tA5i four Euery cup a delight SALABA TEA Replenish Enliven 3 TheVTreatYou SOI and Your Bookshelf -This Easy Way For 50 cents each good books withdrawn from our rental library In order to confine our Library space and to accommodate the latest books continually being added, books are withdrawn after a few months. Many of them are like new with original wrapper, all are comparatively recent publications and the most popular authors and titles. Naturally there are no duplicates at this low price. 50 cents each eMaM TheFxsh which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED - BLACK COD - Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT. B.C. It's interesting to know when reading the Daily News that the people of the whole district are doing the same. WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront C. N. R. steamer Prince Charles, Capt. Edward Mabbs, arrived in port at 10:45 last night from Vancouver via the Queen Charlotte Islands. The Prince Charles is scheduled to return south on the run, sailing at 10 o'clock tonight for Vancouver via the On a regularly scheduled voyage to Alaska, C. P. R. steamer Princess Norah, Capt. William Palmer, arrived in port at 7:50 this morning from Vancouver and sailed at 10 ajn. for Skagway and other northern points. She is due back here southbound next Monday afternoon. The vessel had a capacity list of 175 passengers on board, none ! disembarking here. Nine went north from here aboard her. C. P. R. steamer Princess Ade-'aide, Capt. S. K. Gray, is due in port at 3:30 this afternoon frorr. the south and will sail at 10 p.m ,on her return to Vancouver and j xaypoints. The United Church Mission boat Udal. in charge of Rev. William Selder of Queen Charlotte Citv. is detained here for a few daysT Mr. Selder being confined to his bed with a slight attack of influenza. f th ONLY cmuflt cbiop. medicated with throat-soothing ingredients ot vicks VapoKub. VS.cLtid ftippiri'rn FEBRUARY FURNITURE SALE continues. 6 Chesterfield Suites 1 Chesterfield, in splendid condition CfA Priced at Bedroom Suites, Dinette Suites Kitchen Suites MACKENZIE'S FURNITURE Phone 775 Prince Rupert, B.C. Our cod hi nor ie way we We f Art out wnetf VpUtl LIKE Treat Yourself to a Happy New Year by having your Coal bin full of the best coal in town. PHILPOTT - EVITT & Co. Ltd. Have the Coal to Suit Your Requirements 651 PHONE 652 I FOK SALE FOR SALE Furnished house on waterfront .Seal Cove. Apply Mochida's tore, Seal Cove, itf) FOR SALE $100 cash 10-1 Jkp 2 cyl. 4 cycle gas engine At-water - Kent ignition. Suitable for trolling or gill netting. $150 cash'-6 h.p. Petters dieseL perfect condition. Can be used stationary or marine. Box 10, Daily News. (48) FURNITURE Factory samples must go this week. Guaranteed 10-piece Chesterfield groups $69.50; 10-plece loose pillow arm groups $7250; 10-piece bedroom suites (round mirrors) $7450. Furnish your home complete three rooms, 59 pieces all for $165. Many other bargains. Terms If you .wish. Order today. Julius Shore Mall Order House. 8th floor Bekins Building, Vancouver, (tf) FOR RENT CLEAN, Well - furnished modern apartments. Phone Red 444. (50) FIVE Roomed cottage. 9th Ave. E $15 per month. Phone 74. tf PERSONAL GENTLEMEN'S Sanitary Supplies highest grade 15 for $l. Pacific Supply, 751 OranvlUe. Vancouver MEN Get vigor at once. New Os- trex Tonic Tablets contain raw oyster lnvlgorators and other stimulants. One dose peps up organs, glands. If not delighted, iaker refunds, few cents paid wall or write. Ormes Limited, tf READ Tills carefully. Your Horo scope cast free. Marriage partner described. Money prospects, tra vels, etc.. etc.. etc. Two years guide added free. State blrthdate Mr., Mrs. or Miss. Send 25c bill or stamps (not 'coin) to defray postage and clerkship. Address: Mrs, C. Reinolds, 252, Dreef. Heems- tede, Holland. Postage to Holland 5 cents. (48) 473 VACANCIES IN THE POSTAL SERVICE to be filled hv Anrll Mh cull trrn mation anri hnnklof "I Into the Canadian Civil Service' " um ine m. u. u. cmi tservlcei School Ltd., WliiiilpfK-tliH oldest i m uanadtt. u T1I J THE DAILY NEWS PLAYS ARE ENJOYABLE both as the romantic marquis and Mie hard working mason. John Good, as Blair, played the nart of the accomodating gardener The costumes were appropriate and commendable. The play was well received by the audience. Second Play The second p:ay. "Fantastic FVThV u-a riirft1 hv T1 . . Beds all cd" provided plenty of laughs. IThis play was directed by Miss Love. Kitty Cameron, as Mrs. Slater, was somewhat of a shrew. Crocodile tears came naturally to her. Excellent Entertainment Presented Her husband, the easy going By Pupils of Hish School Henry Salter, was well taken by Harold Ponder. Lois Judge, as Mis The Literary and Dramatic bo- c, Jordarl( dlSpiayed clever control of clety of King Edward High School jon psesented a group of three P:ayj Wilkinson, as young Victoria in First Praebytarian Church lasl ; appeared perfectly at ease on the vening to a capac ty audience. t Th aiMlence was amused The first play. The Romancers appeanmce of Koward a comedy In