PHONE 557 E. reuenuzo wno was assuiea (Estao. 1SC8) CATHOLIC TEA AND SALE IS SUCCESSFUL A highly successful tea and sale . in ted by Mrs. Joe Garon. Mrs. B. Curtin was the winner in raffles of hand embroidered cut-work pillow sllpx TERRACE Fattier Rev. Godfrey win be at Terrace for some weeks while Rev. Father Champagne is away at Mas-sett supervising the building of a Catholic Church at that point. Ttare is to be an addition to the Catholic Church building at Terrace, the Catholic congregation having increased during the past few years. VANCOUVER, Feb. 26: Beef THIRD AVENUE GROTTO IS VICTORIOUS of home cooking was held yester- Defeated Moose 49 t0 35 In Senior day afternoon at the home of Mrs. Basketball Last Nieht receiving the many callers by Mrs. , In 1451 evenin8s senior basket- M. P McCaffery Mrs. J. F. Ritchie and Mrs. E. J.j biu eme Grotto an e catering! 49 to 55 vktory rom the Moose to Fitzpatrick pwrred and was ably taken care of by. Mrs. P.1 bie & Stone for league J. McCormick and Mrs. W. Whiffen. I 'S"lership. Riht from the start the Grotto j Mrs. Charles P. Balagno was cash- the lead wltn ani L. Gtit-1 orEan ier. Servtteurs were Mrs. flths. Miss Y Dominato. Miss a ilacPhec working nicely together Cohxssi, Miss A. Turgeon and Mrs. G. P. Lyons. The lace covered table was centred with daffodils and tapers set in silver holders. Mrs. J. L. McLaren was in charge of the home cooking table, assis J oa the forward litis. At the. Inter val the score was 19 to 12 for the Tobacconists. In the second hall these two kept Up the bombardment for the Grotto, MacPhee get ting 20 points while Morgan made 18 for their night's work. Arm strong was high scorer for the Moose with 21 points. Intermediate Game Ben's News Stand lost a hard fought game to the Scythians in the intermediate division by a .score of 37 to 30. Beynon wag in top form for the winners getting 22 point while Nakamolo made 15 for the Newsies, llxll time score was 2C tc id for the ncythlans. Ladies' Game Two overtime periods were necessary to settle a hard fought match in the ladle? league with the High School finally winning out over the Grottettes by a 13 to 11 score. Full time score was 6-all. Both teams nade a basket and a" free throw to prices here are a, follows: steers, I tie the score at 9-all in the first 7c; heifers. 55c; cows, 4.25c. V COLDS ad iabal it. Um OUi ud ion Tbrn I Wat, tbmuM nib U iatm ffct4 ptu Real relief . . . quickly I TRAPPERS! Attention! Don't sell your furs until you see Frank Lockwood Phone Blue 729 P.O. Box 200 overtime period. Half time score j was 4 to 0 for the Students. Beale made eight points for the Grot-itettes and Blaine was high for the I winners with five. I Junior Irnrn In the Junior game the Moose smoinerea seal Cove U the tune of 38 to 9. Half time score was 13 'to 2. winslow and Bremner made 1 16 and 10 points respectively for the winners. j LEAGUE STANDING . Senior League I W. D. L. F. A. Lamb'e tt Stone 3 2 Grotto 3 3 ; Moose 2 3 Intermediate League Moose 5 o Scythians 3 1 Regiment 0 3 Bon's News Stand 0 4 10 Ladles League Grottettes 3 2 6 Annette's 2 2 4 High School 2 3 4 1 Junior League Boy Scouts 1 10 Moose 2 2 4 High School , 2 2 4 Seal Cove 0 4 0 CHURCH NOTICES ,,f; , CATHOLIC CHOrCH A Mission will be preached In the Catholic Church by Father Lofthtis beginning Sunday morning at 10:30 o'clock, February 28, and ending Sunday, March 7. Sermon every evening at 7:30 o'clock All Welcome LONDON. Feb. 26: Kimber ley Dynamiters, representing ! five to nil. Rupert Butchers Still in Lead! Defeated Rupert Motors Last Nk;ht While .McMeetfn's Won Over Biological Station Rupert Butchers retained their leadership in the Commercial Bowlinj League last night by winning two games to one over Rupert Motors while. In the second fixture of the evening, McMeekin's defeated Biological Station also by a score of two games to one. High average scorer was Jos Jack of Rupert Butchers with 169. Individual scoring: MCMEEKIN'S 1st 2nd Menzies 114 124 Armstrong 136 155 McMeekin ...143 120 McLeod .162 170 Asemissen .176 134 Handicap 38 38 Total 769 741 BIO. STATION 1st 2nd Carter 94 110 Freeman 129 111 Pugsley 132 103 Stamford ....134 141 Sunderland 95 123 Handicap 90 90 Total 674 C83 RUP. BUTCHERS 1st 2nd J. Jack . .. 160 151 Ross 141 125 McLean 111 120 L. Astoria 161 134 A. Astoria .. 