lo a D irsday June 17, 1937 FOOTBALL Can. Have YOU a PIANO? If p.m. party ,75c 10c all the ndD tibk, TONIGHT, 6:15 Legion vSC Vaiiipks NEW ROYAL HOTEL j, ZarelL, Proprietor."." A IIOMU AWAY FROM HOME" Kates $1.00 op h .Rooms lioi v.oia waier prince KupertB.uf . n ii . too w musician and 'do Justice 0 the student, requires the ttenllOn OI a piuuu muc a, ast twice a year. Fof good aning call George Q. . Walker'. Member Piano Tuners ana 'echnlcians Association oi Brmsn uoiumoia hone Blue 389 212 4th St. THE SEAL QUALITY ml GOLD SEAL Fancy RedSockeye PINK SEAL: I Finest Pink Salmon licked by the only salmon anlng company with an all year round payroll in Prince. Rupert i ,AM ACT Form No. 13 vraiM OR . NOTICE Iir Ud lMMrlrt District of At'ln 51 NOTICE that Fifd AcKIm no la Oberliuvler 6f Man, u. v- i lia UUVWS, intend to apply xor to purcnase, im iouvw l&xvdst- v4nr at. a. boat l66ktd tW? nouth of Ooldm Oat ion Tagl'h Scrta Wt Corner roe- utouiiu TCI rhiiln. trrtm this DOBt in m airpetlon then 20 chains ea- chains north; thn -au cnai to Usal poet of beginning rRED N. AUlUJaj CHA1U.ES OBETtLANDER. i AprU 6th. 1M7- Heals Eczema EPIC FILM in Days or Less. AT CAPITOL ! Here is a wonderful ant lspntifti ' -i- di5Perised by pharmacists at "Silent Barriers" Proves of Great ! Sightly SDOtS and irritntlncr Hn , diseases than anything you've ever , With speedy and ever-changing t used. I succession at scenes harked hv the J?l?ly' f8 thls .great heal5n& 'rugged beauty of the Canadian ahtteeptle oil promote- rapid andiRoklp, ..on-'t RaPrpre.. the dra-healthy healing in open sores and.;, . .It Wounds, but bolls, abbesses and ! matlc story oI tne building of the ulcers that are discharging are al- j Canadian Pacific Railway, starring mosi immediately relieved and I Richard Arlen, Lilll Palmer, J. Far "Vou'can obtain Moone's Emerald' 1211 ""fP" Oil in he original bottle at Ormes Penel before a large and appre- Ltd. or any modern drug store, it 'dative audience at the Capitol is safe to use, and failure In any of , Theatre last night and will con- .riS5? no.lea 5ove. u ne tlnue until the end of the week. be ulad to sunnlv vou. i Tne audience sees the danger v , - i- k g mt U LOCAL NEWS ii Rafooader-Attor Dance, Moose Hall, Friday. (I! Sea Cadets June 19. tag day, Excursion to First. C.N.R.A. Sbeclaf 10, Saturday. (141) Friday, 10 p.m. to 2 a.m. Adm. 1 1 25c. Confetti dance, Moose Hall, J. deCarlo's Swing Band. (141) Mr. and Mrs. Gus Ross of Skide-gate arrived In the city on the Prince Charles this morning for a brief visit to town. They expect to return to the Queen Charlotte Islands Saturday night. A. O. Morse sustained Injuries Including a couple of broken ribs in falling from a scaffold while engaged in painting the Leeds Apartments early yesterday after-neon. He was removed in the ambulance to the Prince Rupert Gen- , eral Hospital. j Announcements United Noveuy Sale June 1C. Presbyterian Tea, Mrs. R.J.D. Smith's, June 23. Catholic Ladies' L. Blain. June 17. Tea, Mrs, J. Parent Teachers'"Tea, ILall. June 18. . Anglican Tea. Mrs. C. V. Evitfs June 24. Tea and Home Cooking by Boy Randi Parents Association, June 26, at Mrs. J. Joy's, Third Avenue, 3 to' C. Tea cup reading.' Terrace, July fiyro Club Flag Day, July 2. mi COROnflTIQ BREW TJ ERE U a .P.CUU brVw ol tk, to"' n llaro, and .moo.hn... fou w.. I gj' ol Boon, find It eo.l. no' moi. than ordlnaiT COAST BREWERIES LTD. 1 .' ' i v:tnrla . ... iir..imlntter Vancouver new nw Roy Emerton .