1 Jay. September 1M M7. LOCAL NEWS NOTES tot old gold. Bulger' ttf J the Maytalr wlnddw for lat- Pfall shoes. ".) fllaih Stone returned to the Kn the Prince ueorjre inurs- Ivenlnit from a uusiness itijj ewart and Premier. i Tl V Q ? . Pvo. naaian i.eKiu,, if."."-". meetlnjr, Monday, Septem- monthly meetlhk Wednts-epttmber 15. (209-12) J. W. Kilpatrick returned city On the Prince&s Ace-yesterday afternoon from ouver where she has been ling the past couple of Ether house nor grodnds hittees had any reports to at last nights meetinir of hospital board, either coin- had met during the past It was stated. A, M. Cpllison, Miss Jean Donald and Miss Joce'yn an, after haying spent the Ber at Klncbllth, were here id 'he steamer Catala on ay of this week returning incouver. is C E. McN'auffhton, who is he service of the Canadian lie Railway at Vancouver, Id in the city earlier In the IfollowinK a trip to Enjrland ailed last night ori the Priu- Vdelaide for Vancouver. nmunlcatlons from the pro- public works department in to the recent visit of Henry Inker In connection with the bied new Hospital unit here rread at last night's hospital I meeting. Nothing farther In to the project was done at light's meeting. 7iounceraents pgles' Bridge Series, begins U5. wed Fashion Show, September isbyterlan Tea at Mrs. Brem- September 21. Peter's W; A. Tea, ParUh : September 23. sbyterlan Choir Tea, October 1. Iholic Bazaar October G and IC F. Bazaar, October 23. ro Hallowe'en Dance, October tsbyterlan Bazaar, November 4. Peter's W. A. Bazaar, Nov- r Inadlan Legion Fall Bazaar, fcmber 25. Clearing all lines of men's shoes regardless of cost at Fashion Footwear's removal sale. (t.f.) Mrs. Charles Carpenter sai'ed last night on the Prince Charles fdr Massett. J. A. lilnton returned to the city on the Princess Adelaide yesterday afternoon from a three weeks' trip td Vancouver and Victoria. Executive and general meetings of the local branch of the Canadian Legion which were to have been held this week were ; postponed until next week. Parents wishing to register children In first and second year music classes with Miss Margaret McCaf-fery may do so at Booth School on Monday at 3:30 and at Borden St. School on Tuesday at 4. Miss Margaret Brewster R. N. is expected to arrive in the city tomorrow from Vancouver to as siime the position of operating room supervisr in the Princt Rupert General Hospital. Capt. J. Piowen-Colthurst, after having spent the summer at Ter-rdce, arrived in the city on (Thursday night's train from the interior and sailed on the steamer Prince George for his wintei i home at Sooke, Vancouver Island. Mrs. A. G, Rix and children returned to the city on the Princess Adelaide yesterday afternoon from Vancouver where they have been spending the summer. Mrs. Rlx's mother, Mrs. Ray from England, was aboard the Princess Adelaide making the round trip. The regular meeting of the board of directors of the Prince Rupert General Hospital was held In the hospital last night. Those present were G. P. Tinker, chairman, W. M. Brown, G. V. Wilkinson, F. S. Walton, City Commissioner W. J. Alder and Frank Dlbb, directors; H. W. Birch, managing secretary, and Miss Jean Harrison R.N., lady sup erintendent. In her monthly report at last night's meeting of the board of directors of the Prince Rupert General Hospital, Miss Jean Har rison R. N., lady superintendent, stated that the institution was moderately busy at ihis time. The Isolation hospital, which had been tn operation for the treatment of scarlet fever, had closed down last Sunday. Phone 18 and 84 P. 0. Box 575 Free Gift Tokens We are still giving bur Free Gift Tokens which entitle you to 3 wide range of Premiums. Come In and Look Them Over MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE IHURCH NOTICES first Presbyterian church Rev. J. W. Stevenson, M.A., IJ.IJ., I'h.I). Minister in Charge Mrs. E. J. Smith, Organist and Choir Director 11:00 a.m. "Paul, The So-called