May 29. 1937 l' THE DALLl NKWB or SPECIAL IO Introductory Offer j Pint Tin "61" Quick Drying Enamel (your choicer of color), reg. price One Extra Fine Brush (bristles set in rubber), reg. price Total value .... f .35c ........25e. GOc While They Last Only One Can and Brush to a Family Watch for the valuable coupon that will te delivered at your home We carry everything needed for your painting requirements, whether it's a whole house or just a small chair. We shall be pleased to give information & suggestions on any painting problem Kaien Hardware Company Telephone 3 A complete cosmetic ensemble for every type Subtly blended to harmonize with your complexion and costume ADRIENNE Once you try this smart way to charm and see the finished perfection it gives, you will never again be methods. Ask For ADKIKNNE SCIENTIFICALLY HARMONIZED COSMETICS Now on Display Ormes Ltd. TZfift Pioneer Druqe? fats The Iterill store Phones: 81 & 82 Open Daily From 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays From 12 noon till 2 p.m, 7 p.m. till 9 p.m. UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouyer: 8. CAT ALA EVERY TUESDAY, 1:30 P.M. Dut Vancouver, Thursday p.m. Mi. CARDENA FRIDAY, 10:S0 ML Due Vancouver, Monday aja. K convenient please purchase tickets at office. fther Information regarding reservations and tickets from n- w. NEWMAN, Prince Rupert Agent, Third Ave. Phone 568 HALIBUT fie source of Sunshine Vitamins A and D Biled Halibut with egg sauce is digestible, palatable, satisfying. CANADIAN FISH & COLD STORAGE CO. LTD. Prince Rupert, B.C. LOCAL NEWS NOTES ! Cash for old gold. Bulger' (tf) The South ha consistently foujrht your Premier. Sustain his hand! Vote for him! (125) I Lutheran Church tomorrow. KnKlish (a.m.) Norwegian .m. (124 nr. J. II. LcPaxe, well known eye specialist, was a passenger aboard the Princess Louise yesterday xoinjr throuj?h from Vancouver to the Yukon. Kvitt would cut down our representation; therefore our influ ence. Do not let him! Vote Pat. I tuilo! T. A. Wood of Vancouver, prov incial boiler inspector, who has been visiting canneries in this district prior to the commencement of the season's packing operations, sailed last night on the Cardena for Klemtu. Have no fear of the Liberal bugaboo that by voting Conserva tive you will merely kill a Liberal vote and strengthen the C.C.F. chances. The same bugaboo ap plies, no matter which way you vote. Have the courage of your convictions. Vote Evilt. (123) Robt. Matheson, son of Mr. and Mrs. I). J. Matheson, will arrive in the city on tonight's train for a visit with his parents. Mr. Matheson, who is an engineer at the Uralorne mine, has been on a vacation trip to Edmonton and t;aigary. Mrs. Kate It. Mattson, colorful pioneer woman of the Yukon, whe is well known to many northerners as "Klondyke Kate," was here aboard the Princess Louise yesterday enroute to Dawson after having spent the winter in Evitt says a private member can do more for us than a Cabinet Minister. Please do not laugh! 02-1) Announcements High School basketball tea, Oddfellows' Hall, May 29. Presbyterian Missionary Mrs. D. C. McRaes, June 2. CICAMt mi rOUSHtl Tea, Queen Mary tea, Mrs. Brass's, June 8. Parent Teachers' Tea, Oddfellows' Hall, June 18. SNAP J r i a r i n t OWDER COAL TO PLEASE EVERYBODY Satisfaction Guaranteed FAMOUS EDSON ALBERTA COAL BULKLEY VALLEY COAL VANCOUVER ISLAND COAL PRINCE RUPERT FEED COMPANY PHONE: 58 and 658 Election dance, Moose Hall June I. Adm, 60c: (125 The Liberal Party cannot lose in the Province. Sustain the Pre-raierl U25 Tonight's tratn, due from the east at 10:29, waft- reported this morning to be on time. Do not fall to hear the fitra' Conservative broadcast jri the in? terests of C. V. Ktitt over Station CFPlt from 10:15; to: 11 o'clock thi. eveninK. 121 Capt. fierald A. Barry, Vic toria, inspector of Indian schools. 