February 26i 1937 m EPIDEMIC COLDS Herrings- In Tomato Sauce Gold Seal 91 n 2 tins Canadian Cheese OHst ' per lb. Kihrimps- Dunbar -f Qp per tin lEutUr 1st grade QCa 3 lbs. v this Proven Way 1 J 1 1 J ( 1 I . . , With an epidemic raging uon i. ici u cuugu or com no, not even a sneeze go unchecked. At the1 very first sniffle stori It with Buckley's Mixture which first became famous during the urcat epidemic of 1918, and Is now Canada's largest selling remedy for coughs, colds, bronchitis, whooping cough, etc. Take Buckleys Cinnemated Capsules In combination with Buckley's Mixture If there is the slightest sign of fever, headache or backache. They contain Oil of Cinnamon, a stimulating Internal germicide of particular value In preventing and funtlng epidemics Ilk? the on now prevalent. BE PREPARED. Get these two depcnctaoie, eiiective Buckley Kemecues TODAY. Bucklry Products are sold everywhere. E ussa lems fcconomv Store (These Prices Good Till March 4th Lenten Specials Salmon- Pink, l's Qn 2 tins Combination Specials 1 tin Orchard City Peas, size 4 1 tin Royal City Corn 1 tin Royal City OOl Qfip Tomatoes. 22's 1 Cauliflower 1 Celery, large 1 lb. Rhubarb . Purity Flour 40's Free Delivery on Orders of $1 49c $2.29 Corn Flakes Quaker OCT-V 3 pkgs. Phone 18 P,0. Box 575 Break that Cold DOMINION C. H. Q. TAULETS The little red box used the World over 25C per box UKXALL nUONGIIIAL SYRUPA safe healing preparation fbr the relief of bronchitis, coughs and colds, guaranteed by Uexall; per bottle For the Children OUMES HOUEHOUNI) & IIONRY With' white pine, wild cherry and eucalyptus. Pleasant to take and soothing i'or old and QC young; per bottle Ormes Ltd. Jfift Pioneer Druqpt'sts The Itcxall Store Phones: 81 & 2 Open Dally From 8 .ni. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays From 12 noon till 2 p.m., 7 p.m. till 9 p.m. UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. 8teamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: T.S.S. CATALA EVERY TUESDAY 1:30 I'.Rl uue Vancouver, Thursday p.m. T.S.S. CAItllPNA nriiuv m.in u itssril M f M V V uue Vancouver, Monday a.m. If convenient pleaM! purchase tickets at office. Further Information rPMrrfinrrprv!it..nns arid ticket.? froni If you lose nnyllunff, advertise for H TERRACE WEDDING Mks Lorna Christy Becomes Bride Of Jack Wrathall at Pretty Ceremony A wedding of Interest was solm-nizea In Knox United Church, Ter-lace, on Thursdav vhen Imia. JONES Family IMIONKMV; per lb VKAL Market Boned St Rolled Shoulder per lb Rump Roast per lb Leg of Veal per lb. IMIONK D.V. Saturday Specials LAMI! and MUTTON Rolled Si Boned Shoulder of Lamb, per lb. Shoulder of Mutton 6 lbs: Loin Mutton Chops per lb. Legs of Mutton per lb Prime Rib Roll per lb Rump Roast per lb . Sirloin Tip per lb Pot Roast .... j C lbs. ..?.. Hamburger 3 lbs Short Ribs t 3 lbs Round Steak 3 lbs PORK Leg of Pork per lb. ,,.. Shoulder of Pork per lb Pork Hocks per lb Jewel Shortening 20 c 75c 20c 18c 18c 16c 18c 50c 25c 25c 50c 22c 16 c 10c 15c 20 c 18c 20 c Try Our SPECIAL SUNDAY NIGHT DINNER Soup Clilckcn with two Vegetables' Dessert Tea or Coffee All For 50c KNOX HOTEL "nanqtift a Specialty" TKi. DAILY KfiffvTB PAOK- TtCKVt LOCAL NEWS s: O. N. Ski Race, Sunday, Feb. 28. 