p i i ,i v 1 It i 1 PAG TWO. THS DAILY NEWS Wishing You All Season's Greetings FAMILY SHOE STORE LTD. The Home of Good Shoes STEVE KING Everything in Cents' Furnishings THE DAILY NEWS. WINCE RUPERT . BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited, Third Avnue tt. P PULLEN Managing-Editor SUBSCBiniON KATES f7' by carrlr- year,y Paw In advar.ce Paid ,,m In advance, per week Paid In advance, per month . " ' By aut?fU partS 01 BntlSQ United States, yearly period, paid in advance P By mall to all other countries, per year "'"""" AdvettWnt and Circulation TelephonT .. Z News Department Telephor.s " g6 Member of Audit Hn -..utuiaiions D0 .12 .50 3.00 9.00 UA1I.Y kllimrif. LJ!fS!irr . ' r ... Friday. December 31. 1937 . A HAPPY NEW YEAR It is easy for most of us to have a happy new vear It is largely a matter of mental attitude. TheTauiS be as happy as we make it. Uunder normal cStions most of us can be happy if we go about it the righ 5 way If we lived m China and our families and homes blown up by Japanese shells, it might be rather dlffitSt were to be happy or if we lived in Spain and our ' homes were ruined by fascist forces, there would be an eu Tor unhappines. In, Russia too,,if we were inl suspected of be in disagreement with the powers that be., we might be Z happy m a prison camp or we be may happy or the on posite ,n the spirit world. These are extreme cases I fehfaf a,'fficUlt f keeP haPPy if 'ot a job m this- and country our families find it difficult to acquire, the. necessaries of life. Yet there are many people, on relief who appear to be quite happy and Kot WW 1 gGt a Job which an real work Where there is sickness or death, in a family, unhanniness is likely to follow for at least a brief period ffi normal conditions of life we can enjoy every day if ?ve wteK OUR WISH TO ALL i,,cf ? Wi- t0.a11 our readers is tha they may so ad-19T8 tl t0 Cn,diti0nS that eveY day throughout Lft w v a happy d We hPe a11 will be kept busy that they may not have time for repining or grumbling rumD1 or fault fine nrr Wo hm fV, i.?.. SCHEDULE OF JOWLS Second Half Time Tables Far Thw Leagues Are Announced Complete second half schedules for the City Ten Pin, Commercial and Five Pin Bowling Leagues are announced today as follows: j City League " January 9 Grotto vs. Moose; Royal Hotel vs. 35 Taxi' - ' January 16 Grotto vs. Royal Hotel; Moose vs. 35 Taxi. , January 23 Grotto vs. 35 Taxi; Royal Hotel vs. Moose. 1 January 30 Royal" Hotel- vs. 35 'Taxi; Grotto vs. Moose. i February 6 Moose vs. 35 Taxi; ; Grotto vs. Royal Hotel. February 13 Royal vs. Moose; ( I Grotto vs. 35 Taxi.' ; February 20 Grotto vs. Moose: Royal Hotel vs. 35 TaxL February 27 Grotto vs. Royal i Hotel; Moose vs. 35 Taxi. : March 6 Royal Hotel vs. Moose; Grotto vs. 35 TaxL t , March 13 Royal Hotel vs. 35 Taxi; Grotto vs. Mocse. March 20 Grotto vs. Royal Hotel; Moose vs. 35 TaxL March 27 Grotto vs. 35. Taxi; Royal Hotel vs. Moose. Commercial League January 3 Biological Station vs. Electrical Workers; Rupert Motors vs. North Star. January 6 Gyro vs. C.N.R.A. No. 1; ON.R.A. No. 2 vs. Printers. January 10 Biological Station vs. Rupert Motors; Electrical Worker vs. North Star. January 13 ON.R.A. No. 1 vs. Printers; C.N.R.A. No. 2 vs. Gyro. January 17 Electrical Workers vs. ON.R.A. No. 2; Biological Station vs. Printers. January 20 Gyro vs. North Star; Rupert Motors vs. C.N.R.A No. 1. January 24 Electrical Workers vs. Printers; CXRA. No. 2 vs. Bio logical Station. January 27 Rupert Motors vs. Gyro; ON.R.A No. 1 vs. North Star. January 31 Printers vs. Rupert Motors; Electrical