(above), English actor who played Moody, th6 railway contractor, In the Gau-mont Britlsli epic of Canadian Pacific Railway construction through the Rockies, "Silent Barriers", found himself right at home in the part when he went to the C. P. R. mountain division on location. The division was by no means hew to Emerton who with his brother Percy served the railway there, in 1312, Uoy, the actor, as a fireman on "pusher" engines, and Percy as a roundhouse hostler at Revelstoke where much of the f Um's'tocat color was filmed. Roy .Emerton was. a popular figure durhiB the filming ot the Canadian railway epic among the railroaders, many of them former associates. death and disaster' which beset the expedition into the unexplored mountains, headed by Major Hells Bells Rogers, to find the pass which made possible th-e transcontinental railway. Men die in the turbulent rapids and burn to death In the terrifying forest fire. There are desertions by the faint-hearted and starvation' faces- the small remnant of the party when sud denly, by a queer twist of fate, the pass Is discovered. A whole train Is engulfed In the VA m FAQE'FTVE THE DAILY NEW8 treacherous muskeg; mere is a stirring horse chase to head off a train from, destruction; a worKman Is seen drowning In a swamp; one sees a whole mountainside blown out in a tremendous explosion; there is an awe-inspiring snowsllde lender romance with its mlsunder standings and final happiness. Interwoven with the depiction of the turning point in Canada's history as a nation is a sprightly romance amid the rough outdoor life in the Rockies of 50 years ago which Is no small part of the at sorbing tale. This heart Interest, In which Richard Arlen abandons his gambling activities in order to win the affection of the contractor's dauxhter. reaches its. happy con clmion when the auspices of the Women's Missionary Society. It proved very success ful, the pretty organdie aprons and ither gift novelties being quickly disposed of. The hall was decorated with li lacs and a profusion of spring flowers which made a very pretty setting for the tea tables. The novelty stall was in chargr if Mrs. W. B. Cornish and Mrs. D. Santerbane while Mrs. Hugh Klllln and Mrs. J A. Cafr looked after the-home cooking. Th? servlteurs were- Mrs. O. C. Ycung, Mrs. T. Fraser and Mrs. N. Thomas, and Mrs. J. Krlkevsky had charge of the tea room. Mrs. G. Clcccn-2 was cashier. Mrs. E. P. Jenner, president and Mrs. C. D. Clarke welcomed the guests. PHONES 18 and 84 Twlglets P. F., Serve cocktails per pkg. Coffee ground 3 lbs. .. Economy, dally Chicken Haddie Lily Brand, l's, tin Colgate's Beauty Soaps 6 bars Fry's Cocoa V2's per tin English 21c YOUTHS SAIL. YAWL, IN PACIFIC STORM CALGARY, Jime 17: (CPTwO; Foothills adventurers, Hollls O'-, with 25c freshly 81c Hanlon of Calgary and Jack Mac-Dougall of Edmonton, arrived here of huge proportions ana many . recenwy ain:t i cyu. c ujraB , thr Hrrmat.!p Incidents with all from Honolulu to ban rTancisco of which is coupled a theme of j aboard a 48-foot yawl. During the 16c 25c 20c stormiest part of the year on the Pacific, the two youths along with three others navigated the yawl through a wild eight-day blow that turned ocean liners off their courses. VETERAN COMPOSER RETIRES SASKATOON, June 17: (CP) A printer for 50. years during which he saw newspaper production re volutionlzed. John Topping, com- nosltor of the Saskatoon Star vnnnir ennnie ! Phoenix, has set his last line. He umiv im tn the station wicket and will retire and live on Vancouver purchase tickets over the newly- Island. Topping's early years were spent In London's Fleet Street Tn ndriitinn tn this feature, an where he worked for Lord North- added attraction of outstanding cmies .orgaiuzuwun, interest Is a technicolor short sub- i. i. 1ect entitled "Romance of Robert ' Burns." being a 