120 128 Handicap 20 20 Total ...713 678 RUP! MOTORS 1st 2nd Taylor ...189 138 Herman ...128 113 Morris 136 132 Houston ,...103 115 Robertson: 119 92 Handicap 47 47 Total 727 042 Tri league standing: W. L. Rupert Butchers ...7 2 Balllnger's, 4 2 Rupert Motors .3 3 Gyro Club .1 2 McMeekin's 2 4 Biological Station l 5 118 131 205 143 143 38 778 3rd 147 169 103 173 102 90 784 3rd 198 120 126 1C3 HOCKEY SCORES 168 20 795 3rd 126 111 171 151 109 47 National League Toronto 3, Canadiens 1. Boston 1, New York Americans 3. Detroit 3, Chicago 1. Pacific Coast League Spokane 6, Seattle 1. Baer to Fight In London Now NEW YORK, Feb. 26: Max Baer, former world's heavyweight cham pion, will not fight In New York but In London, he announces! United Church Tea and Sale Delightful Affair Held at Home Of Mrs. E. P. Jenner by Women's Missionary Society The home of Mrs. E. P. Jenner, was the scene yesterday afternoon of a delightful tea and sale of' home cooking under the auspices j of the Women's Missionary Society j of First United Church. The rooms were tastefully decorated with spring fldwdrs and valentine effects and many ladles called during- the afternoon. Mrs. J. Krlkevsky and Mrs. G". V. Wllklhs6h were" lh charge pf general arrangements, j Mrs. W. A, Rlddell presided' over' the tea table and servlteurs were ,Mri. D. H. Barclay, Mrs. N. Trio-mas and Mrs. J. Clccorre. ! Mrs. Jf S, Irvine and Mrs. C. D. Clarice had charge of the home. cooking table. The musical program Included , vocal solos by Mrs. R. Ot Large and piano selections by Miss Helen Green. j Tr. t .-. n , ti :l ' CASE Or IXNiASs Canada, arid England will j Editor. Dally News: meet in the crucial game here 1 when Ow Hanson .VLP at WpmhlPv stadium tonieht 1the Incredible conditions international Indians are forced for the world's 'hockey championship Eng- land was extended to two overtime periods to win over Switzerland two trf nB yes- terday. Canada beat Germany With seeds. Tltey can hunt and are .supphKl Massett, B.C. fish wttli RELIEF PAYMENTS The Editor, Daily News: found ander exist, though it was not his duty, he investigated the reason whv the Indians should receive' such small rations in relief aniL this was the reply he received: on our reserves, why don't they refund all taxes we pay indirectly on everything we buy? If we are, getting free schooling, why are our children compelled to work like men In school for their boaM and allowed only half a day :ho;lin? If we ore getting free medical attention, why don't they take hen est steps towards checking tuberculosis among the Indians? Would you call giving tub-jrsula'r Indians a couple of spoons of cod liver oil per day and a 3rd;few pills to other sick Indians medical attendance? If we are supplied with clothing, seeds and ammunition and if our houses are repaired, I'm from Missouri, they'll have to show me. Yes, we can fish md hunt but the provincial police might pat -us in Jail for Illegal hunting and fishing. On top' of all this and after impressing us that they weie giving us relief, what have our guardians done with all our trust fund? I thank you for your valuable space. IVAN ADAMS I read with amazement the article on the above subject in youi newspaper yesterday. The only mistake you made was to neglect publishing the Englishman's name In b'ock letters. The colossal sum of $4,468,16 which your report as having been paid to one family is both astounding and appalling Th's man Is a discredit to his race I and one which the rest of u might well wholeheartedly b: 718 j ashamed of if not despise. And the size of his family too here is an Instance where steriliz ation might be applied. Including the of schooling, thi- family must cost the rest of ui over a thousand dollars every year. This explains to some extent why we have to allow prop erty to' revert to the City on account of' being unable to meet th high taxes. It Is surprising that the City rHi pay one family such a iar?e' Telephone Bridge com of money. There is no reason D Conc nf NorWaV for It, as Canada will furnish anv w' red Wooded man with a Hving u ne wUI get out and scratch for U .Vffiir Held Last Night at a Num-Aithout the necessity of reawtmg i,er of Homes to charity. No wonder the Cana- ' aon-Born are oppasea to uroragr-, telephone bridge daol with such. NATIVE ENGLISH when necessary. They a hae,m thts cKy. Bat there is a Mttle iand far gardensand are snppned hitch in the calculations. ,a Tliat a ureal many of the local relief cases' 4hbuW be. what you munition. t term it -alien.- is only natural id If we. the Indians, are tax free! . ..... -.npr nj; njer cltl2ens are all "old country people OTHERS UNEMPLOYED EditoT, Dally News: That theif children, who are not listed as relief recipients are Canadians is a matter of accident No doubt you wish to point out that the alien population in this .province is lazier than the native born but somehow this does not sound convincing. Furthermore, we have some outstanding politicians here who are foreign born but are never referred to as alien. I could mention the J local M. P. as well as Mr. Bruhn, but perhaps this is not relevant to the subject. There is one thing, however, that editors should never forget. Logic tells people when facts are used or imagination. A. WALLIN. In your issue of February 25 