Workers vs. Gyros. February 3 C.N.R.A. No. 2 vs. North Star; C.N.R.A No. 1 vs. Bio logical Station. February 7 North Star vs. Bio logical Station; Gyro vs. Printers. February 10 Electrical Workers vs. Rupert Motors; C.N.R.A. No. 1 vs. C.N.R.A. No. 2. February 14-Gyr0 vs. Bioloeical Station; Electrical Workers vs. C.N.R.A. No. 1. February 17 C.N.R.A. No. 2 vs. Rupert Motors; North Star- vs. Printers. February 21 C.N.R.A. No. 2 v Printers; Gyro vs. C.N.R.A: No l February 24 Rupert Motors vs. North Star; Electrical Workers vs. Biological Station. Ferbruary 2Z C.N.R.A. No. 2 vs. Gyro; C.N.R.A. No. 1 vs. Printers. March 3 Electrical Workers vs. North Star; Rupert Motors vs. ma- logical Station. March 7 Rupert Motors -vs. C.N.RJV. No. 1; Gyro vs. North Star. March 10 Electrical Workers vs. C.N.R.A. No. 2; Biological Station vs. Printers. March 14 North Star vs. ON.R.A. No. 1; Gyro vs. Rupert Motors. March 17 Biological Station vs. CN.R.A. No. 2; Printers vs. Electrical Workers. March 21 ON.R.A. No. 1 vs. ntn. logical Station; C.N.RJV. No. 2 vs 3 T nQ l.neir dePendents the necessi-j "arch 24-Electrical Workers lies of ifp , vs. I L dua few; luxuries, not too many. We wish yro; Printrs vs- Motors. &tL fiai?Vyo T accePt the Situation and Star vs. Biological vs Station"' Prin,r, tarr on,making mak the best of what we have. A 4-Prmters vs. North star; We- all. hope that in. the coming year we mav pp n ,Rupert Motors vs- cnjijv. No, 2. beginning made on, the-construction ifLvP 7-Electrical workers fof a nuln mill l l,nf vs. not,- we shall still have a good city teTe No" 1; Bio1" tZTi tllt ?T,rtnt f Will g . ' nW Pin League undenay. Wfe hope that before January 7-Poneer very long we shall be' Laundry, vs. connected by highway with the rest of the world and Empress; Ovro vs- c W that we shall be connected with the Peace River count?? qSSo!I ;4-p,oneer Sundry vs. by rail but our happiness is not dependent on any of these SSS 5SS?rW Pmne r Obtained them; c, January 28- Gyro vs. C.N.R.A.r Some of US think our hnnninooa ,1n.,i .. n. Old Empress vs. Pionr r.nntiM cess ofourehiirri,, hV Vf vr'S""" ".in. suc" , Z ' i . 1. . v i . muwo nut. iiiip mi ess is jarpp. ly an individual matter., Some of us need excitement to' keeaus happy while others of us can be happy with a few feet of ground in which to plant a few poppies. Finally we wish you all the power to. ad just your out-' look, to the needs of the times,, we wish, you steady growth inental,, physical and spiritual.. We wish for vou all steady growth, in. wisdom with a spirit of co-operation and a large- measure of toleration in your homes your city, your province, your countrymoving steadily to ward a neuer ana ungnter and happier world. V 1 f I M . OWMR tux . . . GREAT TALE : TERRAC the land of the ' Bengal Lancers. comes this adventure of the Scot tish Highlanders ,ln action and of the little girl who won the right to wear their plaid. The most spec tacular production In which Shirley Temple has ever appeared. "Wee Willie Winkle" gives McLaglen a powerful role as a fearless, frghtln fool, also providing splendid oppor tunities for such well known screen actors as C. Aubrey Smith. Jum Lang. Michael Whalen and Cesa: ; Romero. It Is a picture to which local movie-gofcrs have been look lng forward for.some time. Tonight after the regular show the Capitol Theatre Is holding a midnight New Year's Eve frolic. special stage and screen show ha: wen arrangea comDinea witn cash drayring and favors. A 45 minute stage show of novelty act' win precede the feature picture which has been specially booked