PRINCE RUPERT DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD tUphmfUm mad hpitm. W mmd Mwmm Cmmtimm . Pa aula and Acetyl mi TTiMlaa aaaJ Ml lag Marhinaaf. Orarhanlaal. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN: The Spring is here again. Don't forget your SMUNG Sl IT and TOPCOAT for the Coronation Celebration on May 12th. 1037. Prices are reasonable. M. T. LEE Ph. Green !IG0 3rd Ave. W. COAL TO PLEASE EVERYBODY Satisfaction Guaranteed KAMOt'S EOSON ALBERTA COAL Bl'LKLK VALLEY COAL VANCOUVER ISLANO COAL PRINCE RUPERT FEED COMPANY PHONE: 58 and 558 NEW ROYAL HOTEL J Zareli: Proprietor "A BOMS AW.U i RUM HOME" Rales SI 0 up 60 Room Hot & Cold Water Prin-.e Rupert B.C. Phonr ''Xl 1- o h.,x i!b THE SEAL QUALITY GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only salmon canning company with t,. all the year round payroll in Prince Rupert Hyde Transfer Phone 580 DRY WOOD JASPER COAL Furniture Moving Light Delivery tU BE) ONI) AVE. MEDICINE BY STATE Medical League Make- Survey BEGIN A. April 17: (CP) j .ii'iore irom uaia secured in re (plies to 10(1.000 questionnaires M ni to farmers vvith the co-op-J 'ration of the Wheat Pool. Data was compiled from 5.495 replies' in which complete answers were given to all questions. Thes. ; showed costs incurred for medical service amounted to 1,006101, ot j which $660,938.25, or cn.n iercent jwas paid, leaving $4:'.5. 1(52.75 si ill j owing, or 39.7 percent. Figuring 4.74 persons to a famine Dr Mum-,, s.'liil :il-Draira h i . - pital and medical expenses of a family were $39.90 a year, of which $24.o; was paid and the remaining 1".4 had not yet beer provided for. This figured out t a uer capita expjense of $8.42. of which 16.07 as paid and $3,115 still owing. He said these figures, with ner IJiapi a few isolated exceptions I tnirr 10 larmeri "no were not on j relief and were endeavoring t. 'av their own way, and that a .very large percentage of the popu liktion of the province were in the same plight as these families I VM l I FaWfS Ni- IH FORM OF NOTICE 1'aaamr Mn4 niatfM DMffH el MMM TAKt NOTICE -tial FTfyl Arcl. ant " iiATlrt. OljprUiKk-r i.f mtUm n r -.HkArilill VllllIV M1TAT1I tv. a-intv fn ii --ttiiioii to mirenaiw- -rw ri n- j dp"rlted lands i cotjimcjK:ni! at a post located twi Imllrfl south o' G-ldi O-ite on Tagh ii.r nurm i-i uonier eost urrxinn nu J0 Chains from "Ms poet is i armihepn direction then 20 chajn ns. 'tvn 20 chattis north, then JO chain? ft. to lejjMl post of bealnnina; FHED N ACK1JK CHARLES OBEUI.ANDEH. RatM A4W11 em. 1937 IN HOI ! PBRMR Mil R1 oi imiTIsi: Ol l Mm In the Mutter of tin- " 14 mlni-t radon Art" iiil lii lb MaUet of tha Batate of Mike -iniiiii Pereaaeal, lalwlalt Take not let that by order of His HoC-r V! E Fisher, the 1st day of Marc.) A D 1937. I wan appoitHed Adulnlatrt-UjT of the estate c Mike 9andul. de-erd. and all parties having claln, itialiL-t Mh salt! iUite are hereby re 'lUlred to furnish hum. properly v'rl ''ed. to me on or before the 2nd d-vy '? May. AD 1937. and h11 partly indebted to the eatate are required t-pajr the amount of their lndebtednasa to uie forthwith NOIIMAN A WATT. Official Ad.nllUfljTitjr. Prinoe Rupert. B C paal this 2nd day of April A D 1937 Is nn HinWMC rOl'ItT OI r.uiii-u I Oi l Mltl IN PaMMMTR In tin- Mulier of llie ' iloOnilr;illoii let" Veil III I lie Mattel ot Hie llale ol llol.i-ri II ;iimI. Ilnniaeil TAKI. NOTICE Wv irtr nt ii.. Hoear, H E A Robertson, the 15th dv of HprW. A D 1937. I wa.s appointed v':,,i- '' r of the e.state of Ri br H. Sandy dece-ised. and all partle hav-Ing c!iuin airaniMi the mid estate re hereby ret,ueited to furnish same, properly verified, to me on or before the 