(8 A.M.) Prince Rupert Fair, northeast wind; barometer, sea imootli. Vol. XXVI.. No. 140. Hundreds of Thousands Arc Read Out of Communist Party as Most Drastic Clean-up On. j Record Roes Ahead i MOSCOW, June 17.: (CP) Suicide of Alexander Cher-' viakoff, president of the White Russian Soviet Republic, hundreds of arrests and removal of hundreds of thousands from the Communist party all were announced by the government today as the greatest political purge in Rurslan history went forward. The government said that Chervlakoff tiy niTf nnirT had killed himself for family rea- MSN r Hal T. i son but his death follows his de nunclatlon in a Communist party meeting, the arrest of forty-five of his colleaees for treason and the execution of the former White Russian garrison. SEES HUGE CROP LOSS Immediate Rain Will be Only Sal. vatlon For Southern Saskat-chewan, Dctlares Minister REGINA, June 17:-Hon. George Sj:rnce. minister of public works, 6 :':ucd yesterday that seven mll-l.sn acres of crops In Southern S: katchewan were doomed to de nt uctlon unless rain came Immediately to relieve the long, hot. dry spell, Diplomatic Action Will Depend Upon Expert's Findings WASHINGTON. D.C.. June 17: 'CP A United States Department of State agent will leave within two weeks for the Pacific Coast and Ala.;ka to Investigate reports of Japanese fishing boats operating outside of American' territorial waters waters off oil Alaska Aiasica and ana threatening SETTLED ON, Sockeye Bringing More This Year Than Last Agreement Between Operators And Fishermen The price of gillnet sockeye on' , the Skccna and Naas Rivers as of- j Ificlally announced yesterday, at '47 V2c per fish Is 2 Vic more than in j 1936. This Is the price that has Ibeen asreed upon between the' cannery operators and the fisher-; men's organizations. I The complete schedule-of prices! to be nald .bv operators for all varieties of salmon caught in Bri- 1 tlsh Columbia coast waters this T . 1 .-.111 t eason is now announces unmet prices, the last to be announced, complete the schedule which shows a ten percent increase on cohoel prices and a five percent increase' on other varieties as compared with last year. An innovation this season is the payment on a "per pound basis for gillnet sockeye caught in the area from Milbank Sound to Cape caution in District No. 2, the price being 7 Vic per pound. This will eliminate the former differential be tween Smith's Inlet and Rivers Inlet sockeye which amounted to five cents per fish on a piece basis. The price for sockeye in the Skeena and Naas River areas remains on a piece basis. Prices for chums, red springs, $34.69 yesterday BAR SILVER Ja T IK NEW YORK (CP) Bar silver was unchanged at 443,4c per1 ounce Duke and Mrs. Warfield Wed At the Chateau ck; Cande at Monts, France, the Duke of Windsor was married to Mrs. Wallls Warfield on June 3. the date of his late father's birthday. No memb:r of the British Royal Family attended the wedding. In this pi -lure the Duke and his bride arc pictured together at the Chateau de Cande. Lives Saved By Stomach Pumps Prompt Action Results in Victims Of Ptomaine Poisoning Being Still Alive EDMONTON, June 17: Prompt action in an Edmonton hosptial yesterday with stomach pumps" resulted in the saving of the lives of Transferred To New Westminster Rev. E. J. North, pastor of the ,ocal Pentecostal Assembly for the past three years, has resigned and, with Mrs. North, w;ll be leaving on five neople who had been stricken Tuesday next for Vancouver and ! ,ack sprinRs and white- springs are , ,th ptomaine poisoning after eat-' New Westminster to attend the ine Salmon Industry OI anaoa. the for gillnet inM-. nnri and seine seine and and;, Jl.-i Unnint annual conference rnnronro and nnrt rnmn camp and the United States. His Iina-in-s will determine if the situation warrants diplomatic action. LOUIS IS . CONFIDENT Thinks He Will be Able to Topple Braddock Wants Bout With Scllmeling CHICAGO,. .Jupe 17: There will be no long count in the world's heavyweight boxing championship bout between James J. Braddock and Joe Louis in Chicago next Tuesday. The possibility of a foul decision has also been removed through agreement. Confident that he will be able to ilH. the crown from Braddock's brow. Louis said yesterday that ho desired at least one more fight af ter this one with Max Schmcllng 'or revenge. The Detroit Bomber suggested that there might be a I'Rht with Schmellng in Septem ber. same apply In all areas. They are: Red springs over 12 pounds, 52'2c; under 12 pounds, 27c per fish. Chums. Jack springs and white springs. 