Today's Weather (8 AM.) Kupert Raining, south pi.':: ear m 'v, :. 18 miles per hour; baro jneter 29.90; heavy chop. No. 9d r,,XXVI IMAMA - PROBE IS REQUESTED I httullo Asks Federal Investigation Of Doukhobor Incendiarism And Combing Threaten Violence Construction of Trans-Canada Air Beacon at Grand Forks Held Up , VICTORIA, April 17: CP-Pre-v.-rT D Pu'tullo yesterday asked " Do".- .on government to send ... . vestlgator to trus pro- toi t ) p 3te tne recent wave oi ires;-. :n and bombing in the Dcaktcbrr :c'tlements of the Nel- to- i'"d a conference be-titeen Prrm; r Pattullo and Peter Vermin Doukhobor leader. The Premier v. A that Verlgln contend ui 'lie strongest language itreccnf incidents. Afcquafs police protection will GsUnue to be maintained to prefer1 furh'T such outbreaks, Pre--...o said. Press:!: Pattullo yesterday sent )U te:cjr m to Prime Minister Lvon Mackenzie King at Ot'iWi requesting his assistance in .-, d;." 'he Doukhobor situa- :3B u. was expected the re-k i he cranted. M'jfl' :.:lr At arand Forks work n r.v. : n the construction of -t lr '" iMLida air line radio nn -ui when Doukhobors. V"" iand for the station, v.v.:: I nce to workmen. fACKARD ON SPOT tnitfd Automobile Workers Now Turn Attention to Another Concern Still at Ford DETROIT April 17: The United t'' Workers of America siL yesterday officially aur..:ci unun recognition from -'Pi t Motor Coraoratlon as i- rcent wage Increase, 1 n iiulf time overtime, duy and forty hour efforts are still being inize ninety thousand Co. employees. I Saskatchewan I hundred thousand residents wlth-OllSft HTV KlSeS out service. kt'slalure Prorogues at Regina- i- Cove fnmcnt Had No Difficulty I'nacting Favored Laws REGINA April 17: CP) -The Kt :hcw in LetrUlnlnri . O- V 'flay after a session & l iberal Government of W .T Pollnn ...ItV, He I jvutev.t. majority had no dlf- 1 nurting the legislation P'opo:c,' The Saskatchewan --m consist, of a mere uu' cf Lve members. Weather Forecast 'iirouji. th courtesy Oi Mriwjroioirlcnl Bureau p-in.- n.T.'jrr- r N 1. mi p.icd ironi obbcrvatioiM t ... . . . i n a k WW aiming D p.m. tomorrow). t L Synopsis Pressure is rnntt vT'r ..... -w " ' 01 Vancouver Island, LONDON, April ir. 'T'V f -1 " Uo"8 southerly winds, Iplieatlon of orthopaedics and do- PrJttf, Sh0wery- mechan zat Ion I clopment In army ft.2e strict aV.d the 'Jflalfoof with- Queen hav brough .. ... , "Vile Ilk.,J. I .n.l. I'll I ! ta uthwesterly winds, iUl luu- - - More Babies Italy's Aim ROME, April 17: (CP) The Italian cabinet yesterday de- clared a sweeDlnsr measure tn promote an Increase In the Italian birth rate, Including authorization of marriage loans to Induce couples to wed. A variety of tax laws have been passed to induce mar- rlage and propagation of large families. 4 FEARFUL OF NAVAL RACE Sir Samuel Hoare Thinks Britain Would Welcome Pact With United States and France LONDON, April 17: -Sir Samuel I Hoare. First Lord of the Admiralty, speaking last night, said he believed Great Britain would welcome the opportunity of negotiating a new 1937 naval treaty with United States and France. He was apprehensive, he said, of what might be the outcome of the present naval building race. Strike Settling Releases.Liner President Roosevelt Sails From New York After 18-Hour ' ... 1 '' : Delay - NEW YORK, April 17: With the ending of the telegraph operators' and seamen's strike against the International Mercantile Marine, the liner President Roosevelt sailed yesterday for Europe, some forty-eight hours late. Recognition of the insurgent union American Tele graphists' Association has been granted. SUDDEN STRIKE Three Hundred Thousand of Akron " Left Without Public Transportation Services AKRON, Ohio, April 17: (CP) Bus drivers and street car operators staged a sudden walk-out In Akron yesterday, leaving three brnn TVoncrMirtjitfnn Cn snokes- !mcn said that the strike came ... . l- ..4 iUi tun nA wltnoui warning duu uui wa6v. negotiations had been In progress for several weeks. Strike Break Threat Made Employers in Montreal (Jive Notice Of Intention to Form Rival Dressmakers' Group MONTREAL, April ' i urn oivpii vesterday by the com panics to striking dressmakers in ; Montreal that failure to reach an early settlement of their strike u-nnin result n me iorm.u rival emoloyees' group In order 10 reopen the tied up shops. FLAT FEET NO UAH i . . . .m a,. JiCatlons and otherwise 'conditions' of txtniptiuu it duced VICTOR; a. b.c. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., SATURDAY, APRIL 17, 1937 Tomorrow's Tides High 7:10 ajn. 17.4 ft. 20:32 pjtn. 17.2 ft. Low 0:53 am. 9.4 ft. 13:40 p.m." 5.9 ft. IS IN STATE OF UNREST GERMAN PLANES t ARRIVE I Spanish Government Charges Nazi Reinforcements For InsurgentsThree Thousand Bodies Buried MADRID, April 17: (CP) The government of Spain charges that thirty-six German planes have been secretly flown from ' Hanover to Burgos, Spain, by the Lufthansa (German Commercial Airways) pilots under cover of 1 night. The machines, it is declared, are to be used by the insurgents in pursuing the civil war. During a lull in fighting on the outskirts of Madrid last night, I bodies of three thousand persons killed during the past few days in the bloody fighting at the gates of the capital were given a common burial, it was reported. Absent Minded Trapper Nails His Partner Up THE PAS, Man.. April 17: CP) Noted, among his fellow Indians for riis absent-minded ness. Simon Partridire finished h tsuccuftaful . trapping" expedition with his4"-; pa rtnciy '-A 1 1 ec t o"r acked the sleigh and nailed ur his cabn against intruders. Aboul to leave he heard shouts ahc found: he, hadlsealedshl.s partne! in trio shack, EXPORTS AWAY UP Canada Shipped Out More Than Billion Dollars Worth of Goods During Last Fiscal Year OTTAWA, April 17. (CIM Exports of Canadian goods in the fiscal year ended March 31 shot over the billion dollar mark, the Department of National Revenue) reports. Domestic exports wen , S LOG 1,1 81, DOG, an increase of $212,151,489 above the previous fiscal year. The favorable trade balance for the Dominion for the year was: $380,000,000. Income tax collections for th yeaV were more than $100,000,000 it wag announced. Customs and excise- revenue showed, an increase of $17,000,- "00 over the year previous, 1 1 1 Wheat Prices Drop Sharply i Fading European Demand Causes Winnipeg and Chicago Prices. ,and representatives of the Oshawa To Drop Five Cents ; local of the United Automobile i Workers conferred to work out a ! settlement of the ten-day strike. WINNIPEG, April 17: In view1 premier Hepburn has requested of tho continued fading European j hj n.h.nt n. jiab cnfTcrpn QcuMim, w.iirttv pwki" v.00 sharply again yesteraay on nic wlnnipe& and chicago market. The drop In both markets was about j five cents a bushel. In Winnipeg i May closed at $1.31 and In Chi-, cago at $1.29. 1 Halibut Sales Canadian Arctic. 8,500, Cold Storage, 0.8c and be. Capella. 6.500, Atlln, 7c and 5c. R. W., 0,000, booth, tJ.bc aiid 5q, British Miners' Strike Looming LONDON, April 17: (CP) Threat of a general strike in British coal mines deepened today as first results of the strike vote called by the Mine Workers' Federatkm indicated sentiment running strongly for work cessation unless recog- ,; hition Is granted by operators in the Nottinghamshire area. l Late Telegraphs EARL IS DEAD LONDON The Eail of Londes-boiough, vice-admiral of the Yorkshire coast and grandson of Queen Victoria ami brother of Lx-Queen Victoria of Spain, died at a nursing home here of pneumonia. He was 11 years of age. STOCK MART UNCERTAIN NEW YORK The New York j slock market continued unccr- tain yesterday. Industrial aver- j age at closing was off .41; rails up .08 and utilities off .17. HIS FILM BANNED TOI'EKA The State Board of Censorship has banned from showing in the State of Kansas a m. portion IJUI ilVIl UI of a A news IlinS reel 111! lull, film con vv.i- ( l "tainting !