Madman." Junior Choir 12:15 Sunday School For All Ages. 7:30 p.m. "Se!dg VIsoHs and Realizing ideals." Senior Choir JfW- "Mr Stevenson Will Preach. Strangers and Visitors are Welcome Communion, Sept. 19. FIRST bAPtlST CHURCH XV. Vaughan Davles, Orjjanist Usual Morning Service Will Be Discontinued Until Further Notice Sunday School Re-Owns This Sunday at 12:15 7'30 p.m. Evening Service. Subject "Convincing Facts." Speaker P. H. Linzey A Cordial Welcome Extended to All PENTECOSTAL ASSEMBLY Fifth AveHiie and MfcUride Street Rev. j. A. llughes, Vlctorld 11:60 a.m. "How Much More." 7:30 p.m. "He is Able." Special Singing. Bring All Your Family and Friends W. L. StamfordJ agent of the De-partrneht of arlnef here; returned to the city on the Princess Adelaide yesterday afternoon from a trip to Vancouver arid Victoria. Appreciation at Jliss P. M. Moonev R; N, who recently left the city for England dfter hav ing served as operating room supervisor in the Prince Rupert General Hospital for years', fdr a1 letter of recommendation 'arid good wishes which was stent hex by the ihoard was expressed through W. M. Browri at last night's meeting of the btfa'rd of directors of the Prince Rupert General Hospital. Within the coming month a meeting of women will be called for the purpose of organizing a Women's Auxiliary to the Prince RUpert General Hospital, It was announced at last nighl's meeting of the board of directors of the Prince Rupert General Hospital by President G. P. Tinker in Ire-ply to a question by F. S, WaK 'on, who has for some time been urging the formation of ah Col. V. J. H. Holmes of Victoria, who was in charge bf the organization of the recent can.p if the Governor General 111 Tweedsmuir Park, and Constable H. Bennett, radio operator .of he provincial police at'Bralonie, who was assigned to-the camp us wireless operator, sailed Thursday light on the Prince George for the south. They had returned to tntata Lake after the departure 3f the vice-regal party tb remote amp equipment. Hotel Arrivals Royal Fred Salt, Hazelton; H. Loakes, Dlgby. Prince Rupert H. Singleton and H. M. Church, Vancouver; Mrs. R. G. Emmerson ind Mrs. J. W. Hedd, Dlgby Island Central Wallace Leigh ton and Ur. arid Mrs. Charles Birch, city. knoy ? D. Scott, Victoria. TAX SALE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT Notice Is hereby given that a Tax Sale of all properties in which the 1935 taxes remain unpaid, will be held at the City Hall. Fulton Street, at 10 a.m., Thursday, September 30th, 1937. D. J. MATHESOn; City Treasurer. Synopsis of Land Act rmi-tMrrioKt VACAKT, sartiMTf4. Cnwi luul uir M pc-tmpt4 T .BrltUk ubjeu itt U Jtui . tt t; . u4 . k tlltni oa declulnf inttnlloa M bttomk BrltUh lubjectt. condltlonM , tipo -denu, eceupktloa nd lmpraTmnt. Pull Informktloa ontrnliic Pr-mp tloni U tlen la Bulletia, t(. U. LAS Btrlei. "How to rri-empt Lind.". eoplfl tt which n tx obtHoM tru of ehrt f tddrcMlnc lb Dprtmt ( LaoiU. .Victoria. B.C.; Bureau of Provincial Information. Victoria, or nj Oottrnmtnt AnU Record! 01 b trintcd eorwlni onlj Und tultabl for acrleultural purpoaoa within reaionabla dlatanc of road, acbool and narkellni facllltlea and which la aot tlmberland. It. carrrlnf otw. 1.000, board fret per acre eaet at the Coaat Rante.aaa 000 feet par acre veet at that Ranra. - Application! for pre-emptloot a It be addreeied to the LaDd Cororoluluocr , tt the Land Reeordint UliUlon la blch U land applied for u eltuatad. e prlritad formi obtained from the Commltilober. Pre-emption! muat be accupled tor ftwe yeart and lmprOTcmenU made to valva at 110 per acre, including dearlnf and MlU. eating at leait (lie acrea, kator a Crow Orant can be reeeleed. , Pre-emption! carrying part tleaa aaatdai tloni of occupation are alo granted. rCRCHASC O UASI .Application! ,ar recereed laf . puaaaat of tacant and anreeerred . Orowa laada, not being tlmberland. far agilaral purpoiei. Minimum prlaa a flret-cla. (arable) land la 15 