22nd day of May. A D 1937. and all PHrtle U)dei;-ed to the estate are required to pay the amount of their In-debtedneKS to me fotttawlth. NOHMAN A WATT. Off. la! AdmlnWmtor, Prince Rupert. B.C. Dailed the l&ih day of April. A D 1937 l IIII HLTatEMB fOl'BI (il ltltlllll 01 I mhi IN PBOBATI In Ihe Mailer of the " AdinliiMrutiun Bet" Veil III I he Mui,.r of llie frtltl ol Man Ann ll.irrUon lleeeaseil Take notiice Uatt by Mrtue ot an 0-der ol hi Honor W B mH.. Itlie 5th day of Februaj-y. 1937. Letten irrooate 01 t.'v- win 01 the above-ivme 1 Mary Ann Harrison, deoeaaed. Umuel out of the linth Court ol Juatice. Ioe-don. EiiKland. on the 20! h day oi May ' 1 1B3S. were uuled lh the Supreni lOourit of BritWi Oohuubia. Prince Ru pert ReslMry. and all perwun huvlii Ittltn.- aiCHin-i the i-sta, are hereby required to furnish the ,mHl. erly verified to Ihe underlned on or Wore tle 71 h day of May. A D 1U37 I and all parta lndeoted to the aalcl Wrtate are required to pay the amount uiittii iuot-uuua.!H to tlie under-uljfiied forthwith PATMORK Aj KULTON Bollcitora. Prince Rupert, BC Attonieyii lor the Executor, Ua-Ui! the 5th tef of Ai-U. AX). 1011. Bernice Palmer says . . . I resents f igures to saNkatch- r. , n , , . ... . Guess Oakland set up some i ewan dovernment - . . . , . .. klnH rif rernrd in sit down Str ke. : when Chevrolet workers decided' to douse their cigarettes and re- Urging a system of state medicine I urn to work after being out W for Saskatchewan. Dr. S. E Moore, president of the State Hospital and Medical League heading a delegation. Submitted figures to members of the government here. Average annual cost of hospital and medical services to rural residents, he said, was $8.42. and on this basis a system of state nadicine or health insuranct would cost $8. 12(1.1)00 a year. The government would contri luite -lightly less than 9&006,feO ot this he said, or no more than the government was now spend ing for medicinal and hospital aid tor a portion Oi the province. Figures submitted are based i on information compiled by Dr I X f r - . j . . should we aay "in? hours! Anyway it enough to cause just three; was long j traffic jam turning off the heat' so to speak and the nights wereii t quite s comfortable. However. Miss Mat yas says they will not be "frozen' out. Bo that's that. . .And thi canneries are well picketed and more than one scuffle has take: place. As teamsters refused t pass the nieket lines, farmers brought their own spinach undo police escort. A group of over 400 strikin;-W'PA reliefworkers besieged thi City Hall and thereby hangs ; tale When they were ail nicely packed into the building, over flowing halls, rooms and stairs. and wondering just - what to do THM DAILY NEWS Waterfront Whiffs Many Halibut Roats in But Catches Light Owing to Had Weather Orville Dcnstcdt Resigns From Fisheries Experimental Station then, to the brave men and women, a whole! catch was 855 800 nounds in corn- fleet of armoured cars anneare 1 1 narison with 705.300 nounds a vear on th" scene filled with soldiers ago while this year's American to-in their steel helmets, with mach- j tal to date WU 808.700 pounds as ine guns, rifles, bayonets, te.