--! remarks' 1 of "Senator t- Bur- ton K. Wheeler, of Montana criticizing President Franklin I). Roosevelt for his stand iri connection with reorganization of the Supreme Court. The censors find that Wheeler's remarks arc unduly prejudiced. WORLD ECONOMIC PARLEY WASHINGTON, D.C. Premier Paul van Zeeland of Belgium will pay a visit to the United States In June. He will discuss with President Roosevelt the possibility of United States participation , in a world economic conference Belgium has already opened the subject with a number of important j nations. ! jiff Yin Wli Mftf lflol 1111 Iflll ltUl Treat on Strike Through Hepburn1 .,. . ,, i The Omineca nomination con- OSHAWA, April 17: (CP)-Homer T, , vcntf wi ,,80 bc hed hor. D. Martin president of the United ,y ;m(J the tation ls that Automobile Workers of America ; th M M Connelly, member of said last night that he would dealagt IIousCf wiI ,Je runominatcj direct with General Motors of Can- ,)as I)((t t tmn s definite ada for a setUemcnt of theOshawa,. IIsci0S((, ,vht th form of th. strike but. not through Premier! Hepburn of Ontario. However, negotiations between General Motors and the striking) Oshawa employees resumed this1 afternoon in the office of Premier Hepburn at Toronto, the Premlerl nnnnnnrioH I utuivuutvu. At 2 o'clock company offlcialsLPnl.hini, l-nruirrf . IVilalHnif har.l the complete withdrawal of the i .1 t i I -1 1. jcuciui, hujii nie auriite scene. Vancouver Wheat ;. VANCOUVER, April, 17: (CP) .The price of wheat revived somc- ! what on the Vancouver market to-Iday, closing at $1.28V2. i HOLD SHOW AT WINDSOR WINDSOR, Eng., April 17: : (CPWhen the Royal Agricul tural Society celebrates Its cen-, tenary y 'in 19oJ, the show will hl' held in Windsor Great Tailf. MINE CREW ON SKEENA Party Arrives to Start Work On Well known Ecstall River Sulphur-Iron Property To institute a program of further development work on the iron pyrites sulphur property up the Ecstall River known as the Dunsmuir mine, F. W. Guernsey, mining engineer, and party of five men arrived during the night at Port Essington from Vancouver aboard the steamer Cardena. They brought with them a considerable quantity of supplies. The power vessel Laura F. II was on hand to meet the party and take it and tho supplies up the Ecstall from Port Essington. The first work will be to put up camp buildings to house quite a large crew which wid, it is expected, be employed during the coming season. An old tramline will aho be put back in shape. The immediate objective is to produce sulphur for which there is now a good market. Iron may also be shipped to the Orient. Legislature Of Prince Edward Island Closes CHARLOTTETOWN, April 17: (f?PlAftpr - . 9'wsslnn nf . less --. than a m6nUr,The''PTTnc i Edward "Island' Legislature prorogued yesterday. The Prince Edward Island. Legislature; isf inUhe peculiar posltidn pi haVlri'g no Opposition, ElMh rdem-bers being Liberal. CONVENTION IN SKEENA E. T. Kenncy and M. M. Connelly Again Expected to he Liberal Candidate HAZELTON, April 17: Th provincial election Liberal nomin iatinjr convention for Skeena will be held here next Thursday. K !T. Kenncy, member of the last legislature, will again be in tht field and will, undoubtedly, agair be the party' choice. Whether oi not a candidate will be placed in 'the field against him has not yel been determined. OIipo!ition to thc uberal candi- jdate will lake in Omineca. rvn 1ST itmrrs 'l.P.OPAltn LIVINGSTONE, Rhodesia, April (CP) Cycling on a lonely ,,atn after Runsct. . Rev. II. II t i 1... iinr r;i m w m I'fiii i i'iiiii iii nv ji jne charged at the beast which (jumped into the bush and disap i peared. I I 0 t 1 I ' t a I King George Coins Coming -i OTTAWA, April 17: (CP) A new series of King George VI coinage will be available to Canadians shortly after the Coronation, It ls announced. There will be coins from lc coppers to $1 silver dollars, all bearing the bust of the new .King. Banishment of Prince Nicholas May Lead To Revolution Tis Said Government Reported to be Ready to