1 25) who is on an inspection tour Ithrouph this district, sailed last Mrs. Eastwood sailed by tle'nijrhi on the Cardena for N'amu Princess Adelaide last night on iter return to her home in Vic- Voters of Prince Uupert don't toria after a visit here with hei be fooled! When you vote think son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and of the interests of Prince Kupert Airs. J. w. Eastwood. and you'll vote for EVITT, the only candidate whose whole in Never swap horses while eross- terests' are in tnis riding and who lnr a- stream! Let the Premiej will fight for iL (12."' finish his job! U25) . i D. McCorkindale sailed la.-.t Isaac Taylor, well known night on the Princess Adelaide Whitehorse merchant of the firm for Vancouver enroute to Fort of Iirury & Taylor, was a passen- William to pay a visit to his aged ger aboafd the Princess Louise mother who, has not been well of yesterday returning north after late following an accident, a trip to Vancouver. j JL Conservaotives! Kemember a What will happen to our high: .vote for Kvitt at this time way to Terrace if Pattullo is al-amounts to a vote for the C. C: F. lowed to divert our limited funds Sustain your Premier! (125) to the Yukon? VOTE for EVITT; who will see that Prince Huport i Mr. and Mrs, J. Anslow return gets its share of development. ed to the city onx the .nueiaiue yesieraay aiiernoon from a trip to Victoria where they attended the wedding their son. of All representation is necessat-ily absentee representation. Vote for Pattullo who can give it 12 months instead of ?, months pet annum. (125) U. L. Clothier, well known Van couver mining man, was a passen ger aboard the Princess Louise yesterday going through to Jim eau enroute to Chicagoff Island where he has become interested. The Premier appeals to the in dependent voter and asks to le sustained so that he can finish his job. (12') George Weaver of Summerland. C.C.F. candidate for this riding in the provincial election, returned to the city on the Prince George Thursday night after a trip to Stewart to assist Charles II. Lake, the C.C.F. candidate for Atlin riding. Mrs. Champion, who has been the guest of Dean and Mrs. J. B. Gibson for the past few days while attending the Caledonian Diocese Woman Auxiliary an nual meeting, left on last evening's train on her return to her home in Smithers. Provincial revenue and motcr vehicle licences and gasoline tar in the year 193&-36 amounted to almost five million dollars. Of (his amount less than a million and a half was-expended on highways. This was Liberal adminis tration of funds that should be earmarked for roads and. bridges alone. (124) Adjutant N, Belkovich, Salva tion Army commandant at Ketchi kan, and Mrs. Belkovich and two sons were passengers aboard the Princess Louise yesterday return ing to the Alaska city following a trip south in the course of which Adjutant Balkovich attended a Rotary district convention at Spokane and Mrs. Belkovich visi ted her home in Calgary. Other Alaska delegates to the Rotary convention were also returning north on the Louise. Pattullo secured two more seats for the north, increasing your in fluence. Evitt wrnild reduce them. Fight for the North! Sustain your Premier! (125) Hotel Arrivals Royal J. T. Fulton, Tucson, Arizona Central R. Lahiff, Taylor Lake; A. J. Hipp, Billmor; E. M, Ellingsen and A. Wick, city. Prince Rupert II, iU Foweil and J. C. Blgham Vancouver; rs. D. Mosses, Na naimo. '.!-' Let progress toward! recovery proceed, not recede. Sustain your Premier! (125; Inspector John A. Fraser is ex- pected back in the city on to- rtightJVtrain from Prince George where' he ha been attending the session! of Supreme Court Assize Vote for brains, courage and integrity. Vote for your Premie v. 125, ! Charles II. Colpe, who is prominently identified with mining development in the Atlin district, was a passenger aboard the Princess Louise yesterday return-ing north after a visit to his home in Sn Francisco, Inspector II. M. Foweil R.C.M. P. arrived in the city on Uij Princess Iuise yesterday morn ing from Vancouver. He i in the district on official duties and . proceeded io the interior on last evening's train. Inspector Foweil was an official escort for Trince. cnicniuu