-. against 511.100 pounds bombs and sundry trimmings. It didn t take the strikers very loeir. Announcemer.t Ls made that Or-j wnep it was just an-; take up a position in the bio- omcj- part of the Army Week chemistry denartment of McOill manoeuvers. Oakland. CHEERIO! hi Vl FOR SAI.E HOTEL FRAZf.R Hyder. H.C. Street In Stewart. B.C.. rented to Bank of Montreal. Write to G. B. Lawrence, Manette. Wash.. U. S. University at Montreal. For the past year Mr Dentedt has beeij away at McGill on leave of absenc talcing up post-graduate studiej which it is exnected will lead I ti the nf hit Dh! Modem hotel. Hyder. B.C. Good D. deeree His (eeisirm iaa J opening for building up fine bisi-j Prince Rupert prma,rerttlv 'will bl ness. at smaJt cost regretted by ma try friends The Canadian &i Cold Stor- Classified Ads. FOR SALE HELP WANTED FOR SALE Property on Main WANTED --Girl for house work t' (..... t i a. a a. I few hours weekly. Phone Green 214. (lfi A. for particulars 1941 PRINCE Rupert Gyro Club will re FOR SALE Buick car, good condition Phone Red 517. 1 93 1 FOR SALEChild s crib Also several chairs and small tables Apply at Daily News. tf) FOR SALE- Large English baby buggy. Phone Red 514. itfi FOR SALE--Modern hotel at Hyder, B.C.. steam heat, excellent location, licensed premises. Will be sold at a bargain Apply Fra-zer Hotel. Hyder. B.C. tf) COAL Nanaimo-Wellington for furnace and heater. Alberta Egg-sootleias, for the kitchen range Albert Si McCaffery, Phone lie or 117. (tt, FURNISH Your home with brand new factory' samples. 66 piece three room groups- $184--ideal for the working man; extra high grade groups--$232; 10-piece Chesterfield groups- $59.50; silk tapestry Chesterfield groups $89.50; kitchen tables with drawers-$2.95; dressers$9 95; beds complete $13.95. Terms il desired. Here ls an opportunity of a lifetime. Act quickly. We need the space Free storage. Write today. Julius Shore, Mail Order House. 8th Floor, Bekin.s Bldg . Vancouver (tfi MALE HELP WANTED GOVERNMENT JobsHow to get them Be ready for spring appointments Free Booklet. The U. C. C. Civil Service BetaOQll, Wui-aipeg. ( ti , Try a "Dally News rant-si ceive applications until April 22nd for the positions of assistant playground instructor, and four assistant instructresses. 1941 WANTED TENDERS For additional cement work to McClymont Park swimming pool will be received up to April 22nd For specifications ap-ply toTJr Large. 194, WANTED 8-month old Cocker Spaniel Address Walter Moberly. Cedarvale. B.C. 1941 FOR KENT VACANCY Angus Apartments, 3-room suite. (tfi FOR RENT Front apartment with electric range. Smith & Mallett Ltd. (tf 1 FOR RENT -Seven roomed house. Graham Avenue. Nice garden. Pullen Daily News. itf) PERSONAL PRIVATE Home Kindergartens nav We start you. The Canadian Kin-1 cergarten Institute, Winnipeg. (tf) I dldUUU. mi . 1 -M 1 U1 k. 1 ; A . The B C. Packers steam tug P. W.. with scow in tow. was in port yesterday afternoon bound from the Naas to the Skeena River, she took on fuel. rn their business the I ville F Denstedt. for several years Union steamer Cardena Gam ii j ineniuci 01 wis scieiiuiic staii oiuonn Hcden. having been delayed all and in record time they dis-, the Prince Rupert Fisheries Experi-1 with heavy freights for cannerv nn-sed. II bet they felt silly, mental Station, has resigned to points, was in port today at When thev iney le:irne( learned mmmmm .. l-i. ii .- . t. , , I. 9 1 noon nwn irom the south about twelve hous late. This morning she was makiag ner calls m the Skeena Slougli arid this afternoon goes back into tie main rfyec to finish het rails theVe on the way. south. Arriving here it 11:45 a.m. the Cardena was caught by a sudden gust of wind while tying. ..upiand bumped the C. N. R. dock, dohig considerable damage She sailed during the afternoon after loading fish at the plant of 'he Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co. Accused of H-jvi n 1 r 'itine ;inrl RiCh. t,, DaCftl I'ossession William Flewln. aged 18. who was taken into custody out the Kaien Island Highway just within the city limits by Constable L A. Requa last evening, is appearing in city oolice court this afternoon before Magistrate McClymont. He Is charged with being in possession of a blue grouse within a game reserve and with having a rifle within the city limits. He la atan krf.. I held in connection with the alleced oicii 01 a .sail bout belonging to! Frank Berry from the fishermen's I floats. 