PAdlt TWO THE. IXUL? NTWfl Saturday,, April 17 JM7 '"Reach Uhe most people In city Frazer' Hotel, the THE DAILY ..NEWS. The Letter Box and district with an advertisement heated hotel 1n Portion irttLNCE-KUPEKT - BRITISH COLUMBIA In the Daily News. iituated at Hyder, B.C. Published Every Afternoon. Kxcept Snnday, by 1'rlnce Rupert Dally News. Limited, Third Avenue H. K. PULL EN Managing-Editor ; 1 Congratulations Congratulations are centainly coming to Nelson Allen and the large company of men and -women vvho staged the opera "H. M. S. Pinafore" this week. They put up an excellent entertainment, probably the best that has ever been presented hitherto in Prince Rupert. We hope that next winter they will prepare another of the light operas in a similar manner. 'Cabinet Solidarity To what extent-members of a.governmenbshould agree on matters of policy or to what extent they might disagree and still remain members of that government is always a rather debatable; question. It is generally recognized that they must all be in "agreement on matters of general policy. For instance, Liberals,-as a party, are favorable to legislation which will protec the workers and see that they get reasonable wages. This is shown in the legislation that has been passed in British Columbia such as the minimum wage laws, the old age pensions, the workmen's compensation and other Jaws. It is also shown in the recent effort to put in force a health insurance law. Any person opposed to the general principle of protection of the workers cannot very well be classed as a Liberal and could.-not very well be a member of a Liberal administration. In Ontario just now we find the government split over the question of .labor unions. Premier Hepburn, Liberal leader in that province, is opposed to-the 'Lewis unions,-intimating that they are closely allied to Communism. Liberals are not communists and refuse toally themselves with.any party, such as the C. C. F. which has made gestures of friendship .and mutual help toward the communists.. Some of the C. C. F. candidates have been very close to communism if not actually members of that party. Men who, although not communists, were allied with or ganizations of a . communistic nature in Ontario have been asked to leave Uhe Hepburn .government because they were. not in sympathy with the policy of the premier. A cabinet cannot be divided on matters of important general policy. Also members of a government cannot show svm- pathy with organizations that are generally opposed to me poucy omnat. government, 'lhat seems reasonable. In British Columbia the, government is a unit in its de termination to stand by and uphold such laws as:prevent the oppression of ' the workers but at the same fim tfiev "Sure good Jobacco is in own bed imoke-fiher." "Right 1 Thot'i why stick to Sweet Cops I" SWEET CAPORAL CIGARETTES "TA purest form in whieh tobacco can be tmoktd."Jancet m i 3 STRR RYE A iptclil qutlity old rye of fine Rtvor, thoroughly matured in ok. Wff J. 13 OZ. 91UO Jl 25 OZ. A 40 OZ. Windsor l ords in liver McGill VANCOUVER. April 17: (CPM University of British .Columbia Thunderbirds last night defeated Raymond, Alta., Union. Jacks 144 to 22 hvthe' first game -of the :best of a three game series for the Western. Canada basketball championship and the right to advance to the Dominion final. Eastern Semi-Final MONTREAL, April 17: (CP)-; Montreal McGills lost to Windsor Fords 57 to 17 last night In the first of the semi-final series for the Dominion basketball cham pionship and the right to meet the. winner of the Western Canada semifinals for the title. Scotland Wins GLASGOW, April 17: (CP) Be hind one to nil in the first half, Scotland smashed through Eng land's defence In the final forty minutes of play today to score three goals and win the last Inter- three to one. I SPORT CHAT realize. that industries are necessary to progress and they was the biest do.all they can to encourage people to invest their money !ever caught there- m;tne province. 1 hey take the view that we need industries bubwe cannot afford to have them at the price of extremely low wages. HOOP SEMI PO RT FINALS NOW U. B.C. Defeatsittaymond, Wlta. From England North of Tweeders Come 'From 'Behind to Take' Final Inter-- national Football Match Pilots of Ihe air arm of the British fleet believe in keeping fit. Rousing games of field hoc-, key are played on'the flight-deck of the aircraft-carrier Cour-' ageoiis. I C J. Oliver, vice-captain of the New Zealand rugby team that toured, .Britain' last season, ha been selected as a member-of the cricket team lo visit England this summer. Bt. Bev. Norman II. Tubbs, as sistant Bishop and Dean of-Chester, is a Cambridge University soccer blue and has played -for 'Corinthians He is also a good tennis player. 