2 pjn. from S. O. N. Cabin, Open to all. 48 Mrs. O. C. Arseneau sailed last night on the Prince George for a trip td Vancouver. younsrest da-iehter f Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Parsons sailed R. D. Christy of Terrace, became last ni8ht on the Prlnce -George for the bride of John, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Wrathall of Prince R6pert. Rev. Adam Crisp officiating. The ceremony was perform-3d under an arch of white and jplnk ro?es and evergreens and was very Impressive. Given in marriage by her father, the biide Jcoked charming in a TOwn of whits satin with corona-t on veil. She carried a bouquet of pink carnations. Miss Lillian Christy, sister of the bride, and Miss Vivian Wrathall, sister of the groom, were brides maids, daintily dressed In pale' green and yellow point D'Esprlt with ancesforias to match. Little Beth Christy, niece of thej a trip to Vancouver. Mrs. James H. Thompson sailed last night on the Prince George for a trip to Vancouver. TORTURE In A Minute Vnr ntilrk rvt'ivt from thff iteliilif of enema. hlutcbM, Dimpla. athlete', foot, eralai, nulla iii1 other ikli eruption., rf Ur. IMfllM pure, cocmui, tie. liquid D. D. D. PRESCRIPTION, lu jeotl. oili mull, the Irritated tkin. Clear, ireasein. tni .Uio-la -drle. fat. Ktopt the Biurt toiewa Itcbinf io-Uutly. A 35c trial bottle, t dnif itorm. prove. Iter luuuey UU. Ak fur D. D. D. PRESCRIPTION. 21 Theo Collart and son, Robert are leaving tonight for Vancouver bride, was flower girl, dressed in!on Q buslness trlP- blue-dotted swlss and carrying a basket of pink roses. J. Stanley Brooks acted as groomsman and W. J. Christy was usher. The wedding music was played by Miss Lorraine Kenney, who rendered Mendlesohn's "Medita tion" and the Lohengrin "Wedding March." While the register was- beln signed Clair Giggey sang "0 Perfect Love." Following the reception supper, at which Mrs. Robert Christy vas hostess, Mr. and Mrs. Wrathall left via Prinze Rupert for a honey moon in Vancouver and southern points. They will reside In Prince Rupert, Dr. A. L. McQuarrle, chief medl cal officer for the Department of Indian Affairs in British Columbia Is paying a brief visit here on offi cial duties. He arrived from Van couver on Wednesday and, while here, will also visit Hazeltoh and Port Simpson. A. Pyper, Port Clements hotel proprietor, Is paying a brief visit to the city. He arrived from the Islands on the Prince Charles last night and will be returning home on the same vessel tonight. Rev. C. D. Clarke, pastor of First United Church, showed an inter esting series of moving pictures, mostly of scenic nature, before a gathering of about 120 persons in the Canadian Labor Defence League Hall Wednesday night. Ernest N. Valentine, who was seriously Injured two weeks aero ioday in an accident while workins aboard the steamer Prince Rupert at the local dry dock, continues to make a very satisfactory re covery at the Prince Rupert Gen- jral Hospital. Provincial Constable Ronald M, Stewart of Massett arrived in the city on the Prince Charles last night from the Islands, bringing in Dennis Adams who has been, com mitted for trial on ff. charge of breaking and entering Carl Ker mis's store. Mrs. E. G. Bickerton and two children or Saskatoon.. arrived in the city on last night's train from the prairie city and sailed this morning oh the Princess Norah for Skagway enroute to the Yukon where they will join Mr. Bickerton and take up residence. J. M. Campbell, local employ ment officer, has received a request from the Department of Trade and Commerce to register all available white local seamen and deckhands. This Is in connection with a movement to replace Oriental seamen oh transpacific steamers with white men. The fire department was called at 9:55 this mornlns: to the library and museum building where there was a smoke scare. The furnace had evidently, been dampered off1 to much and smoke permeated the bulTdlng'and . Issued j outside the wiuuuws una oinier venis. mere was no damage. 