51 Vic per fish. Prices for other seine-caught varieties have been previously King Gustav Ing head cheese. SVPtlfV-NmPl iedcral government to nmc ocveiiiy flnanclnK the work de Beloved Monarch of Sweden in Ex cellent Health Plays Dally Game of Tennis STOCKHOLM, Sweden, June 17: King Gustav V.. beloved monarch of Sweden, celebrated his seventy-ninth birthday yesterday. He was In the best of health and, as usual, played his dally game of tennis. CANADIAN GOLD MICE MONTREAL. June 17:-Thc Ca LOAN FOR ABERHART Alberta Premier Looks to Ottawa For Assistance in Koad Building Program EDMONTON. June 17: Willi a view to obtaining a loan from the assist In details of a new provincial road construction program have been sent to Ottawa for approval, Premier William Aberhart announces. Vancouver Wheat VANCOUVER, June 17: (CP) Wheat was quoted at $1.20'2 on the Vancouver market yesterday and at $1.20 today. New York metal market to- nadian gold price was down lcat on the.: meeting. Rev. R. J. White of Salmon Arm has accepted the call to ;hc local assembly here and will arrive some time In July. Rev. and Mrs. North will visit Mrs. North's mother at Qrand Forks before taking over the new pastorate. Sunday evening will be the farewell service conducted by Rev. North. CONVICTIONS ARE QUASHED Air. and Mrs. Hogarth of Vancouver Freed in "Knock-Out Drop" Case VANCOUVER, June 17: Thci British Columbia Court, of Appeal yesterday quashed convictions against Mr. and Mrs. Hogarth who had been convicted of manslaughter In connection with the notorious local "knock-out drop" case. Hogarth had been sentenced to two and a half years' imprlson- .ment and his wife to two. years. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., THURSDAY, JUNE 17, 1937 New Dock At Ocean Falls Contract For Work Amounting To $200,000is Let by Pacific Mills The Northern Construction Co." and J. W. Stewart Ltd. of Vancou-i ver has been awarded the contract and 6.5c, TODAY'S BASERALL National League Boston at Chlcagd and New York at Pittsburg, postponed, rain. American League Cleveland 7, New York S. High Low . MEDIATE STEEL STRIKE CLEVELAND Threats of 'a sit-down strike in the great 'steel mills of Mahoning Valley in Ohio developed today as Frances Perkins, United States Secretary of Labor, announced the appointment of a three-man board to mediate the long strike deadlock. Halibut Sales American Howard B 17,000, Cold Storage, 8.2c and 6.5c. Remus, 11,000, Cold Storage, Cc by Pacific Mills Ltd. for the erec-i Canadian tlon of a $200,000 dock and ware- skeena M.', 8,000, Booth, 7.5c and house at Ocean Falls and work on , 5.5c. the project is to begin at once. ! Cape Spear, ll,500v Atlin, 7.1c ' The warehouse will measure 220 and 5.5c. by 170 feet and will be erected on ! pile foundations. It will be a wood-jen structure two storeys In height. I The dock will be 290 by 50 feet and equipment will Include an elevator. There will be dredging in the vl-! clnlty of the dock. Cape Race, 4,500, Booth, 7.2c and 5.5c. Soa Maid, 12,000, Pacific, 7.3c and 5.5c. Pair of Jacks, 14,000, Cold Stor age, 7.3c and 5.5c. SEEK FUNDS FOR PLAQUE REGINA. June 17: (CP) The Saskatchewan Historical Society .. 9:46 a.m. 15.4 ft. 21:41 p.m. 18.5 ft. .. 3:31 a.m. 7.0 ft. 15:10 pjn. 9.0 ft. PRICE: 5! CENTS Ge tral Evacuation Of Bilbao On 5 "sff. . , tr- - - V V, - - L - m Great Kussian Political Purge Proceeds Starving Women and . 1 TTZn . Jrr w T?n mirm a crn ic . ' ". Children Blocked By President or White Soviet Suicides and Hundreds Arrested an ACQUITTED Advancing Insurgents Former Foreman of iiedicy Amai- Scenes of Horror as Basque Capital Falls to Rebels- caniatcd is Freed on charge Italian Steamer is Reported Bombarded of conspiracy By Loyalists rZTS L? HENDAYE,. France June 17: (Cl'l-Oilumna of Hcdiey Amalgamated mine, was smoke seen rising from Bilbao today indicated that the dismissed in police court here yes- defenders might burn the city before permitting the in terday on a charge of conspiracy. surgents to enter. Refugees from the Basque capital re- simiiar charges against p other 1)0rted that distribution of food had ceased and that tormer officials of the company, J, , , . m, . , , , , , Russell' Barker, president and thousands were starving. The insurgents reported today managing director, and William Cox. superintendent, have been adjourned. The charges arise out of alleged salting of ore samples from hte Hed'ey Amalgamated Gold Mines property. The cases are being heard by Police Magistrate H. S. Wood. Will Operate Forest Camps I Special F.mployment Again to Be Given Young British Columbia JVIen in Woods VICTORIA.