Wfonday, June 28, 1937 Baseball Scores SATURDAY SCORES National League Boston 0, Cincinnati 1 Brooklyn 2, Chicago 1. Philadelphia 7, Pittsburg 0. New York 5, 8t. Louis 3. American League Chicago 6, Washington 5, Detroit 5, New York 3. St. Louis 7, Boston 1. Cleveland 0, Philadelphia, 7. SUNDAY SCORES National League Brooklyn 8-G, Chicago 3-3. Boston 8-10, Cincinnati 2-5. Pittsburg 4, Philadelphia 3. New York 8, St. Louis 1. American League New York 9, Detroit 5. Boston 8-11. St. Louis 0-7. Philadelphia 10-2, Cleveland 0-7. Chicago 5, Washington 3. No games were played In either league today. POSTPONED FOOTBALL The postponed football game In the Stuart Shield series between Canadian L?glon and Vandlnks will be played tomorrow evening, It is announced. This game Is necessary to decide the winners of this trophy for the season. Announcements Kxcursion to Terrace, Julj First. C.N.IC.A. C.yro Club Flag Day, July 2. Planning for a snappy time? Of course you are Attend Esslngton's Dominion Day Celebration on July 3. Canadian Legion picnic July 4. StllP IS AFIRE NEW YORK Globe wireles reported Saturday night that the crew of 40 men off the flaming freighter Sahdgate Castle had been rescued far out In the Atlantic Ocean by the steamship President Pierce which was proceeding to New York. AMELIA AT DARWIN SYDNEY, Aust. Amelia Ear-hart Putnam landed her round the world plane at Port Darwin early Monday morning after a 500-mile hop from Keopang, Timor in the Dutch East Indies. She readied Koepang on Sunday after a 1200-mile flight from liandoi-ng, Java. VETERANS PARADE LONDON Eighty thousand Rritish veterans of the Great Kar marched before the King and Queen Sunday in the largest parade held in Hyde Park. It was indicated this might be the last great mass muster in England of those who fought in the Great War. T. Earl Anfield, principal of Alert Bav. arrived here aboard the Cardena Saturday coming north with a party of native children going to their homes along the tlon. Mr. Anfield was comnletina the distribution to the canneries ud the coast of 118 of his dudIIs who will soend the summer at the canneries helping In the packing ol trie lisn. wnue in tne city Mr Anfield Is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Norden, 344 Fourth Avenue East, Mr. Norden being formerly a member of the staff of the school. Mr. Anfield states that the drive aialnst tuberculosis is being star ted at his school this summer by the erection by the "department of Indian affairs at Ottawa of a 20- bed preventorium. D. Elio Furniture Exchange MOOSE BUILDING, THIRD AVE. Phone Green 916 WE BUY, SELL, OR EXCHANGE The Following Items Furniture, Stoves, Ranges, Etc. Mechanics' Tools Lumbering and Logging Tools Wire Rope, Etc. Garden Tools Builders' and Shelf Hardware Paint and Paint Brushes Cutlery and Silver Plated Ware Guns, Rifles, Ammunition and Sporting Goods WK BUY FOR SPOT CASH CALL GREEN 916 D. ELIO FURNITURE EXCHANGE Moose Building, Ground Floor, Third Avenue Prince Rupert, B.C. LOCAL NEWS Moose Letflon meet tomorrow. U49J vrtne lirkets for C.N.R.A; Excursion to terrace early. (140) Cnnndlan Leirion. B. E. S. L. Smoker, Tuesday 8 p.m., in honor rtf nfffm-a and crew1 of the KaiWc fnrt llpmhprk dnlv. (160) Rtemuhd Elhstoss of New York nips apnt for the Prince Rupert jishef men's Co-operative, arrived in the cltv on the Princess Louise Saturday afternoon from Alaska. c Canadian Leirion. B.E.S.L. An mini Picnic. DiKby Island. Sun iIhv. Julv 4. Boats leave cow uay a 9 .... 10' a.m. to 1 p.m. Adults uct children accompanying parents free (ll'J-fji-aj The Morning After-Taking Carters Little Liver Pills Constables J. R. White and H. J. r.fwls. nrovincial uollce. were ar rivals in the city on the Catala yesterday afternoon from Vancou ver. Dr, J. Gurvln was a passenger aboard the Catala last evening going through from Vancouver to Port Simuson where he will Join the medical staff of Port Simpson General Hospital for the summer. Miss Connie Morgan arrived In the city on Saturday afternoon's train from her school teaching duties at Colleymount on Francois Lake to spend the summer vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Morgan, Leeds Apartments. NOTICE Thp "Kaiwo Maru" will be onn for inspection to the general pub. ic on Monday, June a, trw i p.m. Its Good "Build B.C. Payrolls1 Effect EI .tVAPORTEl fi A baby was given Pacific Milk nnd the effect upon the child was so good the mother was when the time came again to give the little one more. "Onlv