Thursday, J"nq 17, 1037 FLOWERS AT FUNERAL iwip mm tlon, Dally News and staff, Cath and Charlie, A. Mather Pryce, Nell Macdonald, Jack Mowat, Mr. and I vj . ivuuuuuam, mi. aim iviid. ii. a. Kocncstcr, Mr. and Mrs. E. O, lAves, Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Peacock 1 and famllv. Mr. and Mrs. L. Ross. rlmir ocais j l"" . f..4..t.. t F.mnrww TTnti. finnr. nnH Mrc Oi. Manv Cars Loaded miston, Wm. Miller, Mr. and Mrs C. O. Minns, Mr. and Mrs. J. Boyd, a huge number ! There were B Mr and Mfs the Itinera i of the late at nowcrs Mf and Mrg T UcMcckn B.D. Macdonald yesterday. ThCjB Mf and Mfs E y ! I1 S,! rXpatrick. Mr. and Mrs. J. Simp- terlan uiuiui " son, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. H. Stewart, them- and several cars were used Mr . Mr them to the ccmc- transporting Mccormack," and' B MfS R Mr. Mrs. tery. Following ws muk wuw aUot and famUyi Mf and Mr$ sent tosens. I J. R. Murray and Johnny, Members Mr. and Mrs. C. H. The Family, of the sti . Andrew., Soclety( the 0rmc .Victoria. B.C.), Mr. and offlcer Commandlngi N c Q.s Mrs. J S. Irvine and family, Mr. and Mcn Qf the Q c pol,ce at th and Mrs. Max Hellbroner, Maxlne Ponrt Hniiw and t.ho flump rh- ,nd Bessie, Evening Empire Ltd., partmenti Mr and Mrs. w, Reld Mr, and Mrs. M. M. McLachlan, R h A s H n . . r N prince Rupert Trades & Labor Recreatlon Ass-n Mr and Mrs D. Council, Mr. ana Mrs. J. naaaen, c Schubert and fami!v. Member Angus, Malcolm, Lena and James of Prlnce Rupert Flre Department, Bcvan (KamlOOps, B.C.), Mr. and PrInpe nnnprt Foothall Association. Mrs. J, O. Sleen, Nursing Staff of pe(tgy and David Barclayi Rupcrt Prince Rupert General Hospital, Canadian Legion, Mr. and Mrs. ;Mr and Mrs j j Glllls and fam. Frank Dibb and George. Mr. and' ,,y( Mr and Mrs w H Toby and Mrs. wm. urass ana iamny, mi. am., M, and Mrs sherman lr. and Mrs, G. W. Abbott, The Cana- and zm, Mr, j c McLennan and dian Brotherhood of Railway Em- j Reld L. McLennan, May and Andy jloyees, United Brotherhood of and famllv. Mr and Mrs. t. H Carpenters and Jolnsrs. Mr. and:Kelly (Longvlew, Wash.), Mr. and Mrs. Horace uunamei, Mrs. m. mc- Mrs w H sherman srH Mr. and Leod and family. Mr. and Mrs. T. , Mrs oeoree James and famllv. Mr, Collart, Philip M. Ray, Prince Ru- and Mrs Algy Hunter, Mr. and Mrs. pert General iiospnai uoara, , McClymont, Fish Packers Union, Tstmpsean Loage no. sb, a. . a. Mr and Mrs j M- camnbell. Mr, M. Phil and Alan. Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs Aex McKenzle, Mr. and 0.V wiiKmson, The Vancouver- Mrg T B Black Mr and Mrs Van Xroct rrt 1 n etor nicrrlrT Trarttt ...... i, , James Black. Mr. and Mrs. Jock ft Lauui vuuiivii iijra aitu Mr, and Mrs. V. M, Watts, Prince Watson and Kay. Mr. ana Mrs. J, Mr. and Mrs. W. Murray and Don na, Mr. and Mrs. J.-L. Macintosh and Mary Sim, Muriel Brewerton, Mr. and Mrs. II. K. Chrlstensen, A. j O. Franks and family, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Klllin, Linzey & Davles, Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Valentine and family, Mr. and Mrs. M. T. Lee and family, Nora Arnold, Dr. and Mrs. Hankinson, Miss S. A. Mills, Olof Hanson M.P. and Mrs. Hanson, Mr. and Mrs. A. Brooksbank, Mr. and Mrs. C. G. R. Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. A. Comadlna and family, Manager and Staff of Capitol Theatre, Mrs. Jenny McLcod (New York City), Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Mc- Callum, Judge and Mrs. Fisher and Mrs. Chas. Balagno, Mr. and Mrs. Mr P. McCaffery and family, Mr. and Mrs. W. Whlffin and family, Mr. and Mrs. John Gurvich and family, Mr. and Mrs. Wright Davles and Herbert, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Brown, Jack, May and Molllc, Mr. and Mrs. George Scott and Jean, Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Wilson and family (Inverness CanV-ery), Mr. and Mrs. II. T. Cross and family, Jack Campbell (Powell River, B.C.), Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Nlcholls. Mr. and Mrs. John Manson, Mr. and Mrs. George Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. A. Finnle, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Men-zies and family, Ex-Alderman John Currie and family, Mrs. C. V. Su therland, Prince Rupert Typo graphical Union, Prince Rupert Pioneers Association, Prince Ru-oert Badminton Club, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Little, Mr. and Mrs. G. Clccone, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Matheson, Mr. ind