- June 17: Hon. George S" Pearson, provincial" minister or laboranrtou need ay dferdiy- that provincial forestry training camps for young men otherwise unemployed will be operated for the third season this year in British Columbia. There will be such camps at 24 points in the province. The rate of pay will be $1.75 per day with 75c deducted for board. CHAMPION OF LABOR Chairman of United States House Committee Dies at Washington WASHINGTON, D.C, June 17: (CP) William P. Conncry, chalr- Pcntccostal Pastor Here Leaving man or ine united states nouse oi Successor Named Representatives labor committee: and champion of labor legislation r of varous kinds, died suddenly late Tuesday. I Blum Gov't ! Wins Vote I . PARIS, June 17: The gov- ernment of Premier Leon Blum won what amounted to a vote of confidence In the Chamber of Deputies last night when its demand for extra financial powers was ac- ceded to. A red defection, which had promised to precipitate a crisis, was healed. Late Telegraphs AMELIA AT CALCUTTA i annua harhart Puiium landed her round the world plane here today after a UuJ-niile hop across India from Karachi. SCREEN STARS WEI) HOLLYWOOD Hollywood's perfect pair, Jeanctte Macdonald and Gene Raymond, began married life at some secret spot today after a wedding which shattered every movie colony record for excitement, extravagance and mob scenes. Friends estimated that the ceremony cost $25,000. inai uieir snips Diuc&aumg oiivr had captured three government .shiploads of three thousand refugees who were fleeing the besieged Basque, capital, many of them being children crying for food. Insurgent besiegers said that the three, ships were taken when they attempted to slip out of the mouth of the Nervion River into the Bay of Biscay. The refugees were mostly women and children described as being in a pitiful condition. Thousands of insurgent soldiers today began the ascent of the last two hills at the western edge of Bilbao, aiming at both a final encircling of the Basque capital arid a new, offensive oh Santander to the west, By .nightfall, It "seemed, the insurgents will have forced ah iron ring around Bilbao in readiness fofcupatlon'ahd for a new westward offensive , Italian Steamer Bombed LONDON. June 1 7 : CP ) Lloyds agent at Gibraltar cabled that the Italian steamer Madda had been bombarded by Spanish government aircraft off Oran, Algeria, and had been damaged by concussions of explosions. Chinamati Dies After Coming ; From Claxtonj I 1 An unidentified Chinaman was brought to the city early yesterday afternoon by gasboat from Clax-ton cannery on the Skeena River, being removed by the ambulance to the Prince Rupert General H03- 1 pital where he expired early last evening. While death Is believed to have been due to natural caused provincial police officers left thW morning for Claxton aboard tUo P. M. L. 8 to obtain more Informal tlon regarding deceased and his Illness. He was about 55 years of age. Bulgarian Queen Is Mother of Son National Celebration Yesterday At Birth of Child Who May Some Day be King SOFIA, Bulgaria, June 17:' There was national celebration at' the' birth yesterday of a son to Queen Glovanna, wife of King Boris. The child may some day become King of Bulgaria. Phone Strike Short-Lived will try to false funds to place, aj - plaque in the federal building here City of Boren, Ohio, Was Without marking the place where Louis Service For Eight Hours j Rlel was sentenced, to death for Yesterday leading the Northwest Rebellion,! The National Historic Sites Board j BOREN, Ohio, June 17: An Chicago 2-2, Boston 5-3. 'with headquarters at Ottawa, re- Detroit and- Washington and St. Jected an application by the Sas-Louis at Philadelphia, postponed, katchewan organization to have rain. .the plaque placed. ; ..- .. . 1, V - " eight-hour telephone operators strike ended here yesterday with the restoration of service 40,000 people of this city. for the I Hi! . III .B' Today's Weather Tomorrow's Tides' 1 ! I 'M If 1 ' 'j ill" 1