inithe 2 .Itt"?. ' I crown mm ?HMioH 'CONTEST BRAND Congratulation are due the following successful contestants: WINNERS OF GRAND PRIZES of Trip to the Coronation (or alternative of SS00.Cah) ""n a.naU Heat tie, Winnipeg, Man. Helene Lavoie, Hull, Que. Doreen M. Taylor, Vancouver,! li.C. .WINNERS OF OASH PRIZES for the Best-Answers to the Second Question l,t PRIZE 550.00 Wynne Dunbar, Rock wood, Ont. PRIZE $25.00 Hetty llames, Glenboro, Man. fi PRIZE $10.C0 JeanntfKathwell, Moose Jaw, Sask. 4th PRIZE $5.00 Louis Mountain Horse, Lethbridge, Alta. M PRIZES OF42.00 DouitU Baker, Toronto, Ont.j Kojfr BilJ.ick, One. illwt IWU. Awlnibola, Sulk. Ann CuMwrll, KK. I, Horrnce- 1 I. N B i Jack CUmpbrll, I'nrt lnllt, Ont.i (rard CarrlMe, Montreal, Qu. u riiKl' (i'HMl, Montreal, Ou. Wynlta Hamilton, Ormitown, 4Jue.f lll-n Match Oufbtc, Que.r Maine' llutrhlnfta, Humboldt, Sak.i Miriam K. CrMt Villa. N.S.i Krancra Mahrr, IWlh llay, Ont.j Kilrtn Oliver, ' LiyiWl V .. - .-. .ktf-lLl IW. 'Winking Man . V. 11.... It' i tlliabfth Kamaden, loronto, Ont. Mill Kuuell, WlnnlfH. Man.j TMree Saint On,' IJranby, Que. j Helena SlierwiMMl, Tlctou, N.S.j IJurothy Turner, ln'. 200 PRIZES OFS1.00 The-following are the tl.OO prize wlnnera In the nrotlnce of HrltUh Columbia, Alberta, Saakatrhewan and Manitoba! Helen j,rd. Fort (iarry, Man.t Shirley Alklnaon,. Wadena, Sank.) Gilbert Delia-tincc Urraaylor, Sim.j Mllh-llWmrH, VHnnlprA, ltfan.j rreda 'lljurlln, rjfant, Man.; Krlc llreland, HradlnCly, Man.) Lionel Ilutl, Virden, Man.; fr - f.Mhh.11 Mnoati Jaw. iakk.t t.eoroe t Vnalhwalre. Nr. Vlt.l. Wlnnl. f, Man., Helen 1alilon,; Indian Head. .Saak.i June Hrlnkwater, I'entirton, I a i' , Karl Knna, 'Moruen.'iviBn.i neiij raaine, winninrg, ivian.i reter rrere. ' iii . 1 .. i i. ...iri. . . . 1 1 . . ' i . i , Liimhln, Man. Mwni iui imk i..wu.,,irripnK ,iftia.mi, Winnipeg,' Ma.S"phl '''' Edmonton, Alta.) L'raula (iohrke, Matenod,Saik. John u.hiMd. Vanroimr, It.Cj Wlltwrt Hammond, l.a'Klvl.rc. Man.i Ikirolhta 1lMck,' Fint ( iarry, Man. r Mary Jan Heath, White Foi, Satk.j Kllzabeth .UIHHKl.Winnipe, Man.t Marlon Ilutchlaon, Dauphin, Man. Nanry J. Jamea, furtaft l- iTairie, niin.rirmi uif, ;memn, mu. tuuia May L,ianttooi, Unhurt. Satk.i K, W. Lurkie, Edmonton,-Alta.; Ctac Lund, Holland Man.; lit rn MK-r, r.t memein. Man.r ilen II, McCnnkey, 'Stonewall. Man.; Olive Mnffatt, Wlnnlpe, Man.; Alice Morden, MordenfMan.' IJocolhy J. Morrow, (aarnde, Man.; I lorcnie Murray, ;xdlancli, Man. j Fillth Ni-my, Uc ilu Bonnet, Man. i Mary NeufeU, Allorta, Man.; ;ertrude Fnlloway, Slfton, Man.; Mir Porter, Porta la I'ralrle, Man.; Ueneeleve Kal)k, Wlnnlni, Man.; Millie Rumanel, Fxlmonton, Alta.; Norma Ku, timer, Koaetown, Satk.;llope Ruthrrford, Wlnnlpe. Man.; Ian Seymour, Ualanr, Alta.; L)aeJ. Smith, r Weitminiiter, B.C.; Muriel ('.. Smith, Fxlnvlew, Man.; Oeamond Smith, minnlprft, Man.; John I). W. Sutherland, llanna. Alta.; Mai Thomaa, Nunc kur, kaak.i John .. 