices. The high bid of the week for American fish was 11.6c and 7c which the Mitkof received for 39.-000 pounds and the low 9c and 7c which the Sylvia was paid for 25,-000 pounds. The two Canadian boats in during the week were the Dovre B. which was paid 10.6c and 3c for 40,000 pounds and the Takla which received" 10.4c and 6c for 50,-300 pounds. The grand total of halibut landings at the port of Prince Rupert for the 1937 season up to and including yesterday was 11,-165,850 pounds as compared with 9.031,100 pounds at a corresponding date last year. The total of Canadian landings was 5,998350 pounds n comparison with 4,936.600 pounds Bernice Palmer says . . . For thirty days the Spirella Corset factory was closed by sit-down strikers ignoring the court's injunction to vacate. While other, paced the factory nervously, pretty Lena Piccone utilized her tinu sewing. She was. making a "wed ding dress for her sister soon to be married. The strikers claimed they were fully protected untlei the Wagner Act which define' i year ago while American landings an employee a one who Is actu lad' reached an aggregate of 5,167, 500 pounds as against 4,094,500 pounds. With September 26 set by the In-xirnatlonal Fisheries Commission as the tentative date for the cessation of giving of clearances to the halibut fleet for Area No. 3, the season's operations will soon be drawing to a close a good deal earlier than a year ago. For the most of the fleet It will be only one more trip with a few, possibly, squeezing in two. Such canneries as are still remaining open in Prince Rupert district are awaiting the chum run on the Queen Charlotte Islands to de allv working or who has cea.ied to work to protect his right ol colective- bargaining through representatives, of his own choosing. Since they were still em ployees, they could not be hek trespassers on the property. The mere fact that, thea protection of their own rights infringed on the rights of their employer, does not give the latter the right to an Injunction. Oh the other hand, Decoto, spokesman for the factory in question says, "Thet Ieople are not trespassers, depriving the company of its right to occupy and enjoy its own projerty. The courts do not re cognize the so-called propel ty rights in a job as the strikers claim. It is all very confusing Lena seems to be" tne only one getting anywhere in the whole argument. I wonder how many of wiv?c umen snui up witn no particular form of amusement, win be on speaking terms aHer the whole thing is settled! Thirlv women, imrty days and thirty j nights it's collossalj Oakland. BIG AIR RACE ON Well Known Empire Filers In King's Cup Contest Over British Isles Canadian Killed tVing Commander Percy C Shop ren Lo;s His Life In Crash At Scarborough SCARBOROUGH. Yorkshire. Sept. 11: (CP) Wing Commander Percy C. Sherrcn. veteran Canadian member of the Royal Air Force, was killed yesterday when his plane crashed during the King's Cup Air race. Killed with him wa his pilot. Wing Commander K. C. Hilton. LONDON, Sept. 11: (CP) A'ith 31 entries and an enlarged tinerary this years King's Cup tir race provides keen comptti ion for many of Britain's top- 1oteh aviators. The race is now on and the oute has been extended to take n part of the Irish Free State wd Ulster. The first day's course jester' lay was from Hatfield airport n the outskirts of London, via Skegne.xs, Lincolnshire. York Scarborough and Whitby to New. .astle, a compulsory landing con rol jKInt. The other places were 'turning points," which com etitors must pass. From Newcastle the planes fly lorth to Aberdeen, southwest to Glasgow and across the sea to Ulster with a control landing point at