1 i PAGE FOUR The Latest Styles in 1937 BATH1N G CAPS A large assortment to choose from Prices from 10 cents to 75 cents Relieve That Sunburn with The new medicated greaseless skin cream A guaranteed preparation Per jar, 75 cents Ormes Ltd. "Jfttt JPtontcr DrviQists The Kexill Store Phones: 81 & 82 Open Daily From 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays From 12 noon till 2 p.m., 7 p.m. till 9 p.m. D. Elio Furniture Exchange MOOSE BUILDING, THIRD AVE. Phone Green 916 Baggage Suit Cases, from $1.50 to $5.50 Trunks, from . . $9.50 to $18.00 Wardrobes, from . ... .$14.50 to $37.50 USED GOODS Reds, Dining Room Suite, Chairs, Table, Refrigerators, Kitchen Ranges, 50 Feet Fire Hose, 30 Gallon Water Boiler, English Prams, Organ (good make), Gramaphones, Records, Violin, Tenor Banjo, Books, Singer Sewing Machine. Good Set of Books the National Encyclopedia, Teacher's Encyclopedia and Book of Knowledge. TO THE HOUSEWIFE: Have you started spring cleaning? You may have furniture, crockery, utensils, luggage, blankets, suits, clothes, etc. you wish to get rid of. ELIO'S Trade-in Call Green 19 16 We Buy Everything We Sell Everything CALL GREEN 916 D. ELIO FURNITURE EXCHANGE Moose Building, Third Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. Hours: Daily from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. If you lose anything, try a classified ad. TUB DAILY N&Wti PEACE RIVER VANDERHOOF there. Andrew Chalmers, Telegraph operator at Dawson Creek, has left for a six weeks' motor trip to Hot Springs, Arkansas. C. E. McWha of Pouce Coupe Is in charge at Dawson Creek during his absence. Rev. Canon T. D. Proctor has re turned to Dawson Creek after a 1 The town council of Dawson i A eovernment liouor store nas Creek in the Peace River Block is been opened at Vanderhoof in the making considerable improvements! old Royal Bank building heie. The to the streets. New sidewalks are . vendor Is George Steele wno is De being laid, trees planted, grading done and ditches cleared. ' William McLeod of Port St. John, O. W. Bennett of the Sunnynook Dairy in Dawson Creek is seriously ill In St. Joseph's Hospital in Ed monton. at Grande Prairie. Baseball Scores j American League 8t. Louis 3, Philadelphia 2. Cleveland 1, New York 4. Chicago 2, Boston 3. Detroit 1, Washington 2 (12 Ins.). National League New York 5," Pittsburg 4. Philadelphia 6, St. Louis 7. Boston at Chicago and Brooklyn at Cincinnati, postponed on account of rain. CLEAN FALSE TEETH -GET RID OF STAINS New Eatjr Way No Bruthing Stera-Kleen. amazing new dlteorery, remove! blacknt italna, tarolih, tartar lik. made. Juit put ialae tth or bridge. In a El. ia of water and add Stera-Kleen powder. N mei.y bruihlna. Recommended bf den. tl.t. approved by Good Ilouiekeeplng. At all drugrLtt. Money back it not delighted. SOMETHING NEW! DANCE BOSTON HALL Tonight, June 17, 10 to 2 Adm: Gents, 50c; Ladles, 25c FOUR ACES SWING ORCHESTRA From Edmonton with all the latest dance tunes Ing instructed in his duties by C. R. Ferry of Prince George. Thirty-five thousand letters from who recently went to Mayo Clinic 1 all parts of the world were included at Rochester, Minn., to.be operated upon, passed away there. Mr. McLeod, who was 37 years of age, was a farmer and trapper. The body was returned to Fort St. John for burial. Final returns for Peace River riding as a result of