1 1 ' Mr. and Mrs. Norman L. Freeman have returned to the city after spending the winter In Seattle. During the winter Mrs. Freeman's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stork, formerly of this city,, have been spending a good deal of time on the coast and will be leaving Vancouver on Sunday on their return to Brampton, Ont. Announcements Presbyterian Tea, Mrs. P. Lakie, February 25. High School play, Presbyterian Church, February 25 and 20. Baptist March 1st T?af Mrs. Bert Morgan's. St. Patrick's Tea and'Entertaln-ment, March 17. ' - . V .. . University extension lectures,' March 17, 13 and 10, City Hall-Dean Buchanan. Rrbekah Fashion Show, Marclr 10. ! .innlnr Chamber Dance, Friday, 'April 2. Mr..: and Mrs. J. M. Carter of Port Essington will sail tonight on Jie Princess Adelaide for Van couver, accompanying tne remains of Mrs. Carter's- father, the late A. J. Buttlmer of Balmoral, whose death occurred here earlier in the week and whose funeral wP.l take place in Vancouver. R. E. Le?g, former superintendent Ct. CnAM.K8 Evaporated Milk is the safett form of milk yoil can buy ideal for babies and fur t-oukrrig arid table use. Only pure fresh milk from selected dairy farms is accepted by Itorden'i for St. diaries. This finer milk is evaporated just a few hours after milking time its purity, quality and flavour protected by the highest !3oHie4vi ST. CHARLES MILK Mrs. M. Prendergast and chlld- ien, Donny and Viola May, are ailing on the Venture tonight foi Vancouver on holiday. W. J. Rennle and S. J. Rennle of Port Clements are paying a brief visit to the city. They arrived on the Prince Charles last night and will be returning to the Islands on the same -vessel tonight. Presbyterian Tea Many Ladies Call at Home of Mrs.. Teter Lakie on Thursday Afternoon With many ladles calling during the afternoon to extend their patronage to the affair, a very successful tea and sale of home cooking was held yesterday by the Ladles' Aid of First Presbyterian Church at the beautiful home of Mrs. Peter Lakie, Fifth Avenue East. The rooms were attractively decorated with pink and whit? carnations and narcissi and the table was very attractively ar ranged, of Surf Point mine, who left for with little Peggy Lou Lafcie Vancouver last night, will make a opening the door, the guests -ver- brief business visit to California ' received by Mrs. Lakie and Mrs: D and will be met on his return to c. Stuart, president of the Ladles' Vancouver In about three weeks Aid. time by Mrs. Legg and family. He Is Mrs. S. E. Parker and Mrs. I. cbntinuing in the service of the W. Kergin poured and serviteuri Tlmmlns Corporation. were Mrs. J. A. Frew and tlu Our little girl tuir Aly ever eriei'm'md the galiit like clttrltmtrk. St. Chnrln Milk agreet with her marvelmuty. standards id the dairy industry1,;,. St. Cliarles encourages yiiriyjrowW : because it is irradiated for extra Sunshine Vitamin D by the finest method known to scienj-e. And you'll love the fresh, rich; natural flavour of St. Charles. . . . Get this finer milk ., from your grocer today. A BRITISH COLUMBIA PRODUCT Lwik for tht B.C. Label i 5 The Better Irradiated W j j rSj M Evaporated Milk TiitlAQjgP j 1 Misses Helsa Lakle, Helen Valen-jtlne, Gwynrieth Walker, Betty Wood, Kitty Cameron and Florence V erV OUCCeSSllll: Parker. Mrs. J. G. Steen was cashier J j and tea cups were read by Mrs. John Bremner. Mrs. H. M. Foote and Mrs. A. Ivarson presided at the home cooking-table. During the afternoon there were piano solos by Mrs. E. J. Smith. HOTEL ARRIVALS . Savoy C. Mir.tr, Porcher Island; RI M. Stewart, Masseitt; J. E. English, Terrace. Uoyal O. Polombo and W. Burk, city; A. Jacobsen and O. Jacksen, Hays- port; Rev. Dr. S. S. Osterhout, Van couver; L. K. Joe, Terrace. Prince Rupert J. Milne, Edmonton; W. J. L. J. Rennle and it Pyper. Potr Clements; Mrs. E. G, Bicker-ton, Saskatoon; Mrs. K. E. Blrnie, Smlthers; T. L. Rolston, Vancouver; Mrs. W. W. Noonan