you j print some very interesting facts on relief payments. A family of two adults and 10 dependents are alleged to have received $4,468.16 over a period of 76 months. Some of the recipients are also said to be of alien birth. A much more Interesting item on unemployment disbursement is mentioned in' the next column' alio on the first page. Here we have a case of a well known bachelor who is now unemployed in an alien land, and who will draw $633,333.33 1-3 from the public iurso durliiR the following 76" mouths. l is stated in the News that the man with ten dependents is of Eng lish birth. That is only fair, as the highest paid man at the City Hall Is of English birth also. A Canadian born relief recipient. MRS. C. L. INTERMULA. (The well known bachelor men-j tloned above will receive nothing from Canada. The dispatch referred to by our correspondent says he gets. $100,000 pension as his hare of his father's estate. Ed.) Friday, February 26, FADE TWO THE DAILY NETS 137 Everyday Walking SI ices tv. The new shoes are arriving and we hare smart models for the lady who likes a good walking Oxford. These are made in either black or brown with low or medium heels and the prices are reasonable. ... .. , Where Mast Pwple Trifle TV F AMILY SHOE STORE LTJ. j'crccWl game of . yf HOCKET ON TODAY I L I S TLSTdrheld wider the auspices of the. be. within and without W see type of immigrant de- .. A Wi.k Mrs. ported to his naUve comitry where h oi -. ' . l . 1 w tsLlL.. .MW- ---- local iaiicr caVt.s The Indians live tax free on; : " their reserves. Thsy have free' Editor. Dally News: medical attendance and schooling.' tfouf paper Is making same very finer are ctoihed by the Depart- j interesting statements on the 4mert. Their houses are repaired j compotflinn of the people on relief ana Mrs. a. iuua -- divrdOM hCStrssrrfor the occasion. Jprize winners- were: ladies' first. Mrs. Dan Larson". 3730: second, Mrs: nlsvick. 2953; men's first. A. ovd- havn. 315S; second, ti. Anderson, 2950. RcTreshrjwnCs were served by each hostess at. the conclusion of the game. listen to this i wouia rrave men. onr ordin. aty dwelling houses buir. to and built to be lovely. juj. -and full of pleasantness nuy John Ruskln, in his nwsi-r. upon "beauty, was looked opoc as i crank by his utilitarian ounlry. men. Some day, rhaybe. the ideal in his "Seven Lamps of Architecture" may be realised. The beginning of pleasantness in youf home is warmth. And for a stfiady lasting pervadm? warmth nothing beats- Albert tt McCafftij'i And for tore hhu? its tr Albert i McCaffery carry the l.u . r of l'ulnlier In this North i mury not only beams and jolvt.v tiuj. ding and sheathing and the other structural Umbers you doi;t see, but of finishing woods as well It is often In the finish to t house that its beauty 11c- Likely -torn; little alterations to your house would be an Improvement Let your dwelling be full of pleasantness: warm with Albert h McCafferys coal and beautiful wtt ttelr smooth, fine grained finished woods: Just phone 116 or in, You deserve the best' "IH o$ yo for tKe lower " "I'd rotker toi yow lor trie Swel CopiP SWEET CAPORAL CIGARETTES "The puttsl form in which tolatco tn In tmoitd."JlnCtt This advertisement is not published or displayed by the'ljtjuor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia lion. William Smtthe, Premier of ttrltlth Columbia, January 29, I St 3, to March 29, 1817. During the lion. Mr. Sinlthe't term of office, much tea accompll1ieJ. The controtenlal question nf the Ulnml Kulluvy van fettled and the- line bulll. The Provincial Cotem menl aho gat o grant of 6000 acre of land In the vicinity, f lanrouter in order that the Trail'-continental Kallicay would extend It line to tliat point. Rcdhlrluutlon of tegltlatlv repretentallon trnt brought about, and the question of Oriental immigration into ttrltttli Col umhla tca$ placed under federal iurhdictlon. Silver Spring Lager, brewed in Victoria, R.C., lias won an international rr-ptilutinn for its high quality. Wlrerever yon go'.ybri meet tUmc whom only Silver Spring will salinfy. SILVER SPRING Lager Hear m tut! MM " MIMMM VICTOIIA.IC Thl. advertlsetnent is not published or djiplayed by the Liquor Control Hoard or by 3 the Government of British Columbia. The Central Hold ROOMS ami CAFE I'Iiuiip SI For Best Household Coal AIRS, V. K. HLACK CLANK'S STOKK Cut Mowrrs Fancy Work Wreaths made up PALMISTRY Evenihrs, Wallace Rlk. Suite 7 Phone Blue 993 330 3rd Aye. COAL TO PLEASE" EVERYBODY Satisfaction Guaranteed FAMOUS EDSON ALBERT COAL IIDLKLEY VAM.RY COAt VANCOUVER ISIJVN" COAt PRINCE RUPERT FEED COMPANY fllONEi 58 and 551 NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. ZarelU Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates $1.00 up 50 Rooms Hot Si Cold Wa"1 Prince Rupert, c' mi M IV fl lMlft