fresh, pure milk could have such fine effect," the mother wrote. "Pacific Milk nourishes, digests easily, sleep comes right away and when the child wakes her spirit is cheerful." Pacific Milk IKRADIATED OF COURSE New Laundry Cor. Fifth Ave, & McBride St. DAMP WASH 10 lbs, 50c THRIFTY Wearing Apparel Damp Flatwork Ironed 10 lbs. 75c Over 10 lbs. 6c per lb. ROUGH DRY Wearing Apparel Dry Flatwork ironed 10 lbs. $1.00 Over 10 lbs. 8c per lb. Finished Shirts, 15c ea. 716 Phones 858 .t to olhson returned to the city on the Catala yesterday afternoon from a holiday trip to Vancouver. vfrs. James L. Lee and son, Forbes, sailed on the Prlrtce RU-; pert Saturday evening for Kew Westminster on a holiday visit, j Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Allen sailed Saturday night on the Prince Rupert for Vancouver to spend the summer vacation. Dr. E. E. Lucas, principal of King Edward High school, sailed Satur day evening on the Prince Rupert for Victoria where she will spend the summer vacation. i Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Head of Digby Island, who have been on a holiday trip to Vancouver, returned to the city from the south on the Catala yesterday afternoon. j Jack McNeil arrived in the city on Saturday afternoon's train from Smlthers and sailed that evening on the Prince Rupert for a business trip to Vancouver. j F. S. Walton, C. N. R. roadmas-j ter, returned to the city on Satur-' day afternoon's train from a trip over the line as far as Pacific on official duties. J Mrs. Norman Moorehouse and. little daughter, who have been visiting at Terrace with Mrs ' Moorehouse's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Kirkpatrlck, returned to the I city from the interior on Saturday afternoon's train. Guv Thome and Betty Thome,' son and daughter of Rev. and Mrs. ; Oliver Thome of Ktncolith, werei passengers aboard the Catala last. evening going through to tne Naas River from their studies In Van couver. They were met here by their parents, Mr. Thome having come In a few days ago from Kin: eolith while Mrs. Thome was re turning from a trip to Manitoba. Dr. Gordon C. Large of Vancouver, brother of Dr. R. G. Large of this city, and his bride, the former Miss Evelvn TraDD of New West minster, disembarked from the Princess Louise Saturday afternoon after having made the round trip to Skagway. They will spend a week here, sailing Saturday afternoon bv the Princess Alice on their re turn to Vancouver. While here they will make a cruise with Dr. and Mrs. R. G. Large on the Nevis. The bride recently graduated from St Paul's Hospital training school for nurses. TIMBER SALE X219SO coiid irtr will he received by the Dlrlc Ftoreater, Prince Rupert, not later man moan en wie i y July. 1937, for the (purchase of Licence X21980 on the Nekite River to cut 1,124.000 bd. feet of Spruce, Cedar, Hem- lrck end Balsam. 2 vears will be allowed lot removal of timber. nirthw Art.Iular of the Chief For ester. Victoria. B.C., the Dfctrlrt Fo' ester. Rrlnce Rupert, B. C, Ranger CMbson, ocean rails, o. IX THE SITREME COVttT OF llltlTISll COM MBIA is i'n nit t P. In the Matter of the "Administration Act" Ami In the Matter of the Estate of Edvanl .lAitfintim. npcenseii. TAKE NOTICE that By order of HH Hruw. H. E. A. Robertson, tne urn dny of June A. D. 1937. I was ap rraMTtir rT in, Muue ox cm ,. ta inhnrauin deoeaeed. snd all parties hiving claims against the said estate are hereby roqulred to fumteh same, properly veruiea to me on ur "j-rr. K- 21 w. rtnv of Julv. A. D. 19S7 and all Frtles Indebted to the estate are requirea 10 pay me urauum i m.. Indebtedness, to me lormwim, JOHN DYBIIAVW, Prince Rupert, B.C. Doited June 31st. A. D. 1937. I.AXP ACT form No. 13 t-ioir n NOTICE nutrlrt Dlstrlrt of At'ln nww wnnn! that Fred Akle and Charles Oberlander of Atlln. B. C. occupation Miners, Intend to apply for parmlsslort to purchase the following aencriDea inas . . nnmMAinff nt. a rjont located twe miles south of Oolden Oate on Tag1h lake. North West Corner rosi. urouna runs 20 chains from this post In a southern direction then 20 chains east then 20 chains nor. then 20 chalni west, to legal post of beginning FRED N. ACKLES CHARLES OBERLANDER. Dated Aorll 6th. 1037. IS Till: SITltKMK COniT OF llltlTISll (Ol.l.MUIA ix rimiiATK In the Mutter of the "AdmlnKtratloii 1837. Art" iii.i tn the Matter of the Estate of IVIlllart MorrW Wrlitht. I)eeenea rkvv xsrvnmr. tvtait-. htf order of HU Honor, H. E. A. Robertson, the 18th ctay of June. A. D. 