Meet Any Eventuality Nazi Coup by Rightist Iron Guard Especially Feared BUCHAREST, Roumania, April 17: (CP) The Roumanian government, fearing a pro-Nazi coup, was ready today for any eventuality as political repercussions from he banishment of ex-Prince Nicholas, whose morganatic marriage of a few years ago brought a crisis with King Carol in regard to his status, created tension throughout the nation. Officials are apprehen- TODAY'S STOCKS Courtes 3. D. Jotuuion Oo.l Vancouver B. C. Nickel, .24. Big Missouri, .50. Bralorne, 7.65. Aztec Mines, .09. Cariboo Quartz, 1.55. Dehtonla, .16. Golconda, .10. Mlnto, .25. Falrvlew Amalgamated, .10. Noble Five, .08. Pcnd Oreille, 3.35. Pioneer,, 4.90. . Porter Idaho, .06. Premier, 2.61. Reeves McDonald, 1.45." Reno, .91. ' Salmon Gold, .10. Wayside. .03i. Hedley Amalgamated, 12. Premier' Border, .63." Sllbak Premier, 2.60. Congress, .07',, Home GOld',' .03! Grandvicw. .15. Indian, .02 '2. Quatsino Copper, .04. Ojls A. P. Con, .30. Calmont, .60, C. & E., 2.55. Freehold, .11. Hargal, :18. McDougal Segur, .22. Mercury, .29. Merland, .142. Okalta, 1.30. Pacalta, .15. Home Oil, 1.60. United, .22. i Weymarn, .17. . Toronto ' Beattie, 1.33. cenuai airicia, 3.25. Ood's Lake, .56. Lee Gold, .04. Little Long Lac, 6.00. McKenzie Red Lake, 1.44. Pickle Crow, 6.00. Red Lake Gold. Shore, .57. San Antonio, 1.60. Sherritt Gordon, 2.30. Smelter Gold, .05. McLeod Cockihutt, 2.20. " Okl-end, .29. Mosher, .44. Gilbec, .03 2-Madsen Red Lake, .96. Stadacona, 1.76. Frontier Red Lake. .18. ' Franc'oeur, 1.05. Manitoba & Eastern. .01. Moneta Porcupine, 1.55. Botiscadlllac, .62. Rubec, .06. Thompson Cadillac, .88. Bailor. .04 V2. Bankfleld, 1.10. East Malartic, 1.25. Preston East Dome, .99. Hutchison Lake, .18. Dawson White, .18. McQualg Red Lake, .18. Ralah Red Lake, .21. Aldermac, 1.26. " Kerr Addison, 2.75. Uchl Gold, .05. Martin Bird, 1.05. Chestervllle, 2.35. Hugh Pam, 23. Auglte Porcupine, .32. Rlchmac. .55. Quebec Manitou, 1.00. PRICE: 5 CENTS ' slve that the banned rightist "Iron Guard," angered because its re-' presentatives wtre not consulted i before Nicholas was exiled for re fusing to renounce his commoner wife, may challenge the government. The country was feared last night to be on the verge of a revolution. EVASION OF TAXES John J. Raskob and Pierre S. Du-pont, Prominent Industrialists, Subpoenaed WASHINGTON, April 17:-John J. Raskob and Pierre S. Dupont, both prominent American Industrialists, were yesterday subpoenaed to appear on charges of evasion to pay federal income tax. It is claimed by the Treasury depart ment that Raskob owes $1,042,000 Innil niinnnt t7flnfinn PncVnH wa chairman of the Democratic National Committee In 1928. Dupont is a prominent Republican. In the last campaign both were active In the Liberty League which opposed ! the re-election of President Frank lin D. Roosevelt. Way Is Clear For Mediation Eight Thousand Employees Of Southern Pacific Railway Are Continuing at Jobs SAN FRANCISCO. April 17: CP The United States federal me-dlatloa board appointed to Investigate the Southern Pacific Railway dispute found the way to Intervention cleared by last minute action In postponing the contemplated strike of eight thousand workers. Today's Weather I Government Telegraph! Terrace Cloudy, calm, 12. Aiyansh Cloudy, calm, 10. Alice Arm Cloudy,' calm, 48. Anyox Cloudy, calm, 41, Stewart Cloudy, ' eouth wind. 40. Hazellon Cloudy, calm, 158. Smithers Cloudy, calm, cool Hums Laktj Dull, calm, o2. , Victoria Cloudy, west wind, 16 Imile per hour; barometer, 30.30. ' Estevan Rain, southeast wind. 18 miles per hour; barometer, 3058. Prince GeorgeCalm, clear; barometer, 30.08. Vancouver-Clear, east wind, 4 miles per hour; barometer, 30.28. Dead Tree Point Moderate southeasterly wind, rain;, temperature.' 40; 'sea choppy. Langara Island Overcast, southeasterly wind, 20 miles per hour; temperature, 40; sea choppy. Triple Island Overcast, rain, southeasterly wind, 22 miles per hour; sea rough, 'i. ?i