Mrs. J. R. Mitchell, Irene and "arollne. International Union of Operating Engineers, F. Dalby, "Cvelyn and Stan, Mr. and Mrs Montesano. Mr. and Mrs. Murdo McArthur, Mr. and Mrs. Vander sluys, Mr. and Mrs. G. P. Tinker Employees of Prince Rupert Dry Dock, Michael Montesano, Deep Sea Fishermen's Union, Mr. and Mrs. F. Derry and Jean, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rodgers. Shenton's Sheet Metal Works, Walter Johnson, Halibut Marketing Board, Mr. and Mrs. Angelo Astoria, Mr. and Mrs Howard Steen and family, Dla mond Jubilee Celebration Commit Rupert Longshoremen's Associa-,K. Murray and David, P. Cravettb, tee, Members of His Most Gracious NO C. O. D.'s Sale starts Friday 9 a.m. Federal Block We PAGE THREE THE DAILY NEWS Majesty King George VI Coronation Committee. Margaret Stalker, Miss Joan Hallett, Baseball Asso ciation, Doug. Frlzzeii, Mr. ana Mrs. R. G. Macauiey, Rupert Butchers, R. T. J. Rose and family,) Mr. and Mrs. Art Nlckerson, Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Nlctarson and Gene,' Mr. and Mrs. Denny Allen and family. Mrs. Dowther and Miss Wafcon, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Camp-. bell and Jack, Brenda, George- S. Russell lLongview, Wash.), Mr. and Mrs. James Parks and family, i Mr. and Mrs. N. Mussallem and' family, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Moore ; and family. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Olson, Mr. and Mrs. George W. family, Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Brown, Nlckerson, C. N. Lawn Bowling W. J. Raymond. Mr. and Mrs. , Club, Local Electrical Workers No. Frank Vlckers and Edna, Mr. and 344, Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Currle, Ranee & Hardy, Basketball Asso ciation, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Mc-Leod, Jcaq Stalker and Bessie Campbell, Mr. and Mrs, E, J. Smith, Dr. J. F. Maguire. Mr. and Mrs. George Eckerman, Mr. and Mrs. P. R. Harris, Mr. and Mrs, II. 'J. Kennedy, Mr. and Mrs. S. A Benwell, Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Bar- , ' clay and Mrs. Ross MacKay, Prince Rupert Dry Dock and Shipyard, Mr. and Mrs. G. A. McMillan, Mr, and Mrs. A. J. Lancaster, Mrs. k. J. D. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. G, W. Johnstone and family, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Frizzell, Government Agent, Assessor and Collector's Staff, Buckley Market, T. W. Hall, Mr. and Mrs. B. Dalgarno and family, Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Thorn-; son and Frances, Norman and Florence Watt, Mr. and Mrs.' Geo. Frlzzeii, Northern B. C. Power Co. Ltd., Mr. and Mrs. Splro Gurvich, Mr. and Mrs. Allistone, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Macey, Mr. and Mrs. D., McKenzie and family. Mr. and Mrs. : G. Hill, Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Ste- ohens, Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Jenner.j Tommy, Jessie and kiddles, Mr., and Mrs. D. C. Stuart, Shlela and' Jimmy, Mr. and Mrs. John Brem-. ner and family and Margaret and : Tan. 1 LIKES SPEEDWAY RACING : i LONDON, June 17;. (CP) Prince B.ernhard of Germany, husband of Holland's Princes Juliana, before, "eturnlng home frorrit the Coronation, raced around: Brooklands speedway at 100 miles per hour. 1 MAKES ICE CREAM Nsrz&r tat x r iwMw vv freezer try making it with Carnation V,'M finrl it even more temDtintr, ricner and smoother and more economical. Carnation is twice as rich as ordinary milk, every drop contains an equal share of cream, all the food value of the original wholemilk is retained. It keeps well because it is sterilised. These same virtues make it an ideal food for bottle-fed babies and for growing children. Carnation is unusually digestible, and is irradiated supplying extra "sunshine" vitamin D. Carnation is the evaporated milk the Dionne Quintuplets use. Write for the gorgeously illustrated Carnation Cook Book. A host of ideas and recipes for 10c, coin or stamps. Addrest Carnation Company Limited, "Abbott Street, Vancouver. i f' Vm - - adK, " tTF.TIIF.R vmi make ice cream in an electric refrigerator or in a hand IRRADIATED mm Carnation Milk A CANADIAN PRODUCT Over O Everything Must be Sold Prices Slashed LARGEST STOCK OF LADIES' WEAR IN NORTHERN B. C. TO BE SACRIFICED " FROM CONTENTED COWS" ll ll (St Lease Heads) Annette Ladies' Wear Co NO Charges - i i Sale starts I Friday I 9 a.m. I 3rd Avenue