1937, I was e,p-wo.w4 Ainti-,iiatmtir nt ithn eAtate Of William Morris Wrtght, deceased, and all parties Having cmuns agauwv w Ud efitaite aire hereby required to fur- ... -- . . i . mk An tvlan same, propeny vcruwu hi or before the 21t day of July, A. p. ion all itNurtlM Indebted to th6 Mate are required to pay the amount of their lndemertness no me iormwim. NORMAN A. WATT Official AdnTimtolrlttor, Prlnr RLTMrt. B. C. Dited the 21st tlayof June, A. D. How delicious a cigarette tastes to a fresh mouth. The flavors of Wriftley's gum plus chewlnft exercise keep the mouth and throat clean and moist. That's why wise smokers say, "Chew Wrlgley's Gum between smokes". Stveetetu the. bteath! Dock! "Anion" Bride Sii Playing Cards - enamel finish, blue and red backa for 20 wrappere SAVE THIS FOR REFERENCE, NO CATALOCUE PRINTED Slntl ttick wrapper net acceptably C1ASSIHE FOR SALE COAL Nanalmo-Wellington for FOR RENT LOST LOST White gold 17-jewel Wal- tham watch, monogram "R.E.V." on shield. Dally News. (19) HELP WANTED WANTED Man or woman for milking 6 cows. Phone 657. 151 WANTED Housekeeper. Call 343 4th Ave. W. or Phone Blue 801. (154) WANTED Girl for light house work and cooking for July and August. Phone Red 920. (149) CLEANING & PRESSING SPECIAL : Price reduced 25 on dry cleaning and pressing ladles wear. Pioneer-Canadian Laun- , dries. Phones 8 and 118. (tf) IN Till". SITHKMK COl'IlT OF llltlTISll COI.I'MIIIA IV lltllllTI. In the matter of the "AilmlnUtrntlon Art" Anil Micro-lite pocket Math light, 1 Inch length, aolld bran nickel-plated enamel-tlnUh for 103 wrappers i furnace and heater. Alberta Egg-sootless, for the kitchen range. Albert & McCaffery, Phone 116 or 117. (tt) FOR SALE Helntzmari piano, bench and stool, 3 piece bedroom suite complete; 3 piece Chesterfield, 2 upholstered chairs, Singer sewing machine; China dishes. All in good condition. Like new. Mrs. W. Gratton, 741 3rd. Ave. evenings. (150) HOUSEKEEPING Rooms, Vernon Apartments, Phone Red 421. (tf) VACANCY JULY 15 Angus Apart ments, front three and four room suites. (tf) in the Matlef of the Estate of Wllllnr.1 Sllihalil, Deceased, Intes-iate Tkw wnTiftf. iiKnt Ihv frder of His Honor. W. E. Fisher. iWie 23rd day of June. A. D. 1937. I was appointed Ad- mlnlrfratnr rtf the Mtfl.te of William Slbbald, deceased, and all parties havj mg ciauns eigiwiist -uic m wvc hereby required to furnish tame, properly verified, to tne on of before the aath ray cf July A. D. 1037, and all parties MdeiDtert to tne eeue are required to fay the amount of their Indebtedness ito me forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT. Official Administrator, PrliKV, Runert. B. C. Darted the 2it.h day of June, A. P. 1037. 60 PHONE 60 KAIEN TRANSFER Wood, Coal, Baggage, Messenger, Kindling, Furniture Moving Prop. m:n GILLIS Pocket Watch "New Haven" model, nickel-plated caie. non-break- ble crystal for 315 wrapper FA62 "THR SAVE WRIGLEY'S OUTSIDE 5(i PACKAGE WRAPPERS FOR VALUABLE GIFTS Wrapper lrm Spwmint, Double Mint. Juicy Fruit. Ptptln. Swt Uurl and P.K.(CJch P.X. Wnppw Worth on it Wrppf .) Fountain pen and pencil t non-breakable pyralln. ffamlar.l tandard alze. lie, lead lead and and eraser tor 340 wrapper Mall required wrappers for (lift, alonit with your nam and address to Wm. Wrltlsy Jr. C. Limited, Carlaw Aienu, Toronto, before July iUt, HJ7 The Latest Styles in 1937 BATHING CAPS A large assortment to choose from Prices from 10 cents to 75 cents Relieve That Sunburn with REX-EME The new medicated greaseless skin cream A guaranteed preparation Per jar, 75 cents Ormes Ltd. "3iie. Pioneer Druqgists The KeyU Store Phones: 81 & 82 Open Daily From 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays From 12 noon till 2 p.m, 7 p.m. till 9'p.m. DE LUXE ICE CREAM The cream supreme, manufactured by Commodore Cafe fresh daily Ice Cream is Brain Food It also has all the nutritive values Why not treat your family and your friends to a gallon? Only $1.45 Cheaper still In five gallon lots We pack It In Ice and deliver it to your door all day up to 6 p.m. You can use It at your convenience. Use It for your bridge party or any social event. Don't forget only $1.45, per gallon fine Ouart bricks 75c Pint cylinders ....,30c Pint bricks 40c .; Surprise the roues loaay, can ana tane jonie umc COMMODORE CAFE Phone-r-17 Don't forget our Special Sunday Chicken Dinner, with all the trimmings, 50c only. Treat your wife and family to a Sunday dinner these hot days. If you lose anything, try a classified ad.