per "iJ elaia (grailngt land. M M tr , Purther informatloa la gl J"; No. 10. Land Srrlea, "Purchaaa and Uaae Of Crown Land!." . , A! a partial relief mmu "V land! may ba acquired by purchaaa. at. U equal in.talmente. -1th the Wat payment luipended for twa yean, praldd ,Ue ."paid when due and UnprayenwnU jra made during the flnt two yean f aat than 10 of the appraUed Talua. Mill, factory W-.UeWU IJai, ttmber land, not excMaiBH be purthaeed ac leaaed. tM aoadBlow deluding payment f rtaapaga. Dnsurfeyao axeaa, ne ti m limit ..?..! may' ba leaaed j ho.",i25-,lii dwelling b'l " tlonal upon a fulfilled and land baa baaa ,WT. areas mv. leaaed by ana peraoa a a "f V'- K, . under thi Oraaloi lJ: mJi dlelded Into gTMl admlnUtarad under frartM f-tlone range amended from tlma U tjao j JJ .arying ti'tliSSZJSi mm are taaued baiad aa rate! per head Of . .rrr.?,T 52l tag prlIlel n M. il! owner! Stoca-owneri T? tluni for range '"tTnTL rtLaia. TH2 DAILY NEWS FAOB THRKX Tonight's train, due1 from the east at 11 .i'clock, was reported this morrilng to be on time. Mr. Jack Wrathall left on last evehlfitt'g train for a trio to Jasper Paric. Koy tranics win san tomorrow i evening oh the Catala for a visit to ' Stewart with his brother-in-law' and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bepker. T W. firnwn left on lait vpnlrn'.i t.riih fnr Vanclerboof pnrrvntA tn Fort St. james and the Omlrieca mining district on business. Mrs: C. C. Smith sails tomorrow evening on the Catala for Premier where she will pay a visit with her son iiU'd dughter-lh-law, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Gladding. Mrs. Fred Nash and daughter, who arrived In the city froni Ter race on Thursday nleht's train. sailed last night on the Prince Cnarles for Massett. The regular monthly meeting of the Prlnce; Rupert Shrine Club was hbt held Thursday night. Following the suspension tor the summer months, meetings will be resumed in October. A - - RT Rev. J. L. Coudert O.M.I., co adjutor bishop bf the Roman Cath- bllb Church for Northern British Columbia1 ahd the Yukon, will sail tomorrow ori the Princess Louise tOlt REST llOUSE fully furnished, with, oil burner. From October 1st., bwner leaving town. Phouf .Blue.89(j, U. FOR SALE FOR SALE All household fur niliii-e. Apply Mrs. MorrU, Leeds ApartrnenU. Phone Black 5)25. A FOR SALE 12 foot rowboat with nair ot Snruce Spoon Oars Used ohe seasbri, also Johnson niithnarM mntnr 3.S h.P. 10.17 model, used three weeks. Price for the lot $125.00. Apply P. O. Box 1698. tf. FQit SAii: 14 fi. rowboat. Double, ender; Fully equippeo fbh fisfiidg; Reasonable. Appl) James O'Neil, Empress Hotel. (2i4. WANTE11 VANTED Mdie Scotch Terrier pup.Vhorie .Qreen 335.. . ,(2J5) HEL WANlliD WANTED Oood sttbng girl for general housework on farm, one mile .frbrn village. Apply stating age. Rdy Doll, Kltwariga, B.C. (215) STENOtiRAPHERSC MALE AND FEMALE) WANTED In Prince Rdpert by Ihe Dbminion Civil Service. Applications for ex amination to reach Ottawa by September 18th. We have help. ed Hundreds to obtain Civil Servlcl jiositions .arid can help you. Proof of this statement and full information abdut th examirialibn, etc., free. M. C. C; Civil Service Schools, WInni peg; Oldest In Panada. (211; MALE HELP WANTED SELL CHRISTMASS CARDS Earn JlS-$25 weekly In spare time now obtaining drders from friends and acquaintances. Our sample book of beautiful Personal Oreetlng Cards and boxed assortments sent free. Experience unnecessary success certain. Write for details, Greeting Card Publishing Co, 102 Princess St., Winnipeg. Represen tatlves desired In small towns also. . t.f. Male & feMALe HElp WE IIAVH iIkU'ed iiliNuliRbs TO OBTAIN tiOsitiohs as Letter Carriers; Postal Clerks, Ciis-ibihi. Examiners, Clerks, and Stenographer, etc., and can lielh jfid. Write us for proof ahd fre"e' Information. M.C.C. Schools Ud., Winnipeg. Oldest In Cariida. If; Bk wtti Rta tz want ads. Library Board Is In Session Necessary