'I hnmpaon, Uladworth, Sask.; Jean Walker, Wlnnlneft, Min.; Norma Weller, Medicine Hat, Alta.; Irene A. Wrtton.'Marrorte, Kaak.; ValileWlllia, Moose Jaw, kaak.t L'raula Wilson, Lalnton, ll.C; Ethel Wood-airk, St. Jamet, -Man.; Knberr W'ork, Edmonton, Alta.; Kolwrt 1C. Zeller, llulrl, Sank.; Metlle Zlbaraskl, Beausejour, Man. Thi Canada Starch Company appreciate the Interest and the enthusiasm of the many thousands of young 'Canadians who participated' In the Contest, proving a loyalty to the Cnwnso eloquently expressed In the answers received. The syrup with the -wonderful flavour, a delicious treat which the whole family will enjoy. Doctors recommend it for infant feeding and as a nourishing food for growing children. w lacKENZlE'S FURNITURE 100 PMSLEY RUGS Sizes 25x 48 inches, each $1:00 Sizes 27xil inches, each $1.25 While They Last 327 Third Ave. Phone 775 r A CT zrxm No need to wait until Summer ovu't the East! Take tefvantase Way of the lowest Spring tavel fares in years. This is an season to make your trip. Return fares now on sale to any Point in Eastern Canada (including Winnipeg and Eastern or Mid-Western States) with ""limited stopover privileges. ''turn limit is six months. P,N SALE UNTIL MAY 14 UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Bteamers leave-Prlnte Rupert for Vancouver: CATALA EVERY TUESDAY, 1:30 I'M u? Vancouver, Thursday p.m. CAHUENA TI11IIAY,"10:30PJW. - iHlfil,, AV na v - - : - '"teouver, Monday ajn. " convenient please purchase tickets at office, formation regarding reservations and tickeU from NEVMan,i Prince Rupert AgentThlrd Ave. Phone 568 interesting to know when .'reading 'the Daily News ltle People of tho whole district are doing the same. lOCAL "NEWS 1 'CafilV'for old gold. Bulgefi Ut) IT. W. Hall, inspector, of sphrxils. rptiirnnVl in tVm rltv nn Judge II. A. Robertson, after a brief visit to the... -can duct -a 'session of County Court, left by last -evening's "train' 'on his return to Prinee George. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Armour returnel to the city on the Prin cess Adelaide yesterday afternoon' from 'a brief trip to Vancouver; Thev brought home n new nrr with them. The only opportunity persons will now have to'get their named on the provincial .voters' list for the June election isJby personally appearing before the'Registrar of Voters at the "Court House next Monday. . Horticultural Annual'Event Monday Next The Prince Rupert Horticultural Society is holding its third annual dinner meeting Monday evening at 6:30 .In the Commodore Cafe. On that occasion Mrs. J. T. Mandy will show plcturesof local gardens on thescreen and there will be music and garden talks, all of particular interest to those who are keen on gardening. Tickets for this event are rei ported -to. have-been .sellirrg well and a large attendance -is -expect ted. .'Announcements Roys' Rarid.Ri-i'dgc, Ugion Hall, April 20. (Eagles' bridge 21. Nine, prizes. . and -dance, April ipresbyterinn 'Spring -Sale, "April 22. Dance, Moose Hall, 'Friday, 'Ap ril 23. '.Missionary -Tea, (Baptist :Man?e, Mayl. Cambrai Tea Saturday, May at Mrs. William Waits'. Bt. Petert'SaleMayC. United 'Coronation sale, May -6. Gyro Armory, Club May Piano Coronation 12. Theory pRaiiwayiBance Danco, 'Voice 'Production 'Pupils 'prepared for Toronto Conservatory examinations. Mrs. Bernard Lundahl 'A.T.C.M. 4 Waldron Apartmtntf Phone Green 991 Was EnjoyaBle Frazer Hotel, steam heatedrTwo'lIundred Persons in Attend rooms.! HVderB.C near theStew art dock. (tfi 'Sons night. 6f Norway lettnT 'toj 'Uobert Strachan aaile'd this &U ternoon on the Cardena for Kienw tu. I T. W. fcrown'left-on JAsevef ning's 'train ifor -a triii to "SmH thers on legal' business. t !Tonlsht's train, due from the east at 10:20, was reported " thli morning to be on' time. Canadian Legion 1T.K.S.L. half yearly meeting, Monday ejeecu live; Wednesday genorhl. Elettion of officers. , (,91). ancefat Annual affair In Moose 'Hall 'Lat Night rThere -wereUbout two hurtdred persons -present last night in thi Moose Hall at the annual dance of the Canadian National Recreation Association -which, as usual; prored to be an enjoyable affair The hall "was appropriately decor, ated .and atmosphere was provided by the master of ceremonie?, G. E. Thilllpson, being attired in the garb of a locomotive en gineer and using a bell in connection with the announcements. Thts serving of refreshments at mid-; night Was carried out by men members of the Association dressed in "white jackets. Dancing .was In progress from 10 p.m. until 2 aim. 'with music' by' Charlie Bal-agno's Orchestra. The Grand March, was led by superintendent r-,u.. 4,i.. v i.iiriand 'Mrs. AV. H Tobey. One of .lie -v:iiu luY ituiu u win-,.. ...... . . , , tnp. tp. dnties. I'.ella I5ela on . official Stop -at the'Fmer Hotel wheri visltWgStewart'orlyderThe'onijI steam heated hotel In Portland Canal district. ttf) IMrs. Roi Barnes,, who slipped and fell ;a few days ago, suffering a fracture of the leg,was removed in the 'ambulance to the .Prince Ru pert Gerieral Hospital last night. I lie VII.IC1 laiiuiiu icdiuica iii uic eyening was the dancing of a Bailor hornpipe and Irish jig by Miss 'Jean Watt. PkObert James "was chairman ofi the committee responsible for the success of the affair. Other mem bers being Jack Mair, Andy Ro- arid. George Peters and AVilliam Held. Trank Derry presided ati the door. REST ORGANIZED INDUSTRY iLONDON, April 17: (GP) In! his presidential -address at the, annual meeting of the Institute;' of Chemical Engineers, Dr. Her bert Levinstein said the British chemical Industry was the best organized in Ie country. CHURCH 11 A'.M Children 'EnjQy H.M.S. Pinafore A special mallriee 'tep"6a'fpe'r- Jormarice of ?H. M. -S. 'Pinafore") -by the' Prince Rupert Operatic. 6o-e ciety drew an audience. ol .upwards of six hundred youngsters to 'the Capitol JTheatre yesterday ''after-i noon. -It was an 'entertalnmentii which proved highly "delightful tC; all the children ' present and f.lhei idea of putUng It on' proved! to be I a happy one indeed. 