1 203 Third Ave. Pilonr Bue 9,fl K I M IK'S DRFSSMAKING SHOP Dressmaking Remodelling Pressing Alterations Miss Kimir I'vede. Pron TRAPFEKS Will guarantee top market prices for Beaver and Muskrat. Other furs at value FRANK LOCKWOOD Pbone Blue 729 v.O. Box 200 GENTLEMEN'S Sanitary SuppllcJ j '' 'TL IIIUllPSl. uririu 1C t,.r at n. S"PPly. 751 Oranvllle. Vancouver MEN ,Qet vigor at once New On-trex Tonic Tablets contain raa oyster Invigorators and other stimulants. One dose peps up organs, glf.nds. 1 not delnteu aker rc.unds !; cents paid a!l or rr-.te, Orzztz Llaltjd. tf Live and Learn That 'luality foods, fresh fruits and vegetables are bOttflM very reasonably at MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE open fv.c iui i. i-auiii'-1 riKine is ,. .. Fresh Inal Raw And Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY pbone 57 Feast For Gods Wins Big Prize I Columbus W oman Takes National Honors With Stunning NKW YORK. April 17: (Ti A pleasant woman from Columbus, O., named Mrs. Helen P. Angell issued some advice on how to have a happy home. It ran Kki this: Crisp Crisp , celerv celery hearts, hearts, ripe i olives , . , -,, mere were a goooiy numuer ui naiioui uoats in w itn A on Foothill Boulevard and enable . most of metropolitan Oakland to catches at T. Prince o Rupert j. during l lL the week i ending j- yester- x whole shrimp dipped run day bllt, QW'ing rough Which been pre-'naise in mayon r.nt out and a,,! tut., take a o look. Thi- Thi. rav nnr nwinir to to t tile ic vf il urn Weather up:i ner W H 1 has h!) Moon r ! ; . i. I I I Mil i.ii 1 nt u ..... " fc wv, v... ... - - - - - ft rw .,m,i -v. VII i vw ' m I .-c on (Ml toast UJil.-L rounds. IOUIM1S. Oil OCC 11 e-l 1 Wasn't wasn't so - . i hard h:i rfl aa AM street .',.- cars MM go (Ml vailinir i I 1 1 i i rw on t tin- U , . 1 banks, vl 1V L' .J . catches j t , i i . ' ti w ere enroll small and .m.l the U . . total . n1 I i young vnil n IT chicken, Vi it Lan kaMkaaa browned ,-auli right past and. during those thre, hmwcrhl brought in in by la- forty-three rnrtv-HirM voaaeln vessels tvns, was nnhi only ;M9,000 94Q mm pounds tflaw,f flower ,wi,h with cheese, h,','S1' hul'1':in' bubbard hours, did a record business. The Spfrella Corset faelory is still closed owing to sitdowners bul the -'"O employees have been served with an "order to show cause" and. for the first time since the strike began, the management "turned on the heat" hi Of which 171,500 pounds was from Canadian boats and 1 i i rifin twvnn - l',mi AmPni'llll aana1aaaia affflMi aWMeaaMBaWMa , . . ' " Frcncc dressing. Icebox vrholi . . . . Thus the natural clement i has beenj Co. has into age put operation Hi wheal rolls and gooaeherry an. checking U volume o fishms : ew policy at iU plant at PrtoCO curmni tart with whippe.l i rean which started - intensively at theRupert have! whe,t-by all men who That was the men , bv whirl opening of the season. With the j been in the employ of the company she was declared winner of decrease in the poundage landed. . for a ycar wil, henceforth be gran- cookery competition of the Wo prices have been be ter and thus, to da werc's with holiday full pay men's National Exposition of Art ne mnermer. nave oeen eompen- annuallv This u in lino, -i.,.i i ., .1 . .. .. .. sated to some extent. The top price ! policy which is bchg adopted by a of the we?k fur Canadian fish was:nuniber of the more enterprising 8 5c and 5c which the Covenant 1 and progressive industrial con-and Johan W received for catches j cerns. ot 19.000 and 8.500 respectively) while the low was 6.1c and 5c which in the Anril lastka ni th. 1 received by the Edgecombe for 9.