the recent provincial election showed the following figures; Braden. Liberal, 1172; Bumstead, C. C. F., 900; Har-greaves, Conservative, 434; Planta, Independent, 231. No. 1 Northern wheat Is being In the first flight recently of the new air mail service from Prince George to Fort St. James, Takla Landing and Manson Creek. There are weekly flights from Prince George each Wednesday morning. The annual Nechako Valley public schools sports meet took place In Vanderhoof last Saturday with contestants and spectators from all parts of the Nechako Valley. Mrs. A. M. Embley and son, Thomas, and daughters, Jessie and Amy, have left by motor for Van- paid 9iy2c per bushel in the Peace jcouver for a visit. mver uiucK. me nog untc , Dawson Creek is $7.30. The Vanderhoof RoarH at Trnrip nt and District a meeting on Manager Mitchell of the electric Tuesday nbtht of this week, dis power plant at Peace River, Alta., CUSsed, among other matters, the was a recent visitor to Dawson possibility of having a hospital Creek looking over the situation ; established at Vanderhoof. There was a large attendance of members at the meeting. Fort Fraser girls Government I beat Vanderhoof girls 19 to 12 In baseball. Mr. and Mrs. Luke G. Norman of the Mud River district spent last week In Vanderhoof. Robert Reld visited Fraser and Fort St. week. ' .Chicago s 28 Cleveland 26 n n c ! n v 01 tr nnA OV.I1 V,l W. .. . ... a.iu s. imw.u '""VWnchlnBtnn returned to their home at Little nwii-j-r-i,!- ;St. Louis both Fort James this two months' trip to England where he was called In connection with 1 Olney J. Reld, after superintend-the settlement of his father's Ing the construction of a fine house estate. tat ort st James for Mr. and Mrs. 1 C. F. de Ganahl of New York, has Major L. Bullock-Webster, an returned to his home at Chllco. Mr. jarly resident of Prince Rupert and Mrs. de Ganahl are expected and more recently located in Vic- shortly to take up residence. torla, has been a recent visitor to the Peace River Block in connection with the organization of a musical festival. Constable John S. Clark of the provincial police at Fort Nelson expects to be transferred to the Kootenays in the hear future. Mrs. Clark is. at present visiting In A. J. Smith of Macdonald's Con solidated has arrived in Dawson Creek from Jasper, taking the place at Dawson Creek of David Shaw who has gone to Edmonton. Rev. and Mrs. W. B. Mcintosh were here last Friday on their way I back to Smithers after attending' jthe United Church Conference in Vancouver. They looked up a number of old friends. William Tingley is proceeding with the" putting in of a cement foundation for the new Steen building at the corner of Burrard : Avenue and Stewart Street. Baseball Standings , (Including yeiterday's games) I National League Harry Lome of the Dawson Co- w t operative union is spenaing a iwo Chicago ... .31 weeks' vacation visiting at Spirit jjew York 32 River with relatives. at, tu 90 Pittsburg 27 Morris Stewart has Joined the Rrooklvn 21 service of the B. A. Oil in Dawson Boston 20 Creek in place of C. Kitchen Jr Phiinripinhia 10 who has taken a position in the r-inHnmti 1 co-operative store. American League New York 30 Detroit 30 21 18 17 FOR SALE FOR SALE Cabin Phone Blue 801. at 19 20 20 22 25 28 31 31 FOR RENT 18 21 21 21 22 29 29 30 Pet.' .620 .615 .583 .551' .457 .417 .380 .367 .625 .588' Salt Lakes. (141) FOR SALE Camp at Salt Apply Wallace's.' Lakes. (143) COAL Nanaimo-Welllngton for furnace and heater. Alberta Egg soouess, for the kitcnen range. Albert & McCaffery, Phone 116 or 117. (tt) FOR RENT Seven-room house, sun room and glass protected porch, with electric range, furnace, good garden, one of finest harbor views In city. Apply to Pullen, Dally News. (tf) PIONEER CARPENTER Will examine your buildings, give estimates on all repairs and plans drawn free of charge. Phone Black 442 or drop me a card, general de livery. A. ILJMcPherson II DEMERS Mid-Summer Sale STARTS FRIDAY, JUNE 18th, AX 9 A.M. COATS f SUITS I HATS Reg. $15.00 to $17.50 Reg. $16.50 to $19.50 BmS!5 SALE PRICE $9.95 SALE PRICE, $11.95 SALE PRICE, $1.75 DRESSES Pastel Dresses Evenig Dresses 5a? prYcV Ueg- $7'95 t0 $10J5 af mk SALE f PRICE $5.9a SALE PRICE $5.95 , v 1T : Cotton Dresses House Dresses SHOES R- w to $2.95 Reg. to $1,50, at $1 00 SALE PRICE $2.19 R $g 00 at Reg. $1.9o, at $1.49 R( $3 ?5; R . - - Reg. $3.25, at $2.59 rolo oiiirts and BloUSeS Overshoes, $1.19 I If :i D1 Lace Knit Blouses Reg. $3.25, at $2.69 Reg. $2.50, at $1.95 Tennis Shoes Spcc,al89c SKIRTS RcK $1,30' at 51,29 Botwing ft Special Clearing Raincapes Keg. $2 .50, so' at !J.1J $2 19 r 5 Reg. $2.95, at $2.19 Lines m Hosiery - , C1 0 CL olacks & bhorts Reg. $1.00, at soc Jackets $ Keg. 75c, at 69c ; "n o5-' In2-75 at Keg. $1.2o, at $9oc - Knitted Outwear Lingerie Specials U10VeS at Slips... S9c Rcg- ao' at mc Special Prices : Pantie Sets : nlics- 65c p Pure Silk Crepe de DraSSiereS T 11 V'l Chine and Satin Reg. 50c, at 39c I ravelling MlS $1.49 Girdles, $1.25, at 98c Reg. $1.00, at 79c mi TERMS CASH Week-End Specials SELVIG'S Swansdown for 57lf Dried Peaches .553 .488 .420 .383 . 362 per lb. Cake Flour- Salad Time Dressing 12 oz. Asparagus Tips White l's Campbell's Vegetable Soup per tin Prunes Santa Clara 2 lbs Toilet Tissue Canadian 3 rolls P. &i O. Soap 6 bars Ammonia Supreme per bottle Puffed Wheat , 2 pkgs Corn Starch per pkg. Nabob Tomatoes 22'S Orapenut Flakes 2 pkgs For Service Phone 765 FREE DELIVERY 33c 15c 22c 22c 11c 21c 10c 22c 12c 25c 11c 13c 25c COAL TO PLEASE. EVERYBODY Satisfaction Guaranteed FAMOUS EDSON ALBERTA COAL BULKLEY VALLEY COAL VANCOUVER ISLAND COAL PRINCE RUPERT FEED COMPANY PHONE! SI and 851 Try a Dally News want-ad. NO REFUNDS NO APPROVAL DE LUXE ICE CREAM The cream supreme, manufactured by Commodore Cafe fresh daily Ice Cream is Brain Food It also ha all the nutritive values Why not treat your family and your friends to a gallon? Only $1.45 Cheaper still in five gallon lots We pack it in ice and deliver It to ydur door all. day up to 6 pm. You can use it at your convenience.. Use it for your bridge party or any social event. Don't forgetr-only $1.45 per gallon Quart cylinders . . . .60c Quart bricks 7 Pint cylinders 30c Pint bricks lflc Surprise, the folks today,, call and take some i home COMMODORE CAFE Phone 17 Don't forget our Special Sunday Chicken' Dinner, with all the trimmings, 50c only. Treat your wife and family to a Sunday amner tnese not days. HALIBUT The source of Sunshine Vitamins A and D Boiled Halibut with egg sauce is digestible, palatable, satisfying. CANADIAN FISH & GOLD STORAGE CO. LTD. Prince Rupert, B.C. FC Can. NE A li iORooi Pi phone h plat lonon. I.M m ko the Lttent' least l tuning Gt rechn SEA Fa iFii