and Frances Noonan, Telkwa, AND A TWO WEEKS TOUR OF BRITAIN (or the option of $500 in cash) for BOYS and GIRLS THREE GRAND PRIZES-each consisting of A FREE TRIP TO THE CORONATION For a BOY or GIRL accompanied by a parent or uardian HERE IS THE SECOND AND FINAL QUESTION: WHY ARE YOU PROUD TO BE A BRITISH SUBJECT? Here Are The RULES Read Them Carefully I. Antwf rt mu.t nat be mere than Mwordt. I. IjwIi erwwer must be iBrmianW hr i label from a tin of "CllOWtf MRANt)" Cum Syrup, bend In u many aiwwera a. oa like, but each anil e-ery an.wer mint l arlrimn."! by a "CUdVYN UllAND" CORN SYKlP UbeL 1. Write your name and arldrwa and at wlainiy and the ffreter't name anal ad-ore., from whom you purchased CIOWN BH4ND Corn Syrup. 4. Tlie priie winners will le announned aa anon na Kiible after the cluee of each euo- 5. TheJndntV decWon. are (Inal and tWe ran be no riiTj)ndem'e'lth rontentanta. 6. ( NJy ehildren 17 year, of M and unler. Teidente of Canad.-niay rmnpolo. Km-tibyrea of the Canada SUrrh Co.. Limited their familiia and emplnyeea of the rn. liiiny'a AdvertWnlt anry,are tint eliible. 7. I n wt of a lie, duplicate priae. will be 8. Only rhlldim who haTO anewered the t wo quouoiia ill be eligible lor the (jraud t."Vh!nera of the flrnl Triiea tripe to tlnr Coron.tionaad two weelr.'.tourTjf lirHain will aail from Montreal each .with parent or uardian on April Mrd and return .allinf on Hay ph. , 10. Tlie Contel cltore.MarTh iSth and all ntri mint be marled not later than that date, ... Aniwtrt mutt be malUd The CANADA $TAHCM COMPANY Limited, r.O. Itl, woitnL If you he not yet nersl the Flrtt OiiMtlon- -do It now ma to qunllf j for the Cran.l Prliee a the wlnnrn muil he nnwwed both quentloini. The First Question Is WHY WOULD YOU LIKE TO SEE THE CORONATION? .-' Every boy and ftlrl still has a fair and equal chance to win an all-expense Free Trip to see the Coronation, with all Its magnificent pageantry and glamour. It also Includes a Free Trip for a parent or guardian to accompany each child. Send In jour entry now. THE CONTEST What you have to do: Frr nwcr to rach quntlon mu.t he arromnanlrd by "CROWN BRAMV' Corn Syrui label You can "J many, aniwrrs a you like, provided a "CROWN BRAND label U enclosed tor each an.wer. Read the Rules at the left rare-fully. All an.wer. mu.t be mailed not later than March 25lh. And remember- If you hate not already answered the Kirn Quel ion .end It In a. well with your an.wer to the Second Quedion. Vou mu.t do thl. to qualify for a Craml ITIe. Every Boy or Girl of 17 years and under can enter. Independent and Impartial judges have been appointed and their decisions will be absolutely final. Writing, spelling, phraseology and neatness will count In the judging. 224 CASH PRIZES for the Second Question Bealdea the wonderful Grand Prliea of Free Trip, to the Coronation, there will be 22 Ca.h Prliea for an.wera to the aecond queetlun. Imagine what a .ood chance you nave to win a priie. lit Prize $50.00 4th Prize $5.00 2nd Prize $250)0 20 Prizes of $2.00 3rd Prize $10.00 200 PrUes of $1.00 THE GRAND PRIZES A Free Trip to the .(Coronation accompanied by a Parent or (iuardlan, will he awarded to each of the. three children who .end In the beat Individual an., were during t he entire conteM- the winner., however, mu.t have an.wrred the two queatlone, and encloeed a "CROWN BRAND" label with each an.wer. PRIZES TO GROCERS. To the rorer who tupplied "CROWN BRAND" CORN SVRUP to the three grand priie wlnnere- -SM.Dt each. For the irocere who.upplled winner, to t heeecond que.tlon- ill.O each for the flrat four wlnnere and each for the neit twenty wlnnere. BPflRlnLBalkBBaaTXBaaaaaaaaaaaal aaneaiW1mlrPTT.'.P-i'r w-lM;n:s'.'i..i J.l.iMlLillflJ CJ ti)WARDtBUR l