- iuu pounds. For the season up to and including' yesterday the total winter. " l wa '.t.i VUllll Wllliam ).!, - ... 111.- tnlrx chosen from all over th Rtfaa ,.iL- Mai Tli.. cookery technique. United dinners 'iiiii: - 1 1. " iv"n wmm a in were rated on the following, points; Fifty percent on nutri- tional balance. ::o percent on lf '. pearance. 10 percent on seaso'i- the Mae West was paid for 5.o00jdian Fisherman, which has just ling and flavor and Hi percent ,m tniirtde pounds. lVr- For American A -n rini v ficli fish thn the t i-v- I I 1 l 1 ... top come to hand, appears a view of price 01 me wee was .bc ana tcthe plant of the Northern Fisher-which went to the Arcade for 10.- mens Cold Storage Ltd Including 500 pounds and the low 7c and 6c the new unit built during the nast It was worth $600 to Mrs. An gell to win. It was worth practi tally any figure to be one of th iudges. Don't forget when visiting Port- catch at Prince Rupert had reachrd i duty as ototef engineer of the land Canal that the Frazer Hotel 1.664.jOO - nonnds as comoared with ,-tpamor Pr'i,.. . ........ u iim kc u n r. 1 - - m 1 t .-... 1.11. 1 .-1.- n - .1 i' rvniraiiiB - ti.v u uir lu .mwii iiii neT J irin olini i-i niltaiHu '.i.l 1 VIKdilO iiaiiiiWi o nnri-acmirrli i ... . . . i ' ' - wu 1uiiiii.i.- a. ci Linivguuiiuiiii airi IK f i n u-nn M rn h . ........ - I io mi annual horror hiirrni- of ff all -ill these ),. ...', i rlntp Ilut last venr traqr Thfl The rnniUfin fnnnHinri tntal Inll ! ..nnnii The Central Hotel ROOMS and CAFE Phone 51 For Best Household Coal MRS. C. E. BLACK Saturday. April 7 lsi r r 1 aaaaaaaaaB--- 1 i 1 1 1 1 h jm $13,500 n I LAST TIMES TON,T Uat ShowStart- 9 05 Freddie Bartholomew in "THE DEVIL IS A SISSY" with IAN HUNTER KGGT CONKLIN JACKIE COOPER MICKEY ROONE1 At 7:32 & 9 37, N'rws - Cartoon " in Mends ilosaoiHI Kussell. John Bi.Ik in "(.RAKis Win I Mm, I FOR ONE STORY SH.inmi f.,r aiiulher. si.ihmi ,, marl ttarr. u arUtrn n i.ti' mm. ihndram .4 , .r i.M.khiK fr Br. writer., I nSoaM laM (imI.h-. Ilee.t drill asttaaM) r..r i,uti, m,. , jj aam Dar nn kemiet hko in. Foa Monr nv tm UtU. Writ., paa tour rapt i,N Dept. IS, M.CX Hekoalii, nd tnaalpaf r Tweal u. in SNAP CLEANS AND POLISHES Bathtubs, Washbasins, Windows, arid m - Cannot scratch.. To Celebrate the CORONATION of King George WEDNESDAY, MAY 12th Size 1x6, each -Canadian and I nion Jack 6c Size iix.s. Blich bize 8x12. each 16c Size 12x18. earh Larirer Sizes at ;5c. 50c, 60c, 75c and up Flag Holders, single 16c Flag Cluster Holder Varnished wood holder with a picture of George VI. Complete with flags 76c Flag Shield Attractive lookin.Lr shield with picture of King & Queen, complete with : large flags $1.25 DENNISON CREPE The finest decorative material for floats & costumes, plain colors, fold L5c Crepe Streamei's Red white and blue streamers, 40-foot rolls 15c 2 for 26c Decorated Crept Flag and patriotic designs, 10 ft by 20 inches, fold 25c and 35c Special Flag Streamers 12 feet long, strong white tape with 12 flags, ideal car decoration $1.00 This will be a gala occasion make your plans and gel your materials early 1 j Lawn Mowers Be sure and see our stock before bovine a mower We carry several sizes in Canadian-made Hall Bearing Lawn Mowers Prices Range From $8.00 Crass Seed Flower and Vegetable Seed. Fertilizers Garden Tools Garden Dose and Fencing GORDON'S HARDWARE Phone 811 McBride i i i i i i i ii 1 1 i i i 1 1 SI