There will tw a midnight prologur to usher In the New Year. February 4 C.N.R.A, vs. Old Em press; Gyro vs. Pioneer Laundry. February 11 Gyro vs. Old Em press: Pioneer vs. CXJIJi. February 18 Old Empress vs Pioneer Laundry; CN Jt-A vs. Gyro February 25 Gyro vs. Pioneei Laundry. CXHJl. vs. Old Empress March 4 C.N.R.A. vs. Pioneer Laundry; Gyro vs. Old Empress. MarcltTlsiCNirA. Vs. Gyro; Pi oneer Laundry v?Ql sEmpr?ss. . v March lOld.' Empress vs CN RJi.; Pioneer Laurjdry vs. Gyro. March 25j-Gyro vs. Old Empress Pioneer Laundry vs. CNJtA IV Ilir. SITRRMR fOlKT Of ItltlTISX rOI.L'.MIHA l FROIIATE' In the Matter of the -ArtmlnWratloi Act" Inn In thr Matter of the F.vtAte of Mirtirx jane, haain. l)ereael, Intestate TAKE NOTICE that by order of IK Honor w v pth. , .v. . . . un . it A Y u December, A, D: 1937. I was appo)ntfl nujiuiunnMw oi ine eMAte ol Mar DaJtiea HavAtw Allm, ...itiat v. - estate are hereby reqiUred to Xurnls' Hroperiy veriuea, o me on n-before tin 18th day of January, A. D 1938. and ail partita Indebted to t Mt&ta Aft rVtfllllMvl Af. arwiw lu af their IntteMedneag to me torthwIU' XMUKMAN . WATT, Official Administrator, t Prince Rupert. B C Dated IVnember 18 th. 1937. REX BOWLING ALLEY Basement nl Exchange Block PHONE 658 Happy New Year To Everybody From Transfer Hyde 315 SECOND AVE. Phone 580 I AW OPDETM The Village Commissioners of UIl uLlVEiLin Terrace held their final meeting for the year on Wednesday and beared off business ahdj accounts Shirley Temple- in "Wee Willie DeJonJPng . . w J Winkie"-New Year's Eve .Mid- night: Matinee shown a sngni gain m reyruut hut this has been more thin ex- With Shirley Tempie. rvor to tlrf Juvenile screen star, and VJetor Mc taglen, massive stalwart, m theJ starring roles. Rudyard Kplingf famous story of India, "Wee WttHe Winkle." comes to the screen of the Capitol Theatre as a New Year week-end feature offering of ex ceptional interest. From the heart pf mighty India, where all the world Is wild and strangt. where the Bri tish raj ends at Khyber Pass in Water Syitm. It Is ahtklpate'd that 1938. wttl enable thk Corpora Uon to buBd up something in tn way of a cash reserve Very heavy snow fell Tuesday and Wednesday. All roads are encumbered with two feet of. snow and in many exposed places the drifts are five or six feet In. depth. The temperature had- risen but mow was falling again .Thursday. t ' , Mrs. WaU of High Riter, Albe rr a. is spending a holiday, visit in Terrace with her parents, Mry and IMrs. Henry Frank W. E. Collison. Indian Agent, was lere from Prince Rupert during -he week. Christmas Day was cold with :lear skies. On the following day he temperature dropped quickly nto cold snap conditions, regis ering eight below Sunday and.. Monday. On Tuesday the cold be- nine less but a real blizzard raged hroughout the day. SMITHERS Mr and Mrs. Harry King of Terrace came to Telkwa. to spend 'hristmas with Mr and Mrs fames Donaldson, They returneU lome Tuesday night. V Till: MTRRMR rOI'RT. OK RRITISII roi.t,MriA In the Matter of the U1mlnl(rttrtM Art" and In the Matter of the. r.Uate of. Philip Jame lunard lrreaW-Intestate TAKE NOTICE tbat by acfitt of !M lonor. W E, PUhcr. tbe 22nd day of xmtT, A D. 1937, I a appointed onuqHTHor oi uie eslale of Philip ames Leonard. dceot, tod. til par tea having claUna agaJiu il)e sold elate are hereby required arnl5't me. properly mlfled, to me cm f xtforr the 22nd day of January. A. D. '038. and all partita indebted to tbt t?te are required to puy the amoun: f thetr Iryjetotedoena to me forthwltrr NORMAN A. WATT Official Admlnlurator