16-m!nute story of the life of Scotland's famous poet. United Church W.M.S. Has Tea A tea and novelty gift sale was held in the United Church Parlors on Wednesday afternoon under the I SERVE THEM AT ANY TIME OF Hanslick The cleaner per tin I -- -- - - THE DAY ".My family in liable lo ak for Krllogg'a at any time of the day. So I ivrp the pantry well-Mocked. They're tuch a convenience." Kellogg's Corn Flakes 5n milk or cream satisfy that hungry feelinj? morning, noon or night. These crisp, golden flakes are always nourishing and satisfying. Ideal for the bedtime supper because they encourage sound sleep. Sold by grocers everywhere. Made by Kellogg in London, Ont. CORM FLAKES 14 4s&JffS CORN FLAKES Made Better Packed Bettef Taste Better P. O. DOX 575 Mussallem's Economy Store "Where Dollars Have More Cents" Orange Marmalade Ensign, 4's, tin Hedlund's Brawn Headcheese, l's per tin 45c perfect hand 20c Kellogg's Krumbles A new cereal, Try Itl 25C 2 pks Creamettes per pkg Heinz Ketchup-large bottle Sweet Biscuits per lb 8c 20c 29c Corn Chowder Heinz -i 1n per large tin Genuine Turtle Soup-Some-thing new in Heinz OH quality, per tin 2 Phones For Your Convenience Prompt Delivery Service Boat and Mail Orders Receive Prompt and Careful Attention MACKENZIE'S FURNITURE Klrsch Atavio Set Color Old Copper,. Poly. $135 and Tangier; price, set Swing Cranes For Archway and Window OA 75 Price, set 200 Curtain Rods Extend 48 Inches 15C each : - Phone 775 I' m xj-. ; ;m.imv'- - K STORY Or RUB-BLOODED ADVENTURE! ...... . ILfJTBARRia with RICHARD ARLEN ANTOINETTE CELLIER Lilli Palmer, Barry Mackay Dramatically, Pictoriall, Historically, Canada's first great film stands as a cinematic triumph! (At 7:38 & 9:38) .EXTRA! EXTRA! Beautifully done in technicolor 'The Romance of Kobt. Rums' A 16-minute story of Scotland's famous poet! TONIGHT, Fit I. and SATUR. 2nd Show at 9 p.m. CARTOON NEWS la h Im 2 te 1 fe fa 1 Clothing for Tennis and Outdoor Wear MEN'S FLANNELS Grey, all sizes MEN'S FLANNELS White, air sizes $3.50 to 5.25 $6.00 SLEEVELESS SWEATERS Pure wool pullores, fancy QO OJS knit, colors white and beige, all sizes v MEN'S ANKLE SOCKS Garter top; colors grey and gQ white; pair LADIES SLACKS Pure wool, smartly cut, colors Q 05 grey, royal, brown and navy v WATTS & NICKERS0N ATpn'a & Rovs' Clothiers : Plinno qj5 458 Third Ave. "Rain or Shine" "IiayV Night" I I PHONE C TAXI I Ross Mazzci 4w & A1 French I Prompt and Courteous Service H Stand opposite Royal Hotel, Third Avenue Book News Interesting books that you should read, recently added to our popular rental library- Join now only 75c for a month of the latest good reading. New books arc being added every week. ' "The Late George Apley" ..... .Marquard "Together and Apart" Kennedy "Fire Over England" Mason "Heather of the High Hand" . . . .Stringer "In the Lives of Men" Hart "With the West in Her Eyes" . ... .Strange ;i "Return to Malaya" Lockhart "We Are Not Alone" .Hilton "Thunder Dragon Gate" MunuX "The White Crow" Macdonald "The Affair at Flower Acres" Wells "The Dance Goes On" Golding "Honor Bright" .Keyes "Bread and Wine" Silone "Honeyball Farm" ....Dell "By Night at Dinsmore" Esteven , "Graham of Claverhouse" Dodge There is always a good bookfor you in our Library Come in UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver T.S. CATALA EVER1 TUESDAY, 1:3 VM. Due Vancouver, Thursday pjn. T.S.S. CARD EN A. FRIDAY, 10:3 TM. Due Vancouver, Monday ajn. If convenient pUaso purchase tickets t office., Further Information regarding reservations and tickets from A. W. NEWMAN, Prince Rupert Agent, Third Ave. Phone 568 HI !!' I ii.'.i : .1 r 1 i ii mi Sill !':n i I ! !! ! i1