PAGE TWO DAILY EDITION MEN! We Specially Recommend You to SHOES If it be Street or Dress Oxfords or Adjus-Arch Boots there is no finer shoe made in Canada. With our expert foot fitting service we can guarantee the maximum in comfort, style and wear Q Off Priced from, per pair vvl We are agents for Penman's Hosiery "iMosco," the Wonder Corn Cure Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon. Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited, Third Avnue H. F. PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor SUBSCRINION KATES City delivery, by carrier, yearly period, paid in ... . $5.01 Thursday, June 17, 1937 SOMETHING LIKE SPAIN The war between different labor factions in the United States is not much mlierent from the civil war in Spam except that in one case there is mucn slaughter oi innocent people while on this continent there is not actual slaugnter but many innocent people have to suffer and the big industries nave to bear the brunt of the" conflict. The Jabor battle causes much unrest and in some cases is fatal to any expansion of industry which would have helped to bring about more employment and better times generally. We are Inclined to think that the people of this continent will pretty soon refuse to be made the goat in this conflict. A writer in the American Magazine urges that the regulations of a labor union should be set forth clearlv and the leaders should be compelled to live up to them. The! writer of the article suggests the following code: ' Let every labor organization be required, like a cor-! poration to receive a state charter setting forth its rights, obligations and responsibilities. Let every labor organization be required to file annually with a public authority a statement of accounts, so broken down that members of the union and the public may know how the funds are spent. No labor union should be permitted to spend funds for political purposes without the personally confirmed con- sent of the membership and all such expenditures should; ue uiuue DUDiic. The "check-off," the system of deducting union dues from pay envelopes' should be forbidden bv law and both employers and labor leaders should be made liable for its practice. The workers' representatives should be eWtprl nnnnnl. ly, with the right of recall, at a secret, democratic election held for each plant, on the basis of proportional representation. The nVhts of majorities, minorities and individual workers should be made clear and should be fully C. CM. Bicycles! fiet Your C. C. M. Bicycle at GORDON'S HARDWARE We carry a complete stock of Bicycles, Tires and Tubes, and repair parts. WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront United States Navy Due , The last of the trollers from Skidegate Inlet are leaving this week for North Island where big catches of spring salmon are being made. Authentic reports state that the fishing Is better than experienced for many years. Big bright fish are being caught, much larg er than usual and the price being port. THE DAILY NEWS Thursda,. jullB ATI boat Thor called at Ketchikan to j UNITED EMPIRE LOYALISTS enable John Larsen, a member of i MEET IS VANCOUVER the crew who was formerly on the I Mermafcf. to appear before Immigration authorities to answer formal questions which he had over- looked ori arrlvlne at Seattle re- Dald by the buyers Is such that the 'dlesel engine. .Both vessels-will be fishermen are pleased at the pros- i operated in the fisheries this sea- pects of a very successful year. Making her first voyage on sum mer scneduie between reince ku-i son. In the course of a northern training cruise, two United States pert and Vancouver via the Queen Nayy destroyers, Charlotte Islands. C. N.'R. steamer, are due in port Fox and Brooks, tomorrow for a Prince Charles, Capt. James Watt, stfly which will extend unUl Mon-arrlved In port at 7:30 this morn-'day- LIeut- Commander C. L. Sur-ing and will be here until 10 o'-, ran n command of the clock Saturday night when shs will Fox and Ll.e.ut. W W. Cone, the all on her return south over the j Brooks. . . ?ame route. The Prince Charles ; '. : brought In several tourist passen-', Prince. rRupert Fishermen's gers who will transfer tomorrow to J Co-operatlvfe packer Ogden Is in the steamer Prince George to make : Prt todajt .with 450O pounds of the trip to Anyox and Stewart and salmon from Banks Island and thence back to Vancouver. A num- "uu Punas:. irom squaaaree. rne ber will leave the Prince George Azume is m wun j.uuu pounas Saturday night after coming north from Dimdas and icoo pounds. from Vancouver on that vessel and Irum .