1 It ' was announced at the annual' meeting of the British .National Cyclists' Union that the organization had obtained compensation amounting to 152,500 for members injured in road accidents in 11)30. Daily News want-ads bring. AGE GOVERNMENT GUARANTEED Ml VV- ,M " " ""'Puh" or oispiayedDy tht Uqjiqc. Control Board or'br 0. AIM CUP TO TIGERS key Championship by Taking Deciding Game OALGAKY, April 17: (CD- Sudbury arising out of the fourth I Arsenal -1, Portsmouth 0. - Bolton Wanderers 0, Stoke-City; Brentford 1, Chelsea 0. Derby County "fl, Birmingham 1. Everton . Charllon Atheltic 2, Hudder.sfield Town 0, Grimsby Town 3. Manchester United -2, Middlesbrough 1. Preston North End 2, Manchester City 5. national football match of the year "V","- a n. ' - " " " ' Sunderland 4,vLiverpool 2. W olverhampton Wanders Leeds United 0. - FRIDAY-SCORES Celtic 5, Arbroath 1. Hamilton Academicals 2, marnock 2. After playing a 324 -pound !l i Black Marlin for one hour. 37 The Scottish 'Crirkct Union U jheld at 'Glasgow, Bellahouston Park at An APPEAL LMitor,' Daily News: ! I wonder if through the medium jof your valuable paper it would possible to .make an appeal from your vast majority -of -readers for silver paper from cigar-ettes-and chocolate bars." When you come' to think of the vasl amount destroyed and the aiseful purpose to be obtained from such. I am sure that vou will find '-quite a Sudbury Captures Amateur Hoc- jfew.good Samaritans willing to save every piece. I am making this appeal on behalf of an 8 year old little Scottish boy who has, had the misfortune to lose a leg Sudbury ITigers last night won land both parents -within the last the Allan Cup, symbolic of Canadian senior amateur hockey championship, .(defeating 'North .Battleford Beavers 5 to 2 in the fifth and deciding game of the best out of a five game series. EaHier1 yesterday it had been announced that the protest of few months. He requires 'and i: collecting all thefdlver paper obtainable to 'purchase "a 'wooden leg. Surely there will be a "Silve. Lining" '.behind the Uark clouds for this poor little lad. I have managed to collect sa little, but unfortunately nol nearJy -enough, as he requires a (great leal. I .1,1 U 4 ..! :e game on Wednesday against the f""u , " " r,f,r,,.'s Hkion in rfnUnr wou,d be kind enough to make - - - i .1 , .permit the replacing of the net-minder with a forward had been thrown out. Old Country Soccer English League First Division in your .paperi appuui appeal, .through inrougn that ts if I ram not asking tx) much in doing so. : Thanking you, j Yours Sincerely, ! MRS. W. BARTON. I (Donations may be left at the. Daily ews office Ld.). Baseball Scores Pacific Coast League Missions 7, Seattle 5. Sacramento 5, San Francisco 3. Las Angeles 6, Portland 2. IIUIM! LAB'S Hid HAUL LONDON, April 17: (CP) A' burglar who broke into the Chel sea flat of Mrs. Manning Haine.- stole jewelry, including a pearl necklace, and furs to the value d( nearly $2,500. o Xomrny 'Stone, impular -Cardiff "'fullback who represented Wales ias a schoolboy, has joinwl the ! nEglish Bugby . League and is Kil- I''y'nJf r Barrow. C.lN.'R. Trains minutes, Mrs. Richard Sutton of being unrl tn arranirp n ma'in, 'For-the-East- Lawrence; Kansas, finally Jandod .against the- Australians in their 'Mondays, Wednesdays .and Frl- ie nsn ayaney, Australia, ic 1933 English tour lo be plaved days 8 p.m. oiacK .uariin rfunng the big exhibition to be From the East Tuesdays, Thursdays and Satur days : 10:20 :p.m . 'w f-HOW DOES IT LOOKl j I FROM THAT ANCLE, I I WHITEY?" .11 -BUCKS. WHITE' LOOKS COOO f ROM ANY ANCCE' BLACKIE" DISTILLED, BLENDED and -t9AUOI..S3J25 BATTLED In SCOTLAND by" & at-'s . JawFMteiiiaaaHKv mm SCOTCH WM C0CI QiOICOTCli Mit ft qilar rmntini II ,. u ' Onm. Ak V..1I. ..,... . iAMESvBUCHANAN & CO. LIMITED FamtJ the. world f Diiullm of the finrit Scotch Whukj This advertiMment ls"not published or.dlspIayed by the Liquor Control tBoard ;or:byi the Government of British' C61umbta. Onyx' "Archgrip" These shoes arc specially designed to case those 1 18,008 steps (equal to .2,000,000 step rpounds) the average person takes in-a -day. improper Fitting iShoes Do More Damage Above .the Hips Than Below We Arc Bxpcrts in Proper (Fitting Family shoe store itD. The Home of Good Shoes can have them ALL under uhe Home Improvement (Tb am A thii Kiiet of drrrtiwoittiu Kpufuor(4 by tbt Naiiontl Emplogc anat Conuniuioo. bil bttm dt(ri;tl tauflj by public tpirid (ooccroi aad Individual n t con-llibution towifdl Ibn "Nuloo-wldt c6pmti?( tlort" tnriiiftd by (bt 'firliirmoi A Cuudt in ibi Nadoatl Empluroint CuumjMioo Act.) TT'S very likely that within the J. next few days a. representative of a plumbing, building, 'flooring or roofing contractor, or of a painter and decorator will call on you with detailed information on the Home Improvement Plarj and how it can be lapplied to suit YOUR homeland YX3UR .budget. Study the literature each tone 'rif them leaves with you: 'decide on the specific improvement 'or im provements to "be started this sea-on and get definite cost figures. SIMPLIFIED 'FINANCING -Any contractor, a supply firm or architect can help you arrange a Home Improvement Plan loan ifyou necd it, to finance the work for you, lor you can apply direct to your. banker. No security or eridonement needed: you simply -show that you can repay in monthly instalments (and the loan ia made,the work, proceeds, vour home ia .made brighter and more livable and nttdfdjdbg. 'Fuji infornMion on lie lltmt linprortmtnt-rUn nd uhtt il eouti mtj'biobttmtd from your local-tommil ft, tyur-Provincial Chairman, your bank' or the National Employment Commtuion, Ottawa. NATIONAL EMPLOYMENT COMMISSION UNDER THE .AUTHORITY OF THK DOMINION OOVKSNMINT 'B. C.'InformationBureau 707 Bank of Nova Scotia Bldg., Vancouver s