on the occasion of his recent visit to Vancouver enroute to tjie Coronation and received i much treasured presentation froniL the. Prince, ' L Vote for your Premier who has more influence than a dozen private members. (125) QIssjHED FOR SALE FOR SALE Small gas pleasure boat. Must be sold not later than i June I. Phone Black 202. (125) FOR SALE Cheap, used electric washer. A bargain. McRae Bros. (127) FOR SALE Cream enamel kitchen stove, ou Durner, aimosi new, miscellaneous articles. Phone Red 517. (126) PrtAT. Mannlmn.Wplllnfftnn tnr . . i i . ... . . i luniace ana neaicr. moeria 4J6- tootless, for the kitchen range. Albert Si McCaffery, Phone 116 or 117. (tt) - i-r - - - i i ii FURNNJH Your home with brand hew factory samples. 66 piece three room groups $184 ideal for the working man; extra hlghj grade groups $232; 10-plece Chesterfield groups $5950; silk tapestry Chesterfield groups $89.50; kitchen tables irtth drawers $2.95; dressers $9.95; beds complete $13.95. Terms If desired. Here Is an opportunity of a lifetime. Act quickly. We need the space. Free storage. Write today. Julius Shore, Mall Order House, 8th Floor, Beklns Bldg, Vancouver (tf) FOR RENT FOR RENT Modern apartment. Close In. Phone Green 698. (129) CLEAN, Well - furnished modem apartments. Phone Red 444. (125) FOR RENT Front apartment with electric range. Smith & Mallett Ltd. (tf) MALE HELP WANTED GOVERNMENT Jobs How to get them. Be ready for spring appointments. Free Booklet. The M. C. C. Civil Service Schools, Winnipeg, (tf) RELIABLE Man take care store route. Distribute, collect, New products. No selling. Earn excel lent weekly Income. B. & W. Nut Co., St. Paul, Minn. (124) PERSONAL WOMEN Wanted to start private kindergarten schools in their pwn homes this coming fall. Free booklet on request. Canadian Kindergarten Institute, Winni peg. Established 1927. GENTLEMEN'S Sanitary Supplies, highest grade 15 for $1. Pacific Supply, 751 Granville, Vancouver, LAND ACT Form So. IS FORM OP NOTICE Cawlar Mud DMrlrt District of Atlin TAKE NOTICE Muit TmX AcklM and Charles ObrrluuW of Atlin, B. C, oc cuintkm Minns. Intend to apply tot pcrmteion to purchase the following ancruxa janua: CXmimetirthj at poet located tw tmina aoutn or uoidm um on Tagixn La&e. North Went Corner Post. 0 round runs 30 chains from thla post' In t southern direction than 30 chain eat. then 20 chains north, then 30 chain wet, to legal poat ol tvlnnirig. FRED N. ACKLE8 CHARLES OBERLANDER. Dated AfitU tax, 1937. : TucK DRIVER w.-uh floor. I""" truo- I -Mliaro do " ... HA 'iV.iThotD. H50.00 i ! DUoount. M . rMOLORP THE OATMaXaTi Atkfor lMjoklrt,"lxantfor ilmmm J mprwtmfitU. it niwrriyourqufilioni beut thm Homm imprnvm PAOE THREl InnniriAC fnvifaW Loans Biich as three are beinz arranged through i The Royal Bank by 1 home ownrrs all over I Canada. With the win ter over, jou mi may be considering a Home Improvement Loan to ernize your property. If so, the Manager of your nearest Royal Rank brunch will be delighted to talk it over - .. 'i 1. j . Willi JUgl. .1 Ul 111 lICLki time you are puRKing. . , ROYAL BANK OF CANADA OVER 600 BRANCHES IN ALL PARTS OF CANADA D. Elio Furniture Exchange 5IOOSE BUILDING, THIRD AVE. Phone Green 916 7 DAYS ONLY REDUCTION of 20 on all C0NG0LEUM and LINOLEUM We have in stock STARTS MAY 25th USED GOODS Beds, Dining; Room Suite, Chairs, Table, Refrigerators, Kitchen Ranges, 50 Feet Fire Hose, 30 Gallon Water Boiler, English Prams, Organ (good make), : Gramaphones, Records, Violin, Tenor Banjo, Books, Singer Sewing Machine. Good Set of Books the National Encyclopedia, Teacher's Encyclopedia and Book of Knowledge. i TO THE HOUSEWIFE: Have you started spring cleaning? You may have furniture, crockery, utensils, luggage, blankets, suits, clothes, etc. you wish to get rid of. ELIO'S Trade-in Call Green 916 We Buy Everything We Sell Everything CALL GREEN 91G D. ELIO FURNITURE EXCHANGE Moose Building, Third Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. Hours: Daily from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. i1