-ine irouer Auons, making the Anyox-Stewart trip to CaPl- A- Jchansen, arrived with proceed south via the Islands on 4-800 pounds, fdr which the usual the Prince Charles. , advance oi vc ana oc was pam. Seven halibut vessels sold Tonight's train, due from the catches totalling 127,000 pounds at east at 10.45( was reported this Seattle yesterday as follows: Re-1 morning to be on time. public, 28,000 pounds, 87nC and 8c; j ' Neptune, 35,000, McCallum, 9C' - and 8c; Faith, 10,000, Washington,' 9c and 8c; Angelus, 16,000, 'Booth, j O'sc and 8c; Yaquina, 17,500, San1 Juan, 9'8c and 8c; Summit, 12,000, Dressel-Colllns, 8V4C and 8c; Ber-' 9,000, Whiz. 9V4c and 8c. 1 jtha, The Seattle halibut boat Mermaid was relieved of the liability of having to pay a $1000- fine to the United States immigration . authoriUes yesterday when the New Laundry Cor. Fifth Ave. & McBrlde St. DAMP WASH 10 lbs, 50g THRIFTY Wearing Apparel Damp Flatwork Ironed 10 lbs. 75c Over 10 lbs. 6c per lb. ROUGH DRY Wearing Apparel Dry Flatwork Ironed 10 lbs. $1.00 Over 10 lbs. 8c per lb. Finished Shirts, 15c ea. 746 Phones 858 Hyde Transfer Phone 580 DRY WOOD JASPER COAL Furniture Moving Light Delivery 315 SECOND AVE. mzsmmmm:. man ninim VANCOUVER, June 17: (CP) United Empire Loyalists, spanning a continent in distance and a cen- Trollinj Reported Good ai orih I cently aboard' the Mermaid after ajtury and a half in years, met In Island Tourist Season Opent (call had been made at a Canadian tnls west coast cjty to pledge anew their allegiance to the British ' . . il I Tnn nTO oiio hniihnt Vw,t mrone ana uie new ivmB, u6c will be turned out the latter part VI. Commemorating the 154th an-cf this month frpm the W, R, niversary of the arrival of th first MencWons shipyard u. Vancouver. rrvoiUsis n New Brunswick, the', one, mc Joan v. n, nas oeen built for James Fidler and Is 70 feet long; with a 120 h.p. dle&l engine. The. other, named B. C. Clipper, Is being built for Martin Dyke and Is C7 feet long with a 100 .h.p. meeting was sponsored by the Van- j eouver Bransh of the United Em- plre Loyalists Association of Can ada. THE SAFE, SENSIBLE WAY TO RELIEVE CONSTIPATION Every one knows the dangers of constipation. Pills and dmga usually bring only temporary relief. That's because common constipation is due to meals low in "bulk." Kellogft's All-Bran contains "bulk" that does, not break down in the body as does that of many leafy .vegetables. All-Bran absorbs twice its weight in water and forms a soft mass that gently sponges the intestines. Kellogg's All-Bran is a food not a medicine. In addition to "bulk" it gives vitamin B to tone up the system, and Iron for Uie blood. It Is a healthful way to get rid of constipation and all its evils. Eat two tablespoonfuls dally with milk or cream three times a day in severe cases. Or use it in making bran, muffins, breads, in salads 6r soups. Guaranteed by Kellogg in London. SAVES CARBON SCRAPES SAVES GASOLINE SAVES OIL DRAINS il SAVES MOTOR REPAIRS wm They're Striking ! You'll be able to et in on thb'fun and brihr 'em in with our tested lures and tackle. Come on in and let us plan that fishing, trip! ECTf-,: " ' h ' LINES 15c to $5.95 The Central Hotel ROOMS and CAFK Phone 51 For Best Household Coal MRS. C. E. BLACK RODS 85c to $14.50 REELS 25c to $4.95 KAIEN HARDWARE CO. Telephone 3 Fresh Local Raw And Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 857 It Is 100 Pure paraffin-base. Gives you better lubrication ftlttf freedom from carbon knocks! FIRST, Triton motor oil uvct on carbon tcrapei and other upktrp expense caused by carbon. It actually cleans out carbon at you Jn're... forms to little new carbon that old 'carbon deposits burn, perl off, and blow out the exhaust. Thus it stops carbon knocks, gives smoother, more efficient operation. SECOND, Triton saves on gasoline be. cause it allows correct, advanced setting of spark-without carbon "ping." You get maximum power and efficiency from your motor extra mileage from every tankful of gasoline. THIRD, Triton saves on oil because it hat extreme resistance to "breaking down . '" wutraiing conaitions. it IS safe, fulf.b odied lubricant Ions after most oils are worn out. You can run Triton longer nitli safely, FOURTH, Triton saves, on motor, wear. Scores of truck and automobile fleet op' erators, who keep accurate cost records, report Triton lengthens the time between overhauls, minimize' repair work, means fewer valve grinds, longer engine life1. WHY TRITON DOES ALL THIS? Triton has these- unusuaf qualifies because i is Propane-Solvent refined! 100 PURE paraffin-bate, 100 PURE lubricant free from 'harmful carbon and sludge-forming, non-lubricating materials. Try Triton next time you' buy oil. Enjoy a brltr r-running car, Say money! Over 300 stations in, Western Canada sell Triton. . , UNION OIL COMPANY OF CANADA LTD. 100o PURE PARAFFIN-BASE