Newtownards. From there they proceeded to Dublin the stopping place for the firs night. Starters are divided inlo two classes, consisiting of planes o more or less than 150 hors power. The first day constituted an elimination contest. Tv.o thirds of the number in each class who make the best show ing continue Into the secon class and final day today. rrom uuoiin the survivors re trace their route to Newtown ards. with turning points at Port- patrick. Carlisle and St. Dees Head and Cumberland. Blackpool, Lancashire coast resort, Is a control landing point From there the planes will fly back lo Hit Held. Entrants include Flight-Lieut tommy Kose and Capt. Neville CHEERIOJ Stack, who took part In the 1934 Tr.dlt..n. .f Cun.rd Whit. St.r .nd D.n..d.. AtUntl. Vm.i, 9. X 1(7 ill wwm X HE deep draught, steady ships of these great Steamship Companies, offer Individual attention and a complete personal service to all passengers, at rates which really represent substantial say lngsjn travel costs. Weekly Sailing from Montreal , to C.lasgow, Belfait, Liverpool, Plymouth, Havre, London t'ntU No?mbr 2Jth Special Christmas Salllnn Frtm MONTREAL NoT- 25-"AURANIA" to PljTnouth, Havre, London. 25-"LETITIA" to Belfait, Liver-pool, Glaiftow. From HALIFAX c. 4-"ALAUN!A" to Plymouth, London. 5tLANCASTR,A" to Glaljow, Belfait, Liverpool. ll-"AUSONIA" to Plymouth, London. Apply to London-Melbourne air race; C. B. Gardner, last year's winner; G. Miles and Flying-Offirer A. h. Clouston. R. J. Wright pilots Lord Wake- ield's entry and Capt. E. W. Percival that of Iiady Wakefield. Capt Slack is entered as co-pilot with Miss L. Dillon In the toi ler's craft. Brig. General A. C.! Lewin, an enthusiastic amateur! trought his own plane from Ken ya to comiiete in the race. He isl his own pilot Most of the machines entered! his year have been seen in pie-l ious races. Among the new ones ;re the T. K. 4. designed an.' "lilt by students of de Havilai d School and the C. W. A. Cygne an all-metal monolpane. YOUR CREDIT- IS GOOD AT W. Goldbloom's THE OLD RELIABLE I have Just received a large stock Sf the latest styles In fur coats and heck pieces and as usual my prices jre the lowest- I would appreciate visit from youand remember your credit Is good with me. W. Goldbloom THE OLD RELIABLE Prince Rupert, B.C. Federal BIk. Mail Orders Promptly Attended To H : I III Tffi A r ALEXANDER KORDA Last Show Stan. ..,7 THE BIGGEST Tui? IN TOWN! The world's larges, e!f ... 1 he screen'u r,.- n. "v" " star .... Breath-stopplng adventurer one small bov in , w" " creu never h. lore . rrvoolo ., " Taken Entirely i ldij Filmed by Flaherty oi iuuu native-, -hm as7 (At 7; 50 and 10:it) COMING Joe E. Brown In -Ridinj q, Air- plus the Jones ImOji, "Off To The Races' Announcing The New P.D.Q. UNDERWEAR For Men and Boys THRKK PATENTED FEATURES: it i f . . ... 1. Flexible Shoulder, 2. Flexible Neck. 3. Flexible Scat. mc umpifsi, irewt littinj and most comfortable mjo'uoJ boy's combination that Me have e?er had in thiiilwe. We Have a Complete Stock In Several Weights AH San Men's Garments From Boys' S2.00 10 S3.00 S1.00toS2.25 Watts & Nickerson 50 Third Ave. .MEN'S and BOYS' CLOTHIERS Phone S MacKENZlE'S FURNITURE Dominion Linoleums and Barry and Staines Llnoleum-PrM as Follows 45c, 70c, 75c, 85c INLAID LINOLEUM Qi JH Square yard Phone 775 HALIBUT The source of Sunshine Vitamins A and D Boiled Halibut with egg sauce is digestibk palatable, satisfying. CANADIAN FISH & COLD STORAGE CO. LTD. Prince Rupert, B.C. SATURDAY SPECIAL Six Beautiful Enlargements for $1.50. Hurry Hollywood Stadlos, 220 6th St. The Central Hotel ROOMS and CAFI riione 51 For Best Household Cow MItS. C. E. BLACK