'HOTEL 'ARRIVALS ; Royal i' J. Harrison, Smlthers; 'Mail Johnson, Tacoma; -'F. Dignles;! Usk:'M. Nelson, city. ' H Prince 'ItuneH A. Kira Hirae arfd F. 'S. 'Uy.i chara, Vancouver; G. AVordall,' C. N. R. fCefitral T. Rose and II. Lea sk,' city. 1 Knox il G. Roberts, Hamilton; T. 'Jo hansen, H. Hansen and N.i Parker! and family, city, ANNUAL DINIRR MEETING Horticultural Society Gommodorc'Cafe 5Ionday,-ApriM9iat 6130 Lantern slides 6f local gardens FINE PROGRAM Election of officers Tickets, 50c NOTICES FIRST PRESBCTER1AN GHURGH 'Uev.fJ. W. Stevenson, MA, B.D.,'Pli.I). Minister' in Charge Organist: Mrs. E. J.' Smith SUNDAY SERVICES . ll 'A-.M 'LIFE'S"MAIN OBJECTIVE" 12; 15,-Sunday .School -7 1 30 P M , "THE SHELTERING -ROCK" Dr. Stevenson will, preach We welcome istrangers-and visitors , ! if: i ,ST. -ANDREW'S .CATHEDRAL (Church of England) 'Very'Rev. J. B. Gibson, Dean 8 A.M., H61y Communion -11 'AM., 'Morning Prayer' arid 'Confirmation Service" 12:30, Sunday School iSO.'Evening'Prayer-and Sermon $.T.BAUL'SWTHERAN CHURCH . t LAWRENCE C. JENSEN, Pastor rSUNDAY, APRIL 18 "LET NOT YOUR HEART BE TROUBLED" (Norse) ,12:i5,'Sunday School v. ; 7:30.P.M. Address: "HYMNS AND THEIR CONTRIBUTION , -TO THE" CHURCH SERVICE" Anthem, "One Resolve," Senior Choir . ...Solo,' ','How Lovely.!Are Thy Dwellings," Open the Gates y the Temple," Mrs. L. C. Jensen '.' ' V, (Quartette, "Alone With Thee," Miss Auslaug Skaland, Mrs.-'L'. C. 'Jensen, "Dr. H. O. Johnsen and Rev. 'LC-Jensen'. -Anthern, "Beautiful' Savior," "For God SoLoved theSWoi-td,V; Junior Choir TheFsh which made PrinceWuptft Famous ert BTaiid !SMOKED BLACK COD 3 Prepared Daily By 'Canadian fish '& Cold Storage Co.t ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Specials in 3 ' rancy Stationery d to'clear. JRcffiilar'Rclail 'Price $t.-25,ft0'Glcar at 85c RcRtilar 'Retail Pficc 60c,'to Clear at .5c jReffiilar RctaihPricel:50, to Clear at .$1.00 Regular Retail. Price $L00, to Clear at70c iRcRiilar Retail Pricc-oOc, to Clear at 10c OrmesLtd. 'Pioneer Druggists The Rexall Store Phones: 81 & 82 Open-Daily From 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays 'and Holidays From 12 noon till 2 p.m., 7 p.m. till t) p.m. Mio Furniture Exchange MOOSE BUILDING, THIRD AVE. Phone Green 916 New Furniture Chesterfield Suites, Beds, Springs, Mattresses, Floor Covering, Blankets.-Luggages, Table Oilcldth, Window Shades, Prams, Fdlding 'Carriages. Iked Furnitwe r Ms, Atlas Couch, Steel Crib, Singer Sewing jUachine, Piano, Kitchen Table, Kitchen Cabinet, j Kitchen Ranges, Dining Room Suites, Dressers, Gramaphone Records, Musical Instruments, 'Boqks Writing Desk, Portable Typewriter, Fate, .j.,"' TO THE HOUSEWIFE: 'Have you started spring cleaning? You may have furniture, crockery, utcn-silsIuggage,! blankets, suits, clothcs, ctc. yotrwish'to get rid of. ELIO'S Trade-in Green .9,16 "We Tluy 'Everything We Sell Everything CALL GREEN 91G D EL 10 FURNITURE rid EXCHANGE VI iooseUuilding, Third Avenue, Prince-RupertU'.C. 'Hours: Daily "from 9 a.m. to 5 p:m. IS