Extension to he Made' To Accomodate More Books The "Prince" RUpert Library' bdard held its regular monthly meeting on Friday evening. Those present were Frank Dibb, chairman, T. B. Black, secretary, W. J. Alder, commissioner, R. L. Mc Lerihan and T. J. Williams ahd Miss Olive Cart Cobten, librarian; It was agreed that $50 be spent in rebindihg. An additional sum of $50 will also be spent oh new books for ihe free adult and children's sections. N'ecessary extensions will be made In the library to accomo date Increasing numbers bf books especially those which the prd-vincial government la expected to sUpply td the library within the Hexi few fhonths. Miss Van Cooten, acting librarian, has now been confirmed in her.,anpbjntmen-t.as. librarian,. for a trip to the Yukon on ecclesiastical business. Basil E. Bailey of the scientific staff of the Prince Rupert Fisheries Experimental Station left ori last evening's train for Midlsbri where he will resume his post-graduate studies at the Urilverslty of Classified Ads. AGENTS WANTED liittSTMAS Card agents make inbfe rnoney selling the Premier Art Guild line bf personal Christmas cards and boxed assortments. We pay you 50 percent commission on personal cards priced over one dollar per dozen, practically 40 percent on bur Dollar-a-dozen ser les. Agents, should not be satisfied with less. Premier line Is the smartest, largest and most up to date and ready for you to begin making money with at once. No experience necessary; no charnre for sarrihie book. Prices are lower and commissions higher at Premier Art Guild, 57G Seymour St., Vancouver. Apply toddy. Agents in smaller towns should write. PERSONAL 1VOMEN Wanted to start private kindergarten schools In their own hbmes this coming fall. Free booklet oh request. Canadian Kindergarten institute, Winnipeg. Established 1927. MUSIC VIOLIN TUiTiON, theory and har mony. Miss N. Lawrence. Phone 580. Classes start Sept. 1. (212) SEWING UTILITY SEWING CLASSES Mrs. Thomasson, Wallace Block. Phone Blue 637. (t.f.) IV TIIK SITHKME rOI'Rl Ot HRITIStl COLUMBIA In tht Mattl-r of li?ai.i ElljOburhf, In thi Maiirr of the "Administration Act TAKE NOTICE that by ordr of H Honour W. E. Flshrr, the 18th day of Aufrttit. A. D. 1937 I waa appointed Artmlnlstm.tor of th Mtat cd Fl! Obarn. I5od, avhd all partlen hay ing claims agaiivit the aald catate are hereto? required to furnbh aajne, pro perly vermea, to me on or Derore tn 10th. day of October, A. D. 1037. and all partlee thdeoted to the estate ire reqtUred to pay the amount 6i their lndebtlne to tat forthwith. NtiRMAN A. WATT. Official AdmlnUtrator, Prince Rupert, D. O Dated tht 17th ddy of August, A. D 1937. H. J. Zumkehr PIONEER CHIMNEY SWEEP 15 Years in Prince Rupert Fully Authdritrd and Licensed Expert Roofing hd R6of Repair Phone 101 Make ' your New Dresses look SMARTER Nu-Back Telescopic Will not ride up Corsetrys Greatest Forward Step in decades At Wall ace s third and Fulton SKYWRITER Pen and per Package 40c adiitiiiBJitima Pencil Sets Produced by Watcrmans. 14-kt. Gold Pens Excellent for School The Ien the tencil The Set $1.25 75c $1.95 HAIR OIL FREE With yotlr purchase df Fitch's Dandruff Remover Shampoo 55c Ormes Ltd. 3h9 Pioneer Druqgiats The IUtiII Store Phones: 81 & K Open Dally From 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays From 12 noon till 2 p.m, 7 p.m. till 9 p.m. ls;R:lim.b:ioiia! II m Beautify Your Home MURESCO puts Walls and Ceilings A RICH FLAT FINISH that wt not rub off. crck,ch!p orate M4 in l8T7ntstndWhiU per Package 75c GORDON'S HARDWARE Phone 311 McBride St. UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: t.S.S. CATALA EVERT TUESDAY; 1:30 PJH. Due Vahcbufer, Thursday p.m. T.S.S. CARiifeNA FRIDAY, 10:51 TM. Due Vaoebuver, Monday ajo. If convenient please purchas tickets at office. Further Information regarding reservations and tickets from A. W. NEWMAN, Prince Rupert Aieht. Third Ate. Phone Ml If you lose anything, advertise for it.