Prince mipert, B C. Dated thla 22nd day of Deaember, A. ' 1937. . ACT I'nlfre. of Intention to Apply to. Leaa tand ;n Prince Rupert Land Betortfloj tetrtot of British Columbia. and att U East of Prince Leboo Ulaod In tudnon Bay Paaa. aoutb cj DuodM ilnd - conapicuoua whlt rock K' isn imarKeq otcnanj. Take notice that Frank. wVtermaa ot "rtrvoe Rupert. B. C occupation Miner ntnd to apply for leaae of the folf wlng described land: -all of a con-pteuoua white rock 85 fee hlgfj. aeo i4 (urroundlna (Rock marked, on hartl. ' Commencfr at a' poat pUnted oi t graaoy rock 200 fevt S. E ot- N. W omer on Northeaat aide thnce C09 eet 8outheirt; thenre 800 feet aoutb-veat thenr 800 fet NorUinrest; trxr4 WO feet Northeaat and conUtotn 18 cres, more or lena. FRANK WATERMAN,- Date1 October 4. 1B37 liAMt. AC1 M'tUe of Intention to Apply to Irate Ijind fn Prince Rupert Iaiiq Reocroing OUtrlct ot B.-JtUh Coluriibla. and. altu tte on ZaifiA I&lAnH rm th V W tv I. , JO vest aid t Zauu mi a Mir. rjr . Mamzazu Point. Take notice that Frank Waterman of I Prince Rupert, 8. C, ootupHtloa Ullie- mtenda to apply for 4 lewe.of'tb owing described hmd: ll of Uia real ff Aramant Point. 1 Oomtnincln a a poat piaated or I he high enuaT mint m ih. an.r. i iide of the reef thence 1800 .feet ffortheaat; thenoe 1500 fet Noriiret hence 1800 feet South wmt- thn. 500 f-t 8outh and caatatnlni SS '.rra. more or lew ? FRANK WATERMAN IX TIIK SITHEME lOI Kf Of HRlflTf I IOI.1.MI1IA IN I'ROItlTr. In the Matter nf the ".WlmlnU.niiloo Art" y Anil In the Matter of the Klate of- r.rn-j fl)llrii..lt. I)e4-eae.l, lnteUle. ', TAKE Kfmrt fKrvf. V.o .J li.. Honor, w . i" nT-tti l& flly u hArtnjt clalnia agalnrt tii Mid ett properly verified, to me on' or befora the l&th rlA nf -Torino a T. and all pattlea Indebted to the'eguta mdtedneia tu m forthwJtb. Official ArImJnUfr.T. . . Prtnoe Rupert. b'.O; Dated the i4th 1n ai tw?L? . VJ Nobody KnocHs The. KNOX The, Food. Is Good. The. Kpomj Are Clari The House is Warm The, Settle friendly The Kates Are Reatdnabl KNOX HOTEL R. Draselj N. M. BriitU THR 3 Thompson Hardware Co. Extends the Seasons vmii5o tu an, 11. -.!- ... coupled witn Vest Wishes for 1938, For a Grand Finish Celebrate the Passing of the Old Year &4 14 FlKST Send a New Year Card. We have a large and splendid, assortment of New Year and Thank You, cards. SECOND IJrinjr in the New Year with a Hanjr. Paper Hat Dozen Serpentine Dozen rolU 240 throwHf ; ConfeUI Dozen packages :5c BalloonsNo. 60, round. Assorted colon, Down V Gross Japanfke Lanterns Very fancy. Bach 39c 3 : Wk NoIi,enwker,( Clappers, horn, et, Dfen 5 Blow Oafu-Horns Dozen c CrackersOnly a few boxes left 25c. J5c. 50c and "it A HAPPY and PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR TO ALL II! More pp More POWER Better Motor Performance THE "KINO" TESTER That Is what you will have after we have .tone over yout ar our "KING" Tester, which Is the last word In equipmcir f .:t (!Ug-nosing motor trouble. Very often the difference between a slow motor and a PEPPY one Is only. a. matter of minor and Inexpensive adjustment If do"" n take much to put a high speed motor "out of line, but It dots take special equipment to, locate the trouble so that it can be remedied', We have the finest equipment obtainable and It eliminate all OUESS WORK. Bring your car tn and get PEP foi ;e et away, and POWER for the hills. RUPERT MOTORS PKINCK ItUI'EllT, B.C. HALIBUT The f ource of Sunshine Vitamins A and D Boiled Halibut digestible, with egg sauce is palatable, satisfying. CANADIAN FISH & COLD STORAGE CO. LTD. Prince Rupert, B.C.