three scenes was dl- Rale as Abe, Merrjrveatner. He rected by Robert Yerburgh. Mar- reklUves a terrlblc garet McLachlan. as Sylvette. gave by retuming t0 ufe MeWn Eb. a convincing portrayal of a rom- ume a$ Ben jQrdan mnj antic young kidy. a modern Julie. lau,hj nte In the garden wall scene she gave stase mciucM a skilful interpretation of a P'-. iManson a, minattr sionate lover secretly the meefng by mm Yamanak Hu?h Forrcst on of her fathers soppased "fe- Brown and long enemy. ' n Murvan PrdHipson, as Pwdnet . Ve credltable' ,.ork was done played opposite her-an ardent . wWch young,over wT1cseim33mauvu !con,I$Ufd of Helen Va'ntine. Hel- Romeo and Juliet. Murray PhUMpson and Alan Ker-rln as Paquinot and Bergamln respectively the fathers of the ro- en Lakie. Geraldlne Cade. the necessary guldmce. the enter- r .7 tamment was Tin. .i n Wheatley. Coral Rogers, as Hop t,on 1 revering, conducted a clever dk.-1 logue with Joe Landrey as Ncah I the leading man. The story outlined the dreams of a confirmed' pacifist who has a plan to give; the world a fresh start. Marian McLachlan, as Stella, the wife of' Noah, clearly showed that she win j not interested In the nebulous heorizing of her hurband. Terry Jj Fortune and Henry Monte?ano. as' -eporter and news editor, caught, the sp:ed and action of modem newspaper men. Bert O'Neill, as Heatherfield, revealed the practice' shrewd, reliable advsor. Eric B-- ner played a minor part, Mr. Peth- j er. with a calm assurance. ; Realism was the keynote of this play which was ultra-modern In Um suggestiveness. Exhibition of Fenc'nj: An exhibition of fencing glvv by Dr. RiddeU an4 three of ' htj pupils, Honora Sllversides, Fran-t cis Mohr, and Joe Landrey. pro- j viaed a very pleasing break In the program. In handling the foils tb students showed dexterity and aplomb. The comedy "The Dar Depart- (well worth seeing. sizes Chesterfield Suite Baby Carriages Baby Crib, Baby Swings USED FURNITURE Dining Room Table and Chairs 6-Picce Dinette Suite Arm Rockers, Girl's Bicycle Singer Sewing Machine 8-Tuhe Battery Radio Kitchen Ranges Ruth Nelson and Jean McLean. Brian Parsons rendered valuable service In arranging thr HirVltlnor pnitlnmnt Thl cot-.. c delineating , ,r '.u the ports 7 of , scheming V , .contributed ntajufnight- specially to the pi... parents. ... The church was packed and the Jim Irvine as Strafford, c t. the pro-!audlenC ind!catlon of ffssional abductor, was very real! tl . ... ' . tions. On the whole the plays arc above the standard of the average amateur production and are very . Dr. E. E. Lucas, prinoiple of the .Hl?h School brief y expla'ned thi actlvity of the students, pointing out that while the teachers gave a student produ'v A LENTEN SUGGESTION 0 Gold Seal Salmon Fancy Red Sockeye Packed by the only salmon canning company with an all the year round payroll in Prince Rupert. Pioneer Woman Of Cariboo is Dead Mrs. John Evans, Who Crossed Continent in Covered Wagon, Dies at Duncan DUNCAN, Vancouver Island, Feb. 26: Mrs. John Evans, aged 84, one of the earliest pioneer residents of the Cowichan Valley, is dead here. Last monh she had celebrated her sixty-fourth wedding anniversary. She is survived by her husband who Is known as "Cowichan's Grand Old Man" and by six children. Mrs. Evans, at the age of eight years, crossed the continent to California in a covered wagon. KINCOLITH BOAT SERVICE KINCOLITH. Feb. 26: - The people of Kincolith are desirous of a. speeding tip of the mail and freight service by which a boat calls here now every three weaks, It is a matter which will be taken up more fully later Eggs A Grade. Large In Cartons. 3 doz 91c YOUNG VEAL Rumps 90r Der lb. awt Rolled Roast per lb Shoulders 1 Der lb lot Breast per lb. Butter 20c 10c First Grade Butter QCTn 3 lbs. 7UV Spare Ribs 2 lbs Hocks per lb. Butt Roasts per lb Butt Chops per lb. TOKK Diamond A Bacon ' i-lb. pkts. Ayrshire Bacon per lb 25c 10c J3c 25c 28c 28c LENTEN SUGGESTIONS Finnan Haddie per lb. Hadide Fillets per lb ... Smoked Black Cod per lb. Fresh Cod 2 lbs. Dlgby Chicks per lb. Fresh Haddock per lb. 20c 25c 20c 25c 20c 20c ELIO'S FURNITURE Blankets Suit Case and Trunks Folding Metal Bridge Table Set Linoleum Rugs Congoleum Rugs Printed Linoleum by the yard ELIO'S TRADE IN OLD FURNITURE FOR NEW D. Elio Exchange Phone Green 421 Prince Rupcrt B c Store Open 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. gWilBHIII II i ak I J I , I L I "! 1 III TON'ir.lli' . o.!.." Last .C,. J EVER.,. triu Loretta Young to Hr j Jackson's immoru. h, Spectacle .spiasnco ui v bright strolws ' Dar l gorgeous ui bnt 4 The rainbow beury nt venture-crowded Ola RrSulMH BIlwjiBiiBimi MIU i f wmm i irra 11 mm At 7 41 & 9 4: Adu i Walt Dhneys "DONALD AND n iTO" News and Musical Fresh Local Raw And Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY rilON'K S7 Trappers and Buyers I have to fiii :ruc.7. YOU CAN C.KT 2(Kc More From .Mc I am strong or. :v :yj.'.'J$ Make your shipm' r.' A" sn as I receive it I w;.. ecnu 1 monev GOLDBL 001 Hyde Transfer Phone DRY WOOD JASPER COAL Furniture Moving Light Delivery 315 SECOND AVK.